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Guidelines for

Strong Motion
of Dams

Grande Dixence (CH) Zipingpu (China) La Prensa (Spain)

Manicougan V (Canada) Tsankov Kamov (Bulgaria) Oroville (USA)

Dennis J. AYDEN

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
2. Dam Typologies .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Seismic Instrumentation ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Recommended Instrumentation Configurations [5] ...........................................................5
3.2 Types of Instruments ...........................................................................................................6
4. Technical Requirements ...................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Data Acquisition (motion recorder) .....................................................................................7
4.2 Sensors .................................................................................................................................8
4.3 System Requirements ..........................................................................................................9
4.4 Interconnections ............................................................................................................... 11
4.5 Software ............................................................................................................................ 12
5. Management of Instrumentation .......................................................................................13
5.1 Mounting of the Instruments ........................................................................................... 13
5.2 Alerting scheme ................................................................................................................ 14
References ..................................................................................................................................14
Appendix – Suggested Dam Monitoring Specifications ..................................................................16
Worksheet for Seismic, Structural Monitoring of Dams ................................................................18

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
1. Introduction
In recent decades, interest in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of major structures has steadily
increased in both the engineering and academic communities. Thanks to the parallel significant
progress in electronics and communication networks, it is now possible to have complete automatic
monitoring of the structures, with the possibility of remote control of the system.
The enhanced capability to monitor dams, and other critical structures such high-rise buildings,
bridges, tunnels, etc. helps engineers and authorities worldwide to get quick, accurate information
on structure health/maintenance, to increase safety for people, and, to improve structural design.
Accurate observation of the dynamic behavior of the structure during an earthquake is essential to
the assessment of the seismic safety of dams. The validity of the assumptions and analytic models
used in the assessment of the earthquake resistance of a dam can only be checked and calibrated by
evaluating the data recorded by an appropriate strong-motion instrumentation. For data analysis,
information is needed on free-field motion (input ground motion), and on the impact of that motion
at critical points on the dam structure (output motion) [1].
Data recorded in the different measurement points can be used to identify the main dynamic
characteristics of the dam [2, 3, 4], as natural frequencies and mode shapes. This procedure is usually
performed every time a big structure is built, like stadiums, bridges or high-rise buildings.
In particular, since the first natural frequency is usually the most critical parameter to identify on a
structure, and in particular on big structures, some studies have been conducted in the past related
to dams. In [4], Priscu et al. discover that an approximate value for the first natural frequency of an
arch dam can be calculated as:
𝑓1 =

0.1 + 0.2 (100)
where h is the dam heigh in meters.
Planning of seismic Instrumentation for structural monitoring of dams is a task that requires
cooperation between authorities, seismologists, civil engineers, dam operators and instrumentation
specialists. This document gives the point of view of the instrumentation specialist.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
2. Dam Typologies
There are three main dam typologies:
 Arch dams - The structures are quite light thanks to the arches, which discharge the reservoir
load to the lateral constraints. The arch dams can be with simple curvature (usually for the
“U-shaped” valleys) or with double curvature (typically for the “V-shaped” valleys). They are
normally built with unreinforced concrete.
 Gravity dams - The geometry is very simple with a straight axis and the section has triangular
form. It opposes to the water pressure thanks to its own weight and to the friction between
the dam and the rocks.
 Embankment dams – They are typically built with various materials, including soil, sand, clay
and rocks, and the central section is composed of an impermeable material like clay,
concrete, or asphalt concrete. The embankment dam type is usually built in wide valleys.

a) b) c)
Figure 1. Real examples of dams: a) Arch dam; b) Gravity dam; c) Embankment dam.

3. Seismic Instrumentation
In a dam, many different instruments must be installed for comprehensive monitoring including
dynamic and static sensors as well as other environmental sensors. In this document, we will discuss
only dynamic sensors (accelerometers) utilized in seismic instrumentation of a dam. Information
from the seismic monitoring system is of interest to several groups.

