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@ Newcastle College

Safeguarding Poster for Newcastle College.

I was asked to create a poster that would help promote

awareness to Newcastle College’s safeguarding measures. I
designed a poster that represented the theme race and how
we should all be treated equally while showcasing all of our
unique differences. I created 2 posters one of which was a
more friendly looking and topic linked poster and the other
being a more discrete way to showcase our differences
among the college students. I won this competition with this
specific design out of the whole Newcastle College.


@ Newcastle College

Safeguarding Poster for Newcastle College.

I was asked to create a poster that would help promote

awareness to Newcastle College’s safeguarding measures.
I designed a poster that represented the theme race and
how we should all be treated equally while showcasing
all of our unique differences. I created 2 posters one of
which was a more friendly looking and topic linked poster
and the other being a more discrete way to showcase our
differences among the college students.


This is a poster/logo design I made

for a new local upcoming company
called Trend Apparel . They contacted
me and asked me to design a logo,
however they wanted to put it on a
background that incorporates the local
area. Hence why I have used an image
of Whitley Bay skatepark.


This is a design brief from Penguin Books

to create a new book cover for 1 of
3 books in which I chose to create one

for Goodnight Mister Tom. My book was stories that last a lifetime

chosen to be forwarded by my teacher
U.K. £6.99 CAN. $10.99
I S B N 978-0-141-35480-4

to the final stage of picking by Penguin 9 780141 354804

Books themselves to win the competition.

These are some designs I have
created in my own spare time because
I love my clothes and trainers. I like
to create new designs for companies
of the clothes I wear because I like to
keep updated with my design skills.
These are some of my creations.
This is a college project where I was
asked to design a book cover for a
Pastry chef and baker called Mark
Wilson who wanted to showcase his
new recipes for families to create
at home.
This is a college project where we had to
create a campaign to tackle racism. I was
asked to create the logo and come up
with the name of the company. This is my
final piece.



This was a logo design brief given to my

college from an American Company called
“ACE Network” which stands for Adverse
Childhood Experiences. They were wanting
to gain recognition in and around the North
East and they wanted a new logo. My design

was chosen from colleges across the North
East for their new company logo.



This was a brief given to my class from a local entrepreneur

who was starting up a new house-holding company. He is
yet to pick his favourite design and the one he wants to
develop further so I am waiting on a response.


Liveasy are a company that provide equipment to support

people to live independently. The owner asked me to create
a new look brand for the business. He got in contact with
me through my parents because they work with this company
due to them working in the NHS.

Promoting Independance


This is a logo I was asked to create for

a vodka company in Los Angeles. They
wanted something similar to Ciroc so I
came up with this idea that has their own
story within it.
This is my logo design for my freelance
work. It involves my initials and my
favourite colour. I made it simple however


This is a logo I was asked to create for a

good friend of mine who is starting up his
online sneakers business where he will buy
and sell rare trainers. I came up with this
logo design for him.

the plug.
This was a college project where I was asked
to create a new brand logo and name that
would help conquer bullying and trolling. I
also made a little mockup of a potential
website and app that would go with the
whole campaign and brand. I came up with
the idea of a safe global chat room that has
filters to prevent bullying and also it allows
people from around the world to meet and
connect with one another.
This was a task from college based around
1960 Newcastle. I wanted to showcase the
city , however I wanted to give it the old
fashioned look about it with a modern twist
that being “The Toon” in the centre.


This was a recent design I created for a drum and

bass DJ called subtract. He wanted an album cover
designed because he was releasing his new track
called “take away”.


This is a logo I created for a up and coming

coffee shop in Cornwall. I wanted to keep a
professional look to it however with a fun
and welcoming atmosphere.

crafty bean.
This is some neon landscape work
I have created as responses to
famous neon artists. I created
these for a college project and
this is a style I really like to create
and develop my skills with.
This is some branding for The North
Face that I have made for a college
project. I wanted to create some
different styles and this is my first
This is my other branding for The
North Face that I have made for a
college project. I wanted to create
some different styles and this is my
other style.
This is some branding for The
North Face that I have made for
a college project. These are some
extra designs I have made.
This is some branding for The
North Face that I have made for
a college project. This is a design
I have created using the logo and
some photography.
This is some branding for The
North Face that I have made for
a college project. This is one of
my favourite designs I have ever
made. I love creating images like
This is another college project for
the art movement cubism. I like this
photo of Marilyn Monroe and I chose
to edit it and make it so that it is
now in the form of cubism


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