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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22

Vaccine-associated granulomatous inflammation and

melanin accumulation in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.,
white muscle

E O Koppang1, E Haugarvoll1, I Hordvik2, L Aune1 and T T Poppe1

1 Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway
2 Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology, HiB, University of Bergen, Norway

Keywords: Atlantic salmon, inflammation, melano-

macrophage, major histocompatibility complex
The purpose of this study was to investigate the class II, mineral oil, vaccine.
nature of variably sized pigmented foci encountered
in fillets of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
The material was sampled on the fillet production
line and on salmon farms from fish with an average Various pathological conditions may be associated
size of 3 kg from various producers. The fish had with abnormal pigmentation in tissues and organs.
been routinely vaccinated by injection. Gross Such pigments may either be of exogenous or
pathology, histology, immunohistochemistry using endogenous origin. Endogenous pigments include
antisera against major histocompatibility complex derivates of lipids, haemoglobin, porphyrins and
(MHC) class II b chain and transmission electron melanin. The term melanosis is used to describe
microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize the the presence of melanin in abnormal locations
changes. Macroscopically, melanized foci were seen (Thomson 1984). In vertebrates, melanin is syn-
penetrating from the peritoneum deep into the thesized by melanocytes and organized in melano-
abdominal wall, sometimes right through to the somes, which are lysosome-related intracellular
skin, and also embedded in the caudal musculature. organelles (Orlow 1995; Raposo, Fevrier, Stoorvo-
Histological investigation revealed muscle degener- gel & Marks 2002). Mammalian melanocytes
ation and necrosis, fibrosis and granulomatous originate from the embryonic neural tube (Sulai-
inflammation containing varying numbers of mon & Kitchell 2003) and it has been observed
melano-macrophages. Vacuoles, either empty or that such cells can migrate into inflamed tissue
containing heterogeneous material, were frequently (Thomson 1984).
seen. The presence of abundant MHC class II+ Inflammatory reactions and tissue regeneration
cells indicated an active inflammatory condition. in salmonids seem similar to those of mammals
TEM showed large extracellular vacuoles and (Finn & Nielson 1971), but have in addition been
leucocytes containing homogeneous material of associated with the involvement of so-called
lipid-like appearance. The results showed that the melano-macrophages (Roberts 1975; Agius &
melanized foci in Atlantic salmon fillet resulted Roberts 2003). The origin of melanosomes in
from an inflammatory condition probably induced melanin-containing viscerally located cells in fish is
by vaccination. The described condition is not not clear (Agius & Roberts 2003), but Sichel,
known in wild salmon and in farmed salmon where Scalia, Mondio & Corsaro (1997) suggested that
injection vaccination is not applied. melanogenesis in poikilothermic vertebrates may
occur in mesenchyme-derived cells of the haema-
Correspondence Trygve T Poppe, Department of Basic Sci- topoietic lineage. Although teleost melano-macro-
ences and Aquatic Medicine, Norwegian School of Veterinary
Science, Ullevålsveien 72, Box 8146 Dep., 0033 Oslo, Norway phages have been ascribed macrophage-like
(e-mail: properties, their functions and significance are

