Sample Questions For Test-2 PDF

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Sample Questions for Test-2

1. A thick lens in air is made up of two thin lenses separated by 2 cm. The front vertex focal
length is −4.5 cm and the back vertex focal length is +5.0 cm. The equivalent power of the
lens is 16.67D. In a sketch drawn to scale (1:1) mark the locations of the cardinal points.

2. The reflection of an object is observed on the cornea of a subject. The object is 75 mm in

front of the subject’s cornea, the object size is 20 mm and the image size is 1 mm. Find the
reflective power of the subject’s cornea.

3. The radius of curvature of a concave spherical mirror is –20 cm. Find its power.

4. An object is placed 9 cm in front of a concave spherical mirror whose power is 20 D. What

are the properties of the image? Is it formed in front of the mirror or behind the mirror?

5. Unit magnification is obtained in imaging an object using a –5 D thin lens. How far is the
object from the lens?

6. Indicate the locations of the principal planes for a plano-convex lens using a rough sketch.

7. Two thin lenses of equal power are kept with a fixed separation of 10 mm in air to form a
thick lens. The equivalent power of the resulting thick lens is found to be 20 D. What is the
power of each thin lens?

8. In the auto-collimation method when the image is formed at the location of the object, the
mirror is moved back without any tilt. What will happen to the image in terms of its size and

9. Parallel rays are incident on a +20 D lens. Find the vergence of the rays at a distance of 45
cm behind the lens.

10. A mirror has a focusing power of –50 D in air. What will be its focal length when it is
immersed in water?

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