Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

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2020/8/13 Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

Viticulture in Germany
The term German wine stands for wine that is produced in Germany . The production and marketing of wine
in Germany are regulated by European and German wine law .

Importance and scope
Outline of the locations
History of viticulture in Germany Viticulture in the Moselle valley
near Zell . The typical combination
The importance of the monasteries in the Middle Ages of steep slopes and proximity to
The importance of secular princes in the Middle Ages the water can be seen.
The wine trade in the Middle Ages
The crisis of the 16th century and the period of the Thirty Years War
The electoral viticulture ordinance 1787 for the Moselle viticulture
After the French Revolution
Growing areas
Certain growing area
Total vineyard area
Country wine Large-scale viticulture on Rhine-
Viticulture without a protected origin Hessian hills, here in the
Cultivation forms municipality of Stadecken-
Elsheim near Mainz
Grape varieties
Leading grape varieties 1/36
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Approved grape varieties

Permitted white wine varieties
Approved red wine varieties
New breeds
Quality levels
Wine types
The wine label
Required information
Optional information
Classic, Selection and Hochgewächs
High growth
Classic wine type
Wine type selection
Audio CD
Web links
Individual evidence
Significance and scope 2/36
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Around 80,000 winegrowers grow wine on around 102,000  hectares (as of 2012) and harvest an average of 9.25
million hectoliters per year over a ten-year period . The average yield is a very high 90-100 hectoliters / hectare.
3.9 million hectoliters were exported , especially to the USA (257,000 hl), the Netherlands (217,000 hl) and
Great Britain (173,000 hl). [1]

The largest growing area is Rheinhessen with 26,516 hectares , followed by the Palatinate with 23,489 hectares
and Baden with 15,815 hectares (as of 2012). Rheinhessen and Pfalz belong to Rhineland-Palatinate , the state
with the most wine-growing areas and two thirds of the German cultivation area.

A large part of the German vineyards is near or south of the 50th parallel . Viticulture of this breadth is unusual
in an international comparison and only possible due to a corresponding meso and microclimate . The vineyards
are mostly located in particularly protected places near the river and are sloping to steepoptimally aligned to the
south or west for solar radiation. The floors, which are inclined towards the sun, store heat energy during the
day, which they release long after sunset, so that early night frosts are avoided. The steep valley slopes also
ensure that cold air can drain off quickly. The northern location of German wine-growing regions continues to
lead to considerable efforts in the cultivation of early ripening and winter frost-hardy grape varieties .

Landau in der Pfalz and Neustadt an der Weinstrasse compete annually for the title of the largest wine-growing
community in Germany. Since 1949 the German Wine Queen has been elected annually in Neustadt an der "Rhine wine-growing map for the
Weinstrasse . Generally valid information on viticulture - beyond Germany - contains the article viticulture . The Coblenz - Bonn route, including
German Wine Museum with lots of additional information is located in Oppenheim . the Ahr Valley", 1904
Outline of the layers
In Germany, the locations are divided into four levels according to size:

Wine-growing area
Great location
Single layer
The division does not form a strictly hierarchical specification. Not all individual layers have to belong to large layers; there are also individual
layers without large layers . A large location can also belong to two different areas or e.g. B. an area consist of only one large layer and several
individual layers without large layers. The size of the individual steps can also be very different and also changed. So was z. B. the number of areas in
Swiss francs increased from three to twelve, which means that the areas are correspondingly significantly reduced and in some cases are only about
the size of large locations. 3/36
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In the case of large communities , the individual location bears the name of the formerly independent district as the place name and not the name of
the large community; so z. B. Escherndorfer Lump , instead of Volkacher Lump .

History of viticulture in Germany

The Celts already drank their own wine. Possibly they pressed and fermented fruits of wild vines , which were
widespread in the Moselle area as early as the Neolithic . [2] Whether they mastered their cultivation and
refinement into grapes is only proven archaeobotanically for the later Gallo-Roman period. According to
archaeological evidence, they imported wine in amphorae well into the times of Roman rule . As a result of the
submission of Gaul during the Gallic War by Gaius Iulius Caesar , viticulture with the Roman legions came
through the Rhone Valleyto the Moselle and the Rhine. The elites and wealthy strata of the Roman colonizers
preferred wines from the southern provinces of the empire. To protect this trade, in 92 AD, Emperor Domitian
(81–96) restricted viticulture in the Gallic provinces by ordinance. Emperor Probus (232–282) allowed the
cultivation again around 278 AD because the need for wine increased with the spread of Roman civilization and
the stationing of large armies. Celtic silver coin from the
Dünsberg , so-called dancing
Despite the short reign of the Roman emperor Probus (232–282), in some regions he is now one of the Roman man. The monetary system was
emperors known to laypeople. This comes from a message in the Probus biography of the Historia Augusta , adopted by the Greeks and
where it says in chapter 18.8: Romans.
"Gallis omnibus et Hispanis ac Brittannis hinc permisit, ut vites haberent vinumque conficerent."

"He allowed all Gauls, Spaniards and British to own vines and make wine."

This is why Probus is considered to be the one who introduced viticulture there in numerous wine-growing regions north of the Alps ( Austria and on
the Moselle ) . What is certain is that wine production in these regions gained significantly in importance after the middle of the 3rd century. [3]

Agricultural viticulture in Germany, which has been archaeologically proven since 1977, begins with the excavations of Roman wine presses. During
earth moving for land consolidation and reallocation work of old vineyards on the Middle Moselle , systems were found and researched that indicate
cultivation from the 1st century, already on slopes or steep slopes. From 1979 similar finds were made in the Palatinate (Bad Dürkheim Ungstein,
Wachenheim), which document viticulture there as early as Roman times. [4] The oldest plants were still pressed after the migration period.

The travel description Mosella , a description from the year 371 of the Moselle landscape and the city of Trier , was written by Ausonius , a high
Gallo-Roman civil servant. In this description, viticulture in the Moselle valley is documented in writing.

The Lex Salica (Pactus Legis Salicae) was written 507-511 by order of the Merovingian king Clovis I , making it one of the oldest surviving codes of
law . It is one of the Germanic tribal rights . The robbery of vines is equated with the robbery of fruit trees and a penalty of 600 denier is imposed . 4/36
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In his travelogue De navigio suo from the year 588 about his journey on the Moselle from Metz to Andernach
with the Merovingian king Childebert II , the poet Venantius Fortunatus mentions vineyards on the Moselle and
Rhine. He wrote:

“All around the view with threatening peaks are mountain heights, where the craggy cliffs rise up to the
clouds, the peaks rising vertically up to the rocks, and the rough rock, it towers skyward. Nevertheless,
one forces the staring slate to produce fruit, even the rock gives birth and the wine flows out. All around
you can see the heights clad with green vines, and gently smiling air plays the vine in curls. The vine is
planted tightly in rows in the slate, and limited terrain is drawn to the brows of the mountain.
Cultivation laughs at planters from staring rock jewelry, even in the pallor of the stone the grapes ripen
gracefully. […] There, where the steep clefts produce the most precious sweetness of the berries, and on
the vine the fruit laughs in the pure rock.
Caesar's campaigns during the
In 628, the Frankish king Dagobert I donated the city of Ladenburg and Lobdengau to the diocese of Worms . conquest of Gaul. Viticulture
The evidence from this foundation also speaks of vineyards near Ladenburg. This document is considered to be followed to supply the Roman
the first mention of viticulture on the right bank of the Rhine. The first documented mention of viticulture in legions with wine.
Old Bavaria to the south-facing slopes of the Danube to the time of the Bavarian land grab back, that is, to the
6th and 7th century. Chr. Bishop Aribo of Freising speaks 649 in the Life of Saint Emmeram of Regensburg
already from the regio Baiovariorum viniferax , ie the wine-bearing country of the Bavarians. Winzer, Kruckenberg and Bach on the Danube were
mentioned as wine-growing sites as early as the 8th century.

The "Niersteiner Glöck" is known as the oldest vineyard in Germany. This expresses the direct relationship between the vineyard and the St. Kilian's
Church in Nierstein . Its predecessor, St. Marienkirche, was given to the diocese of Würzburg by Karlmann - the son of Karl Martell and uncle Karl
the Great - in 742 . For many centuries the tithe had to be paid to the bishop of Würzburg. With the reference to the document from 742, this
vineyard has a special position among the historical vineyards in Germany. [6]

The country estate ordinance Capitulare de villis vel curtis imperii , which Charlemagne issued as a detailed regulation on the administration of the
crown estates , is a famous source for economic, especially agricultural and horticultural history. [7] The decree is handed down in a single
manuscript, which is kept in the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel .

The regulations of the generally quite short ordinance are quite detailed, stipulating that wine should be kept in barrels, not in wineskins, that the
grapes should not be juiced with the feet because of cleanliness (Chapter 48) etc.

A legend that is becoming more and more widespread [8] is that the Capitulare grants the vintners the right to pour their own wine (cf.
Strausswirtschaft in the Palatinate and Rheingau regions , Besenwirtschaft in Baden and Württemberg or Heckenwirtschaft in Franconia ).
However, there is no such provision there. [9] 5/36
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On June 17, 766, Hairdin made the first donation to the Lorsch Monastery with a vineyard from Wintersheim
that brings 4 ohms (160 liters) of wine. On January 7, 777 , Charlemagne gave the "fiscus Hammelburg" to the
Fulda monastery . Charlemagne's donation also included vineyards. Because of its early mention, Hammelburg
is also known as the oldest wine town in Franconia . In particular, Karl's promotion of Christianity should have
a lasting effect on German viticulture. In particular the church and the monasteries prepared good wine at that
time and also consumed it in the form of the mass wine .