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

not well understood (Agius & Roberts 2003). It other organs such as the eyes (Koppang, Bjerkås,
has been speculated that the synthesis and actions Bjerkås, Sveier & Hordvik 2003; Koppang, Hau-
of melanin in various cell populations are garvoll, Hordvik, Poppe & Bjerkås 2004).
associated with non-specific immune mechanisms, According to industry representatives, pigmented
which is an appealing hypothesis that could explain foci in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., musculature
its presence in visceral organs and in the have occurred sporadically over many years, but the
peritoneum of poikilothermic vertebrates (Mack- problem appears to be rapidly escalating and has
intosh 2001). become a serious quality problem for the entire
Most injectable vaccines used in fish farming are salmon industry. Particular concern is related to
based on or contain non-metabolizable mineral oils cassations, downgrading, extra work and loss when
which induce stronger inflammatory reactions than trimming the fillets. The purpose of this study was
metabolizable oils (Spickler & Roth 2003). Mineral to clarify the nature of the pigmented areas in the
oils are long chain hydrocarbons that are extremely musculature of farmed Atlantic salmon.
resistant to chemical and biochemical reactions.
Normally, they are residues from petroleum
distillation (Murray, Cohen & Hardegree 1972). Materials and methods
Adverse effects of mineral oil-adjuvanted vaccines
have been well documented in various animals.
Injections with water-in-oil emulsions, or Freund’s The material was collected from farmed Atlantic
incomplete adjuvant have caused distribution of salmon from several producers on the fillet
mineral oils to different locations and induced production line over a 2-day period. The salmon
granulomatous inflammatory responses. The sever- were eviscerated before arriving at the processing
ity of these responses has made oil-adjuvanted factory (Fig. 1), precluding any investigations of
vaccines generally unacceptable for applications in internal organs. The fish were about 3 kg, trans-
man (Gupta, Relyveld, Lindblad, Bizzini, Ben- ported on ice and received for further processing
Efraim & Gupta 1993; Spickler & Roth 2003). within 24 h post-mortem. In addition, fish from
Recent investigations have also shown that oil various farms were examined and autopsy and
adjuvants may induce autoimmunity and immune sampling performed on site.
complex-mediated glomerulonephritis (Shaheen,
Satoh, Richards, Yoshida, Shaw, Jennette & Reeves
1999; Satoh, Kuroda, Yoshida, Behney, Mizutani,
Akaogi, Nacionales, Lorenson, Rosenbauer & Pigmented areas in the fillet (Fig. 2) were inspected,
Reeves 2003; Kuroda, Akaogi, Nacionales, Wasdo, dissected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered forma-
Szabo, Reeves & Satoh 2004). Studies addressing lin for 24 h for light microscopy and immunohist-
such effects of mineral oil-adjuvanted vaccines have ochemistry. Blocks of pigmented muscle, 1 mm3,
not been reported in fish, but localized inflamma- were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.5 m caco-
tory reactions within the abdominal cavity have dylate buffer for transmission electron microscopy
been described (Lillehaug, Lunder & Poppe 1992; (TEM).
Midtlyng 1996; Poppe & Breck 1997; Mutoloki,
Alexandersen & Evensen 2004). The most common
Light microscopy
side-effects have been granulomatous peritonitis
with melanization and adhesions between visceral Material for light microscopy was processed rou-
organs and the peritoneum, retarded growth, and tinely, paraffin embedded, sectioned (4 lm),
consequent downgrading during processing. These mounted on glass slides and stained with haema-
side-effects have caused considerable concern, partly toxylin and eosin (H&E), elastin–van Gieson
because of the reduced quality of the carcass and (EVG) for elastin and fibrin identification and oil
partly because of animal welfare considerations red O for lipids. To identify the presence of possible
(Poppe, Barnes & Midtlyng 2002). Recent inves- microorganisms, slides were Gram-stained for bac-
tigations indicate that pathological vaccine-induced teria, Ziel–Neelson-stained for mycobacteria and
reactions and changes in fish may not only be periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-stained for fungi. All
confined to the structures of the abdominal cavity, staining techniques followed standard procedures
but also, as has been reported in mammals, affect (Bancroft & Gamble 2002).

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

Figure 1 Gross pathological changes in the carcass of an Atlantic salmon. The pericardial cavity (a) is normal, but severe melanization is
apparent in the abdominal cavity (b). Melanized musculature subjacent to the peritoneum is seen on the cut surface (arrow).
Figure 2 A melanized area in the musculature of an Atlantic salmon. The peritoneum is removed and darker foci are seen in a dark to
grey area involving five myosepta. The lesion is situated laterally in the fish, covering the area of the lateral organ. Note the contraction in
the musculature, disrupting the curves of the intramuscular septa.

Hordvik, Bjerkås, Torvund, Aune, Thevarajan &

Endresen 2003). Negative controls used rabbit
Sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry pre-immune serum. Tissue sections were de-waxed
using polyclonal antisera against major histocom- in xylene and rehydrated in graded ethanol baths.
patibility complex (MHC) class II (Koppang, To unmask MHC class II epitopes, the sections
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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

