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Weighing Guide

Safe Weighing


Safe Weighing Range

Ensures Accurate Results


1. Introduction 4
2. What is Acceptable Product Quality? 5
3. What is Measurement Uncertainty? 7
3.1  What are the absolute and the relative measurement uncertainties? 7
3.2  How does measurement uncertainty tie in with calibration? 8
4. What are Weighing Tolerances and How are They Specified? 10
5. Safe Weighing Range Ensures Accurate Results 12
5.1  Minimum Weight 12
5.2  Ensure accurate weighing processes in non-ideal conditions 13
5.3  Lower and upper limit of the Safe Weighing Range 13
6. Establish the Safe Weighing Range of Your Balance or Scale in 3 Easy Steps 15
7. Tips & Tricks for Accurate Results from the Beginning – and over Time 16
7.1  Selection of the correct weighing device from the start – your specific recommendation 16
7.2  Calibration and testing improvements 16
7.3  Always weigh within the Safe Weighing Range – indication of warning limits 18
7.4  Improve repeatability and thus lower the minimum weight of your balance or scale 19
8. References 20

2 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

1. Introduction

Everyone knows that a weighing device has a maximum capacity limit where the device will stop indicat-
ing weight. If your kitchen scale has a 1 kg capacity, would you consider weighing a large watermelon on it?
Of course not, but did you know that all weighing devices also have a minimum, or lower, limit? Any measure-
ment below this minimum limit cannot be trusted to be accurate. For example, would you lend your kitchen scale
to your pharmacist to weigh out your next prescription? Probably not, because these items are usually very light,
resulting in an inaccurate weighing on the kitchen scale; thus a medication produced this way could be life-
threatening. If you are going to buy a balance or scale, or you already have the device, it is important that you
understand the “sweet spot” or range where the device gives the most accurate results. Since most weighing
manufacturers do not declare this lower limit, it is important to understand the implications.

One method to determine this lower limit is to consult references such as weights and measures where they
have attempted to approximate this value by multiplying the device’s readability by a fixed value. However, this
method doesn’t take into account the device’s actual performance. The device could be better or much worse.

The purpose of this weighing guide is to explain the Safe Weighing Range which lies between a scientifically cal-
culated lower limit, determined through calibration, and the maximum limit (capacity) of a balance or scale.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 3

2. What is Acceptable Product Quality?
Safe Weighing Guide

When considering acceptable product quality, questions such as: “Is it consistent?”, “Will it taste good?”, “Will it
be safe?”, “Will it require rework to get it right?” or “Will it lead to Out of Specification results (OOS)?” should be

Consider an analogy of making soup: Too much or too little salt significantly affects taste. But, how much is too
little or too much? The answers to these questions are based on the local, or specific, expertise and quality re-
quirements to produce an acceptable product (figure 1).


Bland Cannot be
Taste Tastes Eaten
Tastes Tastes
Okay Great Okay

Amount of Salt

Your Product

Okay Result Okay


Figure 1: Variability in quantity of production output and its relation to the weighing tolerance.
Too much or too little salt significantly affects taste. The question which must be answered by defining weighing tolerances is: How much
is too little or too much?

In production processes, the accuracy of the weighing device can essentially affect the quality of the end prod-
uct, such as the amount of weighed-in salt in the soup in the example above.

The accuracy of an instrument is determined by the performance and quality of its measuring sensor and, in or-
der to define the accuracy, we need to assess the uncertainty of the instrument in the environment where it is be-
ing used.

4 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

Example: You weigh a sample on a precision balance and get a reading of 100.0 g. You probably assume that
this is the true amount of the material weighed, however, the amount weighed might differ slightly from the indi-
cation on the balance screen. This is due to the measurement uncertainty, which is applicable to every measur-
ing process.

≤ ≤

What I read:
100.0 g
Measurement Uncertainty
What I get: Result range
100.0 g ± 0.5 g

Figure 2: Measurement uncertainty in weighing.

Being aware of the uncertainty related to the measurement is a fundamental concept. You should not really make any measurements
unless you are aware of the measurement uncertainty.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 5

3. What is Measurement Uncertainty?
Safe Weighing Guide

In simple terms, most metrologists agree that measurement uncertainty is the “doubt” in the measurement,
which gives an indication of how good or how accu­rate the measurement is. Every measurement is subject to
some uncer­tainty. Uncertainty comes from various sources, such as:

• The measurement device’s capability,

• The item being measured,
• Environmental conditions,
• Standards used to calibrate and adjust the device,
• Weighing methods or practices,
• The influence of the operator.

