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Installing PSCAD® X4

Written for PSCAD v4.4.1

Revision 1 June 12, 2012

Table of Contents
Section 1 Determining your Installation 1

Section 2 Installation Setup 6

Section 3 Installing the License Manager 12

Section 4 Installing Expanded Licenses 24

Section 5 Installing GFortran 29

Section 6 Installing LiveWire 32

Section 7 Completing Your Installation 36

Section 8 Launching PSCAD™ 38

Section 9 Installing a PSCAD™ License 40

Section 10 Connecting to the License Manager 44

Section 11 Activating a License 45

Section 12 Installing Additional Software at a Later Time 47

Section 13 Upgrading your License Manager 48

Section 14 Migrating your License Manager 51

Section 15 Contacting the PSCAD™ Support Team 52

Appendix A Help Menu Items in the License Manager Setup Tool A-1

Installing PSCAD® X4 Revision 1, June 12, 2012

©2012 Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
1. Determining your Installation


1.1 This document provides instructions for installing PSCAD™ (aka PSCAD™/EMTDC™), PSCAD™
licensing software, optional software, and hardware.

If you have already performed this installation, and are only installing additional software, you
may proceed directly to Section 12.

1.2 Prior to beginning the installation, it is strongly recommended that you determine which kind of
system installation (scenario) you are installing. This will help to determine the required and
optional software and hardware to install, ensuring you make correct selections when prompted.

Determining Your Scenario

1.3 There are five possible scenarios. You may determine your scenario as follows:

1.3.1 Determine the type of license you are installing (see paragraph 1.4).

1.3.2 Determine which scenario applies to your installation by working through Figure 1-1.

1.3.3 Go to paragraph 1.5 and Table 1-1, and determine the software and hardware applicable
to your installation. Paragraph 1.5 also describes each of the five scenarios. Refer to the
following paragraphs for additional information on these installations:

a. Paragraph 1.6: Provides information on required software.

b. Paragraph 1.7: Provides information on optional software.

c. Paragraph 1.8: Provides information on required hardware.

1.4 The two types of licenses, Multi-User License and the Single-User License, are defined as follows:

1.4.1 Multi-User License (MUL): The MUL is used to run PSCAD™ on two or more computers
simultaneously. This license permits multiple client computers to obtain the necessary
license from a remote host computer (see Scenarios 3, 4, and 5, Table 1-1).

1. In rare cases, an MUL is used to run PSCAD™ on only one computer (see
Scenario 2, Table 1-1).

2. The standard (default) license, Legacy Licensing, only permits licensing

between server and client computers across one network. To license
across more than one network, see Expanded Licensing in Section 4.

1.4.2 Single-User License (SUL): The SUL is used to run PSCAD™ on one computer by obtaining
the license from this same computer (see Scenario 1, Table 1-1).

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Determining your Scenario

Questions to help determine your scenario: Your scenario:

(Refer to paragraph 1.5 for a description of
your scenario)

SUL Scenario 1 - Standalone Computer

1. Do I have MUL or (SUL)
SUL licenses*?
Runs PSCAD™, licenses itself.


2. Will I be installing No
Scenario 4 - Server Computer (MUL)
PSCAD™ on this
Distributes licenses (License Manager).


4. How many One Scenario 2 - Standalone Computer

Licenses do I (MUL)
Runs PSCAD™, distributes a license.

Two or more

3. Will I install the No Scenario 3 - Client Computer (MUL)

License Manager
on this machine? Runs PSCAD™, licensed by another
computer (License Manager).


Scenario 5 - Server/Client Computer

Runs PSCAD™, distributes licenses
(License Manager).

*Refer to paragraph 1.4 for a description of MULs and SULs

Figure 1-1 Determining your Scenario

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1.5 Once you have determined your scenario, review Table 1-1 and the following summaries to
determine required and optional software and hardware for your installation:

System Installation
License PSCAD™ License License
GFortran Lite LiveWire
Expanded Dongle
Type** Software File Manager Licensing Installed

Scenario 1:
 Standalone SUL Yes Yes No Optional Optional Optional* No Yes
Computer (SUL)

Scenario 2:
 Standalone MUL Yes Yes Optional Optional Optional Optional* No Yes
Computer (MUL)

Scenario 3:
MUL Yes No No Optional Optional Optional* No No
 Client Computer

Scenario 4:
MUL No Yes Yes No No No Optional* Yes
 Server Computer

Scenario 5:
 Client/Server MUL Yes Yes Yes Optional Optional Optional* Optional* Yes

Yes = Installation is required
No = Do not install
Optional = Optional to install
*May be installed only if license has been purchased
**Refer to paragraph 1.4 for a description of MULs and SULs

Table 1-1 Installing Required and Optional Software and Hardware for PSCAD™

1.5.1 Scenario 1 – Standalone Computer (SUL): This computer runs PSCAD™ using an SUL. The
PSCAD™ software, license file, and dongle must all be installed on the computer to run
PSCAD™. No License Manager is installed for an SUL.

PSCAD™ and the license file may be installed on multiple computers, but only
one instance of PSCAD™ may be used at a time, on the computer on which
the dongle is installed.

