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Women between 20 - 60 years
Female Absent of age are twice more likely to Patient alive is
develop gallstone than men. male.

Estrogen increases cholesterol

levels in bile and decrease
gallbladder movement; both of
which can lead to gallstone
Many of the body’s system
Age: 52 Years Old Absent and protective mechanism Patient alive is 32
and Above become less efficient with age. years old.
Body system and processes
become sluggish.

Asians are more genetically

Race: Asian Present predisposed to having Patient alive is
pigmented stones compared to Filipino.
those living in Western
Gallstones may pass from the gallbladder into the cystic duct, and then the common bile
duct spontaneously. These stones are known as secondary bile duct stones. Less commonly,
stones are formed in the intrahepatic biliary tree, termed primary hepatolithiasis, and may lead to
choledocolithiasis. Stones that are too large to pass through the ampulla of Vater remain in the
distal common bile duct, causing obstructive jaundice that may lead to pancreatitis, hepatitis, or
cholangitis. Cholesterol stones make up approximately 75% of the secondary common bile duct
stones in the United States, while black pigment stones comprise the remainder. Primary
common bile duct stones are usually brown pigment stones
Unhealthy Diet (High Present High fat and Patient alive
fat and cholesterol diet cholesterol intake verbalized that he
increases biliary loves to eat fatty food
secretion. High fiber and does not like
intake has been eating high fiber food
linked to avoid such as vegetables.
formation of

Alcoholism Present Alcohol can damage Patient alive is an

the liver which can alcoholic person.
damage the
gallbladder over
Excess estrogen from Patient alive is not
Pregnancy Absent pregnancy increases pregnant.
risk of gallstone

Birth control pills

Pills Absent appear to increase Patient alive is not
cholesterol levels in using birth control
bile, resulting in the pills.
decrease of
movement; both of
which can lead to
gallstone formation.
The body
Rapid Absent metabolizes fat No rapid weight loss
Weight during weight loss, was noted by Patient
Loss which causes the alive.
liver to secrete extra
cholesterol into the
bile, contributing to
gallstone formation.
Obesity most likely
Obesity Absent tends to reduce the Patient alive is not
amount of bile salt in obese.
bile, resulting in
more cholesterol
build up. Obesity
decreases gallbladder

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