Put Your Data To Work:: Unleash The Power of Text Analytics

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incite summit
text analytics
west November 5– 6, 2015
Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, California

Put your data to work:

Unleash the power
of text analytics
Apply insights gleaned from text analytics to boost
engagement, drive marketing ROI, support corporate
priorities and guide decision making.

Data-Oriented Agile & Responsive

Put your data to use to solve problems, Use the insights uncovered through text
answer questions, gain valuable insight analytics to improve your marketing
and attain your business goals campaigns with better segmentation,
stronger targeting, broader reach & more
responsive messaging

Tips and Tools 360° View

Best practices and real-world examples As the line between data and marketing
to keep you ahead of the curve with becomes more blurred, learn to
NLP, multi-lingual text analytics, and breakdown silos and create a frictionless
sentiment analysis analytics program at your company

Meet and Learn with Major Text Analytics Players:

incite-group.com/events/textwest #incitesummit

Who is speaking at the Incite

Text Analytics Summit: West?
The best and brightest minds
in analytics, all in one place:
Matt Denesuk Mike MacMillian Rohit Tandon
Chief Data Science Officer VP Data and Analytics Vice President and
GE Software About.Com WW Head of Global Analytics

Ben Murray Philo Janus Kiran Vuppala

Team Lead, Senior SharePoint Architect Vice President
Big Data Solutions AARP Blackrock

Ramkumar Ravichandran Alice Chung Christopher Jones

Director, Analytics Senior Manager Chief Product Officer
Visa Genentech Beartooth Radio

Stephen Rappaport Shree Dandekar Mark Pitts

Senior Digital Advisor Chief Strategist, Chief Analytics & Data Officer
Sunstar, INC. BI & Analytics Highmark Health

Tony Bodoh Dhruv Sampat Manish Gupta

Customer Experience VP of Analytics Head of Analytics
USAA Course Hero, INC. Twitter

Judy Pastor
Manager, Operations
Research and Data Mining
American Airlines

For the most up to date speaker list visit


Get help to: 2

Successfully tie your

analytics to business
intelligence and your
Sell the benefits of corporate goals
text analytics and
demonstrate ROI for
your data analysis
Listen to the voice of your

Breakdown silos
3 customer so you can stay
ahead of the competition
and find new markets
and realign teams
so data and
marketing can
work to improve Create the perfect team
engagement of data scientists and
and customer decision makers and make
experience your analysis stretch
even farther

Decide the best data models; tackle NLP and sentiment
analysis; and undertake multi-lingual text analytics

incite-group.com/events/textwest #incitesummit
YOUR agenda

Analytics at Your Company: Internal Buy-In,

Day on e
Corporate Structure, and the Motives for becoming

Discussion surrounding data and analysis has shifted from “why?” and “how?” to “why not think
bigger?” and “how soon can we do this?” Data analysis today is integral to the success of your
business. Look at where your strategy is today, where it needs to go to fully serve your business
goals, and ultimately what needs to happen internally to succeed.

• T
 he Benefits of Analytics: How to integrate text analytics into your company and what
you can learn from their mistakes to avoid making them yourself

• D
 ata Intertwined: The opportunities that arise when a company ties their data to larger
business goals, like marketing, engagement, advertising and customer service

• Expectations and ROI: Ways to set realistic expectations of text analytics, and how to
demonstrate ROI so you can guide the way to success

• Internal Structure and Company Culture: A look at who you need on your team,
what capabilities you should bring-ing house and which you can contract out, and how a culture
of innovation can pave the way to a strong analytics unit

Tying Text Analytics to Business Intelligence

and Corporate Objectives: Marrying your data to
internal and external business goals to help you achieve them
Data is ubiquitous. In today’s corporate environment, it can often seem that data is all-powerful
and all-knowing, but there are limitations to what unstructured data can show us and what we
can learn from it. Take a look at the ways text analytics can serve business goals and what you
can learn about your customers by examining unstructured data.