1.5.2 Scenario 2 – Standalone Computer (MUL): This computer has one Multi-User License, and
therefore may license only one instance of PSCAD™. The two possible applications for this
type of license are as follows:

a. The computer runs PSCAD™ and licenses only itself. In this case, the PSCAD™ software,
license file, and dongle must all be installed on this computer. The License Manager is
not required to be installed; it is optional, but not recommended as it adds
unnecessary complication to your licensing configuration.

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PSCAD™ and the license file may be installed on multiple computers,
but only one instance of PSCAD™ may be used at a time, on the
computer on which the dongle is installed.

b. The computer runs PSCAD, and licenses itself and Client computers over the network.
The PSCAD™ software, License Manager, license file, and dongle are installed on this
computer. The License Manager manages the distribution of the license, to itself or
another computer.

1.5.3 Scenario 3 – Client Computer: This computer runs PSCAD™ using an MUL obtained
remotely from a License Manager installed on another machine (Scenario 4 or Scenario 5).

1.5.4 Scenario 4 – Server Computer: This License Manager computer distributes licenses
remotely to Client Computers (Scenario 3) so they may run PSCAD™. This computer does
not run PSCAD™. When it receives a request for a license, the License Manager assigns an
MUL to that system, if available. The license file for MULs, the dongle, and the License
Manager are installed on this computer.

1.5.5 Scenario 5 – Client/Server Computer: In addition to running PSCAD™, this computer has
the License Manager which distributes licenses to both itself and to other Client
Computers (Scenario 3). When it receives a request for a license, the License Manager
assigns an MUL to that computer, if available. PSCAD™, the license file for MULs, the
dongle, and the License Manager are installed on this computer.

Determining Required Software

1.6 Required software is as determined in Table 1-1, and includes one or more of the following,
depending on your scenario: PSCAD™; license file; and License Manager.

During an installation, if you decide to not install some of this software, you may install it at
a later date in accordance with Section 12.

Determining Optional Software

1.7 Required software is as determined in Table 1-1. Optional software includes the following,
depending on your scenario:

During an installation, if you decide to not install some of this software, you may install it at
a later date in accordance with Section 12.

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1.7.1 GFortran: A Fortran compiler is required with PSCAD™ to compile your simulations. Select
GFortran if you do not already have a commercial Fortran compiler , such as Intel visual
Fortran (recommended) or Compaq Visual Fortran (no longer supported after PSCAD

Commercial Fortran compilers are more powerful, and are not restricted by the
same limitations as GFortran.

1.7.2 LiveWire: LiveWire is a data analysis program that visualizes and analyzes data from
PSCAD™. LiveWire is not required to be installed to run PSCAD™. Select LiveWire as follows:

a. Select LiveWire Lite (Demo) if you wish to try this software for a limited time at no

b. Select LiveWire if you have purchased a license for this product (available at

1.7.3 Expanded Licensing: This is installed on Server and Client/Server computers that provide
PSCAD™ licensing to computers across more than one network. Expanded Licensing may be
purchased at For more detailed information on Expanded Licensing, see
Section 4.

The default licensing is Legacy Licensing, which permits licensing across a single
network. There is no additional cost for this type of licensing.

Determining Required Hardware

1.8 Refer to your installation scenario in Table 1-1 to determine whether your computer requires a
dongle (also known as a USB port hardware lock or Sentinel USB lock). The dongle is a device that
plugs into the USB port of a computer. It ensures that only licensed users may use PSCAD™. When
PSCAD™ is launched, licensing software verifies that both the dongle and corresponding software
license are installed; otherwise PSCAD™ will not run.

Beginning your Installation

1.9 Once you have determined which software to install for your particular scenario, proceed to
Section 2 to begin installation.

If you encounter any problems while installing software or activating a license, you
may contact us in accordance with Section 15.

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2. Installation Setup
2.1 Follow these instructions to set up and initiate the installation, applicable for all five installation
scenarios. It is strongly recommended that you determine which scenario you are performing in
accordance with Section 1 prior to the installation setup.

2.2 Upon purchasing PSCAD™ software, the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre will send the following
to you:

2.2.1 A compact disc (CD) containing the installation files, help files, and sample cases

2.2.2 A license.txt file (typically saved to the CD)

2.2.3 A dongle (also known as a USB port hardware lock, Sentinel USB lock)

2.3 Save the License.txt file to your computer.

2.4 For Windows Vista, Windows 7, and later versions of Windows, ensure that you have local
administrator privileges on your computer prior to beginning the installation.

2.5 Initiate the installation by inserting the CD into your computer CD player. The AutoPlay dialog box
should display automatically. Select Run Setup.exe.

If the AutoPlay dialog box does not display automatically, double-click on the CD drive icon in
Windows Explorer to view its contents. Double-click on the setup.exe file.

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2.6 The User Account Control dialog box may display to inquire whether you want to allow a program
(setup.exe), from an unknown publisher, to make changes to your computer. This message is a
standard warning to protect your computer when an executable file is detected. Click Yes to begin
the installation.

