Diálogo English Project

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-PAUL: Good Afternoon Teacher. We are Paúl Sarmiento and Jorge Tenecela and we will talk about
biosecurity guidelines for the university. We think that the guidelines should be divided in: First,
basic measures and specific measures and Second, measures for each faculty. Well, here we go.
Tell us, Jorge:

-JORGE: the virus of cov19 was propagated for all world and we should take precaution to attend
face-to-face classes because, if we don't follow the rules, we can generate a new outbreak.
Faculty of jurisprudence in the area of social work
Because pre-professional practices in social work are directly related to society, they to make their
home visits, they must wear a waterproof protective suit, gloves, caps, face masks and masks, also,
they must use antibacterial gel or some disinfecting liquid. and be placed before and after the visit
because, if they do not comply with these regulations they can become infected and spread the
virus. What do you think about that?

-PAUL: It´s very good Jorge, I think that we should take certain rules like:

1. All the people must use a mask

2. We must modify our social behaviors: no handshake, no kiss greeting, no hugs and a social
distance of at least 2 meters.
3. We must constantly wash our hands with soap and water for 40 seconds every three
hours, as well as after sneezing, coughing, or cleaning the nose, it is also necessary to use
alcohol after cleaning.

-PAUL: Jorge, what do you think?

-JORGE: Great! I will talk about Faculty of hospitality:

Faculty of hospitality in the aria of gastronomy

The students of this faculty are not directly related to society, but for safety they must wear masks
and gloves during all food preparation. Also, they should wash fruits and vegetables with water
and chlorine to kill all types of viruses they may contain. If they do not wear gloves to wash fruits
or vegetables, they would can contaminated with the virus, and after, they could transmit the
virus to other people at meals. What is your opinion about this topic?

-PAUL: It sounds very interesting, but I want to add certain additional rules like:

1. Continuous hydration is recommended, with the use of personal plastic bottles or any
other means that is not the focus of infection, these items cannot be shared.
2. People with long hair should keep it up.
3. People with respiratory symptoms are obliged to inform the Doctor. They should not
appear at the university.
4. Cleaning staff should disinfect and clean classrooms frequently during the workday.

-PAUL: My friend, tell us about faculty of engineering?

-JORGE: Faculty of Engineering

Because there are not many students in the subjects, it could be divided into 2 or 3 subgroups as it
is done in the laboratories, also, they must use gloves and masks, each student must take
antibacterial gel or some disinfectant liquid and put before and after entering class, too, the
classrooms should be disinfected 3 times a day, the laboratories could be used as classrooms, if we
apply these safety regulations, we could help prevent the spread of the virus.

-PAUL: Ok very good Jorge, next I will talk a bit about specific measures:

1. The use of each elevator will be limited to two people and the use of the stairs is
recommended in faculties that have it.
2. We must not share food, drinks or personal utensils, in all the faculties.
3. Not spit. If that needs to be done, use a disposable tissue, put it in a plastic bag and throw it in
the trash; then wash your hands.
4. Smoking inside and outside of all the rooms should be prohibited, in all the faculties.
5. Disinfect mobile equipment continuously, in faculties like medical science or chemical science.

-PAUL: Jorge, what do you think about the faculty of dentistry?

-JORGE: Faculty of dentistry
dentists interact directly with patients, to avoid the spread of the virus they must use masks, face
masks, gloves and safety suits. Also they should wash their hands carefully and apply some
disinfecting liquid before and after caring for a patient, also, they should use a pair of gloves to
care for each patient and not take unnecessary objects with their hands while wearing gloves. If
they comply with these regulations, then they will be able to prevent the spread of the virus.

-PAUL: It sounds really good, let me add something else

6. All the doors must be kept open, so the people do not have contact with the surfaces of doors,
fences, etc.
7. We should not use air conditioners or fans, to avoid a possible spread of the virus through
ventilation. Therefore, it is recommended to keep windows and doors open to improve natural
8. The use of recreational rooms, gymnasium, libraries, birthday celebrations, and any event that
involves crowding of people in the same space should be suspended.

-PAUL: Jorge, tell us about another faculty?

-JORGE: Economy faculty
To prevent the spread of viruses, each student could be taken a temperature before entering the
faculty, each student should wear face masks, a mask and gloves, also, each student should apply
some disinfecting liquid before and after leaving class, and, the subjects could be divided into sub
groups to avoid crowding, if we do not comply with these standards, we could spread the virus
and start a new outbreak.


-PAUL: OK, my friend. Finally, I think that the faculties should identify groups of people by means
of a traffic light based on their personal situation. For example:

1. RED: Students with disabilities, pregnants, and students with chronic non-transmissible
diseases such as: high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, asthma, etc.
2. YELLOW: students who are exposed to learning tasks at high risk of exposure to
coronavirus. For example, students who do internships in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels
and more. Those students of medical sciences, hospitality, etc.
3. GREEN: Students who are not exposed to learning tasks at risk of exposure to coronavirus.
For example, students who carry out their practices within the same faculty like:
engineering, jurisprudence, etc.

-PAUL: OK teacher, that is all. We thank you very much for your attention and we hope that you
liked our exhibition. Thank you so much.

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