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Introduction to Psychology
3 credits [3-0-0]
Module I
The nature and history of psychology Methods of psychology.
Module II
Perceptual processes: Attention Constancies and Illusion Psychophysics - Classical
Psychophysics & Signal Detectability.
Module III
Learning: Thorndike Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Cognitive Learning (Tolman,
Kohler) Transfer of Learning Memory: STM-LTM model, Forgetting -major theories.
Module IV
Emotion -major theories: James-Lange theory, Canon-Bard theory Papez-MacLean theory
Lindsley’s activation theory Schachter’s cognitive theory.
Module V
Intelligence major model Measurement of abilities Personality Trait and Type approaches
Psychodynamic approach Learning approaches/Social learning theory.
Module VI
Measurement of Personality Genetic and environmental determinants of individual differences.
Course Objectives:
1. The student would be able to understand the history, basic concepts and classical theories of
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course the student would be able to define and distinguish between
behavior and mental processes and the application of psychology in everyday life
Essential Reading:
1. C. T. Morgon, R. A. King, J. R. Weisz and J. Schoplor (1993), Introduction to Psychoogy,
Tata McGraw Hill
2. E. R. Hilgard, R. C. Atkinson and R. L. Atkinson (1976), Introduction to Psychology, Oxford
and IBH
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. A. Baron (1996), Psychology, Prentice Hall
2. N. R. Carlson and W. Buskist (1997), Psychology: The Science of Behaviour, Allyn & Bacon

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