Muhammad Alif B. Mohd Anuar

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Name : Muhammad Alif bin Mohammad Anuar

Id : AM2001006550

1. What would be the potential problems with a staffing process in which vacancies were

o On a lottery basis from among job applicants?

- The applicants having immense potential for the work profile may be because of lottery
system. Those who would be around perfect for the task might not get selected.
- This might end in over staffing.

o On a first come-first hired basis?

- the person-job match won't happen successfully

- it has low probability of effectiveness. The occupation may get filled by a person who might
not be equipped for the activity

2. Would it be desirable to hire people only according to the person/job match, ignoring
the person/organization match? Why?

- No. The job/person match is the key objective in a compelling staffing process. The principle
goal of staffing must be to coordinate a person's KSAOs and inspirations with an
occupation's prerequisites and prizes. It is not necessarily the case that the
individual/association coordinate isn't significant. It is additionally significant that an individual
is good with an organization's culture.

3. How are staffing activities influence:

o Training activities
o Compensation activities
o Performance appraisal activities

- HR practical exercises, for example, staffing, preparing and remuneration are exceptionally
interrelated. For instance, the kinds of preparing programs which are offered to the workforce
in a given firm shape the sorts of KSAOs which they have. The holes in KSAOs which in the
long run happen because of the effect of outside impacts, for example, work markets and
financial conditions frequently bring about a hierarchical need to recruit somebody who can
fill the KSAOs hole. This is the focal point of the staffing process. Compensation activities
decide the pay ranges and advantage bundles related with various occupations inside an
association. With regards to the staffing procedure, the salary range and advantages will
altogether influence an association's capacity to pull in and hire appropriate individuals for
different employment opportunities.

4. Assume you are assisting in the conduct of job analysis as an HR department

representative. You have encountered several managers who want to delete certain
tasks and KSAOs from the formal job description having to do with employee safety,
even though they clearly are job requirements. How should you handle this situation?

- Manager will now and then endeavor to incorporate alternate ways in the work procedure
into the sets of expectations as a methods for speeding up work. In any case, if
representatives are being approached to perform work that places them at significant danger
of damage, the association has a moral obligation to limit these dangers through proper sets
of responsibilities. Chiefs who endeavor to compose easy routes into sets of expectations
ought to be reminded that working environment wounds are over the top expensive for most
associations, as a result of the potential for lawful activity, increments in costs for laborers'
pay, and furthermore the loss of work time. Supervisors ought to likewise be reminded that
they have an obligation to defend the security of those they direct.

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