The importance of the monasteries in the Middle Ages

Many of the vineyards that are still known today go back to the founding of monasteries at that time. According
to legend, the construction of the Rheingau Johannisberg can be traced back to Karl, who is said to have
observed from his palatinate in Ingelheim that the snow on the Johannisberg was the first to melt. In fact, in
772, a donation from Geisenheim lands to the Fulda Abbey was notarized. In 817 the monks exchanged them
with Ludwig the Pious for lands in the Wetterau . The contract explicitly mentions the location of the parcel on
the Elsterbach , which flows at the foot of the Johannisberg . Emperor Otto II awarded in theVeronese donation
in 983 to the bishops of Mainz sovereign rights over the western part of the Rheingau; however, the name
"Bischofsberg" had already been established for the vineyard. Around 1100 the Archbishop of Mainz, Ruthard,
gave it to the Mainz Benedictine monastery of Sankt Alban , which was supposed to set up a new monastic Extract from the Land Estate
community there. The new monastery was consecrated to St. John, and in the middle of the 12th century the Ordinance Capitulare de villis vel
name “Sankt Johannisberg” appeared for the first time. The vineyard is still managed by Schloss Johannisberg curtis imperii
today .

The history of viticulture in the Ahr valley can be traced back to the second half of the 8th century. In the year 893 the Prümer Urbar names larger
vineyards in eight Ahr settlements. In this list of goods, the Prüm Abbey recorded a number of goods subject to wine tax, including in Ahrweiler ,
Walporzheim , Dernau and Altenahr .

The Kamp Monastery, founded in 1123, was the first Cistercian monastery in the German-speaking area. According to the statutes of the Cistercian
order, each monastery had to have its own vineyard, which Kamp owned as a winery in Moselweiß near Koblenz . [10]

In 1136 was of Bernard of Clairvaux with Eberbach Monastery founded another quite Rhenish Cistercian monastery. Archbishop Adalbert had given
the Cistercians the Steinberg site near Hattenheim in advance . Abbot Ruthard and 12 monks moved into the existing monastery buildings. In 1186
the monastery church, begun in 1145, was consecrated by Archbishop Konrad von Mainz .

The Eberbach monks were also very successful in economic terms, with the main source of income soon being the proceeds from viticulture. Good
contacts with secular princes were very helpful. The earliest relationships between the Counts of Katzenelnbogen and Eberbach Monastery were
established in 1186 through the participation of Hermann II von Katzenelnbogen , the Bishop of Münster, in the consecration of the monastery
church. At the beginning of the 13th century, a Countess von Katzenelnbogen gave the monastery a vineyard near Steinheim . Diether V. von 6/36
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Katzenelnbogen granted the monastery an exemption from customs duties for the first time in 1219 on the occasion of his departure on a crusadefor
his own products at the customs of St. Goar. The most important customs goods were the wine produced in large quantities by the monastery, which
was mainly sold on the wine market in Cologne. In 1245 Diether V built the Rheinfels castle on the left bank of the Rhine near St. Goar and was able
to collect customs duties from both the ships upstream and downstream (the so-called St. Goar double tariff ). In 1252 Diether and his brother
Eberhard released the abbot and brothers of the monastery from all customs duties and secured free escort through all of the Katzenelnbogen areas.

The duty exemption opened a flourishing market for the monastery. After the relics of the " Holy Three Kings " (the wise men from the Orient ) were
transferred on July 23, 1164, Cologne quickly became one of the most important pilgrimage cities in the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation.
The first journey of the newly crowned emperors and kings led from Aachen to the shrine of the Three Kings . The pilgrims brought a lot of money
into the city, which also led to an increased settlement and a sharp increase in the city's population. In the Middle Ages, Cologne was the largest city
in Europe .

The Eberbach list of goods from 1211 shows that most of the Hattenheim sites belonged to the monastery. The Eberbacher Weinwirtschaft expanded
and operated 205 branch offices from Cologne to Worms during its heyday. On the Moselle, the Archbishop of Trier Baldwin of Luxembourg
equipped the Trier Carthusian Monastery of St. Alban in 1335 with vineyards near Eitelsbach an der Ruwer. These locations are still known today
under the name of Karthäuserhofberg .

One of the earliest mentions of different qualities, possibly also of the Hunnish and Franconian varieties , is recorded from around 1200 : the latter
(also called Frentzsch in the French sense) was preferred to the former (also called heunsch ) and paid better. [11]
It is debatable whether the term "heunisch", which was used well into the 19th century, is a quality or variety name. Lords of the late Middle Ages z.
B. preferred "Elseßer" or "welschen (Franconian) win" for representative celebratory meals. A variety designation was not common, as the wine
primarily came from mixed-rate locations, was blended or flavored with herbs. [12]

The importance of secular rulers in the Middle Ages

Viticulture was not dominated by the monasteries everywhere. The historical landscape of Leiningerland was also Rebland. In Dirmstein, for
example, the cultivation of vines was first mentioned in a document in 1141. [13] Viticulture in this area was dominated by the Leiningers , the
Weißenburg monastery was unable to set any accents there.

The parishes of Deidesheim , Forst and Ruppertsberg were secularly owned by the bishops of Speyer . Oppenheim , Nierstein and Bacharach
belonged to the Electoral Palatinate , which was ruled by the Count Palatine near Rhine, while Bingen belonged to Kurmainz .

With the first mention of Hornberg Castle in Baden-Württemberg in 1184, the vineyards belonging to the castle are also reported. There are many
clues that suggest viticulture in Neckarzimmern since Roman times . The Burg Hornberg winery is now considered to be the second oldest still
existing winery in the world and the oldest in Baden-Württemberg. 7/36
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Due to the increasing demands on quality, vineyards with special grape varieties were created. After the traditional red wine, more and more white
wine was grown. In the course of 1435, Riesling was grown for the first time in Rüsselsheim by Count Johann IV von Katzenelnbogen, a member of
the high nobility of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation , while Eberbach Monastery continued to rely on the grape varieties sticky bread
and coarse bread around 1470 and its wine in a giant barrel, the greatest of his time, collected. The count owned hundreds of vineyards. The
katzenelnbogener Handelshof Templerhof in Mainz recorded an amount of 150,000 liters of non-duty wines alone, according to sources from the
Historical Commission for Nassau even 1.5 million liters.

The wine trade in the Middle Ages

From the 9th to the 14th century there was a comparatively mild climate . This period is also called the Medieval
Warm Period or Medieval Climate Optimum . Regionally and at different times, the average annual temperature
during this time was a few tenths and up to 1.0 degrees Celsius higher than usual. Favored by the warm climate,
the population generally grew strongly. Viticulture flourished throughout Europe. Significant vineyards were
created near the cities in order to be able to supply the local market. Not least because of the fact that wine was
often cleaner and poorer than water because of its alcohol content , its popularity rose even further.

Before the Thirty Years War, the vineyards reached the largest extent in history. Extensive vineyards were also
planted in climatically unfavorable areas, they reached in their northern extent to Doberan Monastery , Aller
Reconstructed temperature history
and Weser in Lower Saxony , Königsberg in East Prussia , Thorn in West Prussia or Grünberg in Silesia. Little is
over the last 1000 years according
known about the quality of the wines of this region and the existence of these vineyards was more due to the
need to have wine as an important liturgical resource rather than the quality of the product.
to various sources
At the beginning of the 16th century, even the hilly Upper Swabia and the heavily forested valleys in northern
Franconia were cleared. In western Germany, the wine was on the Lower Rhine , the Lahn valley to Wetzlar and Giessen , on the edge of the Taunus ,
in the Sauerland , on the Ruhr, Westphalia south of Munster documented. The total area under vines was estimated to be more than 300,000
hectares. This value is roughly three times as high as it is today. At this time, however, Alsace was also included in the German viticulture area. The
Alsatian vineyards spread to Mulhouse out.

The production always exceeded the local demand. Since the vineyards were often located on the Rhine and its major tributaries, the wines could
easily reach Holland , Scandinavia and England . The most important trading centers of German viticulture in the Middle Ages were the cities of
Speyer , Worms , Mainz, Frankfurt am Main , Colmar , Strasbourg , Bacharach and above all Cologne. (see also the article on historical viticulture
and wine trade in Cologne ) [14]

The fragmentation into individual territories and countries meant that there were a considerable number of customs borders in Germany. It is said
that goods traffic on the Rhine between Strasbourg and the Dutch border passed through 31 customs stations. Incidentally, this situation was still
valid for a long time. Within the Prussian provinces alone , there were over 67 local customs tariffs with just as many customs borders at the
beginning of the 19th century. During a transport from Königsberg to Cologne, for example, the goods were checked around eighty times. [15] 8/36
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Trade relations between Cologne and England had been documented since the 10th century. A major competitor in the wine trade was the Bordeaux
wine region . Bordeaux received a big boost in 1152: through the marriage of Henry Plantagenet , later King Henry II of England, with Eleanor , the
heiress of Aquitaine , a large part of western France came under British rule. Barely 5 years later, Cologne merchants obtained from King Heinrich II
the right to sell the same prices as wines from Bordeaux. At the end of the 14th century, Cologne exported Rhine and Moselle wines throughout
Northern Europe.