If you just measure something without knowing the related measurement uncertainty of the measuring device,
then you have no means to justify whether the device is accurate enough to meet the requirement “fit for purpose”.

Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty assumes that no measurement is perfect but is distorted by a combination of random
and systematic errors:
• Measuring instrument uncertainty,
• Uncertainty of the calibration standards (e.g. test weights) and
• Uncertainty due to the measurement process (sample preparation, sample filling, …).

3.1 What are absolute and relative measurement uncertainties?

Results are generally written in the form of e.g. 100.0 g ± 1.0 g. The range after the ± is the uncertainty of the
measurement, or more specifically, the absolute uncertainty. This absolute measurement uncertainty has always
the same unit as the measured value.

The relative measurement uncertainty puts this range in relation to the measured value and therefore allows
comparisons. It’s the ratio of the absolute uncertainty and the quantity itself, usually expressed as a percentage.

6 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

Figure 3: Relative vs. absolute uncertainty.

The two circles in figure 3 have exactly the same fuzzy edge (9 units of blur) but the larger circle looks sharper.
Why? The diameter of the larger circle is about 90 units and on the same scale the smaller circle has a diameter
of about 30 units. The absolute uncertainty is the same for each circle, about 9 units. However, the relative un-
certainty is about 10% for the large circle and about 30% for the small one. This example shows why relative
uncertainty is a better indicator of the uncertainty of the measured quantity than absolute uncertainty.
Generally speaking, the greater the load on a balance or scale, the larger the absolute measurement uncertainty.
Therefore the measurement uncertainty of weighing devices can be approximated by a positive sloped straight
black line (figure 4).

Looking at the relative measurement uncertainty, we can see that the smaller the load is, the larger the relative
measurement uncertainty becomes. At a certain point, the relative measurement uncertainty becomes so high
that the weighing result can no longer be trusted (figure 4, illustrated by the blue curve).

0.12 Calculation example

Absolute Measurement Uncertainty (g)

Relative Measurement Uncertainty (g)

0.10 Absolute Relative
0.09 Measurement Measurement
0.08 Weight Uncertainty* Uncertainty
0.07 14% (kg) (g) (%)
0.06 12% 0.5 0.082 16.40
0.05 10% 1 0.082 8.20
0.04 8%
4 0.083 2.08
0.03 6%
10 0.085 0.85
0.02 4%
0.01 2% 50 0.098 0.20
0.00 0% 100 0.115 0.11
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 4000 g
* according to calibration
Weight (g)

Figure 4: Absolute and relative measurement uncertainty of a balance or scale.

The straight line (black line, left axis) is the absolute measurement uncertainty in grams and the hyperbolic curve (blue line, right axis)
represents the relative measurement uncertainty. The hyperbole is derived as follows: From the linear curve read the absolute measurement
uncertainty at a given weight, divide it by this weight and express this as a percentage (see table, calculation example). Doing this for all
the points of the linear curve, you will obtain the green hyperbole. The hyperbole illustrates that in the lower measuring range, the relative
measurement uncertainty becomes so high that the weighing result can no longer be trusted.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 7

3.2 How does measurement uncertainty tie in with calibration?
Safe Weighing Guide

The measurement uncertainty of a weighing device can be determined through a calibration by a qualified tech-
nician – the result is issued in an appropriate calibration certificate.

Calibration is the comparison of measurement values delivered by a device against weights with known refer-
ence values. The information derived from the calibration enables the uncertainty of any measurement result to
be calculated [1].

“Operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity val-
ues with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications
with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a second step, uses this information to establish a
relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication.” Source: International Vocabulary of Metrol-
ogy, produced by the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) [2].

Figure 5: Example of a calibration certificate.

The performance of a balance or scale in terms of measurement uncertainty is determined by calibrating the instrument in its working envi-
ronment by a certified service technician.

8 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

4. What are Weighing Tolerances and How are They Specified?

Weighing tolerances can come from a variety of sources, such as:

• Authorities with regulations: OIML (legal for trade), USP (pharmacopeial convention, consumer safety),
• Manufacturer’s specifications, e.g. METTLER TOLEDO,
• Application specific methods, e.g. NCC (Net Content Control),
• Your customers’ expectations,
• Own / QC department’s process requirements.