2.7 The InstallShield Wizard will launch and begin the installation as follows:

2.7.1 If this is a new installation, the InstallShield Wizard first determines whether any required
prerequisite software must be installed. Click on Install to allow this software to be

2.7.2 If this is to install additional software in accordance with Section 12, select Modify and
Next when prompted. Proceed to paragraph 2.11.

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2.8 The InstallShield Wizard will then begin to install PSCAD™ on your computer. Click on Next to

2.9 The License Agreement screen for PSCAD™ and EMTDC™ software will be displayed. Read the
agreement and press Print if you wish to print the agreement. If you agree, then click on I accept
the terms of the license agreement and press Next.

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2.10 In the Choose Destination Location screen, determine the file path for PSCAD™ software. To install
to the default file listed under Destination Folder, press Next. To install to a different folder, use
the Browse button to set the file path, then press Next.

2.11 From the Product Listing screen, select the products to install as determined in Section 1, and in
accordance with the following instructions, then press Next:

If you are installing software in accordance with Section 12, do not de-select any
previously installed items or they will be uninstalled.

This dialog box does not list the installation of the license file, Expanded Licenses, and dongle. You
will be prompted to install them in other sections as applicable.

2.11.1 To select a product for installation, click in the corresponding checkbox so that it displays
a checkmark.

2.11.2 To display a description of a product in the Description field, click on the product name.

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2.11.3 If you elect to not install some of these products at this time, you may install them at a
later date, in accordance with Section 12.

2.12 When the Select PSCAD License Management Options dialog box displays, make your selection as
follows, then press OK:

2.12.1 For Scenario 1 – Standalone Computer (SUL): Select PSCAD will use self-licensing.

2.12.2 For Scenario 2 – Standalone Computer (MUL): If you selected to install the License
Manager in the previous screen, then you must select PSCAD will use a Licence Manager
on this machine; the License Manager will be installed. If you selected not to install the
License Manager in the previous screen, you may select PSCAD will use self-licensing; the
License Manager will not be installed.

2.12.3 For Scenario 3 – Client Computer: Select PSCAD will use a Licence Manager on another
machine on your network, then enter the machine name or IP address in the field

2.12.4 For Scenario 4 – Server Computer: Select PSCAD will use a Licence Manager on this

2.12.5 For Scenario 5 – Client/Server Computer: Select PSCAD will use a Licence Manager on this

2.13 The Information screen will display the resources as detected on your system. Press Next.

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2.14 The Setup Status screen will then indicate that the InstallShield Wizard is configuring your

2.15 For a Scenario 4 system installation, in which a License Manager is installed on a server computer,
you will see the following dialog box. This dialog box is indicating there is no shortcut in the Start
menu, which is a result of not having elected to install PSCAD™ in paragraph 2.11. This is normal
and expected. Click on OK to continue.

2.16 Proceed as follows to continue the installation:

2.16.1 Go to Section 3 to install the License Manager.

2.16.2 Go to Section 5 to install GFortran.

2.16.3 Go to Section 6 to install LiveWire.

2.16.4 Go to Section 7 if you are not installing the License Manager, GFortran, nor LiveWire.

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3. Installing the License Manager
3.1 Follow these instructions to install the License Manager. These instructions are required for
Scenarios 4 and 5. For Scenario 2, install the License Manager if this computer will be distributing
licenses to other computers in addition to itself.

Scenarios 1 and 3 do not install the License Manager. For these scenarios, once you have
completed the installation setup in Section 2, proceed as directed in paragraph 2.16.

Installation Setup

3.2 Proceed as follows:

3.2.1 If you are continuing the installation from Section 2, proceed to paragraph 3.3.

3.2.2 If you are not continuing the installation from Section 2, launch the License Manager
Installer in one of two ways:

a. On the PSCAD™ CD, open the License folder and run the setup.exe file.

b. For License Manager 1.30, download the following .zip file and save to your computer.
The contents of the file will automatically be displayed in Windows Explorer.
Click on the setup.exe file to begin the installation.

Note that the latest License Manager LM 1.31 released in June 2012 is available here:

3.3 The License Manager screen will be displayed. Proceed as follows:

3.3.1 If a PSCAD™ License Manager has previously been installed on your computer, the
following screen will display. Select Repair and Next, then proceed to paragraph 3.9 to

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3.3.2 If a PSCAD™ License Manager has not previously been installed on your computer, the
following screen will display. Click on Next, then proceed to paragraph 3.4 to continue.

3.4 The License Agreement screen for PSCAD™, EMTDC™, and the License Manager software will be
displayed. Read the agreement, and if you agree, then click on I accept the terms of the license
agreement. Press Print if you wish to print the Agreement. Press Next to continue.

3.5 Read the Pre-Installation Information screen, and then press Next.

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3.6 The System Information screen will display information about your computer. Press Next.

3.7 In the Choose Destination Location screen, determine the file path for the License Manager
software. To install to the default file listed under Destination Folder, press Next. To install to a
different folder, use the Browse button to set the file path, then press Next.

3.8 The Start Copying Files screen will display. Press Next to begin copying the program files.

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3.9 The Setup Status screen will indicate that the License Manager installation is being configured.

Installing Sentinel USB Drivers

3.10 You will be prompted to unplug all Sentinel USB locks from your computer. Unplug these locks,
then press OK.

If a PSCAD™ License Manager has previously been installed on your computer, a slightly
different version of this dialog box will be displayed.