Seismologists are mainly interested in the data recorded by the free-field instruments for analysis of
the earthquake itself with geophysical techniques.

Civil engineers
Civil engineers need to measure and correlate motion data in order to study the dynamic behavior of
the dam during earthquakes. Accurate synchronization of the instruments is mandatory. Key
measurement points are:
 Free-field motion
 Effective motion at the abutments

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 Response of the dam in different measurement points.

Dam operators
Dam operators are interested in high reliability instruments and low maintenance costs. Operators
must be immediately alerted to earthquakes or equipment state-of-health issues. Three types of
notices are needed:

 A warning notice should be sent automatically when a specified vibration threshold has been
exceeded, which indicates possible danger to the dam. The operator should be immediately
ready to check the structure health.
 An alert notice should be sent automatically when a locally specified alarm level has been
exceeded, which allows emergency procedures to be activated when damage might have
occurred to the dam.
 A state-of-health warning should be provided automatically when instruments need
maintenance attention, or when there has been a malfunction that requires operator
attention. The system should also be able to support the analysis of any failure by giving
detailed state-of-health information.

Government authorities
Local or national authorities may have oversight responsibilities for dam safety and warning systems.
The ability to provide rapid access to information on dams to authorized officials or agencies may be
frequently required.

3.1 Recommended Instrumentation Configurations

Suggested instrumentation configurations for different dam types is shown in Figures 2 to 4 [5].



Figure 2: Instrumentation schemes for arch dams [5]

A: minimun instrumentation; B: medium-size dams; C: large-size dams; D: complete instrumentation,
All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.



Figure 3: Instrumentation schemes for gravity dams [5]
A: minimun instrumentation; B: medium-size dams; C: large-size dams; D: complete instrumentation,



Abutm ent
A B Foundation

Figure 4: Instrumentation schemes for embankment dams [5]

A: minimun instrumentation; B: medium/large dams.

The minimum instrumentation schemes, shown in A, fully cover the needs for an earthquake
monitoring system for smaller dams. The instrumentation schemes shown in B and C are intended
for medium and larger sized dams. Scheme D shows instrumentation configurations needed for
research studies and when there are doubts about the earthquake resistance of the monitored dam
(ref: Darbre and Proulx [5]). For embankment dams, usually a few instruments as shown in A and B
are necessary for monitoring of the structure.

3.2 Types of Instruments

Free-field Instruments
Free-field instruments are used to characterize earthquakes (amplitudes of motions, strong-motion
duration, influence of local geological and soil conditions, attenuation laws and coefficients of wave
propagation). Such observations provide reference data on input ground motion during an
earthquake, and may also help in site characterization during preliminary studies. A free-field

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
instrument must be located far enough from the dam and from the adjacent structures in order not
to be affected by their presence and vibrations. At the same time, it must be close enough to
measure the ground motion that is representative of those at the site. A distance equal to once up to
twice the dam height (h) is appropriate. To be more conservative, two instruments can be used, one
at distance h and the other at a distance 2h.

Abutment Instruments
Instruments located along the dam-foundation interface measure the effective input motion at the
abutments. It is important to note that various aspects of soil-structure interaction can contribute
significantly to the earthquake, like the topography of the canyon and the rock characteristics. Such
observations contribute to the better understanding of all the phenomena involved, allow calibration
of the existing analytical models and the development of new models, and help in specifying design
excitations [5].

Foundation Instruments
Instruments installed in exploratory and grouting galleries or on the dam face measure wave
propagation in the foundation.

In-structure Instruments
These instruments measure the dam response. The instruments at the crest are located at the points
with maximal modal deflections, referring to the first 2-3 natural frequencies.

4. Technical Requirements
Strong motion instruments for structural monitoring of dams have to be highly reliable, because
earthquakes of interest are relatively infrequent. Instruments must be of rugged design and
thoroughly tested under field conditions to meet environmental conditions at the mounting sites.
System downtime for maintenance sensor recalibration must be minimal to assure recording of all
event data of interest.