Frankfurt am Main, on the other hand, concentrated on the trade in Alsatian wine. As early as 1240, the importance of the Frankfurt Autumn Fair
was gradually growing. Emperor Friedrich II. On July 11, 1240, with a trade fair privilege, safe conduct for all travelers to the trade fair in Frankfurt.
This made Frankfurt am Main the first trade fair city in the world. In the yearbooks of the Frankfurt Bartholomäusstift already 1270 names of origin
of merchants from France , Italy , Hungary , Bohemia and Poland can be found. In contrast to Cologne, they not only served northern areas, but also
opened up southern Germany, Switzerland and eastern Central Europe.

The progressive economic development of Eastern Europe led to a considerable expansion of European long-distance trade. Of the trade fairs of that
time, the Frankfurt trade fair, which became the hub of long-distance trade, gained the greatest importance. This was true on the one hand for the
old autumn fair, on the other hand for the new fasting and spring fair beginning in 1330. Emperor Ludwig the Bavarian granted this to the city of
Frankfurt on April 25, 1330. It was mainly intended for winter products such as wool or wine. [16]

The urban development of the city of Ulm reached its economic and cultural climax around 1500: Ulm possessed the second largest imperial urban
territory after Nuremberg in what is now the Federal Republic of Germany. Three cities and 55 villages belonged to the area. The city was an
important hub for iron, textiles, salt, wood and wine. [17] In particular, wine from Stuttgart (→ Viticulture in Stuttgart ) was exported to the east via

In 1482 the emissaries of the Franconian princes , the bishops of Würzburg and Bamberg , the elector Albrecht Achilles of Brandenburg and those of
the Free Imperial City of Nuremberg met in Kitzingen . The aim was to stop the widespread wine adulteration. The law passed on September 29 of
the same year, known as the Kitzingen Wine Law of 1482 or the 1st Franconian Wine Law , was valid from Lake Constance to Saxony.

The crisis of the 16th century and the period of the Thirty Years War
From 1524 the local peasant uprisings, known as the German Peasant War (also known as the uprising of the common man ), took place in large
parts of the southern German-speaking area. The peasants bore the brunt of maintaining feudal society : princes , nobility , civil servants , patricians
and the clergy lived on their labor, and as the number of beneficiaries continued to rise, the taxes the peasants had to pay also rose. In addition to
the big tithe and the small tithe on most of their generated income and earnings, they paid taxes and customs dutiesand interest and were often
indebted to their landlords for labor and labor . In addition, the real division was applied locally , which led to ever smaller farms while the total
production area remained the same. Many of these small farms could no longer be run economically in view of the high loads. 9/36
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The strong expansion of the vineyards up to the beginning of the 16th century with simultaneously increasing
competition for rich red wines from France and Italy led to an oversupply. The resulting sales difficulties led to falling
prices, which first hit those winegrowers who cultivated wine in unsuitable locations. The rebels of the common man's
uprising had severe consequences. It is estimated that around 100,000–130,000 peasants lost their lives simply by
suppressing the uprisings. In some cases jurisdiction was lost, festivals were banned and city fortifications razed. All
weapons had to be surrendered, and village inns were no longer allowed to be visited in the evenings.

The demand for grain for bread and beer increased. The rising price of grain made arable farming more attractive than
viticulture in many areas of Germany.

The electoral viticulture ordinance 1787 for the Moselle viticulture

After the dramatic consequences of the wars of the 17th century, the predominantly agrarian, economically backward,
ecclesiastical Electorate of Trier was one of the economically weakest regions in the German Empire. In an effort to
make agriculture more efficient and to improve the market, measures were also taken for viticulture, whose foreign
trade was almost completely lost due to poor quality. So could z. B. the winery of the Reichsabtei St. Maximin von Trier
with the second largest vineyard property in the best locations of the Moselle, between 1785 and 1787 of 921 Trier
fuders harvested (volume per barrel 960 l) only sold six. The reasons for this were recognized: ... that 1. too much Johann Paul Knohll : Klein
Kleinberger is grown, the second with absolutely reprehensible grapes "Rheinisch"(probably meant "Heinisch, Vinicultur booklet from
Heunisch") are mixed. 3. The vines would be pulled too high, and 4. The cultivation on areas that are not suitable for 1667

Clemens Wenzeslaus of Saxony , the last Archbishop and Elector of Trier , issued a sovereign ordinance on October 30, 1787 [18] to improve the
quality of local viticulture. After that should within seven years under the name "Rhine" known species of vines, the grapes with bad qualities and
gave too much acid can be eradicated and was meant by "good" vines, mainly green and rotstieliger Riesling , [19] be replaced. It was then left to local
bodies to identify bad cultivation and order new planting.

This order is often quoted as valid and also followed for the entire Moselle area under the rule of the Elector of Trier. The Moselle wine-growing
region is thus declared a centuries-old Riesling region, which it only became hesitantly from the middle of the 19th century. Until then, the
"Kleinberger" (also "Elbling") dominated. The majority of the winegrowers, who, as tenants and smallholders liable to pay interest, were obliged to
make a high profit, did not want to do without their previous thick berry, early-ripening and bulky vines. In the peripheral areas of the Upper
Moselle region, near Nittel , Wincheringen , Nennig , Besch and Perl , where there is often a condominium existed with France and the Duchy of
Luxembourg or in the native Protestant enclaves of the Central and Lower Moselle, this arrangement was only recommendable anyway.

A few years later, the Electorate of Trier belonged to France; the French revolutionary agricultural law of 1792 applied on the Moselle, which in
Article 2 ... grants every owner the freedom to put any crop on his property. 10/36
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After the French Revolution

At the end of the 18th century, the French Republic annexed the territories of the German Empire on the left bank of the Rhine and repealed feudal
lordships, administrations and laws. The large wineries of the nobility, the monasteries and churches were nationalized, divided up and auctioned to
the highest bidder - often to the tenants who had previously been subject to tenancy obligations. Viticulture became a matter for the rural
winegrowers and the bourgeois agricultural trade. But the change from manorial management to independent cultivation and marketing meant for
the majority of smallholder vintners a life on the subsistence level and a stagnation of viticulture and cellar technology. "You (meaning winemaker
on the Moselle)still act in the old zeitgeist, where a lot of wine was a daily need, buying and selling acts, family celebrations, guild meetings etc.,
drinking bouts were held that devoured a lot of wine regardless of its quality. ”In 1834 a Baden economist described wine quality and -
consumption. [20]
An extraordinary accumulation of cold and wet summer and autumn months in the first half of the 19th century led to the first "wine improvement"
on a larger scale: "Gallize" (according to Dr. Ludwig Gall , Trier 1851) was possible with help a certain amount of water to control the acidity and
replace the missing sun with sugar in order to "produce a very good middle wine even from unripe grapes."40 years later, this process was
regulated by food law as so-called "wet improvement".
In addition to the weather-related quality problems, borders, tariffs and bureaucratic regulations in post-Napoleonic Germany hampered wine
marketing. Between 1820 and 1850, the average Fuderfass price on the Middle Moselle fell below 100 Reichstaler in 20 years. For the subsistence
level of a family of five winegrowers, 200 thalers per year are calculated. [21]The regionally different impoverishment in viticulture led to larger
waves of emigration, but also to the first cooperative associations for financial aid and further training in cellar technology for their members. In the
1820s there were the first winegrowers' associations in Baden and in 1868 on the Ahr the first association with cooperative statutes.

Cultivation areas
The terms wine-growing area, wine-growing area or growing area are largely used synonymously in official language - sometimes even within the
same legal provisions . A distinction is made, however, between the 13 specific wine-growing regions and the 26 country wine regions . The
production of quality wine and predicate wine is only permitted in certain growing areas . The country wine regions are geographically broader, but
include the specific wine-growing regions. No growing areas are defined for the designation German wine , formerly table wine .

Certain growing area

There are 13 specific growing areas for quality and predicate wine (the production of table wine is also permitted here) according to Section 3 of the
Wine Act . The names of the 13 growing areas have been their own Protected Designations of Origin since 2012 :