were subsequently autoclaved in a solution of Results

0.01 m citrate buffer, pH 6.0, and kept at 120 °C
Gross pathology
for 15 min, cooled to room temperature and then
transferred to PBS. Remnants of adhesions between visceral organs and
To prevent non-specific binding, the sections the body wall were evident in many fillets, partic-
were incubated for 20 min in normal caprine serum ularly near the dorsal part of the septum transver-
diluted 1:50 in 5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in sum. Many of these adhesions were also heavily
Tris-buffer solution (TBS), 0.05 m Tris-HCl, pH pigmented (Fig. 1). At inspection, approximately
7.6, diluted 1:10 in 0.9% NaCl (TBS) before 20% of the fillets on the production line showed grey
incubation overnight at 4 °C with pre- or post- or black foci in the musculature (Figs 1 & 2). The
immune isolated sera, diluted 1:1000 in 1% BSA in changes were typically seen in the peritoneum in the
TBS. The following morning, the sections were hepatic region, in the area of the lateral line organ,
washed in PBS and incubated at room temperature appearing to be bilaterally distributed in the fish.
for 30 min with biotinylated goat anti-rabbit Some foci were also recognized in the musculature
immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Vector Laboratories, caudal to the abdominal cavity. Generally, pigmen-
Burlingame, CA, USA) diluted 1:200 in 1% BSA in ted areas varied in diameter from pinhead size up to
TBS. The sections were subsequently washed in 4–5 cm and could involve 2–5 myosepta (Fig. 2).
PBS. Black and grey foci were in most cases surrounded by
To inhibit endogenous peroxidase activity, the light grey or whitish patches in the myosepta
sections were treated with 3% H2O2 in methanol (Fig. 2). Both myosepta and intermyotomal septa
for 10 min and then washed in PBS 0.01 m, pH were involved in varying degrees of scar retraction
7.3. The inhibition step was followed by incuba- (Fig. 2). Upon incision, some foci were superficial
tion for 30–35 min in avidin–biotin complex/ and involved only the peritoneum and subjacent
horseradish peroxidase (ABC/HRP complex; PK- connective tissue, while others extended deep into
4000; Vector Laboratories) according to the manu- the musculature including the intermyotomal septa,
facturer’s instructions. After washing in PBS, and even affected the skin on the other side of the
bound antibody was detected using 3-amino-9- fillet. On palpation, these changes were frequently
ethyl-carbazole (AEC) (Sigma Chemical Company, indurated with an increased texture. The smaller foci
St Louis, MO, USA) for 17 min at room tem- were typically dark grey or black, while larger
perature. changes were diffusely light or bluish grey (Fig. 2).
The sections were washed in distilled water and In fish inspected at various fish farms, the muscle
either left unstained or counterstained with haem- changes were invariably associated with peritonitis.
atoxylin for 45 s, washed in distilled water and
mounted with polyvinyl alcohol mounting med-
Light microscopy
ium, pH 8.2, (Ullevål Apotek, Oslo, Norway) for
light microscopic analysis. Sections treated with Microscopy of discoloured areas revealed extensive
pre-immune rabbit antiserum served as negative infiltration of mononuclear leucocyte-like cells
controls in the experiments. between the muscle cells, which were extensively
and severely degenerated or necrotic (Fig. 3).
Granulomas in the intermyotomal septa were
Semi-thin sections/transmission electron
frequent and contained melano-macrophages, epi-
thelioid-like cells, multinucleated giant cells
The glutaraldehyde-fixed material was post-fixed in (MGCs) of the Langhan’s type and encapsulated
2% OsO4 in 0.1 m cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2 for vesicles with crystal-like content (Fig. 4). Two
2 h, dehydrated in ascending concentrations of kinds of large vesicles were seen embedded in the
ethanol and embedded in LX 112 Resin (Ladd muscle. One form was filled with macrophage-like
Research Industries, Williston, VT, USA). Semi- cells, debris and small droplets containing a homo-
thin (1 lm) sections were cut, mounted on glass geneous material. Occasional haemorrhage was seen
slides and stained with toluidine blue. Ultra-thin within these structures (Fig. 5). The other form of
sections were mounted on uncoated copper grids, vesicle was round to oval and empty (Fig. 6). Both
stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate using forms were surrounded by epithelioid-like cells and
standard methodology and examined in a TEM. fibrogranulomatous tissue, which was revealed using

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

Figure 3 Histological image of affected musculature in a Figure 4 Granuloma in an intermyotomal septa. The granuloma
melanized area as seen in Fig. 2. Myocytes showing various consists of foci containing a crystallogenous matrix surrounded
degrees of degeneration are seen. One myocyte is totally replaced by epithelioid-like cells and melano-macrophages. A multinucle-
by mononuclear inflammatory-like cells (arrows) (H&E, ated giant cell is seen (arrow) (H&E, bar ¼ 50 lm).
bar ¼ 100 lm).