For an acceptable and accurate result, measurement uncertainty must always be less than the predefined weigh-
ing tolerance (figure 6).

≤ ≤ ≤ ≤

What I read:
100.0 g
Measurement Uncertainty
What I get: Result range
100.0 g ± 0.5 g
Weighing Tolerance
What I can accept:
100.0 g ± 1%

Figure 6: What does accuracy in weighing mean for your processes?

A result is accurate and acceptable if the measurement uncertainty is smaller than the pre-defined weighing tolerances.

What is the largest weighing variation you can accept for a specific process? Which weighing accuracy do you
need to guarantee the quality of the end product? What is the accuracy requirement for your processes where
variations from this value can no longer be tolerated?

To answer these questions, weighing tolerances must be specified.

Weight Acceptable Weighing

Indication Variation Tolerance
100.0 g ± 0.1 g 0.1%
100.0 g ± 0.5 g 0.5%
100.0 g ± 1.0 g 1%
100.0 g ± 2.0 g 2%
100.0 g ± 5.0 g 5%

Table 1: Weight indications, acceptable variations and weighing tolerances.

Examples of different weighing tolerances for the same quantity.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 9

Table 1 shows the quantitative method to derive a weighing tolerance, figure 7 and table 2 below describe a
Safe Weighing Guide
qualitative approach to defining a weighing tolerance. Choosing a quantitative tolerance provides a starting point
for maintaining and tightening the tolerance to as a means to improve measurement and product quality.


≤ 0.1%


0.5% an
to le r
1% k h in g
r is e ig
h er r w
g e
2% hi i g h t
5–10% Impact
Low Medium High

Figure 7: Qualitative approach to define weighing tolerances based on the expected impact.
Weighing tolerances should be defined tighter as a function of higher level of impact on the final product.

Your Rating: Impact on Quality, Cost, Safety,

Efficiency and Waste Impact Weighing Tolerance [%]
Super critical components: high effect and / or cost Acute ≤0.1
Expensive, very critical, components or processes Crucial 0.1
Key components or processes Very high 0.2
Above average quality & processes High 0.5
Average requirements & processes Medium 1
Inexpensive base materials Low 2
Low cost materials and products with low effectivity Negligible 5–10

Table 2: Weighing tolerances.

Qualitative approach to determining weighing tolerances.

10 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

5. Safe Weighing Range Ensures Accurate Results

5.1 Minimum Weight

The lower accuracy limit of a balance or scale, the so-called minimum weight is determined dependent upon
your weighing tolerance limit (figure 8).

The information in a calibration certificate enables calculation of the uncertainty of any weighing made following
the calibration, and can be used to quantify the point at which the relative measurement uncertainty is so high
that no measurements below this point can be trusted to be accurate.

Minimum Weight
“Smallest sample weight required for a weighment to just achieve a specified relative accuracy of weighing.”
Source: Dictionary of Weighing Terms [3]

The minimum weight varies for different balance types and even varies between balances of the same
type, when they are placed in different weighing locations or conditions. This is why the minimum weight
should be determined experimentally (or by testing) in-situ. Manufacturer’s specifications are only an indi-
cation or guideline.

The accuracy limit of the instrument, the so-called minimum weight, is the intersection point between the re-
quired weighing tolerance and the relative measurement uncertainty.

0.12 1 Required weighing

0.11 tolerance (%)
2 Minimum weight
Absolute Measurement Uncertainty (g)

Relative Measurement Uncertainty (%)

20% determined: 9 g
0.06 12%
0.05 10%
0.04 8%
0.03 6%
0.02 4%
0.01 1 2%
0.00 0%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 4,000 g
Minimum Weight
8.44 g
Weight (g)

Figure 8: Measurement uncertainty, minimum weight and Safe Weighing Range of a weighing instrument.
As a calculation example here in red 1. for a weighing tolerance of 1% (relative measurement uncertainty of > 1%) the minimum weight is
8.44 g (at the time and circumstances the calibration took place). Below this accuracy limit (of a net weight of 8.44 g) the measurement is
not “safe” (indicated as red range).