The Ahr wine-growing region (number 1 on the map with the growing areas) takes its name from the river Ahr of the same name . It is
the largest closed wine-growing region for red wine in Germany. On a total of 562 hectares of vineyards (as of 2012), 84.7% red wine 11/36
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and 15.3% white wine are produced. The proportion of dry wines reached a proportion of 50.9% in 2005, while the proportion of semi-
dry wines was 30.9%. The trend away from sweet wine initiated by Werner Näkel continues.
The Baden wine-growing region (number 2 on the map with the growing areas) is the southernmost and, with around 15,815 hectares of
vineyards (as of 2012), the third-largest wine-growing region. The percentage ratio of the areas under cultivation of white and red grape
varieties is about 56:44. It is the only German wine-growing region that belongs to  the European Union's wine-growing zone B , as
does neighboring Alsace , Champagne and the Loire Valley, all of which are in France . The most important grape variety in Baden is the
Pinot Noir.
The Franconian wine-growing region (number 3 on the map with the growing areas) is located in the north-west of the Franconian
region . With 6,104 hectares of cultivation area (as of 2012) it is one of the medium-sized cultivation areas in Germany. The vast
majority of the vineyards are in the Lower Franconia district , especially in the Main , Wern and Franconian Saale valleys . Middle
Franconia also has significant shares in the wine-growing region, namely on the slopes of the Steigerwald and the Frankenhöhe as well
as the middle course of the Tauber . A small part is in the administrative district of Upper Franconiain the main valley north-west of
Bamberg , as well as in Middle Franconia. The percentage ratio of the areas under cultivation of white and red grape varieties is about
Bergstrasse is the name of the road stretching along the western edge of the Odenwald from Darmstadt to Wiesloch and the landscape
in its vicinity. The independent wine-growing area Hessische Bergstraße (number 4 on the map with the growing areas) with 448
hectares and the dependent area Badische Bergstraße of the Baden wine-growing area are named after the Bergstraße.
The area of the Middle Rhine wine region (number 5 on the map with the cultivation areas) with 462 hectares extends over approx. 110
km from the mouth of the Nahe near Bingen to the Siebengebirge ( Dollendorfer Hardt ) near Bonn . While on the upper Middle Rhine,
from Bingen to Koblenz , mainly the left side of the slope along the Rhine was planted with vines, on the lower Middle Rhine, which
extends from Koblenz to the Siebengebirge, mainly the right bank is planted.
Mosel (number 6 on the map with the cultivation areas) with 8765 hectares denotes a wine-growing area for wines growing in the valley
of the Moselle with the secondary valleys of Saar and Ruwer . Until 2006 the area was called Mosel-Saar-Ruwer. Cities are Saarburg ,
Konz , Trier , Schweich , Bernkastel-Kues , Traben-Trarbach , Zell , Cochem and Koblenz . The largest wine villages according to
vineyards are Piesport , Zell (Mosel) , Leiwen , Konz, Neumagen-Dhron, Mehring , Bernkastel-Kues and Trittenheim .
The historical, geological-geographical and small-climatic differences of this elongated cultivation area are described and advertised
differently by the wine industry and tourism industry for mutual delimitation: The valley from the French border to Trier, the Upper
Moselle , is to be known as the "Burgundy Moselle", which is based on it to Reil subsequent Mittelmosel is the Mosel part with the 12/36
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previously prominent
layers and wineries. The following section to Koblenz - also called Lower Moselle - sees itself as the
Terrassenmosel .
The Nahe wine-growing region (number 7 on the map with the cultivation areas) with 4172 hectares (as of 2012), which has only been
run as an independent wine-growing region since 1971, extends from the mouth of the Nahe upstream to just before Kirn and into the
side valleys of Guldenbach , Graefenbach , Ellerbach , Glan and Alsenz . The center is the spa town of Bad Kreuznach . The Nahe wine-
growing region has the greatest variety of[23]soils and the narrowest berths in Germany. More than 180 soil variants are suspected and are
currently being investigated in a project. Due to this geological diversity, it occupies a special position: Quartz and slate soils can be
found on the lower Nahe , porphyry , melaphyre and red sandstone on the middle Nahe. Around Bad Kreuznach there are weathered
soils and clay layers made of sandstone, loess and loam . Most of the vineyards are in flat and hilly areas. Only a small part, mainly in
the area around Bad Münster am Stein , are steep slopes.
Especially the Riesling produces very mineral, elegant wines.
In the Palatinate wine-growing region (number 8 on the map with the growing areas), quality wines are produced, which are known as
Pfalzweine . Until 1993 the area was still called Rheinpfalz . After Rheinhessen, the Palatinate has the second largest German wine-
growing area with a good 23,489 hectares (as of 2012). Around 6,800 winegrowers, less than half of them in their main occupation,
cultivate more than 100 million vines here and produce around 2.0 to 2.5 million hectoliters of wine annually. The percentage ratio of the
areas under cultivation of white and red grape varieties is about 62:38, with the cultivation of red grape varieties on the increase.
Palatinate wine is almost exclusively on the western edge of the Vorderpfalzcultivated, which forms part of the plain between the Rhine
and the Palatinate Forest . There, at the transition between the lowlands and the low mountain range, at an altitude of 110 to 150 m,
there is a narrow, hilly, about 85 km long and a maximum of 15 km wide hilly step, which is the largest wine-growing region in the
Palatinate. However, their total area is far from being cultivated with vineyards ; the suitable parts extend mainly on both sides of the
German Wine Route , which runs through the middle of the vine hills from north to south.
Der Rheingau (Nummer 9 auf der Karte mit den Anbaugebieten) erstreckt sich hauptsächlich westlich des Rheinknies bei Wiesbaden auf
einem schmalen Streifen zwischen dem hier nach Westen fließenden Rhein und den nördlich davon gelegenen Höhen des Taunus.
Westlichster Weinort ist Lorchhausen, östlichster Flörsheim am Main. Außerdem zählen der Lohrberger Hang im Stadtgebiet von
Frankfurt am Main und der nördlichste Weinberg Hessens, der Böddiger Berg in Felsberg dazu. Damit ist das als Rheingau bezeichnete
Weinbaugebiet wesentlich größer als die eigentliche Region des Rheingaus, welche nur das rechtsrheinische Gebiet zwischen Wiesbaden
und Lorchhausen bezeichnet. Die Zugehörigkeit von Weinlagen zum jeweiligen Anbaugebiet ist administrativ bedingt und wird nach Josef
Staab, Domänenrat und Kapitelältester des Rheingauer Weinkonvents, bei ihrer Anmeldung festgelegt. Insgesamt hat das Weinbaugebiet
eine Fläche von ca. 3145 Hektar, auf der vorwiegend die Rebsorte Riesling angebaut wird. Das prozentuale Verhältnis der Anbauflächen
weißer und roter Rebsorten beträgt etwa 85:15. 13/36
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Ein Fünftel der rheinland-pfälzischen Region Rheinhessen (Nummer 10 auf der Karte mit den Anbaugebieten), die auch die waldärmste
Deutschlands ist, ist mit Rebstöcken bepflanzt – 26.516 Hektar (Stand 2012). Damit ist Rheinhessen das größte Wein-Anbaugebiet in
Deutschland. Über 6.000 Winzer produzieren pro Jahr mehr als 2,5 Mio. Hektoliter Wein aus ca. 120 Mio. Rebstöcken. Das prozentuale
Verhältnis der Anbauflächen weißer und roter Rebsorten beträgt etwa 69:31. Von den 136 Gemeinden Rheinhessens betreiben lediglich
Budenheim und Hamm am Rhein keinen Weinbau. Rheinhessen ist zudem eines der traditionsreichsten Anbaugebiete. In Nierstein
befindet sich die älteste (742) urkundlich belegte Weinlage Deutschlands, der Niersteiner Glöck.
Die Saale-Unstrut-Region (Nummer 11 auf der Karte mit den Anbaugebieten) mit 765 Hektar (Stand 2012) erstreckt sich an der Unstrut
von Laucha bis zur Mündung in die Saale bei Naumburg (so genannter Blütengrund), sowie an der Saale von Jena bis Burgwerben bei
Weißenfels mit nennenswerten Weinbergen in Kaatschen, Schulpforte und Bad Kösen. Durch das Weinbaugebiet führt die 60 km lange
Weinstraße Saale-Unstrut. Außerhalb der Flusshänge gibt es Weinberge in Bad Sulza, am Süßen See westlich von Halle, bei Zeitz, in
Westerhausen nördlich des Harzes und in Werder/Havel bei Potsdam im Land Brandenburg, die ebenfalls zum Saale-Unstrut-
Weinbaugebiet gerechnet werden. Karge Böden (Muschelkalk, Buntsandstein), unzuverlässige Niederschläge (Regenschatten der
Mittelgebirge Harz und Thüringer Wald) und die nördliche Lage lassen vor allem frühreifende Sorten wie Müller-Thurgau, Weißburgunder
und Silvaner gedeihen.
The wine-growing region of Saxony (number 12 on the map with the growing areas) is the furthest north in Germany. It covers 492
hectares (as of 2012). It is almost exclusively in the Dresden metropolitan area . The locations are in Saxony and, in small parts, in
Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg . The fact that good wines are produced despite the exposed location (more than 51 ° north latitude) is
due to the favorable climate in the Elbe Valley with its loess soils . Occasionally prevailing continental weather conditionsin summer and
autumn there are long sunny periods. The ratio of white to red wine is 81:19. Gold Riesling is only grown in Saxony .
In the Württemberg wine-growing region (number 13 on the map with the wine-growing areas), wine is grown that is marketed as
Württemberg wine under the slogan “connoisseurs drink Württemberger” . The wine from Württemberg is famous for its red vineyards.
The most common grape varieties are Trollinger (red) and Riesling (white). The Württemberger Weinstrasse , which emerged from the
former Swabian Wine Route , has been running through the wine-growing region since October 2004 . The Württemberg wine-growing
regionis located in the south of Germany and covers 11,359 hectares (as of 2012). The proportion white to red is 29:71. It extends
between the northern area of Kocher-Jagst-Tauber, which adjoins Franconia and is known for its sparkling white wines, along the
Neckar valley via Heilbronn and Stuttgart to Tübingen . A small area on the Württemberg shores of Lake Constance near Lindau is also
part of it, and the vineyards on the Bavarian shore of Lake Constance are also part of Württemberg's wine geographical area. The
favorable microclimate along the Neckar and the heated Muschelkalk and Keuper soilsallow expressive red wines to flourish. Hot
summers and sunny autumn days ensure high quality and good harvest yields. Winter frosts in a continental climate lead to yield losses
in some years. In the Stuttgart area and the Esslingen area , plump, characterful Trollinger, classy and fruity Riesling wines and spicy 14/36
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Kerner grow on the steep slopes of the Neckar Valley. The soil and the warm climate are also suitable for Müller-Thurgau, Blauer
Portugieser and Dornfelder. The brown Jura and volcanic soil put their stamp on the typical wines in the Upper Neckar Valley and
Metzingen. Tender-nerved and fine, that's how the mainly white drops from Silvaner, Kerner, Müller-Thurgau and Pinot Noir are
generally declared.
Total vineyard area
The total area under vines in these quality wine growing areas was 102,000 hectares in 2012. [1]

