Stress and Its Management: Short Communication

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Rajendra Kumar et al: Stress management


Stress and Its Management

Rajendra Kumar 1, Neetika Bhardwaj 2, Nidhi 3
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Gold Field Institute of Medical Sciences & Research,
Chhainsa, Ballabhgarh, Faridabad, Haryana, India
2,3- Post-Graduate Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Divya Jyoti College of Dental Science
& Research, Modinagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Stress is a fact of everyday life, we’ve all felt it. Sometimes it acts as a positive force and
sometimes as a negative force. If you experience stress over a prolonged period of time, it could
become chronic, till you take some action. About 500 million people worldwide are believed to
be suffering from neurotic, stress related and psychological problems.The challenge can,
however, be tackled by joint action between life sciences, social sciences, urban planning,
architecture and politics. This article highlights the causes, effects and management of stress
and therefore could be helpful for people who want to learn how to react to stress in a more
constructive, proactive way.
Key words: Architecture, Neurotic problems, Psychological problems, Stress

Address for correspondence: Col(Dr) Rajendra Kumar. Assistant Professor,

Dept. of Community Medicine, Gold Field Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Chhainsa, Ballabhgarh,
Faridabad, Haryana, India Email:,, Mob: 9990722085

higher among the poor, homeless, the

Introduction unemployed, persons with low education‘ [4].
India, is also not left unaffected , due to change
Mental health is an important component of the
in the life style the number of person suffering
total positive health and is interwoven closely
from stress is increasing every day especially in
with the physical and physiological dynamics of
cities, one of the surveys on mental morbidity
the human body. Worldwide, about 500 million
in various parts of the country suggest a
people are believed to be suffering from
prevalence rate of 18-20 per 1000 [1]. A
neurotic, stress related and psychological
substantial number of Indian suffer from
problems [1]. Although stress is unavoidable but
Common Mental Disorders (CMD) which are
it should not be over looked as even short-lived,
characterized by symptoms such as fatigue,
minor stress can have an impact. Stress becomes
forgetfulness, insomnia, irritability, difficulty in
dangerous when it starts interfering with your
concentrating, headaches, and psychosomatic
ability to live a normal life. The longer the stress
complaints [5]. Although in small quantities,
lasts, the worse it is for both your mind and
stress is good; it can motivate you and help you
body [2].
become more productive. However, too much
According to the WHO expert committee
stress, or a strong response to stress can be
mental health can be defined as ‗the capacity in
harmful [6].
an individual to form harmonious relations with
others and to participate in or contribute Cause of Stress
constructively to change in the social
environment‘ [3]. One of the World Health Stress can be experienced from four basic
Organization report on mental health states sources.
‗Mental disorders occur in persons of all 1. Social Stressors: Some examples of social
genders, ages, and backgrounds. No group is stressors include deadlines, financial
immune to mental disorders, but the risk is problems, job interviews, presentations,
disagreements, demands for your time and

J Cont Med A Dent January-April 2015 Volume 3 Issue 1 87

Rajendra Kumar et al: Stress management
attention, loss of a loved one, divorce and practical assistance and support, useful ideas
co-parenting. or just a fresh perspective as you begin to
2. Environmental Stressor: It includes tackle whatever is causing your stress.
weather, noise, crowding, pollution, traffic, C. Exercise/Physical Activities: Before you
and crime. react, take time, try to recollect your-self
3. Physiological: Examples of physiological and reconsider. Walking or other physical
stressors include illness, aging, giving birth, activities can also help. Plus, exercise
accidents, lack of exercise, poor nutrition increases the production of endorphins, your
and sleep disturbances. body‘s natural mood-booster. Commit to a
daily walk or other form of exercise — a
Stress Management small step that can make a big difference in
reducing stress levels. Research shows that
Every person has a unique response to stress, so activities like yoga and relaxation exercises
there is no one fixed solution to managing it. No not only help reduce stress, but also boost
single method works for everyone or in every immune functioning.
situation, so experiment with different D. Get help: If all of this not helping, consult
techniques and strategies and focus on what with a psychologist or other licensed mental
makes you feel calm and in control. health professional who can help you learn
There are two basic ways of managing stress. how to manage stress effectively. He or she
1. Change the situation: can help you identify situations or behaviors
- Avoid the stressor that contribute to your chronic stress and
- Alter the stressor then develop an action plan for changing
2. Change your reaction: them [6].
- Adapt to the stressor Other ways may be:
- Accept the stressor [5]  Get a massage.
By reducing your stress levels, you will feel
 Curl up with a good book
better and also it may protect your health
 Listen to music
longterm. In one study, researchers examined
the association between ―positive affect‖ —  Watch a comedy
feelings like happiness, joy, contentment and  Spend time in nature
enthusiasm — and the development of coronary  Take a long bath
heart disease over a decade. They concluded  Light scented candles
that for every one-point increase in positive  Savor a warm cup of coffee or tea.
affect on a five-point scale, the rate of heart  Play with a pet [6].
disease dropped by 22 percent [6].
How to Reduce Stress
Some methods for reducing stress include--- Stress is a normal part of life and therefore
A. Identify: Keep a check on your state of unavoidable. But, every effort should be done to
mind throughout the day. Whenever you reduce it. Reducing your stress levels can not
feel stressed, write down the cause, your only make you feel better right now, but may
thoughts and your mood. Once you also protect your health long-term. The World
indentify what is bothering you, develop a Health Organization has highlighted stress as
plan for addressing it. one of the major health challenges of the twenty
B. Build strong relationships: Relationships first century. Urban living is quickly developing
can be a source of stress. Research has as a major contributor to this. By understanding
found that negative, hostile reactions with ourselves and our reaction to stress-provoking
your spouse cause immediate changes in situations, we can learn to handle stress more
stress-sensitive hormones, for example. But effectively.
relationships can also serve as stress buffers.
Reach out to family members or close Source(s) of support: Nil
friends and let them know you‘re having a Conflict of Interest: None declared
tough time. They may be able to offer
J Cont Med A Dent January-April 2015 Volume 3 Issue 1 88
Rajendra Kumar et al: Stress management

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