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Evidence: Blog “What you wouldn’t recommend”

Fuente: SENA

Da Vinci Codes
Writer: Dan Brown
Reviews: Johan Rodriguez.

My reviews will be about a book, this book called Da Vinci Codes, the which was
written by Dan Brown y published in 2003 by Random House, the reasons for write
about this book famous, are various:

First: The writer his taken various histories old-out-date without testing.

Second: Dan Brown mixed the science, the religion and politics in one only place,
in the book

Third: He wanted changed the history of the Catholics religion.

And by end, the writer let us written in the book the idea of existence of inheritors
of Jesus Christ in the earth.

The history started in Paris city in the Louvre museum, the curator Jacques
Saunière appearsed dead with write ancient in your body, symbols very ancient,
the symbologist Robert Langdon which known very well the symbols and was
friend of the Jacques Saunière curator of the museum, Robert is guilty according
the police of Paris and He is invited to the museum for see the body de Jacques
and read the symbols in the body de Jacques.

The granddaughter of Saunière received to Langdon in the museum and they got
where were body of Sauniere, She said to Langdon, the police erased the letters
write in the floor, where said the Name of Langdon and your Telephone, so, the
Police thinked in the culpability of Langdon, here started the best part of the book,
when Sophie the granddaughter of Sauniere helped to scape to Langdon.

Sauniere the curator of the museum it left to Langdon several track, about your
death, the which they started to investigation, are persecuted by Police and Opus
Dei, the Police by the murder of Sarniere y el Opus Dei for hide the legend about
the inheritors of Jesus Christ, Sophie and Langdon got to tracks hidden in the
streets of Paris of the time of Da Vince, Newton and others men of Science, they
belonged to sects secret in his time.

In resume, much stories of sects secrect, men of science was made symbols for
communicate with others, the templar and the church, the belief of the wife of the
Jesus Christ and his decendents, to tip of symbols and histories, Sophie and
Langdon end where it was the body of Maria Magdalena, we remained the idea,
Sophie is the decendents of Jesus Christ.

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