Wine-growing area Vineyards ha Harvest hl Yield hl / ha

for quality wine 2012 2012 2012
Ahr 545 30,232 55
to bathe 15,429 1,169,209 76
Francs 6,040 469.943 78
Hessian mountain road 431 30,268 70
Middle Rhine 450 26,809 60
Moselle 8,594 669.125 78
Near 4.063 309.715 76
Palatinate 22,885 2,356,593 103
Rheingau 3,076 231.108 75
Rheinhessen 26,685 2,602,262 101
Saale-Unstrut 775 27.193 35
Saxony 456 19,615 43
Growing areas for quality wine
Württemberg 11,140 1,138,973 102 15/36
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The hectare yields are based on the yielding vineyard area, which is lower than the total planted area due to newly created vineyards. In 2012, the
area under vines in Germany was 99,586 hectares.

Country wine
There are 26 growing areas for country wine according to Section 2 of the Wine Ordinance . They have also been registered as a Protected
Geographical Indication (PGI) since 2014 . 16/36
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Country wine region assigned certain wine-growing regions

Ahrtaler country wine Ahr
Baden country wine to bathe
Bavarian Bodensee country wine Württemberg
Brandenburger country wine without assignment
Country Wine Main Francs
Country wine of the Moselle Moselle
Country wine Neckar Württemberg
Country wine Upper Rhine to bathe
Country wine Rhine Ahr, Hessische Bergstrasse, Middle Rhine, Moselle, Nahe, Pfalz, Rheingau, Rheinhessen
Country wine Rhein-Neckar Baden, Württemberg
Country wine of the Ruwer Moselle
Country wine of the Saar Moselle
Mecklenburg country wine Stargarder Land
Central German country wine Saale-Unstrut
Nahegau country wine Near
Palatinate country wine Palatinate
Regensburg country wine Lower Danube
Rheinburgen country wine Middle Rhine
Rheingau country wine Rheingau
Rhenish country wine Rheinhessen
Saarland country wine Moselle 17/36
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Saxon country wine Saxony

Schleswig-Holstein country wine without assignment
Swabian country wine Württemberg
Starkenburger country wine Hessian mountain road
Taubertäler country wine to bathe

Viticulture without protected origin

Even in federal states that do not have a share in the well-known wine-
growing regions, there is occasional wine-growing. In Brandenburg in
particular there are a number of other vineyards in addition to the
vineyard at Sanssouci Palace . In Berlin, the Kreuz-Neroberger grown on
the Kreuzberg has achieved a certain level of awareness. There are also
vineyards in the Volkspark Humboldthain , at the Volkspark Prenzlauer
Berg [24] in the Wilmersdorf stadium , at the Britzer WeinKultur in
Neukölln and a small show vineyard at the Hessian state representation at Vines on the vineyard in Hitzacker
the federal governmentin the Mitte district. In Cologne there have been
Vineyard at the Stintfang in
vines in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral at the regional council
since 1981, the wine of which is auctioned annually for a good cause. The
then governor of Antwerp planted the vines . On the slope of the vineyard
in Hitzacker , which rises 40 meters above the Elbe, viticulture has been
practiced with 99 vines since 1980 and the “Hidesacker Weinbergströpfchen” is pressed. In Hamburg there has been a small vineyard with 100 vines
on the southern slope of the Stintfang near the St. Pauli Landungsbrücken since 1995 , [25] which claims to be Germany's northernmost vineyard.

And wine has also been grown in Schleswig-Holstein since 2009 . A 3 hectare vineyard [26] is located in the middle of Holstein Switzerland in
Malkwitz , one was planted near Keitum on Sylt , and another was created in Grebin near Plön with 5300 vines. [27]

In 2016, Lower Saxony was the last federal state to receive vine planting rights for the first time. The first vineyards have now been laid out. [28] For
example, Bad Iburg near Osnabrück has the only hillside location in Lower Saxony with 1.5 hectares of wooded area. There are a total of 19 land
owners with 17 hectares of approved land. (As of 2018)

Cultivation forms 18/36
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Viticulture in Germany can be traced back to the cultural influence of the Romans , who recognized the
favorable locations of the natural river terraces from the Quaternary and, especially in southern Germany,
developed large areas for the first time. The Romans planted the vines in a chamber in a wooden chamber frame
. Viticulture was still practiced after the retreat of the Romans and still shapes the cultural landscape in
Germany today . Carefully tended vines can reach an age of more than 400 years and distinguish wine locations
with a long tradition and high quality. In the course of time, the cultivation forms on small-parceled
terracesExperience a change with loosely set dry stone walls from the local parent rock. These were and are the
cause of the introduction of new grape varieties and adapted forms of education as well as changed economic
framework conditions. Until the end of the 1950s, vintners in Germany cultivated the vines using stick culture ,
the Stickelwingert. When growing sticks, each vine receives a stick made of wood as a support. The individual
Grebin: "So mookt wi dat"
sticks in turn form a wooden frame. At the beginning of the 1960s, the cultivation method was changed to Guyot
upbringing and the vines in trellis or high culturePlanted in rows of wood facing the valley on the slopes.
Numerous high-quality old vines were sacrificed to the land consolidation that went along with it, and the stock
was rejuvenated through new breeding under the premise of yield and mechanical cultivation . The land
consolidation also intervened in the geomorphology of the vineyard slopes and large artificial terraces were
created on the Kaiserstuhl . The natural soil profile above the loess was thus irretrievably destroyed, making it
more susceptible to erosion, reduced soil fertility and ultimately a lower yield indicator . For the efficient use of
full harvesters , there is now an increasing switch to wire frame upbringing of the vines, in which galvanized
metal posts are set instead of stickels.

Grape varieties Viticulture in a land-adjusted

A total of almost 140 grape varieties are grown in Germany, of which over 105 are used for white wine and 35 for
red wine making . Internationally, Germany is still considered a classic white wine country; Since the mid-
1980s, however, the demand for German red wines has been rising steadily. This has led to a doubling of the area under vines to around 35% of the
total area. Part of the red harvest is also used to make rosé wine . Of the grape varieties grown, only about 30 are of market significance.

Leading grape varieties

Source: German Wine Statistics 2019/2020 [29]

variety Wine Area ha 2018 synonym Surface % Area ha 2008 Area ha 2005 Area hectares 2001
1. Riesling White 23,960 22.2 22,434 20,794 21,514 19/36
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variety Wine Area ha 2018 synonym Surface % Area ha 2008 Area ha 2005 Area hectares 2001
2. Müller-Thurgau White 12,057 Rivaner 13.1 13,721 14,346 18.609
3. Pinot Noir red 11,762 Pinot Noir 11.5 11,800 11,660 9,806
4. Dornfelder red 7,581 7.8 8.101 8,259 5,530
5. Silvaner White 4,744 5.1 5,236 5,383 6,422
6. Pinot Gris White 6,713 Ruländer, Pinot Gris 4.4 4,481 4.211 2,905
7. White Burgundy White 5,540 Klevner, Pinot Blanc 4.2 3,731 3,335 2,795
8. Blue Portuguese red 2,766 3.9 4,354 4,818 5,039
9. Kerner White 2,463 3.2 3.712 4,253 6,054
10. Trollinger red 2.172 Vernatsch 2.3 2,472 2,543 2,615
11. Black Riesling red 1.910 Pinot Meunier 2.2 2,361 2,459 2,481
12th Regent red 1,784 2.0 2.161 2.158 649
13. Bacchus White 1,667 1.9 2.015 2,205 2,967
14. Lemberger red 1.912 Blaufränkisch 1.7 1,729 1,612 1,267
15. Scheurebe White 1,412 1.5 1,672 1,864 2,693
16. Chardonnay White 2,100 1.4 1,171 1,018 719
17. Gutedel White 1,121 Chasselas 1.1 1,136 1,129 1,177
18. Traminer White 1.012 0.9 835 826 845
19. St. Laurent red 618 Laurel grape 0.7 669 669 350
20. Sauvignon Blanc White 1,324 0.6 434 186 217
21. Ortega White 440 0.6 634 715 951
22. Huxelrebe White 424 0.6 635 711 1,132 20/36
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variety Wine Area ha 2018 synonym Surface % Area ha 2008 Area ha 2005 Area hectares 2001
23. Elbling White 493 0.5 578 610 890
24. Merlot red 696 0.5 450 399 155
25. Faberrebe White k. A. 0.5 587 758 1,305
26. Acolon red 461 0.5 478 428 76
27. Morio nutmeg White k. A. 0.5 502 576 905
28. Dominatrix red 366 0.4 404 381 228
29. Cabernet Mitos red 300 0.3 320 307 102
30. Dark fields red 227 0.3 352 379 317
31. Cabernet Sauvignon red 321 0.3 288 267 136
32. Frühburgunder red 241 0.3 252 233 123
33. Cabernet Dorsa red 263 0.2 227 198 200
34. Yellow muscatel White k. A. 0.2 174 126 94
35. Auxerrois White k. A. 0.2 185 150 96
36. Herald vine red k. A. 0.2 155 176
37. Zweigelt red k. A. 0.2
38. Winning vine White k. A. 0.1 103 115 145
39. Johanniter White k. A. 0.1
40. Solaris White k. A. 0.1
41. Reichensteiner White k. A. 0.1 106 129 124
42. Rieslaner White k. A. 0.1 21/36
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Approved grape varieties