4.1 Data Acquisition (motion recorder)

Digital recording is an absolute requirement. Distributed recording and digital data transmission are
strongly recommended for greater system reliability and to avoid signal degradation common with
analog signals and long cables. Smart systems, including sensor, data acquisition, processing and
communication, are preferred.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
Sampling frequency
A sample rate of 200 samples per second per channel is typicall required for the free field instrument
and those on the structure. Optional samples rates may also be available.

Pre-Event/Post-Event Recording
Pre- and post-event recording is required to capture all waveform data of interest. The recorder must
have selectable pre- and post-event trigger times of at least 20 and 60 seconds respectively.

Data acquisition and storage

The system must be able to store the information:
 For triggered events: recording waveforms including all pre and post-event times.
 For state-of-health information: periodic self-test data as predetermined by operator
 For quick vibration tests: test data initiated with a manual trigger by the operator
 For site background monitoring (information within user-defined time windows):
o acceleration peaks calculated on all three axes
o the vector (modulus of the three components)
o frequency peaks.

All data must be saved in the recorder non-volatile memory and/or in removable SD memory cards.
Memory should be large enough to store at least 500 seismic events in case of aftershocks. The
system should assure data reliability by preventing overwriting of data, sending memory utilization
alerts, and by retaining transmitted event data until receipt confirmed.

4.2 Sensors
Sensor type
Tri-axial accelerometers are required for strong motion instrumentation of a dam. DC-coupled
sensors (flat response DC to 50 Hz) are required for accurate data processing and for determining
static deformations of the structure. Solid-state (MEMS) accelerometers offer superior performance:
 Linear frequency response (< 1 %) from DC up to 100 Hz
 Linear phase response
 No distortion due to hysteresis
 Immunity to EMI (no coils or magnets)
 Very low short and long term drift
 Shock resistance >200 g to avoid damage, or need for recalibration, if accidentally bumped
 Wide operating temperature range
 No requirement for periodic recalibration
The sensors, or recorders with internal sensors, should be configured for horizontal or vertical
mounting as may be required at each site.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
Measuring Range
The full scale range of the instrument must be higher than the peak acceleration corresponding to
the seismic hazard at the site (return period of 100 years). The base-to-crest amplification in an arch
dam can be up to the order of six at the crown level in downstream direction. Moderate (magnitude
3-4) local earthquakes should also be recorded properly to provide essential information about the
dynamic behavior of the dam. 4 g accelerometers generally provide the capability to record large and
small events of interest. 2g accelerometers may be considered in some cases.

Old-style spring and coil sensors require periodic recalibration for reliable performance due to aging
of dissimilar materials. Recalibration is both time consuming and expensive. Solid-state MEMS
accelerometers, which are able to maintain their calibration over their entire lives, eliminate that
substantial recurring expense.

Distributed Recording
Recorders should be located with the sensors, not at a central recording station. Distributed
recording enhances ovcerall system reliability and it allows digital data transmission, which avoids
noise and signal degradation problems when analog signals are transmitted over long distances.

4.3 System Requirements

System requirements include the overall performance combining the recorder, the sensor and all
interconnection and communication equipment.

Dynamic range
System dynamic range is determined by the recorder/sensor combination. Background noise levels
due to water, turbines, machinery and human acticity are typically high on dams. The dynamic range
of the data acquisition system should be at least 100 dB to capture earthquake event data of

Self-Test Capability
The data acquisition system should have a programmable, automatic self-test feature that includes a
test pulse to the sensor so that system state-of-health information is readily available to the
operator. The system should also have continuous self-test features to provide alerts when operator
attention is required.