MHC class II+ (Fig. 10). In most cases, the empty

EVG staining (Fig. 7). The filled forms contained vacuoles were lined with MHC class II+ cells,
cells that were oil red O positive, as was the frequently thin, elongated melano-macrophages.
homogeneous material within them, although it Aggregates of MHC class II+ cells were seen in
stained more weakly (Fig. 8). Both forms were the intermyotomal septa (not illustrated).
frequently coated with flattened melanosome-con-
taining cells. Occasionally, Langhan’s giant cells
Semi-thin sections/transmission electron
were seen adjacent to the deposits (Fig. 9).
Apart from these vesicles, melano-macrophages
were present in varying degrees throughout the Semi-thin toluidine blue-stained sections revealed
lesions. There was no positive oil red O reaction large masses of a yellow-greenish-stained homo-
outside the filled vesicles, but EVG staining was geneous substance within large and smaller vesi-
positive and showed that extensive fibrinogenesis cles embedded in the musculature. This
had taken place in the affected tissue. The lesions colouration concurs with that seen when fat-
were dominated by fibroblasts, macrophage-like containing material is similarly treated. However,
cells, epithelioid cells and melano-macrophages, morphologically the substance was not confined
changes consistent with granulomatous inflamma- to lipid cells, but was intimately surrounded by
tion. Gram, Ziel–Neelson and PAS staining failed fibrogranulomatous tissue (Fig. 11). TEM
to reveal bacteria or fungi. revealed the presence of large droplets of a
homogeneous material surrounded by flattened
cells frequently containing melanosomes (Fig. 12)
and small droplets within phagocytic compart-
Large proportions of macrophage-like and epithe- ments of macrophage-like cells (Fig. 13). Other-
lioid-like cells surrounding the muscle cells were wise, typical epithelioid cells were detected

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

Figure 5 A large vesicle embedded in an intermyotomal septum containing macrophage-like cells, debris and a fresh haemorrhage
(arrow) (H&E, bar ¼ 500 lm).
Figure 6 Empty vesicles surrounded by granulomatous tissue embedded in the white musculature. Note adjacent, seemingly unaffected
muscle cells (H&E, bar ¼ 200 lm).
Figure 7 Vesicles embedded in the white musculature surrounded by fibrogranulomatous tissue (red staining) (EVG, bar ¼ 500 lm).
Figure 8 Reaction against oil (red staining) in a vesicle as shown in Fig. 5. Homogeneous masses (asterisk) and macrophage-like cells
show positive reactions. Note the melano-macrophages in the vesicle wall (arrows) (oil red O, bar ¼ 50 lm).
Figure 9 High magnification of the wall of a vesicle as seen in Fig. 6. The wall contains a multinucleated giant cell (MGC)(arrow),
epithelioid-like cells, small vacuoles and is lined towards the lumen of the greater vesicle with melanosome-containing cells, probably
swollen melano-macrophages (H&E, bar ¼ 40 lm).
Figure 10 Muscle cells infiltrated with MHC class II+ cells. One muscle cell is unaffected (asterisk). One fibre shows severe
degeneration (arrowhead), whereas one is invaded by MHC class II+ cells (red reaction) (MHC class II immunostain, haematoxylin
counterstain, bar ¼ 100 lm).

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

Figure 11 Semi-thin section of red musculature. Masses of unorganized lipid droplets (green-yellow colour) are seen surrounded by
granulomatous tissue with bundles of fibrin (dark-red colour). Muscle cells are visible at the upper left corner of the image (toluidine
blue, bar ¼ 20 lm).