The lists of varieties approved for commercial cultivation provide a more complete overview. This also includes the varieties selected only for trial

Permitted white wine varieties

Albalonga Gold Riesling Noble Ruling
Arnsburger Pinot Gris Optima Saphira
Auxerrois Gutedel Orion Sauvignon Blanc
Bacchus Hibernal Ortega Sauvignon Gris
Birstal nutmeg Holder Osteiner Scheurebe
Blue Silvaner Huxelrebe Palatina Schoenburger
Bronner Irsay Oliver pearl Septimer
Chardonnay Johanniter Pearl from Csaba Winning vine
Ehrenbreitsteiner jewel Phoenix Silcher
Ehrenfelser Chancellor Primera Silvaner
Elbling Kerner Principal Sirius
Faberrebe Kernling Sprinkler Solaris
Bouvier (synonym "foundling") Mariensteiner Reichensteiner Staufer
Fontanara Merzling Rieslaner Veltliner
Freer Morio nutmeg Riesling White Burgundy
Formerly Malingre Müller-Thurgau (Rivaner) Red Elbling Welschriesling
Yellow muscatel Nutmeg Ottonel Red Gutedel Flavoring
Gewürztraminer Red muscatel

Approved red wine varieties 22/36
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Acolon Dakapo Merlot Pinot Noir

André Opaque red Nutmeg Trollinger St. Laurent
Blue burger Dominatrix Neronet Dove black
Blue urban Dornfelder Hall Trollinger
Blauer Wildbacher Dark fields Portuguese Zweigelt
Cabernet carbon Pinot Noir prior
Cabernet Carol Hegel regent
Cabernet Cubin Helfensteiner rondo
Cabernet Dorio Herald vine Rotberger
Cabernet Dorsa Lemberger Black Riesling
Cabernet Mitos
Cabernet Sauvignon
Grape varieties written in italics are not (yet) approved for the production of quality wines. [30] [31] and the descriptive list of varieties of the
Federal Plant Variety Office 2008 [32]

New breeds
The northern location of the German wine-growing regions made special efforts necessary to find early-ripening and frost-hardy grape varieties. In
the 1920s, Prof. Bernhard Husfeld introduced modern genetics to grapevine breeding and enabled new breeding by crossing on a scientific basis.
The work was and is still being carried out at numerous institutes.

State Institute for Vine Breeding , Alzey (dissolved in 2005)

Institute for Vine Breeding Geilweilerhof , Siebeldingen
State Viticulture Institute Freiburg , Freiburg im Breisgau
State teaching and research institute for viticulture and fruit growing , Weinsberg
Department of grapevine breeding and refinement of the Geisenheim research institute , Geisenheim
Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture , Würzburg and Veitshöchheim
In addition to the aspect of early ripeness, the company also devoted itself to the creation of rootstock vines to solve the phylloxera problem and the
breeding of fungus-resistant varieties. The latter problem in particular is currently of great importance. 23/36
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The first successful new breed was the Müller-Thurgau variety. Despite the sharp decline in numbers, it is the undisputed number 2 of the white
varieties behind the classic Riesling. After the Second World War, the aromatic varieties Scheurebe and Morio nutmeg came on the market and
corresponded to the taste of the time. A plethora of other varieties followed, and during 1960 and 1980 the new varieties seemed to overtake the old

In particular, a strict clone selection of the old varieties led to a significant increase in the quality, yield and health of the plants and enabled the
classic varieties to return. For at least 15 years there has been a steady decline in the area under vines for new varieties. The red varieties Dornfelder
and Regent are currently exceptions.

Quality levels
→ Main article : Quality level

The German Wine Law (WeinG 1994) divides the wines into four quality classes based on the extract content of the must (in degrees Oechsle ),
combined with a regional name, but without classification of origin or location:

Stages are

1. the predicate wine , quality wine with predicate (QmP),

2. followed by quality wine from certain growing areas (QbA),
3. the country wine
4. and the wine (formerly table wine) .
A "quality wine with a predicate" is now called a "predicate wine". On August 9, 2006, the German Federal Cabinet decided to change the Wine Act
accordingly. The simplification of the terms had already established itself in marketing and is to apply from the beginning of the 2007/2008 wine
year. The companies are granted a transition period of two years. [33]

The achievement of the upper two levels requires the passing of an official wine test , an essentially sensory test , which aims primarily to not be
marketable, i.e. H. faulty wines to sort out. Passing the official test is shown on the labels of the wines with the official test number (AP no.).

"The quality of the wine is evident in the glass."

With the German Wine Law of 1971, a classification was created which links the quality level to the must weight at the time of harvest. The minimum
must weights vary from region to region. The lowest values apply in the northern wine-growing regions (Ahr, Moselle and Middle Rhine), while
Baden has the highest values. 24/36
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Table wine is the lowest category of wines. Table wine in wine-growing zone A must come exclusively from approved grape varieties
and have a natural minimum alcohol content of 5 % vol or 44 ° Oechsle (wine-growing zone B 6% vol or 50 ° Oechsle). He needs to be
enrichedHave an actual alcohol content of at least 8.5% vol, as this is the minimum alcohol content of a wine according to EU
legislation. In Germany, table wine may be enriched in wine-growing zone A by a maximum of 3.5% vol, in wine-growing zone B (Baden
only) by max. 2.5% vol. The maximum enrichment limits in viticulture zone A are 12% vol for red wine and 11.5% vol for white wine, and
12.5% vol or 12.0% vol in viticulture zone B. If a table wine is not fortified, there is no upper alcohol limit, so a higher grade wine can
also be downgraded to a table wine. Table wine is qualitatively mostly an unimportant, simple table wine. However, there are winemakers
who deliberately only produce table wine because they put the effort into the official quality wine testshy away from them or reject them
altogether. These wines can be of very high quality. Until barrique winemaking was recognized for quality wine in Germany, these wines
were marketed as table wines. German table wines are not allowed to have site names , names of communities or districts, and names
of specific growing areas . These designations are reserved exclusively for quality wines . They are also not allowed to take part in
officially recognized awards.
Country wine is the second quality level of the wine. The designation Landwein as a quality level has existed in Germany since 1982. In
Germany it describes a table wine of high quality. The limits for alcohol and Öchsle weight are slightly higher than for table wine, namely
5.5% before enrichment and 47 ° Öchsle. Country wine is always typical of the region, which means that it may only be made from
grapes that are grown in the region.
The next category is that of quality wines. These are in turn divided into two sub-categories: quality wines from certain growing areas and quality
wines with predicate (or predicate wines for short). For all quality wines, it applies that they must come from a wine-growing region for the quality
wine. In addition, the wine must pass an official test.

The alcohol content and must weight requirements for quality wine in certain growing areas are between 7% and 9% natural alcohol
content, and the must weight between 57 ° and 72 ° Öchsle. Sugar can be added before fermentation.
The level of the predicate wine is divided again into predicates. The only quality feature is the must weight. No statement about the
quality of the wine can be derived from this.
Cabinet : The lowest predicate wine level immediately follows the quality wine of certain growing areas. The Kabinett wine is usually
comparatively light and low in alcohol, as it cannot be improved despite the low must weight. The minimum must weight is 67 ° to 83
° Öchsle, depending on the growing area
Late harvest : from grapes that, according to an old rule, are harvested after the main harvest. In times of the cooler climate, late
harvest qualities could only be obtained with a certain amount of effort, today the required must weights are relatively easy to obtain
in particularly suitable individual layers. The minimum must weight is 76 ° to 90 ° Öchsle, depending on the growing area. 25/36
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Selection : from absolutely perfect grapes - damaged, diseased or unripe berries are separated.
The minimum must weight, depending on the growing area, is between 83 ° and 95 ° Öchsle (for
red wine up to 100 ° Öchsle).
Berry selection : from overripe or noble rot grapes (Botrytis cinerea), the berries of which often
have to be picked individually. The minimum must weight is 110 to 128 ° Öchsle, depending on the
growing area.
Trockenbeerenauslese : consists largely of rotten berries infested with botrytis. The minimum must A grape with noble rot berries.
weight is 150 ° to 154 ° Öchsle, depending on the growing area. You can clearly see that not all
berries have gone through the
Ice wine is a specialty . It is made from berries that were frozen when harvested. The harvest takes place at −6 ° concentration process through
C or colder. The water in the berries solidifies to ice and therefore does not get into the must during the pressing evaporation. To achieve the
highest must weights, it is
process. A juice concentrate is therefore obtained in which both the sugar values and the acid values rise sharply.
therefore necessary to select
As with Beerenauslese, the minimum must weight is 110 to 128 ° Öchsle, depending on the growing area.
individual berries
Types of wine
→ Main article : Indication of taste (wine)

The taste indications, also called degrees of sweetness, are uniformly regulated in the EU , but are designated differently in the countries.