3.11 If a PSCAD™ License Manager has not previously been installed on your computer, a dialog box
similar to the one below will indicate that the Sentinel System driver has been installed. Press OK.

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3.12 When prompted, connect your PSCAD Sentinel USB lock to your computer, then press OK.

If a PSCAD™ License Manager has previously been installed on your computer, a
slightly different version of this dialog box will be displayed.

Configuring the License Manager

3.13 The following message will display. Read the message and press OK.

This message is not applicable for clients who have purchased Expanded Licenses, which permit
communication between server and client computers on multiple networks. This message is only
applicable for clients who will be using the default Legacy Licensing, which permits
communication across one network for client computers residing on the same network as the
License Manager. See Section 4 for more information on Expanded Licenses.

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3.14 The License Manager Setup Tool dialog box will display. Configure the License Manager in
accordance with the instructions in the Instructions tab and paragraphs 3.15 to 3.21.

Refer to the Actions and Help menus of the Licenses Manager Setup Tool dialog box
throughout the configuration. The contents of the Help menu are also copied to Appendix A
for your reference.

3.15 In the Version tab, you may view the License Manager to be installed. The latest version should be
installed. See the About the Versions tab dialog box in the Help menu for more information.

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3.16 The Networks tab is used only if licensing will be across multiple networks (Expanded Licenses).
You may fill in this table in accordance with Section 4 if you intend to purchase Expanded

Expanded Licenses are purchased through For more information, see
the About the Networks tab dialog box in the Help menu, or see Section 4.

3.17 The Adapters & IPs tab is used whether installing Legacy Licensing or Expanded Licensing (see
Section 4, paragraph 4.2). This tab is used to determine the network for communication between
the server and client computers. If Expanded Licensing is not installed, this tab contains the
default settings. If Expanded Licensing is installed, but not available, for example due to expiry,
this tab contains the fallback settings. Set the communication network as follows (see the About
the Adapters & IPs tab dialog box in the Help menu for more information):

3.17.1 To lock to a particular IP address, double-click on the IP address, and in the

Confirm Selection dialog box, press OK. This is the preferred method of
locking the License Manager, since the selected network will not change once

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3.17.2 To lock to a Type of adapter, such as wired or wireless, double-click on the
type of adapter, and in the Confirm Selection dialog box, press OK. The
License Manager will lock to the first detected adapter of the type selected.
This is not the preferred method of locking the License Manager, as the IP
address can vary depending on which one is detected first.

3.17.3 You may not select the IP address 127.x.x.x since this is the IP address of the
current computer, with no option to network to other computers.

3.18 The Settings tab is used to specify the IP address only if licensing will be across a single network
(Legacy Licensing, Section 4, paragraph 4.2 for more information). This should be set to the same
IP address that was selected in paragraph 3.17. See the About the Settings tab dialog box in the
Help menu for more information.

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3.19 The Override tab is used only if licensing will be across a single network (Legacy Licensing, Section
4, paragraph 4.2 for more information). Refer to Section 4, paragraph 4.5 for information on IP
address classes. See the About the Override tab dialog box in the Help menu for more information.

Do not select the Apply button until you have confirmed your changes throughout all tabs.
Selecting the Apply button will finalize the changes to your licensing configuration, and close the
License Manager Setup Tool. To display this tool again, follow instructions in Section 4,
paragraph 4.10.

3.20 The Messages tab logs all changes made in all tabs of the License Manager Setup Tool dialog box.
If you have any difficulties or errors when configuring your license, email this log to our Support
Department in accordance with Section 15. See the About the Messages tab dialog box in the Help
menu for more information.

3.21 Once you have completed all changes within all tabs of the License Manager Setup Tool dialog
box, select Apply in the Override tab. This will save these changes and close the License Manager
Setup Tool dialog box. Select Cancel to ignore all changes.

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Installing the License

3.22 Once you have configured the license, the Setup Type screen will display to ask whether to install
any license(s). You need a license to run PSCAD™ Professional or Educationasl, and/or to use
Expanded Licensing (see Section 4 for more information). Press Yes and Next if you want to install
any license(s).

You may select No if you wish to install the license at a later time in accordance with
Section 12. If so, proceed to paragraph 3.25 to complete the current installation.

3.23 The License Update Utility dialog box will display. Proceed to Section 9 to install the license.

Starting the License Manager

3.24 Once you have installed the license, manually start the License Manager as follows:

3.24.1. Click on the Start button, and browse to All Programs | PSCAD | License Manager | Start
License Manager Service.

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3.24.2. If the following warning displays, press OK and this shortcut will run with Administrator

The following dialog box will display to indicate that the License Manager has been started. Click on OK.

Completion of Installation

3.25 The License Manager screen will display to indicate that the License Manager is now installed on
your computer. If you would like to display the README file, click on I would like to view the
README file. Click on Finish.

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3.26 The following screen will display recommending that you restart your computer. If you elected to
install optional software, (GFortran, LiveWire Lite, LiveWire), complete these installations before
restarting your computer. Press Finish.