• D
 etermining Metrics and Setting Goals: The importance of setting realistic goals,
determining metrics for success, and demonstrating value to efficiently gauge what’s working
and what’s not in your analytics strategy

• Using Text Analytics in Marketing: How to use text analytics to improve marketing
campaigns, including engagement, service and retention, in order to optimize spend, to reach
customers across channels and to close the marketing loop

• Sharing Data and Knocking Down Siloes: The imperative of sharing data across
departments and breaking down siloes so you can create a full picture of your customers

• Unstructured Data, Your Customers and You: Understand how to better serve
your customers by analyzing data to map their customer journey and meet their expectations

YOUR agenda

Text Analytics, Social Media and Customer

Day on e
Service: How social media is changing the name of the
analytics game and how to utilize text analytics for improving
customer service and reaching new markets
While there is no silver bullet to engaging your customers, social media is a powerful tool for
understanding, listening, engaging, attracting and retaining customers. Text analytics is key to
successfully using social media and can ultimately enhance the power it gives you

Real-time Monitoring: How information provided on social media platforms is changing the ways
data is processed and analyzed, making everything faster, more efficient, and farther reaching

Managing Multiple Platforms and Data Sources: How to utilize various forms of social media and
ways to integrate what you learn into a customer engagement strategy

Influencing Conversation: Explore how being in the places your customers are, like Facebook
and Twitter, can vastly improve the way you talk to them and help you influence the conversation
around your brand

Reaching New Markets: Learn to tap into new markets and find new audiences by listening to
what’s being said about your brand. A case study from HP and Nascar demonstrates how.

“The Human Factor”: A look at machine learning and

what aspects of text analytics still requires the human touch
Lucky for us, and unlucky for the robots, successfully utilizing text analytics at your company
still requires human talent, manpower and the resources of a strong team. Machines aren’t all-
knowing, but neither are we – the key is striking the right balance.

• Who Does What: What machines can do, what we need to teach them, and who is best
qualified to fill the gap in order to achieve business goals

• T
 he Nuts and Bolts: Discuss the real science of machine learning, see how taxonomy and
machine learning work hand-in-hand, and recognize how tools like algorithms can achieve
greater accuracy and success in text mining

• D
 ecision Making: The processes of picking the right software, deciding who should be
involved on a project, selecting metrics for each stage of analysis and who will oversee them

• T
 he Future. The Matrix?: When, if ever, can we expect less or no need for humans in text
analytics, and will machines ever fully automate the process? What does that mean for your
strategy and your company’s business goals

YOUR agenda

Voice of the Customer: Knowing what your customer

Day two
expects, what matters to them, how you can fulfill their
needs, and what to steer clear of when interacting with your
Trying to understand your customer without applying text analysis is like choosing a paint color
in the dark. If you want to know what your customer wants, needs, prefers, and expects, then
you need to listen to the Voice of your Customer.

• T
 wo Way Street: If you want to succeed in customer engagement, you can’t just guess what
you customer wants and you can’t dictate the ways you can help. Listen to your customers wants
and needs to make sure you’re staying relevant and useful

• Staying Ahead of Competition: There are few markets where competition isn’t steep and
the number of products available isn’t plentiful. Understand exactly what your customer needs,
through in-depth analysis, to stay ahead of your competitors and determine the unique selling
points of your product

• Customer Journey: In a multi-device, multi-platform world, following your customer along

their journey is crucial. Establish best practices for listening to the voice of your customer and
culling the information most useful to your business

• T
 he Challenges of Spam: How to determine true attitudes from false opinions and filter
out what is useful and what is junk to make sure you’re getting the right information on the right

Sentiment Analysis, NLP and Multi-lingual Text

Analytics: How to filter, collect and analyze text in an age
of sarcastic, ironic, and multi-linguistic speakers who use
slang, emojis and shorthand
It would be great if everyone spoke and used the Queen’s English, but the reality of how we all
talk is a lot richer than that. Learn to completely understand what’s being said by recognizing
sentiment, deciphering slang and shorthand, and embracing multi-lingual speech

• Our Shorthanded Culture: Hear about the unique challenges of keeping up with social
changes and how things like emojis and slang can affect your analysis so you make sure you’re
getting the right information

• Irony and False Reporting: The difficulties of determining a true sentiment from a false
one so you can properly gauge who your customers are and figure out what matters to them

• V
 oice-to-Text: Get a real understanding of natural language, what your customers are saying
and how they’re saying it with voice-to-text and speech analysis

• Multi-lingual Text Analytics: In a world where it’s estimated that 50+% of the
speaks more than one language, it is crucial for analysts to be mining the correct data regardless
of language. Hear how to overcome challenges and use linguistic resources to succeed
in a global market

YOUR agenda

The Nuts and Bolts, Tips and Tools: Best practices

Day two
for mining, modeling, identifying, targeting, and segmenting
It’s easy to say that text analytics is important and discuss it from a theoretical point of view,
but without an understanding of how it works and what you need to be doing, it won’t go
anywhere. Get down and dirty with the ins-and-outs, nuts and bolts of text analytics.