The taste balance of a wine is determined on the one hand by the sweetness (residual sugar and alcohol) on the one hand and the acidity and tannins
on the other. This equilibrium is simplified with white wines, since the proportion of bitter substances (i.e. the tannins) is only present to a small
extent. Wines with a low sugar content can therefore taste sweetly with a low acidity or tannin content.

The German white wine has a comparatively high acid content. Therefore, attempts are often made to harmonize the acidic wine by adding a
residual sweetness and / or a higher alcohol content. In order to provide the consumer with a statement about the taste balance aimed at by the
producer, various wine styles have been defined. A distinction is made between the following grades of taste for wine:

Wine with a maximum residual sugar content of 9 g / l, whereby the acid content may be a maximum of 2 g / l lower. Classic dry only allows 4 g / l
residual sugar. Until July 2007, wines with a residual sugar content of up to 2 g / l were allowed to have the words "Suitable for diabetics" with the
addition "only after consulting a doctor" on the label. Due to an EU regulation that came into force on July 1, 2007, according to which "health-
related information" is prohibited on wine labels and price lists, this was no longer possible.

Medium dry 26/36
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Semi-dry wine may contain a maximum of 9 to 18 g / l unfermented sugar, whereby the sugar may not exceed the acid content by more than 10 g / l.
These wines have a slight residual sweetness. If they have a high acid content, they can still taste dry . The statement of the residual sweetness that
serves is therefore most likely to apply to this degree of flavor .

Lovely, semi-sweet
Wine with a distinctly sweet taste. According to the German wine law, the residual sugar content is higher than that of semi-dry wines, i.e. from 18 g
/ l up to 45 g / l residual sugar.

The taste of sweet wines is dominated by sugar or other sweet wine ingredients. The European wine law defines a residual sugar content of more
than 45 g / l for sweet wines.

In 2012, 1.3 million hectoliters of German wine were exported. This confirms a trend which is that less wine is sold in terms of volume, but the value
of the exported qualities is increasing. [34] German wine is mainly exported to the USA, followed by the Netherlands and Great Britain as export
countries. The German exporters were able to push through a price increase of 8.4%. [35] 27/36
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Export countries Value (million euros) Quantity (hectoliters)

for German wine 2012 2012
United States 89 257,000
Netherlands 36 217,000
United Kingdom 27 173,000
Norway 24 61,000
Canada 17th 55,000
Sweden 16 105,000
Japan 14th 34,000
China 13th 34,000
Russia 7th 61,000
Belgium / Luxembourg 7th 35,000

The wine label

The wine label provides the consumer with information about the purchase of wine. Every wine container with a
volume of less than 60 liters must be labeled.

The labeling law for wine regulates in detail the content and sometimes also formal criteria (such as font size) of
the information on the label. Basically, the principle applies that information on the label is prohibited unless it
is expressly permitted. Certain of the possible information are mandatory information, others are to be used

Required information
Mandatory information must be clearly legible in the same viewing area on the label.

Quality level : for example quality wine, country wine Wine label on a Bocksbeutel 28/36
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Geographical origin : The indication of the geographical origin is partly mandatory, partly to be used optionally. That depends on the
quality level and how detailed the geographical indication is.
Bottler : The details of the bottler must also include the place where the bottler is based. Under certain circumstances, the bottler
information can be coded with a code number.
Alcohol content : The actual alcohol content must be given in the unit volume percent .
Nominal volume refers to the volume of the bottle.
Type of wine, for example red wine. This information is only mandatory to a limited extent.
Lot identification to identify the wine; In the case of quality wine, the lot identification is replaced by the official test number .
contains sulphites : This information has been mandatory since 2006 if the wine was sulphurized during production.
further exceptions to the labeling requirement [36] expire on June 30, 2012 (according to EU regulation No. 1266/2010 on labeling
requirements for wines). Potential allergens must then be shown as mandatory
information. This applies to isinglass (label: contains
fish), albumin (label: contains egg) and casein (label:
contains milk). According to the statements of allergological experts, however,
there is no clear risk assessment on this point.
Optional information
The most important optional information to be used are:

Vintage , d. H. the year in which the grapes for the wine were grown and [39]usually also harvested. The vintage may only be indicated if at
least 85% of the wine comes from the harvest of the respective vintage.
Grape variety , such as Riesling. The grape variety from which at least 85% of the wine was pressed can be specified. It is also possible
to specify two grape varieties, but then the wine must consist of 100% of these grape varieties.
Indication of taste The terms “dry”, “semi-dry”, “sweet” or “sweet” are permitted.
Wine location and location , this describes the exact origin of the wine: for example Assmannshäuser Höllenberg. For the consumer,
however, it is often not clear whether it is a large location or an individual location.
Additional information such as drinking temperatures and food recommendations have been permitted since 2007.
Classic, Selection and Hochgewächs 29/36
2020/8/13 Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

Since German wine, with its complexity of degrees of taste, grape varieties and a confusing system of locations, is difficult to market, there are
repeated efforts to simplify the labeling with recognizable taste.

The designation "Hochgewächs" was anchored in the wine law in 1987 for a "type wine of special origin". This designation is reserved for Riesling
alone, which the Q. b. A. quality level. The Hochgewächs is therefore potentially lighter than a Riesling cabinet. Tall plants must have a natural
alcohol content of at least 1.5% vol or 7 ° Oechsle above the guide value that applies to the growing area. When testing for the official test number,
the wines must achieve at least 3.0 (instead of 1.5) points.

Wine type Classic

The Classic wine is marketed as a dry wine, but in its definition it is a mixture of dry or semi-dry. The stipulation is that the residual sugar content
may be a maximum of twice as high as the acidity of the wine, but never more than 15 grams / liter. The natural alcohol content must be at least 12%
vol. The exception are the Moselle wines, where the minimum is 11.5% vol. The wines should embody the typicality of a growing region. There is no
indication of vineyards. The wines may only be made from a single grape variety. The exception here is the Württemberg Trollinger with Lemberger.
The choice of grape varieties is limited to classic grape varieties that have been defined for each growing area. Nevertheless, some new varieties were
added to the list:

Ahr: Frühburgunder, Riesling, Spätburgunder

Baden: Pinot Gris, Gutedel, Riesling, Rivaner, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Franconia: Domina, Müller-Thurgau, Silvaner, Spätburgunder, Weißer Burgunder
Hessische Bergstrasse: Pinot Gris, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Middle Rhine: Pinot Gris, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Moselle: Elbling, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Rivaner, Pinot Blanc
Nearby: Dornfelder, Pinot Gris, Müller-Thurgau, Portugieser, Riesling, Scheurebe, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Palatinate: Dornfelder, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Rivaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Rheingau: Riesling
Rheinhessen: Dornfelder, Pinot Gris, Portuguese, Riesling, Rivaner, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Saale-Unstrut: Gewürztraminer, Kerner, Müller-Thurgau, Portugieser
Saxony: Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Württemberg: Dornfelder, Pinot Gris, Kerner, Lemberger, Riesling, Black Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Trollinger 30/36
2020/8/13 Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

Wine Type Selection

The Selection wine is also marketed as a dry wine. The residual sugar content may not exceed 9 grams / liter (with acidic Riesling max. 12 grams /
liter). The natural alcohol content must be at least 12.2% vol. The wines may only be made from a single grape variety. The grape material comes
from a single location, which the winemaker must register as a suitable location. Hand-picking and a yield restriction of 60 hectoliters / hectare are
also required. The choice of grape varieties is limited to classic grape varieties that have been defined for each growing area. Here, too, various new
breeds were added to the list:

Ahr: Frühburgunder, Riesling, Spätburgunder

Baden: Auxerrois, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Gutedel, Müller-Thurgau, Riesling, Saint Laurent, Black Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot
Franconia: Pinot Gris, Rieslaner, Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Hessian Bergstrasse: Pinot Gris, Müller-Thurgau, Riesling, Rivaner, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Middle Rhine: Pinot Gris, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Mosel: Riesling
Nahe: Pinot Gris, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Palatinate: Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Rieslaner, Riesling, Black Riesling, Saint Laurent, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Rheingau: Riesling, Pinot Noir
Rheinhessen: Chardonnay, Frühburgunder, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Portuguese, Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Saale-Unstrut: Riesling, Silvaner, Spätburgunder, Weißer Burgunder
Saxony: Gewürztraminer, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc
Württemberg: Dornfelder, Pinot Gris, Kerner, Lemberger, Riesling, Black Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Noir, Trollinger
Technical language
The German-language technical terminology of viticulture is recorded in the dictionary of the German winegrowing language and the word atlas of
continental Germanic winegrowing terminology .