If conditions remain stable and the performance is not affected in any way or by wear and tear, weighing above
the minimum weight is safe.

However, as you can imagine, weighing usually occurs under less than ideal conditions, affected by many factors.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 11

5.2 Ensuring accurate weighing processes in non-ideal conditions
Safe Weighing Guide

A safety factor should be applied to allow for fluctuations in the minimum weight due to environmental influences
and variations in operators, samples, and statistical factors. It ensures that the risk of returning OOS results is
reduced to a minimum.

The safety factor is chosen depending on the severity of the environmental conditions. The more severe the
weighing conditions are, the higher the safety factor should be chosen. As a consequence the minimum weight
will become larger in order to always stay within your weighing tolerances. Table 3 gives some recommenda-
tions in determining appropriate safety factors for each of your weighing processes.

Your Considerations for Safe Weighing Safety Factor

No considerations for variations in the device, operators or environment.
High potential for Out of Specification (OOS) results.
Devices are installed in an ideal environment. Not recommended due to statistical variations.
Potential for OOS results.
“Laboratory conditions”, insignificant environmental influences, one or two operators. 2

“Production conditions” – accounting for one or two low-magnitude influences such as tem-

perature variation or low-frequency vibration, several operators.
Increasing levels of safety consideration accounting for many low-magnitude environmental
influences, several operators, heavy usage or accumulated debris, varying tare containers. 4–10
Portable scales.

Note: Higher magnitude variations in environmental conditions (temperature, vibration, wind) must be eliminated. In these cases, increasing the safety factor
will not bring the desired results.

Table 3: Safety factor guidelines.

Determination of an appropriate safety factor depending on various considerations and environmental conditions influencing the performance
of the balance or scale. A well-chosen safety factor will ensure that measurements remain consistent under less-than-ideal conditions.

The rule of thumb is to begin with a safety factor of “2” for typical laboratory environments and “3” or more for
typical manufacturing environments.

12 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

5.3 Lower and upper limit of the Safe Weighing Range

In order to remain stable even under varying conditions, the minimum weight is calculated for a more stringent
tolerance than required by the process. It is defined by dividing the weighing tolerance by the safety factor. As an
example, for a required weighing tolerance of 1% and a safety factor of 2, the minimum weight is calculated for
a tolerance of 0.5%. This value is the lower end of the Safe Weighing Range. This limit must always be smaller
than the smallest net weight required (by the SOP) to ensure accurate and trusted results.

The upper limit of the Safe Weighing Range is determined by the capacity of the balance or scale. Your largest
sample, including tare, must always be smaller than this upper limit.
Relative Measurement Uncertainty (%)

2.5% 1  Required weighing tolerance: 1%

2  Accuracy limit of the balance, minimum weight
determined: 8.44 g
3  Minimum weight with a safety factor of 2: 17.47 g
4   Smallest net weight in the Safe Weighing Range


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 4,000 g
Weighing Range (g)

Figure 9: Safe Weighing Range.

There are three areas in the devices weighing range:
• RED AREA: Lowest weighing range, below the minimum weight of the balance or scale, indicates that the results are inaccurate.
• YELLOW AREA: This range indicates that the weighing tolerance is still met but there is a potential for inaccuracies caused by other influ-
ence factors such as the environment, object to be weighed, operator, etc. In other words it may not be safe to weigh in this yellow zone.
• GREEN AREA: Indicates the Safe Weighing Range in which it is safe to weigh, even if conditions vary and may
influence the performance of the instrument.

Smallest Net Weight

The smallest net weight is the smallest amount required to be weighed-in according to the SOP. It’s the smallest
weight the user plans to weigh on that specific device.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 13

6. Establish the Safe Weighing Range of Your Balance or
Safe Weighing Guide
Scale in 3 Easy Steps

A weighing result is reliable and accurate when the following requirements are fulfilled:
• The relative measurement uncertainty is smaller than the weighing tolerance.
• The minimum weight of the balance is smaller than the smallest net weight to be weighed.
• The result is within the Safe Weighing Range (= above minimum weight for the defined safety factor and within
the capacity of the weighing device).

A calibration of the balance or scale, the subsequent interpretation of its data and relating these to required
weighing tolerances determines the minimum weight under ideal conditions. To take into account that conditions
might not always remain constant, a safety factor is applied to ensure the lower accuracy limit. The upper limit
of the Safe Weighing Range is determined by the instrument’s capacity.