between muscle cells. Microorganisms were not believe the pigmented changes encountered in
detected in any samples investigated by TEM. salmon fillets are a consequence of vaccine local-
ization followed by a foreign body reaction. The
greyish to black appearance of the changes was a
reflection of the accumulation of melano-macro-
In the present study, we have shown that the phages. Processing for TEM leaves lipids in the
frequently reported pigmented changes in the white tissue, and because of the lack of organization in
muscle of vaccinated Atlantic salmon can be lipid cells, their large size and the intimate presence
classified as a granulomatous inflammatory condi- of granulomatous tissue, we interpreted the yellow-
tion similar to that of the foreign-body type greenish masses in semi-thin toluidine blue stained
containing macrophage-like cells, epithelioid cells, sections as oil adjuvant. Further, we interpreted the
MGCs and melano-macrophages. The absence of debris-containing vesicles as structures in the pro-
known pathogens or other explanations leaves cess of organization, containing residues of mineral
intraperitoneal vaccination the most probable caus- oil.
ative aetiological factor for these changes. The Toxic side-effects of adjuvants are problems that
majority of the granulomatous foci were located are continuously debated. In production animals,
adjacent to the peritoneal cavity, but not in the water-in-oil vaccines are used only when a strong
ventral midline, where the vaccine had been adjuvant is needed and inflammation is not a
injected. Our findings showed that accumulations drawback (Spickler & Roth 2003). The major
of oil droplets were present in the musculature concerns are the ability of mineral oil-adjuvanted
associated with the lesions. These oil droplets were vaccines to form granulomas both at the injection
associated with extensive granulomatous processes site and elsewhere, and the induction of auto-
and were coated with MHC class II+ cells. Based immune reactions.
on previous studies on the distribution of, and To the best of our knowledge, there are no
inflammatory reactions against, mineral oil-adjuv- published reports on the distribution and pharma-
anted vaccines in mammals (Gupta et al. 1993), we cokinetics of injected mineral oils in fish. In

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

Figure 12 Ultra-thin section of a vesicle filled with homogeneous

material that appears as lipid surrounded by dendrites from Figure 13 Ultra-thin section of a cell containing multiple small
melano-macrophages (uranyl acetate and lead citrate, vesicles filled with lipid-like material (uranyl acetate and lead
bar ¼ 1 lm). citrate, bar ¼ 300 nm).

poultry, Franchini, Piretti, Tubertini, Govoni & vaccine producers, and it is both peculiar and
Sapigini (1984) discovered rapid diffusion to all disturbing that such information is not at hand
tissues following hydrocarbon injection, and espe- from the industry.
cially to those with rich vascularization. The Compared with mammals, inflammatory reac-
hydrocarbons were eliminated from the hens tions in teleosts have been little studied and are
through their eggs. In non-laying hens, elimination poorly understood. A fundamental problem in fish
from the body was extremely slow. However, pathology is the lack of specific cell markers. Only
hydrocarbons injected in one leg could not be the use of such markers can justifiably define
detected in the other leg of the same animal (Piretti, specific leucocyte populations.
Franchini & Zanetello 1982). In rats, experiments In this report, we have used the term macro-
have shown that injected radio-labelled hydrocar- phage-like cells instead of macrophages. It is not
bons are finally distributed to the liver, and most uncommon for fish pathologists to classify cells as
prominently to the fat tissue (Bollinger 1970). In ÔmacrophagesÕ based purely on morphological
this context, it is worth noting that salmonids store characteristics. However, when T and B cells
lipids in their red and white musculature. Although undergo blast formation they are impossible to
discussed (Kuroda et al. 2004), the exposure to distinguish morphologically from macrophages
hydrocarbons from food seems not to represent any unless specific markers are used (Manjo & Joris
health risk to humans (Nash, Gettings, Diembeck, 1996). In homeothermic animal anatomy, a
Chudowski & Kraus 1996). number of different criteria have to be fulfilled
To determine the chemical composition of the to justify any classification. The principal charac-
oil droplets in the melanized foci would require the ters used to identify macrophages are their
use of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry morphology, the presence of non-specific esterase
(Kuroda et al. 2004). Together with pharmacolo- and endogenous peroxidase activities, pinocytic
gical studies using radio-labelled hydrocarbons for and phagocytic abilities, the presence of mem-
distribution studies, this is an obvious task for the brane receptors for the Fc region of IgG and for