• A
 nalytics Models: The pros and cons of various means of data modeling, including
descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive, to ensure you’re making the right decisions with the
right insights

• Combining Data: How to glean insights by combining structured and unstructured data,
and data from across various devices and channels (social, CRM) so you can unleash the full
potential of the data available

• T
 argeting: How text analytics can help you target specific audience segments, and what you
can learn about your different target audiences by approaching them differently

• T
 echniques and Tools: A panel of experts answers your questions and share how they
approach data mining, storage, analysis and more so you can bring real-life lessons back to
your office


In today’s business environment,

you must be data-oriented to succeed
Data analysis is integral to your business. The sheer amount of unstructured data is exploding, and the
insights you can glean from it are multiplying. If your company isn’t already using text analytics you’re
missing a huge chunk of valuable information about your customers.

The Incite Text Analytics Summit: West is uniquely poised to help you.

Proven insights from data scientists and brand managers:

We don’t mean a lot of chatter around theory and high-level posturing about Big
Data. The Incite Group promises and delivers insights from leading brands, top
data scientists, and innovative marketers. We provide real-world strategies and
tried-and-tested tools. Make your data work for you. Hear how from Twitter, Dell,
USAA, AARP, GE, HP, BlackRock and Genentech.

No Pitches. No Useless Information. Just what you

need to succeed:
You spoke and we listened. This is our 15th text analytics summit, and we’ve
learned a lot in that time – like exactly what our audience wants and needs
from the conference. Over the two conference days, we’ll structure the event
to meet your needs. Our agenda is developed completely independently.
That means best practices and case studies from our expert speakers on the
challenges the industry faces and the opportunities to explore.

Interactive Debate and Collaborative Discussion:

We’re about more than just lectures and PowerPoints. We’re about
interacting, sharing, debating and questioning. By bringing together the
whole analytics ecosystem, we’ve facilitated a conversation between data
analysts and brand managers so they can work in closer proximity and
develop common goals.

Big Picture. Little Picture. We’ve got both:

The Incite Text Analytics Summit: West was designed to give you the best
of both worlds. To give you a micro-view of the industry, each of the event’s
topic points (you can find them on the agenda page) will be addressed by one
of our expert speakers through a detailed, in-depth presentation. We’ll follow
each topic with a summarizing panel where each speaker will answer your
questions, debate the future of text analytics, and drive home the important
tips you need to improve your analytics programs.

Our track record is impeccable:

88% of our attendees over the past 15 years have said they learned
techniques and strategies to use back at the office, and over 90% said
they would recommend us to their colleagues. We take those statistics
very seriously, and will continue to provide you with the best learning and
networking opportunities. Meet the right people, learn the best tips, and
forge new relationships – all part of the Incite Group guarantee.

incite-group.com/events/textwest #incitesummit

The Incite Text Analytics Summit: West is

a collaborative project. Every session, every
discussion and every question we ask comes
directly from our community of your peers.
The event will evolve over time thanks to your feedback and suggestions. We want to
stay relevant and keep pace with this rapidly changing industry. That’s where you come in.

Collaborate with us on the summit and you’ll save $250 on your pass!

Head to www.incite-group.com/events/textwest/collaborate to find our more.

There you can:
• Ask questions you want answered by our community and expert speakers
• Request a presentation topic and suggest a speaker you want to hear from
• Vote on which sessions are best and help us evolve the agenda

Do you offer an analytics solution?

If so, we have the ability to strengthen your business development efforts in 2014 and beyond.
The Text Analytics Summit East offers you an excellent menu of sponsorship and exhibition
opportunities that can help your organization make a name for itself in the text analytics space.
We can tailor a sponsorship package to exceed your event goals while staying within your budget with:

• Speaking Opportunities • Exhibition Booth Space

• Workshop Master Class • Private VIP Breakfast, Lunches or Dinners
• Opportunity to schedule meetings with hundreds of potential new clients
• PLUS Webinars & White Papers to increase pre or post show visibility
and branding
Do not miss out on this unrivaled opportunity that is sure to generate new leads and boost company
profits. Limited opportunities are available.