Step Safe Weighing Contribution Limits

1 Minimum Accuracy limit of the balance or scale Theoretical smallest possible amount which
weight of determined by a calibration (incl. relative can be weighed. Below this limit, weighing
the balance measurement uncertainty) and weighing is not safe; above this limit weighing is only
or scale tolerances safe in ideal conditions.
2 Safety factor Factor by which the required weighing tol- Below this limit, weighing might not be safe
erance is divided = lower end of the Safe due to less-than-ideal conditions. Above this
Weighing Range limit, weighing is safe.
3 Capacity Upper end of the Safe Limit for the largest sample (incl. tare) to be
Weighing Range weighed – maximum gross weight.

Table 4: Establish the Safe Weighing Range of your balance or scale in 3 easy steps.
Weighing in the Safe Weighing Range ensures results are valid, reliable and right first time.

Required input data are a calibration and the resulting measurement uncertainty, your weighing tolerance,
a safety factor depending on various considerations and environmental conditions influencing the perfor­mance
of the instrument and the balance capacity.

The lower limit of the Safe Weighing Range is determined by the minimum weight of the balance by taking into
account an appropriate safety factor; the upper limit is determined by the balance capacity.

Process quality requirements are met if the smallest net weight lies within the Safe Weighing Range.

14 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

7. Tips & Tricks for Accurate Results from the Beginning –
and over Time

7.1. Selection of the correct weighing device from the start – your specific

Quality management of equipment and machinery includes design qualification (DQ), installation qualification
(IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ).

Good Weighing Practice™ (GWP®) summarizes your weighing needs in one single document called
GWP® Recommendation. This helps you to ensure that the equipment you choose will be “fit-for-purpose”.
The document is usually integrated into design qualification (DQ) and is based on the following elements
that have been introduced and explained during the course of this paper:

• Maximum amount weighed,

• Smallest net sample weighed,
• Weighing tolerance,
• Safety Factor,
• Standards or regulations that must be adhered to.

Figure 10: GWP® Recommendation.

The free GWP® Recommendation supports you in selecting the right weighing instruments by matching its metrological performance
to your measurement needs. Each GWP® Recommendation includes minimum weight and safety factor calculations to confirm that
you have selected the right instrument for your process.

7.2. Calibration and testing improvements

GWP® Verification evaluates the accuracy of your equipment on site and gives information based on a risk
assessment to maintain optimum performance over time. It provides all information for regular calibration and
testing. With a combination of calibration and a risk assessment it allows you to establish an optimal testing
plan for maximum security at the lowest costs.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 15

Safe Weighing Guide
Process Requirements Value Unit
Maximum weight 1,000 g
Smallest net weight 20 g
Weighing tolerance 1 %
Safety factor required 2

Device Information
Balance XPR4001S
Serial number B7867848593
ID of balance Example
Capacity 4,100 g
Operated readability 100 mg
Automatic internal adjustment Yes
Calibration certificate ID CH4057-002-030518-ACC-S
Minimum weight determined 9 g
for 1% weighing tolerance
Smallest net weight required 20 g
Safety factor determined 2.22 g
Safety factor required 2
The device meets the process requirements.

Figure 11: Example of a GWP® Verification and its most important contents.
The GWP Verification service is based on a calibration certificate and, assesses risks, recommends measures to improve accuracy and
ensures compliance with process and regulatory requirements. GWP Verification can be issued for any weighing device independent of
model or manufacturer. It provides the all the necessary information to maintain lifelong accuracy of your balances and scales; audit-proof
documentation is included.

The smallest net weight is the smallest weight the user plans to weigh on that balance or scale (the user dictates
this value). GWP Verification tests and reports if the device meets process requirements or if the smallest net
weight is within the Safe Weighing Range. This is done by a comparison of safety factor determined (acc. to the
smallest net weight required) and safety factor required / defined.

METTLER TOLEDO’s globally-standardized calibration certificate, the Accuracy Calibration Certificate (ACC) and
the GWP Certificate, include traditional calibration and assessments, plus:

• Proof of required accuracy and fit for purpose – for all measurements in day-to-day use,
• Fast interpretation – with clear pass / fail notifications and graphical representations,
• Assured compliance – with all standards applied within the weighing industry,
• Enhanced documentation – which now includes measurement uncertainty,
• A clear statement on pass or fail.