Next Steps

3.27 The InstallShield Wizard will continue the installation as follows:

3.27.1 Go to Section 5 to install GFortran.

3.27.2 Go to Section 6 to install LiveWire.

3.27.3 Go to Section 7 if you are not installing GFortran nor LiveWire.

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4. Installing Expanded Licenses
4.1 Perform these instructions if you have purchased Expanded Licenses. You may require the help of
your Information Technology (IT) Department to determine the networks and computer IP
addresses for these licenses.


4.2 Previously, the conventional licensing philosophy of the PSCAD™ License Manager (all versions)
was that the License Manager would only license clients on one network as defined by RFC-960,
page 2. Additionally, the License Manager host machine must also be directly connected to this
same network. This is the standard type of licensing for PSCAD™, and is called Legacy Licensing.

4.3 A complication has emerged, however, in that most modern machines are multi-homed; in other
words, they have multiple IP addresses assigned to them in addition to the default localhost
( IP address. Today’s machines may have any number of actual wired and wireless
network adapters, and virtual adapters, and each network adapter may have multiple IP
addresses assigned to it, and they are most likely connected to multiple networks.

4.4 Consequently, Expanded Licensing has been developed to permit the Licence Manager to license
PSCAD™ clients located on multiple authorized networks. Furthermore, these networks do not
need to be directly connected to the License Manager host machine.

Setting the Specified Class Setting

4.5 Prior to installing the Expanded Licenses, it was recommended that you determine the network
addresses and associated network classes for the network on which the PSCAD client computers
resided. This is shown in Table 4-1, as defined in RFC 960, page 2, of the Internet Protocol

Network class Start Address End Address Class level

A 126. 0. 0.0 ↑ Higher class

B 191.255. 0.0



E ↓ Lower class

Table 4-1 Network Addresses and Associated Class Levels

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Requirements for Using Expanded Licenses

4.6 There are two requirements for installing Expanded Licenses:

4.6.1 The License Manager 1.30 or later version must be installed.

If you are unsure which version of License Manager is installed on your
computer, you may determine the version in accordance with Section 13,
paragraph 13.2.

4.6.2 Expanded Licenses must be purchased from You will receive a text file
that will be used to install the Expanded Licenses.

4.6.3 Expanded licenses must be installed on the License Manager host.

Configuring Expanded Licenses

4.7 Follow these instructions to install Expanded Licensing for your organization. It is recommended
that you determine your networks in accordance with paragraph 4.5 prior to beginning this

4.8 Proceed as follows:

4.8.1 If License Manager 1.30 is not already installed, install License Manager 1.30 in
accordance with Section 3. This installation will refer you back to this section (Section 4)
to install the Expanded Licenses.

4.8.2 If License Manager 1.30 is already installed, proceed to paragraph 4.9 to install the
Expanded Licenses.

4.9 To display the License Manager Setup Tool dialog box, click on the Start menu, browse to All
Programs | PSCAD | License Manager | Setup Tool.

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4.10 Select the Networks tab. Configure the Expanded Licenses for the PSCAD™ client computers as

Refer to paragraph 4.10.5 if you have any problems during this installation.

4.10.1 The Description field is for your use only, to provide a description about the network. It is
ignored by the License Manager.

4.10.2 The IP Address field is any IP address on the network that will be authorized to be
licensed. It is entered in the traditional dotted IP address in IPv4 format (IPv6 is not
currently supported).

Example: IP=

4.10.3 The CIDR Mask field specifies the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) subnet mask
notation associated with the network specified in the previous step, reduced to a
simplified form. The supported values may be represented in either of the following two

a. A number, which is in the range of 8…32, or

b. A letter which corresponds to the traditional classful network mask. The allowed
values are:

For an equivalent class A network, select CIDR Mask = 8

For an equivalent class B network, select CIDR Mask = 16

For an equivalent class C network, select CIDR Mask = 24

For an equivalent class D network, select CIDR Mask = 32

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4.10.4 The following figure shows sample data entered into the Networks tab.

4.10.5 If you have any problems with the installation of the license, forward the log file to our
Support Department as follows:

a. Open the Actions menu and select Save Messages.

b. You will be prompted to save a text file containing information about this installation,
which you may then forward to

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Next Steps

4.11 Proceed as follows:

4.11.1 If you are installing Expanded Licenses as part of the License Manager installation (from
Section 3), proceed to Section 3, paragraph 3.17 to continue this installation.

4.11.2 If the License Manager is already fully installed, then proceed as follows:

a. Save your settings by opening the Actions menu and selecting Save Settings and Exit.

b. Proceed to Section 9, paragraph 9.2.2.c to install the Expanded Licenses.

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5. Installing GFortran
5.1 Follow these instructions if you elected to install GFortran in Section 2, paragraph 2.11. This
installation is optional for Scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 5. It is not applicable for Scenario 4.

5.2 Resuming the installation application from either Section 2 or 3, after a short delay, the
installation of GFortran will automatically be started next. Click on Next.

5.3 The License Agreement screen will be displayed. Read the agreement and if you agree, then click
on I accept the terms of the license agreement and press Next.

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5.4 In the Choose Destination Location screen, determine the file path for GFortran software. To
install to the default file, press Next. To install to a different folder, use the Change button to set
the file path, then press Next.

