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Name: Carlos Daniel Crismatt Polo

Course: 11°

Forming the passive

A. Change the active to the passive.

0. Tom opens the door. ⇨ The door Is opened by Tom.

1. Tom was opening the door. ⇨ The door was being opened by Tom.
2. Tom had opened the door. ⇨ The door had been opened by Tom.
3. Tom will open the door. ⇨ The door Will be opened by Tom.
4. Tom is going to open the door. ⇨ The door is going to be opened by Tom.
5. Tom will have opened the door. ⇨ The door will have been opened by Tom.

B. CHOOSE. Read these sentences and decide if they are active (A) or
passive (P).
__A_ 1. We were talking about Francis.
_ A_ 2. Juan is going to write the report.
__A_ 3. I had worn blue shoes.
_P__ 4. The guitar was being played.
__A_ 5. Our boss will sign the contract.
_A__ 6. My father will have helped the girl.
_P__ 7. This report will have been written.
_P__ 8. The tables had been cleaned.
_P_ 9. The car is going to be washed.
_P__ 10. Sue will not be seen by him.
C. Underline the active voice in this text.

The stolen Ferrari

Two football fans were arrested last night near the stadium. The suspects were taken to
the police station for further investigation. They allegedly stole a brand Ferrari.
The owner of the car told the police that the thieves were wearing a football team jersey.
After the suspects were caught, the owner of the car was called to identify the thieves.
However, the owner of the car said that he had made a huge mistake because the car
hadn’t been stolen; the car had been taken by his wife to go to a concert because her car
was broken.
An apology was offered to the two football fans; besides, the owner of the car offered to
give them 5000 dollars to compensate his mistake. The money was not accepted. The two
football fans will be released tomorrow morning.

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