16 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

Figure 12: Accuracy calibration certificate from METTLER TOLEDO.
The Accuracy Calibration Certificate (ACC) consists of a core section documenting calibration results and measurement uncertainty. Com-
plementing annexes are optional and contain “Pass” or “Fail” statements dependent on the specific tolerances in question. The key benefit
comes with the GWP Certificate. While a traditional calibration informs how the instrument is behaving in relation to certain standards, the
GWP Certificate answers the question: “Does it behave well enough to fit my process?” and the resulting “Pass” will indicate that the small-
est net weight is in the Safe Weighing Range.

7.3. Always weigh within the Safe Weighing Range – indication of warning limits

METTLER TOLEDO weighing instruments with colour touch display – like the XPR, XPE, MS-TS and ML-T lines –
support you to stay within the Safe Weighing Range: The determined minimum weight, can be pre-programmed
in the balance or scale1), so that it can give an indication if the lower end of the Safe Weighing Range is not
adhered to. During weighing-in, the weight value remains red until the net sample is above this pre-programmed
warning limit. It is a clear visual indicator of when weighing tolerances and safety considerations have been met.

Figure 13: Stay within the Safe Weighing Range.

The pre-programmed warning function assists dosing processes. As soon as the weight is above the warning limit, the figures on the
balance turn from red to black and indicate that Safe Weighing Range requirements are met.

1) Dependent on the model either by the user or by a service technician.

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 17

The highest quality label in weighing is the GWP Approved label, which confirms that the instrument has
Safe Weighing Guide
undergone a risk-based assessment (GWP Verification), in which the Safe Weighing Range has been defined
and confirmed according to your tolerances and specifications.

In METTLER TOLEDO’s’ XPR balances, a GWP Approved function can be activated, which ensures that you
always weigh within the Safe Weighing Range. The on-screen icon is your reassurance of accurate results.

Figure 14: GWP Approved functionality of METTLER TOLEDO XPR balances.

The GWP Approved label is shown on the weighing display screen of an XPR balance. It gives you the confidence, the traceability and
the proof that – at the time of the measurement – the balance was performing correctly, warning limits are not violated and the result
is trustworthy.

7.4. Improve balance repeatability and thus lower the minimum weight on your balance

To improve the repeatability of your balance and thus lower the minimum weight value, please pay attention
to the following:

• Switch on the balance at least half an hour before weighing,

• Avoid drafts and direct sunlight,
• Place the balance on a stable weighing table,
• Level the balance carefully,
• Adjust the balance,
• Use tweezers for weighing,
• Always close the weighing chamber with a draft shield,
• Use an additional inner draft shield if available,
• Use de-ionizers where appropriate.

18 METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Guide

8. References

[1] Guidelines on the Calibration of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments, EURAMET/cg-18/v.4.0, November 2015.

[2] International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM 3rd edition)
JCGM 200:2012

[3] R. Nater, A. Reichmuth, R. Schwartz, M. Borys, and P. Zervos, Dictionary of Weighing Terms – A Guide to the
Terminology of Weighing, Springer, 2009

METTLER TOLEDO  Weighing Gude 19

Benefit From Our Weighing Expertise

With decades of experience in laboratory and production weighing,

METTLER TOLEDO can offer you a wide range of online learning resources.
Take advantage of our expertise to enhance your weighing know-how and make
the most of your balance. Check out the documentation on our internet pages for
a range of relevant materials.

Laboratory Expertise
This portal of laboratory knowledge offers a wealth of
free information and advice. Learn from experts about
a range of topics, such as:
• Calibrating your weighing devices
• Electrostatic effects on weighing
• USP Revisions

Expert Library
A one-stop portal for knowledge resources:
White papers, guides, videos, webinars and more.
• Educational papers with tips and tricks
• White papers with expert knowledge
• Webinars, videos and more…

GWP® The Standard – Science Based Weighing

The global weighing guideline GWP® reduces risks
associated with your weighing processes and helps to:
• Choose the appropriate balance or scale
• Reduce costs by optimizing testing procedures
• Comply with the most common regulatory
For more information


Laboratory Weighing
Local contact:

Subject to technical changes

© 03/2018 METTLER TOLEDO. All rights reserved
Global MarCom 2506 PH/JS

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