Operating Autonomy
The instruments should have sufficient backup battery power to assure operating autonomy of at
least 24 hours to provide sufficient time for dam operators to re-activate the main power in case of
power interruptions caused by blackouts or earthquakes.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
Power Considerations
The systems should be configured, as may be required, for AC (100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz), or DC power
supplies. In case of unexpected long blackouts or accidental disconnections from the battery and the
main power, the system must be able to restart monitoring immediately and automatically once the
power comes back.

Electromagnetic Immunity
Electromagnetic fields originating from medium or high-voltage cables in the same cable tray, in
plumb lines or in the vicinity of the strong motion interconnection cables may affect the performance
of the system. Only fiber optic cables interconnection cables eliminate electromagnetic interference
to assure reliable performance in such circumstances.

Power surge protection and over-voltage protection

Heavy power surges may occur in locations that are exposed to lightning. Difference in electrical
potential may cause serious problems: all interconnection lines must provide full galvanic separation.
The power supply and any metallic interconnection cable must be protected against power surges
using high quality devices.
Lightning damage has historically been the primary reason for failure of central station dam
monitoring systems. Unlike copper cable required with central recording systems, fiber optic cable
can be used in distributed recording systems with no risk of lightning damage.

Protection against environmental conditions

All instruments should have IP65 or better enclosures and should operate reliably in temperatures
ranging between -20°C and +50°C.

Certifications and quality

The equipment should be certified for electical safety and electromagnetic compatibility, such as IEC
61010 and IEC 61326-1, respectively. RMI/RFI protection in compliance with EN 50 081 and EN 50
082 is also required for reliable operations. The manufacturing company should have a quality
management system certification following the international standard ISO 9001:2008. Quality
certifications should be backed up by a warranty of two years.

To have complete alert information on the instrumentation, two operator-selectable alarms related
to vibration levels and one alarm dedicated to system state-of-health are needed.
 Alarm 1: First level alert when the vibration level causes a site warning. The operator will
check the dam health as soon as possible.
 Alarm 2: Critical level alert induced by a significant earthquake. Operators must activate
emergency procedures in case serious damage may have occurred on the dam.
 State-of-Health Alarm: Notice in case of problems in a recorder unit or sensor. Dam
operators will proceed immediately with required maintenance.
A relay must be associated to each alarm level, such that it is possible to connect to SCADA systems
or external devices as beacons or sirens.
All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
4.4 Interconnections
Strong motion instruments installed on dams should be linked together in a network to provide:
 common timing;
 common triggering with user-selectable network voting logic;
 simplified system maintenace;
 ease of data retrieval with single-point system control.
The instruments should communicate with each other and with the control room PC.

Common timing
Accurate, relative timing of all instruments is essential to understand the dynamic behavior of a dam
during an earthquake. This means that each sensor must be perfectly synchronized with the other
ones. Absolute time sychronization is not generally required, but may be provided with an optional
time GPS code receiver.

Common Triggering
The acceleration threshold trigger is one of the most important instrument settings for dam
monitoring, and the instruments must offer a wide range of possibilities.
 Trigger channel: for each sensor, the user should be able to select trigger channels:
o A fixed channel (X or Y or Z)
o The channel (X or Y or Z) which reaches maximum acceleration for a certain event
o Two or three axes contemporarily
o The VEC ( the modulus of the three components)
 Trigger sensor: network voting logic must should give the possibility to trigger on:
o A fixed sensor;
o The sensor, which reaches the maximum acceleration for a certain event;
o Two or more sensors contemporarily.
The latter network trigger configuration is most frequently utilized to avoid accidental triggers.

All communication on network interconnection lines should be digital and handled by a reliable
protocol with checksum and fault tolerance. Analog interconnection lines add noise and degrade
signals. The interconnection lines should be automatically and regularly checked by the system,
which should generate a warning when operator attention is required. Failure of one interconnection
cable should not shut down the system, and the failure of one instrument should not affect others.

Interconnection Cables
Digital data transmission is much more reliable and cost-effective than analog data tranmission. It
eliminates signal distortion due to analog noise and electromagnetic interference.