5.5 Follow the instructions in the Start Copying Files screen, then press Next to continue.

5.6 GFortran will configure your software installation.

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5.7 Once the installation is complete, you will be advised to restart your computer before using
GFortran. If you elected to install LiveWire, complete that installation first, then restart your
computer. Press Finish.

5.8 For Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 5, if you elected to install LiveWire, proceed to Section 6. Otherwise,
proceed to Section 7 to complete with the installation.

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6. Installing LiveWire
6.1 Follow these instructions if you elected to install LiveWire Lite (Demo) (unlicensed) or LiveWire
(licensed) in Section 2, paragraph 2.11. This instruction is optional for Scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 5. It is
not applicable for Scenario 4.

6.2 If LiveWire was selected be installed, the installation of LiveWire will automatically be started.
Click on Next in the InstallShield Wizard screen.

6.3 The License Agreement screen will be displayed. Read the agreement. If you agree, click on Yes.

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6.4 In the Choose Destination Location screen, determine the file path for LiveWire software. To
install to the default file, press Next. To install to a different folder, use the Browse button to set
the file path, then press Next.

6.5 LiveWire will be installed. When the installation is complete, press Finish.

6.6 If you are not installing the licensed version of LiveWire, proceed to paragraph 6.8.

6.7 If you are installing the licensed version of LiveWire, perform as follows:

6.7.1 Save the license.txt file to your computer.

If you already have a license.txt file for another application (e.g. PSCAD™ license), you may
modify the title of the LiveWire license file. This will prevent you from over-writing the
license file from the other application.

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6.7.2 Launch LiveWire. A warning dialog box will display. Press OK.

6.7.3 The LiveWire License Manager dialog box will display. In the Install Single/Multiple User
License(s) field, browse to the license file, then press Install.

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6.7.4 The following dialog box will display to indicate that the license was installed. Click on OK.

6.7.5 You may use LiveWire once you restart it. Press OK.

6.8 Proceed to Section 7 to complete the installation.

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7. Installation Completion
7.1 Once all software has been installed in accordance with Sections 2 to 6 (as applicable), the
InstallShield Wizard will complete the installation as shown in this section. These instructions are
applicable for all scenarios.

7.2 After a short delay, the installer will ensure that the latest Sentinel drivers are installed, and the
installer will proceed as follows:

7.2.1 The following message will be displayed. Unplug any Sentinel USB locks from your
computer, then press OK.

7.2.2 You will be informed when the Sentinel System Driver Installer setup is completed. Press

7.2.3 A message will flash, indicating you may re-install your Sentinel USB locks to your
computer. Ensure to install your PSCAD™ USB lock at this point.

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7.3 When the installation is complete, you will see one of the following screens, depending on your
installation. Make your selection as applicable and press Finish.

7.4 Proceed from here as follows:

7.4.1 Scenarios 1 and 2: Go to Section 8 to launch PSCAD™. You will then be directed to Section
9 to license PSCAD™.

For Scenario 2, if you installed the License Manager, you may already have
installed the license.

7.4.2 Scenario 3: Go to Section 8 to launch PSCAD™. You will then be directed to Section 10 to
network to the server computer for a license.

7.4.3 Scenario 4: Your installation is complete. You may install PSCAD™ on client computers
(scenario 3) at this point.

If you did not install the license in Section 3, proceed to Section 9 to do so.

7.4.4 Scenario 5: Proceed to Section 8 to launch PSCAD™. You will then be directed to Section 9
to install the license and Section 11 to activate the license.

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8. Launching PSCAD™
8.1 This instruction for launching PSCAD™ is applicable for all computers running this software
(Scenarios 1, 2, 3 and 5). You may launch PSCAD™ once all applicable software has been installed
in accordance with Sections 2 through 7.

8.2 If you installed GFortran or Sentinel software, log out before launching PSCAD™ so that your
system environment is properly updated.

8.3 Ensure the dongle (Sentinel USB lock) is connected as follows:

8.3.3 Scenarios 1 and 2: The dongle is connected to the PSCAD™ computer.

8.3.4 Scenarios 3, 4, and 5: The dongle is connected to the server computer.

8.4 PSCAD™ may be launched in one of two ways:

8.4.1 Start Menu Shortcut: From the Start menu, select All Programs | PSCAD | PSCAD X4 |

There are two shortcuts in the Start menu, PSCAD (non-elevated) and PSCAD.
You may launch PSCAD™ using either of these two shortcuts. However, if you
are running PSCAD™ on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or later Windows
versions, always launch PSCAD™ with elevated privileges by using the PSCAD
shortcut. This will avoid related errors.

8.4.2 Case Files: Launch PSCAD™ by double-clicking on any case files.

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8.5 If PSCAD™ is launched for the first time, the Copyright dialog box will display. Read the Agreement
and if you agree, click on I Agree.

8.6 If following message is displayed, proceed as follows:

PSCAD™ will not function if a license has not been installed and activated.

8.6.1 Click on OK. The System Settings dialog box will display.

8.6.2 Install the license as follows:

a. For Scenarios 1, 2, and 5, go to Section 9 to install the license.txt file.

b. For Scenario 3, go to Section 10 to connect to the License Manager.

