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Death, Desire and Deceit

The theme of the essay “Death, Desire and Deceit” at the first sight gives the
dilemma about that what the topic suggest. But on the second thought and
giving it a better insight, one can tell the topic in itself is a replication of the
social scenarios which are experienced by us not only in our country but all
over the world. From America to Zambia, none of the countries can be
relieved from the grasp of this great disease.
The three Ds are interlinked with each other and is applicable in any sphere
of life.
Let us take an example from the sports context, Hansie Cronie, the South
African cricket player, wanted to lead a life of best possible way. In order to
achieve this he made bribe connection with cricket bookies; thus choosing
an immoral and short cut method ignoring the harder path of achieving
wealth by performing best cricket. This turned into a breaking news soon
and International Cricket Confederation; the world’s apex body penalized
him by banning him from first class cricket. After few months he met his
death by plane crash. The death of his moral values got reflected in his fate.
Thus, it is right that the three D’s are a point to be related with in real life.
These three words are the vertices of a triangle when formed can give rise to
such high complex sums that solving them is just impossible. We all are
aware of the fact that earth is the living organism with different types of
desires of different subparts, i.e., the people residing in it. Although desiring
is not bad but it is just the tip of this bloody iceberg. Desires often get
toppled. Let’s say coming first in the examinations .There can be only one
who can achieve this position. Thus, students bent towards ill practices like
using cheats, asking their classmates and even bribing the invigilator. Hence
this desire instills deception in the pathway. Desire for the best always leads
to competition. This law of nature is the major cause for the advent of
deception or deceit. In this world, two ways get bifurcated from one point as
stated by Robert Frost in the “The Road Not Taken”. It’s the choice of one
that decides upon his fate. As they say, morning shows the day. No one in
this world wants to work hard. In order to skip this laborious period of the
work and yet achieve the goal in a good way, the easiest path one can choose
will be the method of cheating, i.e, using unfair means. So, Deceit is the
common term that is used in the way of Desire everyday. Honesty, ethics are
getting degenerated each day in this world. Society is looking towards a
whole transformation which specifies to be the best by hook or crook. An
advertisement in the television gives us a vivid description of the corruption
in India. It shows that the father of a student scoring fewer marks is asking
how much money will be required for the studies of engineering and then
one of the senior students comes and tells that a degree of engineering will
be available in the half of the money. So it is crystal clear that what is the
condition of India? Therefore, deceit or using misted methods is a part and
parcel of our life in India.
Death is the end result of the desire. It is evident from all the deceptive
methods adopted that it always leads to an end of values. Degeneration of
society can be seen from every step we walk. It seems that every step taken
is a mistake, unethical making everyone numb in the aura of their
predominant worldly desires. No one cares of the impact of his action or
wishes on the other persons. What they are concerned about is me, me and
me only. Earlier it used to be the age of sages but now desires of the cunning
person overrule in this world and now simple persons are considered to be
fools. These transformations have been there for the worse. Nowadays
shrewdness, professionalism with acquaintances is also prevalent. It is very
difficult to protect one from these evils. Thus, one should always be self-
conscious, matured aware of all types. The three D’s are not a big hindrance
if one is aware from their grave impacts.

# 2nd term project by Sanmitra Dutta Class XI Roll-43

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