Cable types
Fiber-optic or industry standard current-loop cables can be used for digital interconnections. Fiber
optic cables are usually the best choice with respect to reliability, long term behavior and overall
costs, including costs for appropriate over-voltage-protection and installation, which are much higher
All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
for copper cables. Fiber optic cables are lightweight, very rugged, immune to lightning damage,
suitable to be laid in existing cable trays and/or plumb lines, and easy to install. Cable runs of up to 2
km are possible. Advantages and disadvantages of all cable types are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Comparison of cables types.

Digital current-loop
Feature Fiber-optic cable Analog copper cable
copper cable
Galvanic separation Excellent Good None
Fair (handled by
RMI /RFI protection Excellent None
communication protocol)
Poor None
Power surge protection Excellent (Good with added (Good with added
overvoltage protection) overvoltage protection)
Power provided to Not Possible Possible (24 VDC) Possible
recorders via the AC power required at It needs overvoltage It needs overvoltage
communication cable site protection system protection system
High quality, industrial Needed on AC or DC Needed on AC, DC and Needed on AC, DC and
over-voltage protection power lines only interconnection lines interconnection lines
0.5 - 2 Euro/m 1.35 to 2.30 Euro /m 5.50 to11.50 Euro /m
Typical cable costs
0.2 - 1 US$/ft US$ 0. 50 to $ 0.85 /ft US$ 2.00 to $ 4.05 /ft
30 kg/km 50 to 60 kg/km 100 to 150 kg/km
Cable weight 20 lbs/1,000 ft 33 to 40 lbs/1,000 ft 66 to 100 lbs/1,000 ft
Light, easy handling Reasonable handling Very hard to handle
Handling for installation Excellent Good Poor
Maximum length 3 km or 10,000 ft 1 km or 3,275 ft 500 m or 1,638 ft


Remote communication
The system should have the capability to send, or provide access to, event data to authorized
individuals not located at the dam site through an online connection: e.g.Ethernet, 3G/4G or WiFi.

4.5 Software
The software must be able to calculate the most important features about the structural vibration
monitoring of civil structures:
 Acceleration peaks on the three components
 Acceleration peaks on the vector, the modulus of the three components
 Frequency peaks on the three components
 Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) at the free field station
All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
 Acquisition of raw data of for triggered events and system tests
The software must be also able to display monitoring parameters, to change the acquisition
configuration, if needed, to zoom in the user-defined zones, and, to export the data. It must also
have the capability to send alerts to the desired recipients automatically in case a threshold is
exceeded or in case of a state-of-health alarm. Alarm notification should be possibile via SMS
messages or by e-mail. It should also be possible to push data to an FTP server, where authorized
personnel can readily download and analyze the data.

5. Management of Instrumentation
Some practical advices for the installation of a new monitoring system on a dam follows.

5.1 Mounting of the Instruments

Each external sensor, or each recorder with internal sensor must be rigidly bolted to the structure. If
external sensors are utilized, the related recorder should be mounted within 2 m of the sensor to
minimize analog transmission of signals to the recorder and to guarantee proper functioning of the
over-voltage protection. Sensor and other analog cables should not be crossed with power cables.
When evaluating a mounting site, special attention should be paid to other devices near the sensor
(lamps, pendulum, electrical switchboards, etc.), which might create a hazard or spoil the recordings.
Instruments should be located to avoid falling debris in the event of an earthquake.

Vibration measurements
For the evaluation of the mounting location of a strong motion station, it is highly recommended to
proceed with preliminary noise-vibration measurements considering all possible sources of plant-
made vibrations (turbines, cranes, generators, human activity, etc). Such measurements can be taken
with the same instruments to be installed on the dam. The result of the preliminary vibration
measurement should also be considered when defining data acquisition parameters, trigger levels
and alarms.

