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Chairman's Messaqe

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World Environment Dav
- 2020
Mottrer Earfi has suficienl resources to provide everyone's need, We a{e dependent on Nafure lor our very existence.
As we pay our tribute h Earlh and Nalure on 'Wodd Environment Day' every year on 5h June, let us pause for a
moment and ponder if we can ever repay environment in equal measure what ,,,re take frorn her. Honesty, v{e cannot.
Environment protection and care should not be relegated to annual dtual remembrance but $ould be imbibed as a
conscious act in our operalions. Envimnment care assumes special signifcance in md mining industry which leaves
an adverse effect on environment in spite of numerous environmental protection measures.

The theme for'World Environment Day-2020' is '8iodiwrcifl. This year, fooJs is on plant ard animal species facing
exlinction and biodivercity. Despite numerous govemment pledges, biodiversity loss is accelerating in many regions
of dre world.

Coal lndia Ltd.(ClL) is ever committed to protecl environment by practce ofsustainable mining. ln tune wi$ tlte focus
on biMiversity and protect plants & animal species lacing exlinction, effectr've bio-reclamation & scientific studies are
being canied out by CIL & its subsidiary mmpanies. Suitable species of plants are selected for each malfeld and
sustainable sequence of reclamalion from grass to shrubs, to trees is being done. As a part of massive plantatjon
programme, CIL has planted around '19.7 lakh saplings during 2019-20, 10% increase o\€r previous year, in an area
covedng more than 812 Heclares. Since inception, subsidiary companies of CIL have planted around 100 million trees
covedng an area of about 40,000 Hectares ending ft4arch 2020. 23 Eco-parks and Mine Tourism Pmiects have been
developed as o{r date. Treated mine urater is supplied to villages in pmximity ofmining areas for drinking and inigation
and the balance is utilized forground water recharge.

Let us elevale further the environmental care measures in nurturing the environment and to minimize the adverse
impact of coal mining on envimnment. Wth that spidt let us fy to build a green canopy in our coal mining are6 and
repay tre environment to the extent we can.


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To$ether we can act #Forilature

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