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9. Installing a License
9.1 A license is required to be installed for the following applications: PSCAD™ Professional and
Educational versions; Expanded Licenses (see Section 4 for more information).

All Scenarios except for Scenario 3 must install a PSCAD™ license. For a Scenario 3 system
installation, proceed to Section 10 for instructions on networking to the server computer, from
which a license to use PSCAD™ is obtained.

9.2 How you install a license depends on your system installation. Proceed as follows:

9.2.1 If you are resuming an installation, proceed as follows:

a. If you are continuing from Section 8, go to, paragraph 9.3.

b. If you are continuing from Section 3, paragraph 3.23, go to, paragraph 9.4.

9.2.2 If you are not resuming an installation, proceed as follows:

a. If you are installing Expanded Licenses, proceed in accordance with paragraph 9.2.2.c.

b. If PSCAD™ is installed, then launch PSCAD™ in accordance with Section 8, and go to

paragraph 9.3 to continue.

c. If the License Manager is installed:

i. Launch the License Update Utility by clicking on the Start button, and browsing to
All Programs | PSCAD | License Manager | Enter Licence Key.

ii. Go to paragraph 9.4 to continue.

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Continuing an Installation from Section 8

9.3 If you launched PSCAD™ in accordance with Section 8, proceed as follows:

9.3.1 The System Settings dialog box will be displayed in Section 8. This will be used to install
the license. In the License Host field, enter localhost, then press Apply.

9.3.2 In the Install License(s) field, enter the file path to the license.txt file that you saved to
your computer in Section 2, paragraph 2.3. You may navigate to the file using the Browse

9.3.3 Press the Install button to install this license.

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9.3.4 The following dialog box will display for a successful installation. Press View Log to view
the PscadLmgr.txt file. This is a text log file that logs the details of your license installation.
Press Details for license information. Press OK.

9.3.5 Once the license has been successfully installed, do not close out of the System Settings
dialog box; proceed to Section 11 to activate the license.

9.3.6 If an error message displays to indicate that the license was not installed, you may contact
the PSCAD™ Support Team in accordance with Section 15.

Continuing an Installation from Section 3

9.4 Install a license using the License Update Utility as follows:

9.4.1 As indicated in the instructions in the dialog box, select Actions | Enter License keys. You
will be prompted to browse to the license.txt file that you received.

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9.4.2 You will be informed that the license has been installed. Proceed as follows:

a. Close the License Update Utility dialog box.

b. If you are installing the License Manager (from Section 3), return to Section 3,
paragraph 3.24 to resume this installation.

c. If you are only installing Expanded Licenses (from Section 4), your installation is

9.4.3 If you have any problems with the installation of the license, forward the log file to our
Support Department as follows:

a. Open the Actions menu and select Save Messages.

b. You will be prompted to save a text file containing information about this installation,
which you may then forward to

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10. Connecting to the License Manager
10.1 For Scenario 3 installations, PSCAD™ will not run on these client computers until they are
connected with a licensed server, as instructed in this section, and then activated in accordance
with Section 11.

10.2 Launch PSCAD™ in accordance with Section 8. The System Settings dialog box will display and be
used to network to the server. In the License tab, type in the name of the host computer in the
License Host field, then press Apply.

10.3 Proceed to Section 11 to activate your license.

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11. Activating a License
11.1 This section provides instructions for activating a license. PSCAD™ will not run until a license has
been activated.

11.2 If the System Settings dialog box is not already displayed, launch PSCAD™ in accordance with
Section 8. Click on OK when the following error message is displayed.

11.3 In the System Settings dialog box, select the Professional or Educational edition in the Available
License(s) drop-down box, and then press the Activate button.

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11.4 A dialog box will display to indicate that the license was successfully activated. Click on OK.

11.5 In the System Settings dialog box, click on OK. PSCAD™ will be available to use.

11.6 In case of any difficulties in activating a license, contact the PSCAD™ Support Team in accordance
with Section 15.

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12. Installing Additional Software at a Later Time
12.1 If you elected to not install certain software during a previous installation, you may elect to install
it now. The software that may be installed are:

12.1.1 PSCAD™: Go to paragraph 12.2.

12.1.2 License Manager: Go to paragraph 12.2, then proceed to Section 3.

12.1.3 License File: Proceed to Section 9.

12.1.4 GFortran Compiler: Go to paragraph 12.2, then proceed to Section 5.

12.1.5 LiveWire: Go to paragraph 12.2, then proceed to Section 6.

12.1.6 Expanded Licensing: When you purchase this from, you will receive a
license.txt file for this installation. Save this file to your computer and go to Section 4.

12.2 To install any of this software, proceed as follows:

12.2.1 Perform the installation setup in Section 2.

12.2.2 In Section 2, paragraph 2.11, select the applicable software with a checkmark.

Do not de-select any previously installed items or they will be uninstalled.

12.2.3 Proceed as directed in Section 2, paragraph 2.16 for installation of any other software.

12.2.4 Restart your computer before using PSCAD™ if you install GFortran or Sentinel drivers.

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13. Updating your License Manager
13.1 Perform these instructions to upgrade your current License Manager to a newer version. Your
current License Manager service must be stopped and uninstalled before the newer version may
be installed.