Sensor position
Both the digitizer/recorder and the sensor can be either wall or floor mounted. Vertical (wall) or
horizontal (floor) mounting shoul be specified when the sensors are ordered.
Wall mounting avoids flooding and makes installation and service easier. It also protects the sensor
better against accidental vibration due to construction work or people passing by. Isolated mounting
plates should be used for wall-mounted instruments (recorders and/or sensors) to protect the
instruments from water running down the wall. A protection top is also recommended for wall-
mounted sensors to shield them from falling rocks and dripping water. Whenever practical, wall
mounting is recommend.
If instruments are horizontally mounted, a concrete pedestal should be used to protect then from
flooding or pooling water, which can be a major cause of problems. Mounting platforms allow easy
mounting and leveling of the instruments.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
Sensor protection
Locally provided equipment enclosures may be used to protect the sensor from unattended collisions
caused by an operator.

Orientation of the sensor

In order to facilitate the interpretation of the recordings, the axes of all the sensors should be
oriented in the same way (e.g. downstream, vertical and tangential to the dam).

5.2 Alerting scheme

An alerting scheme should define the responsibilities for tasks defined in the following.

Service / Maintenance
As already mentioned, the strong motion instrumentation must provide an alarm in case of any
state-of-health condition that requires operator attention. The staff should be instructed regarding
specific actions to be taken.

Evaluation of Earthquake Data

Responsible personnel, whether on-site or at a remote location, should be quickly able to decide
whether a new event was caused by an accidental trigger (transient) or by an earthquake. Network
trigger voting logic should be used to minimize false triggers.

Behavior after a heavy earthquake

The staff should be immediately informed about the recording of a strong earthquake. In this case, a
quick decision based on the analysis of the recordings is mandatory to avoid any further damage due
to possible aftershocks. Remote communication links for data retrieval should be utilized to provide
all necessary information to key off-site personnel. Backup communication links may be considered
since dial-up phone lines or permanent connection via Ethernet may be damaged and out of service.

[1] G.R. Darbre, Strong-Motion Instrumentation of Dams, Earthquake Engineering and Structural
Dynamics (1995), Vol. 24, pag. 1101-1111.
[2] S. V. Calcina, L. Eltrudis, L. Piroddi, and G. Ranieri, Ambient Vibration Tests of an Arch Dam with
Different Reservoir Water Levels: Experimental Results and Comparison with Finite Element
Modelling, The Scientific World Journal 2014.
[3] N. Okuma, Y. Etou , K. Kanazawa and K. Hirata, Dynamic Properties Of A Large Arch Dam After
Forty-Four Years Of Completion, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October
12-17, 2008, Beijing, China.
[4] R. Priscu, A. Popovici, D. Stematiu, C. Stere, Earthquake Engineering for Large Dams (1985),
Johnand Wiley Sons, Romania.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
[5] G. R. Darbre, J. Proulx, Knowledge gained from the dam strong-motion network in Switzerland,
First China National Hydraulic Earthquake Engineering Congress, Hehai University, Nanjing, Oct.
28 - 30, 2006.
[6] V. Mihailov, D. Dojcinovski, Strong motion instrumentation of dams in Macedonia: Some
experience and results, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, B.C.,
Canada, August 1-6, 2004.

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
Appendix – Suggested Dam Monitoring Specifications

 Digital recording with programmable pre- and post-event recording
 Triggered recording of events, background information, and manual triggering
 Common timing, common sampling, common triggering
 System state-of-health reporting including test pulse to recorder
 Operating autonomy: 1 day or more
 Memory to store at least 500 seismic events / removeable SD memory card
 Web-user interface for remote access and set-up
 Programmable relay logic

 Tri-axial accelerometer with flat frequency response from DC to 100 Hz
 Full scale measuring range up to +4 g, based on peak acceleration expected at the site
 Data quality: Linear phase and amplitude response and no distortion due to hysteresis
 Shock resistance: greater than 200 g
 Solid-state sensor with requirement for periodic recalibration