Call or email Jason Silverman today to schedule a time to discuss your involvement and secure your place
at this year’s Text Analytics Summit: West

Jason Silverman
Director of Business Development
Incite Group
(201) 204-1691 jason@incite-group.com

incite-group.com/events/textwest #incitesummit

The real
An exclusive gathering of expert analysts, issues you
data scientists, brand managers and senior face:
management. There’s no other conference where
you get all the key stakeholders in one room.
of Analysts
say their
Here’s a sample of the leading brands who attended last year:
is too

end user
organizations struggle with
Senior 60% tying data
to marketing
experts vendors / campaigns
and customer
40% service

VP / SVP / 17% over open

Network with your peers 45%
said they’d
The The Incite Text Analytics Summit: West brings together switch if open
an unrivaled collection of marketers and advertisers to discuss source had
the future of the industry. Our attendees include: the features
they needed

of analysts
say the most
metric is


Don’t wait – the earlier you book, the more you save! Register now.

November 5– 6, 2015 Pre-launch Super Early Early Bird Full Price

Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, California (expires July 27) Bird (expires (expires
August 24) September 21)


Platinum Pass $1495 $1745 $1995 $2495

• Two day conference pass with access to exhibition space
• Pre-conference e-networking platform
• Entry to evening drinks reception
• A one-year subscription to Incite Group, providing you
with all the audio and video recordings from every Incite
summit, plus exclusive access to tailored white papers,
reports, and webinars... All in one place!
• One-year subscription to Incite On Demand
• Post-conference access to presentation slides and
audio recordings

Premium Pass $1195 $1445 $1695 $2195

• Two day conference pass with access to exhibition space
• Pre-conference e-networking platform
• Entry to evening drinks reception
• Post-conference access to presentation slides and audio

Economy Pass $995 $1245 $1495 $1995

• Two day conference pass with access to exhibition space
• Pre-conference e-networking platform


Platinum Pass $1595 $1845 $2095 $2595

• Two day conference pass with access to exhibition space
• Pre-conference e-networking platform
• Entry to evening drinks reception
• A one-year subscription to Incite Group, providing you
with all the audio and video recordings from every Incite
summit, plus exclusive access to tailored white papers,
reports, and webinars... All in one place!
• One-year subscription to Incite On Demand
• Post-conference access to presentation slides and
audio recordings

Premium Pass $1295 $1545 $1795 $2295

• Two day conference pass with access to exhibition space
• Pre-conference e-networking platform
• Entry to evening drinks reception
• Post-conference access to presentation slides and
audio recordings

Economy Pass $1095 $1345 $1595 $2095

• Two day conference pass with access to exhibition space
• Pre-conference e-networking platform

Bring along your whole team
and take advantage of our special
ONLINE EMAIL CALL group discount. The more attendees
you bring, the more your company
incite-group.com/events/ brynn@incite-group.com 201.204.1683 saves! Contact brynn
textwest/register @incite-group.com for
more details.

CANCELLATION POLICY It is possible to transfer your place to a colleague or client if you are unable to attend or transfer your attendance to a future summit. You must
inform the Incite team of this change in writing prior to the event. You will incur 25% cancellation fee if you cancel one month or more prior to the event. For all cancellations
received less than one month prior to the event, we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program without notice.
incite summit
text analytics
west November 5– 6, 2015
Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, California

Put your data to work:

Unleash the power
of text analytics
Apply insights gleaned from text analytics to boost
engagement, drive marketing ROI, support corporate
priorities and guide decision making.

5 Reasons you can’t afford to miss the


1 I nsights from the Best and Brightest text analysts, data

scientists, brand managers, senior decision-makers – all the
key players in one room

2 A nswers to your burning questions from our unrivalled line-up

of expert speakers

3 The opportunity to build relationships and share ideas with

your peers from across the analytics ecosystem

4 Perspectives on the topics that matter to you + an agenda

that is completely relevant, collaborative and up to date

5 A track record you can trust, with 93% of the Incite community

saying they’d recommend our summits

Meet and Learn with Major Text Analytics Players:

incite-group.com/events/textwest #incitesummit

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