SOCIOLINGUISTICS-research Paper 2017

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- Kinship relationships (English/Croatian/other languages)

- Taboo words (with specific focus on e.g. politics, music, slang etc.)
- Gender differentiation in taboo (English and Croatian)
- Language and social class/Social class dialects (e.g. working class, middle class etc.)
- Language and ethnic group (e.g. Bosnian Muslims – influence of Turkish, Arabic etc.)
- Language and nationalism
- Language and gender (Differences between women and men talk)
- Language of fairy tales (gendered or not?)
- Language and context (registers – law, medicine, engineering etc.). (How the words from
registers can be used in everyday speech?)
- Language and social interaction - sequence of utterances in everyday conversations
(weather, telephone conversations etc.)
- Classroom discourse (What is typical for classroom discourse? How is it organized?)
- Language and geography (use of certain languages/dialects in different areas, e.g.
regional dialects in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Identification of communicative events (e.g. Once upon a time....)
- Song analysis (pronunciation, grammar, style etc.)
- Language and power (power, control, dominance, consesus)
- English as a global language (influence of English on other languages, e.g. Croatian)(not
in general, you have to decide which field!)
- Computer language (references to everyday speech)
- Political discourse (political speeches, campaigns etc.)
- Advertisements (e.g. English in Croatian advertisements or specific features of language
in ads)
- Politeness and terms of address (in English and Croatian)
- Endangered languages in Europe
- Slang (colloquial English and/or Croatian)
- (any other field related to sociolinguistics, you are not limited to these topics)

Research paper:

- Analysis: English-Croatian, only English or only Croatian

- Corpus (data for analysis, e.g different media; everyday conversations etc.)
- Informants (optional – depending on the kind of research)
- Groups of three to four people
- Presentation and discussion
- Research paper (not presentation) to submit by the end of semester

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