System Requirements
 Distributed recording system configuration
 Overall system dynamic range of 100dB
 Network system configuration with network voting logic and single-point control
 Remote communications capabilities
 Mean time between failure: greater than 15 years

Accessory equipment
 Isolated mounting platforms for recorder and external sensors
 Communication equipment requirements

Network Interconnection cable

 High reliability digital data transmission from sensor locations to control room
 Fiber optic cables for digital data transmission and lightning protection
 Lightweight cable, easy-to-install in cable trays or plumb lines with other cables
 Galvanic separation and RMI/RFI protection

 Communication software for setup, monitoring and data retrieval included with system
 Remote communication capability: telephone, Ethernet, WiFi or GPRS
 Alerting capability with data sent via SMS or e-mail
 Capability to push event data to an FTP site
 Data analysis software for civil engineering with independently tested and certified algorithms

 Total system operating temperature range: -200C to 500C
 Housing: IP65 or better
 Relative humidity: up to 100%
 OverVoltage Protection (OVP) for power surges and lightning on all AC and DC input power lines and
on all copper network interconnection cables (not needed on fiber optic cables)
 RMI/RFI protection: compliance with EN 50 081 and EN 50 082
 Electrical security: compliance with EN 61010
 Electro-Magnetic immunity: compliance with IEC 61326-1

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System maintenance
 Easy installation
 Minimal maintenance requirements (ask for details)
 No requirement for sensor recalibration requirement
 Continuous self-test of recorder and sensor
 LEDs for instrument status display
 Sungle-point system control
 Remote communication and alerting

Production quality
 ISO9001 2008 certified production facility
 Official calibration certificates when required

 Two years

Technical support for training, installation or after sales service

 Ask for supplier capabilities and references

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
Worksheet for Seismic, Structural Monitoring of Dams

1. Name and location of dam:

2. Type of dam: Arch dam Gravity Dam Embankment Dam
 Interior galleries (yes/no):
 Additional information:
3. Length of crest: Height of crest:
4. Local environmental considerations: Temperature range: from to degrees
 Annual rainfall: ____ Annual snowfall: ____________
 Lightning concern: High Moderate Low
5. Number of measuring points wanted (see attached guidelines):
 Instruments on abutments (dam foundation interface) for input motion (1 or 2 units):
 Instruments in structure (on crest of dam) for structural response (1 to 3 units):
 Foundation units (in galleries or on face of dam) for wave propagation (0 to 6 units):
 Free-field instrument located downstream about 2x height of dam crest (1 unit):
6. Please attach sketch showing probable location of control room and instruments and distances from
instruments to control room.
7. Mounting of instruments:
 Vertical / wall mounted or horizontal / pedestal mounted
 If vertical, are all walls orthogonally aligned (yes/no):
8. Freestanding recorders or, linked network for single-point control
9. AC power availability at measuring points (yes/no):
 If yes, 220VAC/50Hz or 110VAC/60Hz: _________
 If no, will solar power systems be used:
 or, will DC power be provided from central station:
10. Remote communication option wanted (yes/no):
 CommunicationJ: Telephone: LAN GPRS: Other (define):
11. External time synchronization needed for scientific, not civil engineering, purposes (yes/no): ______
 Time synchronization type (GPS, other):
12. Alarm output (relay closure) option wanted (yes/no): ______
13. Is there an existing seismic monitoring system (yes/no): __ Number of stations:
 Year installed (approximate): Manufacturer:
 Recorder model: Sensor model:
 Problems with the system:
 Comments:

All information in this brochure is ©SYSCOM instruments SA and is subject to modification without previous notice.
For additional information please contact:

SYSCOM Instruments SA Bartec US Corporation

Andrea Bellino Dennis Ayden
Rue de l’Industrie 21, CH-1450 650 Century Plaza Drive, D120
Sainte-Croix, Switzerland Houston, Texas 77073
Mail: Mail:
Tel: +41 24 455 44 11 Tel: 314 – 361-5084
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