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Camp Mo: World’s Largest Lesson Climate Camp

Welcome to Camp Mo’s Climate Camp!

During this week, campers will learn about our natural world, how it is changing and what
we can all do to protect our planet. Through a mix of offline and online learning moments,
we will look at the impact of climate change through a series of interactive activities. We
will complete the week having designed and taken our own action for the environment,
whilst learning what other young people have been doing as well.

To participate in this camp, you will need:

- Pen & paper (for notes and making a mini sketch book)
- Coloured pens, craft supplies (lolly pop sticks, glue, paper towel roll, grey paint or
marker, tin foil, construction paper, scissors, string)
- Access to Edmodo from your computer or phone
- Old T-shirts (from charity shops that can be cut up)


Day 1: Introducing the Global Goals!

At the start of each day this week campers will spend some time outside noticing nature
around them. Over the week we will fill our handmade sketchbooks with drawings and
words. Today campers will be introduced to the Global Goals. We will watch animations and
start thinking about some of the ways we can help achieve the Goals. At the end of the day
campers will get crafty with their art materials and make a poster to help their families be
more climate friendly at home.

Day 2: Earth is everybody’s home!

Today we are going to look at what other young people are doing to protect our planet. We
will learn about Activism and research young climate activists around the world using
Google Earth’s time-lapse engine! After we have seen how climate change is affecting
different parts of the world, we will bring it back home and start researching our towns and
cities. We will make a colourful map of our local area. This map is going to help us
understand how our homes have been affected by climate change.

Day 3: Spotlight from Space!

Today we are going to learn how to take the Earth’s temperature. We will be making our
own satellites and finding out how they work and what they can tell us about the planet we
live in.
Day 4: Don’t Waste It!

Today we are going to repurpose our resources. We are going to learn about the term
sustainable and identify renewable and non-renewable resources. We are going to make
our very own Tee-Tote bag by upcycling old t-shirts!

Day 5: Climate Conversations!

Today we are going to engage in a conversation around climate change with our elderly
relatives. We are going to draw a then and now picture based on the conversation,
demonstrating the differences between the past and current ways of living. We will share
these photos on Edmodo with the rest of the camp and come up with a positive action for
the environment that we can all take in our lives.

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