Determining the License Manager Version

13.2 If you are unsure which version of License Manager is installed, you may determine this as

13.2.1 Click on the Start menu and browse to All programs | PSCAD | License Manager | GetInfo

13.2.2 In the GetInfo utility, review the version level listed under the Local License Manager text.

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Stopping the License Manager

13.3 Stop the License Manager as follows:

13.3.1 Click on the Start button, browse to PSCAD | License Manager | Stop License Manager

13.3.2 The following warning will display. Press OK to run with administrator rights.

13.3.3 The following message will display to indicate that the License Manager has been
stopped. Press OK.

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Uninstalling the License Manager

13.4 Uninstall the License Manager as follows:

13.4.1 Click on the Start button, browse to PSCAD | License Manager | Remove License Manager

13.4.2 The warning message as shown in paragraph 13.3.2 will display. Click on OK to run this
function with administrator rights.

13.4.3 The License Manager will be removed. Press any key when the following dialog box is

Installing the Latest Version of License Manager

13.5 Proceed to Section 3 to install the latest version of PSCAD™ License Manager.

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14. Migrating your License Manager
14.1 Perform these instructions if you are migrating your PSCAD™ License Manager from one server
computer (Computer A) to a new server computer (Computer B). These instructions are applicable
for Scenarios 4 and 5.

14.2 Install the License Manager on Computer B in accordance with Section 3. As part of this
installation, you will be prompted to install the license.txt file that was originally used to install the
license on Computer A. Proceed as follows:

14.2.1 If you are able to locate the file, you may install it when prompted (Section 3,
paragraph 3.22).

14.2.2 If you are unable to locate this file, proceed as follows:

a. Copy the lmgr-hvdc file, located in the Windows or WinNT folder on Computer A.

b. Paste this file to the Windows folder on Computer B.

c. When you are asked whether to install a license (Section 3, paragraph 3.22), select No.
It is not necessary to install your license since you have copied the lmgr-hvdc.txt file to
Computer B. You may skip paragraph 3.23, and proceed to paragraph 3.24.

14.3 On all PSCAD™ client computers that will be obtaining a license from Computer B, configure
PSCAD™ to network to Computer B in accordance with Section 10.

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15. Contacting the PSCAD™ Support Team
15.1 If you have any difficulties at any point during the installation, licensing or activation of the
software, you may contact the PSCAD™ Support Team at Please ensure to
attach as much information as possible to describe where and when the problem occurred,
including snapshots and the log files as listed below if available.

Diagnosing the PSCAD™ Client Computer

15.2 To diagnose the PSCAD™ client computer, please forward the following files if available:

15.2.1 Obtain all copies of the PscadLmgr.txt file and attach to your email. The file locations are
as follows:

a. Windows XP: If you are running Windows XP, this file will be located as follows:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Manitoba HVDC

Research Centre\LicenseManager\PscadLmgr.txt

b. Windows Vista and Windows 7: If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, this
file will be located as follows (attach both files):

C:\Users\All Users\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\


C:\Users\YourUserID\AppData\Local\Manitoba HVDC Research


15.2.2 Obtain the snapshot of the Details dialog, found as follows:

a. Start PSCAD™, open the PSCAD menu, and select Workspace Settings.

b. In the License tab, click on Details.

c. When prompted, save the file and attach the file to your email.

15.2.3 Obtain the GetInfo.txt file as follows:

a. Download the latest GetInfo32 utility from the following location:

b. Save this file to your computer.

c. Open the ZIP file and run the GetInfo32.exe file.

d. The GetInfo utility will indicate the file path for the GetInfo.txt file. Attach this file to
your email.

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Diagnosing the License Host Machine

15.3 To diagnose the License Manager (host computer), please forward the following files if available:

If you are using the standalone License Manager, please do the following actions,
even if the License Manager is on the same machine as PSCAD™.

15.3.1 Obtain all copies of the Lmgrd-log.txt file and attach to your email. The file locations are
found as follows:

a. Windows XP: If you are running Windows XP, this file will be located as follows:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Manitoba HVDC Research


b. Windows Vista or Windows 7: If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, this file
will be located as follows (please attach both log files):

C:\Users\All Users\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\


C:\Users\YourUserID\AppData\Local\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\


15.3.2 Obtain the GetInfo.txt file in accordance with paragraph 15.2.3.

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Appendix A – Help Menu Items in the License Manager Setup Tool
This appendix contains snapshots of the contents within the License Manager Setup Tool dialog box. This
may be used for reference while installing the License Manager (Section 3).

Contents of the Help menu items Contents of About this utility

Contents of About Licensing Modes

Installing PSCAD® X4 Revision 1, June 12, 2012

©2012 Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Appendix A-1
Contents of How to Configure your Licensing Contents of About the Version

Contents of About the Networks Contents of About the Adapters and IPs

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Appendix A-2 ©2012 Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
Contents of About the Settings Contents of About the Override

Contents of About the Messages

Installing PSCAD® X4 Revision 1, June 12, 2012

©2011 Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Appendix A-3

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