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Students: Steps to upload solution to assignments on MS Teams

1. Once the course teacher has uploaded the assignments, you can go to “Assignments” Tab and
download the assignment from Reference materials. Please note the “Due date” and “Closing date”
on the following snapshot.
2. Complete the assignments/programs (say search.c and sort.c)
3. Once you have completed the programs, you can attach the work by clicking on “Add work”. Don’t
click on “Turn in” at this step otherwise “Add work” becomes inactive.


4. “Add work” opens the upload window as follows

5. Click on “Upload from this device”
6. You can select source program files (search.c and sort.c in this example) to upload.
7. Verify that all selected source program files are uploaded as shown in following snapshot.
8. Click on “Turn in” finally to complete the submission.


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