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MAN Diesel 1

Abbrevations related to the ME Training Course:

ACC Adaptive Cylinder oil Control
ACU Auxiliary Control Unit
AH Ahead
AL Alpha Lubricator
ALS Alpha Lubricator System
AS Astern
BES Basic Electronic System
CCU Cylinder Control Unit
CoCoS (-EDS) Computer Controlled Surveillance (-Engine
Diagnostics System)
CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller
CPU Central Processing Unit
ECR Engine Control Room
ECS Engine Control System
ECU Engine Control Unit
EICU Engine Interface Control Unit
ELFI Electronic Fuel Injection
ELVA Electronic Exhaust Valve Activation
EPIC Electronically Profiled Injection
FIVA Fuel Injection Valve Activation
FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller
FT Flow Transmitter
FWE Finished With Engine
HCU Hydraulic Cylinder Unit
HMI Human Machine Interface
HPS Hydraulic Power Supply (Unit)
I/O Input / Output
LCD Load Change Dependent (Cyl. lubrication)
LED Light Emitting Diode
LOP Local Operating Panel
LPS Low Pressure Supply

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MAN Diesel 2

MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
MM Marker Master (Tacho system)
MOP Main Operating Panel
MPC Multi Purpose Controller
MS Marker Slave (Tacho system)
PC Personal Computer (IBM compatible)
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PMI Pressure Analyser (Computerised tool that
replaces the indicator, used for performance
PT Pressure Transmitter
PTO Power take-off
Q1 Quadrature Sensor no. 1
Q2 Quadrature Sensor no. 2
RCS Remote Control System
SAV Starting Air Valve
SW Software
TE Temperature Element
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VIT Variable Injection Timing
XBP Exhaust Gas Bypass (system)
ZH Shutdown – High measure (Usage of sensor)
ZL Shut down – Low measure (Usage of sensor)
ZT Position Transmitter
ZV Position Valve (solenoid valve)

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Training Course Evaluation
Training Course title: Date:
Responsible Instructors (#1 / #2):
Your Name / Company (optional):
Dept. / Phone (optional):

Dear Participants.
This evaluation sheet will assist us in the further development of our training offer in accordance with your
requirements and wishes. Please complete this evaluation sheet in order to assist us to continuously improve our
training products.
Thank you for your assistance.
Please tick accordingly: very good...……….....................................poor

Course targets/contents: to the full extent…………………........ not at all

Have the course contents fulfilled your expectations? h g f e d c

Were you able to recognise ideas for your daily routine? h g f e d c
Were the course contents well distributed over the course? h g f e d c
Can the course content be utilized in your daily tasks? h g f e d c
Course method and documents: very good................……………………......poor

Were the contents presented in an understandable manner? h g f e d c

How did you find the practical exercises, if any? h g f e d c
Are the documents suited to deepen what you have learned? h g f e d c
Are the documents useful in your daily tasks? h g f e d c
Instructors: very qualified ...........................….not qualified

What is your judgement of the instructors’ technical qualifications? #1 h g f e d c

#2 h g f e d c
What is your judgment of the instructors’ teaching ability? #1 h g f e d c
#2 h g f e d c
How was the instructors’ preparation for this course? #1 h g f e d c
#2 h g f e d c
How was the instructors’ response to the specific trainee problems? #1 h g f e d c
#2 h g f e d c
very good...……….....................................poor
How is your overall course rating? h g f e d c
Improvements / general remarks:

Training course evaluation sheet.docx PrimeServ Academies 2010-02-02

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