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2005, 28, 13–22 E O Koppang et al. Vaccine-associated pathology in salmon muscle

complement, and their stainability with specific Koppang, for discussion of the results and critical
monoclonal antibodies. It is, however, sufficient to reading of the manuscript.
recognize a minimum of three of these features to
define a cell as a macrophage (Leenen & Camp-
bell 1993). These requirements can presently not
be met using standard histological and histochem- Agius C. & Roberts R.J. (2003) Melano-macrophage centres and
ical methods. However, the use of MHC class II their role in fish pathology. Journal of Fish Diseases 26,
antisera enabled us to demonstrate an immune
Bancroft J.D. & Gamble M. (2002) Theory and Practice of
induction (Glimcher & Kara 1992) in cells
Histological Techniques, 5th edn. Churchill Livingstone,
surrounding vacuoles, muscle fibres and in London.
degenerated myocytes, and based on the assump- Bollinger J.N. (1970) Metabolic fate of mineral oil adjuvant
tion that inflammatory reactions follow the same using 14C-labeled tracers I: mineral oils. Journal of Pharma-
cellular sequences as in mammals (Finn & ceutical Sciences 59, 1084–1088.
Nielson 1971), it is likely that most of the Finn J.P. & Nielson N.O. (1971) The inflammatory response of
MHC class II+ cells were macrophages and rainbow trout. Journal of Fish Biology 3, 463–478.
stimulated epithelioid cells. We have previously Franchini A., Piretti M.V., Tubertini O., Govoni S. & Sapigini
published similar reactions in the uvea of Atlantic R. (1984) Hydrocarbons in hens injected with inactivated oil
salmon suffering from a severe post-vaccine con- adjuvant vaccine. Poultry Science 63, 2504–2507.
dition (Koppang et al. 2004). Glimcher L.H. & Kara C.J. (1992) Sequences and factors:
a guide to MHC class-II transcription. Annual Review of
In chronic inflammations, recruited macrophages
Immunology 10, 13–49.
may differentiate into epithelioid cells and MGCs,
Gupta R.K., Relyveld E.H, Lindblad E.B., Bizzini B., Ben-
which are the hallmarks of granulomas. These cells Efraim S. & Gupta C.K. (1993) Adjuvants – a balance
may be MHC class II+, depending on their age and between toxicity and adjuvanticity. Vaccine 11, 293–306.
stimulation (Izaki, Tanji, Okuma, Shimoda, Hsu- Izaki S., Tanji O., Okuma M., Shimoda H., Hsu-Oyama
Oyama, Hibino & Kitamura 1991). As such cells N.P.S., Hibino T. & Kitamura K. (1991) IA antigen-
were present in the described lesions, they should be positive epithelioid cells in experimentally induced granu-
classified as granulomatous. lomatous inflammation. Journal of Dermatological Science 2,
White muscle pigmentation in farmed salmon
has been reported in vaccinated fish from British Koppang E.O., Bjerkås E., Bjerkås I., Sveier H. & Hordvik I.
(2003) Vaccination induces major histocompatibility complex
Columbia, Canada (S. Raverty, personal commu- class II expression in the Atlantic salmon eye. Scandinavian
nication), Scotland (H. W. Ferguson, personal Journal of Immunology 58, 9–14.
communication) and Chile (T.T. Poppe, unpub- Koppang E.O., Hordvik I., Bjerkås I., Torvund J., Aune L.,
lished observations), but not in Tasmania, Thevarajan J. & Endresen C. (2003) Production of rabbit
Australia, where salmon are not subjected to antisera against recombinant MHC class II b chain and
intraperitoneal vaccination (B. Nowak, personal identification of immunoreactive cells in Atlantic salmon
(Salmo salar). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 14, 115–132.
communication), and not in wild fish. Together
with this information, our results strongly suggest Koppang E.O., Haugarvoll E., Hordvik I., Poppe T.T. &
Bjerkås I. (2004) Granulomatous uveitis associated with vac-
that macrocomponents of the vaccine are dis- cination in Atlantic salmon. Veterinary Pathology 41, 122–130.
seminated from the injection site throughout the
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body to different organs and tissues, where foreign Reeves W.H. & Satoh M. (2004) Distinctive patterns of
body inflammatory reactions are initiated. With a autoimmune response induced by different types of mineral
lesion prevalence of 10–30% as reported by oil. Toxicological Sciences 78, 222–228.
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The authors thank The Professor of Pathology at melanocytes, melanosomes and melanin and the evolution of
the Dental Faculty, University of Oslo, Hanna S. black skin. Journal of Theoretical Biology 211, 101–113.

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Ó 2005
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