The German post office has been bringing in 2018 a stamp vineyards in Germany to 0.70 € out. [40] 31/36
2020/8/13 Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

Isolde Döbele-Carlesso : Viticulture and wine trade in Württemberg in the early modern period using the example of the city and office
of Brackenheim. Dissertation. Brackenheim 1999. ISBN 978-3-9806667-7-0 .
Karl-Josef Gilles (ed.) Recent research on viticulture on the Moselle and Rhine , Writings on Wine History , No. 115, Wiesbaden 1995
Barbara Weiter-Matysiak, Viticulture in the Middle Ages , Gesch. Atlas of the Rhineland Supplement VII / 2, Cologne 1985
German Wine Institute : German Wine Atlas , CD-ROM, Directmedia Publishing , Berlin 2002, ISBN 978-3-932544-67-5
Dieter Braatz, Ulrich Sauter, Ingo Swoboda, Hendrik Holler: Wine Atlas Germany . Hallwag, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-8338-0638-4 .
Daniel Deckers : Under the sign of the grape eagle: A history of German wine. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2010, ISBN 978-3-
Stuart Pigott , Andreas Durst, Ursula Heinzelmann, Chandra Kurt , Manfred Lüer, Stephan Reinhardt: Wine speaks German . Scherz,
Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-502-19000-4 .
Jancis Robinson : The Oxford Wine Lexicon . Hallwag, Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-8338-0691-9 .
André Dominé (Ed.): Wine . Könemann, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-8290-2765-6 .
Michael Matheus (Ed.), Viticulture between the Meuse and the Rhine in antiquity and in the Middle Ages (Trier Historical Research 23),
Mainz 1997.
Michael Matheus (Ed.), Wine Production and Wine Consumption in the Middle Ages (Geschichtliche Landeskunde 51), Stuttgart 2004.
Tom Wolf: Brandenburg Wine Country: Excursions to old and new wine locations . 2016, be.bra verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-86124-695-4
Audio CD
Hans Reiner Schultz tells the basics of modern viticulture . Concept and direction: Klaus Sander. 2 audio CDs, 139 minutes. Berlin:
supposé 2015, ISBN 978-3-86385-010-4
Viticulture in Germany - a video film by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Germany, April 1, 2015, 6:02 min., Online
video (
The work of the winemaker is presented with a portrait of a Moselle winemaker, research on viticulture, etc. a. Institute for Grapevine 32/36
2020/8/13 Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

Breeding Geilweilerhof , Geisenheim University , with Monika Christmann , Nadine Poss and the importance of the sparkling wine country
Germany .
Web links
Commons : Viticulture in Germany (
 - Collection of images, videos and audio files

DLG: Information on German wine (

German Wine Institute: Glossary with 5,000 terms ( Information, news about German wine, growing areas (
Dictionary of the German winemaker's language (
Individual evidence
1. German Wine Statistics 2013/2014. (http://www.deutscheweine.d 6. Fuchß, Peter: On the history of the Niersteiner Glöck, a famous
e/fileadmin/user_upload/Website/Service/Downloads/Statistik_2 wine location on the Rhine. Anniversary publication 1250 years of
Niersteiner Glöck. Oppenheim / Rhein: Self-published by the
013-2014.pdf)(PDF; 725 kB) German Wine Institute , 2014, state teaching and research institute for agriculture, viticulture
accessed on June 15, 2017 . and horticulture 1992.
2. K.-J. Gilles: Recent research ... , p. 19.
3. Gerald Kreucher: The Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus and his 7. Everyday vocabulary in Old High German (https://web.archive.or
time . Steiner, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-515-08382-0 (Historia 0internet/ahd/mikeleitis.html) ( Memento from March 8, 2009 in
individual writings 174). the Internet Archive )
4. K.-J. Gilles, Fritz Schumann `` Newer Research ... '' p. 5 ff., P. 74 8. Deutsches Weininstitut: Strauße, Hecken, Besen (https://web.arc
ff. ''
5. Verses 25-36, 39-42; based on Eduard Böcking : Bonner c/Internet-DE/nav/4ff/4ff4e950-c063-731a-453e-c716f135e25
Jahrbücher, 1845 d%26sel_uCon%3D0ca4e950-c063-731a-453e-c716f135e25d%
26uTem%3D0e3307d7-19ff-e401-e76c-d461d7937aae) (
Memento from August 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ),
accessed on August 13, 2014. 33/36
2020/8/13 Viticulture in Germany - Wikipedia

9. Proof of the legend (http://www.aryabhata.d 17. Dachs, Hans: On the history of the wine trade on the Danube
e/illig/karl-wein.html) from Ulm to Regensburg. In: Negotiations of the historical
10. After Kloster Kamp had to sell the winery in Moselweiß in 1355 association of Upper Palatinate and Regensburg. 83. Regensburg
due to financial difficulties, the monks planted a vineyard in the 1933, pp. 36-96.
south of the church. In a chronicle from 1483 it can be read 18. It is said to have been repealed in 1791. See also Dr. Richard
several times about this wine that it is said to have been stingy Laufner, Trier: Riesling Wenzeslaus (http://www.briedeler-geschi
with charms: "The Kamper wine only causes pain at the table" ( .
lat : Vinum Campens non facit gaudia mense ). 19. The Riesling vine as an express cultivation recommendation does
11. B. Weiter-Matysiak quoted from the list of goods of the not appear at all in the often cited electoral ordinance.
Rupertsberg Monastery (MRUB II and III) in Weinbau im… , p. 4, 20. Johann Philipp Bronner (1792–1864), Viticulture in the Province
“[…] franconici et hunici vini […]”. of Rheinhessen, in the Nahethal and Moselthal , Heidelberg 1834.
12. Ottraud Rozumek-Fechtig: The Counts of Katzenelnbogen. Wine 21. Felix Meyer, Viticulture on the Mosel, Saar and Ruwer , p. 54 ff.,
consumption and viticulture in the 14th and 15th centuries . Koblenz 1926
Society for business des Weins, No. 106, Wiesbaden 1993, p. 10 22. Stuart Pigott / Manfred Lüer, Mosel , Frankfurt am Main 2009,
ff. ISBN 978-3-502-15173-9 .
13. Rudolf Kraft : Das Reichsgut im Wormsgau (=  sources and 23. ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: Project (http://timetr
research on Hessian history . Volume 16 ). Hessischer
Staatsverlag, Darmstadt 1934, p. 259 . obal/themen.nsf/d9ac0029ff0b8065c1257074004e5d05/ec89b4
14. Militzer, Klaus: The Cologne wine trade in the late Middle Ages. dba1c11638c125721a00302c0e?OpenDocument)Stein und Wein (h
In: City and Commerce. Sigmaringen 1995. (= City in History. Vol. ttp://
22.), pp. 23–47. e/Internet/global/themen.nsf/d9ac0029ff0b8065c1257074004e5
15. Friedrich Seidel: The poverty problem in the German Vormärz d05/ec89b4dba1c11638c125721a00302c0e?OpenDocument) ) (ht
with Friedrich List ( tp://
el_index.html) . In: Cologne Lectures on Social and Economic nternet/global/themen.nsf/d9ac0029ff0b8065c1257074004e5d0
History - Issue 13, Cologne 1971, p. 4. 5/ec89b4dba1c11638c125721a00302c0e?OpenDocument)
16. Rothmann, Michael: The Frankfurt fair as a wine trading place in 24. This is how the Pankow Riesling tastes (http://www.abendblatt-b
the Middle Ages. In: Viticulture between the Meuse and the Rhine , in:
in antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Mainz 1997. (= Trier historical Berliner Abendblatt , news from August 8, 2015.
research. 23.), pp. 365-419. 34/36
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25. All grapes stolen - the vintage in Hamburg must be canceled (htt 33. Press release No. 125 of the BMELV of August 9, 2006.
ps:// 34. Stefanie Widmann: Trend to expensive drops , Rhein Main Presse
einlese-in-hamburg-muss-ausfallen-id20956792.html) at SHZ from March 21, 2013 online (
on September 7, 2018. ( achrichten/wirtschaft/meldungen/12940240.htm) .
alle-trauben-gestohlen-weinlese-in-hamburg-muss-ausfallen-i 35. Information from the German Wine Institute 2013.
d20956792.html) 36. With the aim of optimal consumer protection, an amendment to
26. Our wine from Schleswig-Holstein. ( the EC food labeling directive (2000/13 / EC) was passed in
ngut)In: Retrieved April 11, 2019 . . November 2003.
27. Weingut Hof Altmühlen ( 37. label: contains egg, fish or milk? Article in Der Deutsche Weinbau
00953/ 21 | 07
hlen.php) ( Memento from June 10, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) 38. Results of the test with the enzyme allergy sorbent test (EAST) (h
( ttps://
28. Why pig farmers grow wine on the Iburger Urberg (https://www.n f) ( Memento from October 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 68 kB).
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29. German Wine Statistics 2019/2020 (https://www.deutscheweine. c/e3c601a5-0d4e-0401-be59-267b48205846%26sel_uCon%3D
de/fileadmin/user_upload/Statistik_2019-2020.pdf) 78a1f4e0-0984-01be-5926-461d7937aae2%26uTem%3D0e330
30. List of the classifications of grape varieties for wine production 7d7-19ff-e401-e76c-d461d7937aae)information on the label (htt
according to Article 20 of Regulation (EC) 1227/2000, as of ps://
November 2007
31. List of classifications of grape varieties for wine production -267b48205846%26sel_uCon%3D78a1f4e0-0984-01be-5926-4
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ttp:// ( 37aae) ( memento from July 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ),
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agriculture/markets/wine/lists/11_en.pdf) 3c/e3c601a5-0d4e-0401-be59-267b48205846%26sel_uCon%3
32. Descriptive list of varieties of the Federal Plant Variety Office D78a1f4e0-0984-01be-5926-461d7937aae2%26uTem%3D0e33
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40. Viticulture in Germany, postage stamp for € 0.70 (
m_2017/1709_Weinanbau.html) ( Memento from December 28,
2017 in the Internet Archive ).
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