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GRADES 1 to 12 School PECMNHS Grade level Grade 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Rex B. Mosende Learning Area English

Teaching Dates and Time July 1-5 Quarter First

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Content Standard Reflect on the importance of recognizing and performing roles in life, Present a well-prepared Community Services
B. Performance Standard Bureau
Arrive at the meaning of words through context clues,Infer thoughts , feelings and ideas based the details of information presented in the picture, analyze literature as a means of discovering the
self, point out the distinguishing features of a poem ,determine the feature of informative writing
C. Learning Competencies Assees the knowledge in
Arrive at the meaning of words Define literary devices and figures of Determine the words in
Objective Know the significant of oneself understanding the lesson as awhole
speech, distinguish the difference of literary
through context clues , analyze the expressing agreement and and the performance in the various
devices and figures of speech.Analyze the
(write the LC code for poem read , state the theme of the poem read using the literary devices ,use
disagreement , know the tasks .
each) poem by understanding one's life the appropriate stress in delivering lines of importance of capitalization and Prepare a Community Service
poetry punctuations. Brochure
II. SUBJECT MATTER Literature : Poem Literature : Poem , Reading and analyzing Literature : Literary Devices and Figure of The Importance of Capitalization and
Expressing Agreement and Punctuations and Performance Based Task
A. Content/ Topic/ Skills The Seven Ages of Man by William The Seven Ages of Man by William Literary Devices and Figure of Disagreement , Importance of Performance Based - CONSTRUCTING A
Shakespeare Shakespeare Speech Capitalization and Punctuations BROCHURE
B. Learning Resources
1. Teacher’s Guide Learning Module pp. 13-18
Learning Module pp.1-3 Learning Module pp. 3-4 Learning Module pp. 6-11 Learning Module pp. 11-14
Learner's Manual
2. Writing Manual
C. Other Learning Resources Internet- Internet- Internet-
A. Reviewing previous lesson/ Select two students to read the Show pictures of Famous personalities and
Showing the illlustration with figure
Presenting New lesson Letter Hunt Game p.1 A Picture Study mini dialog give the significant role / contribution made
of speech
Task 22
Talk about/discuss what the picture wants to Presenting the different literary Have you ever watch an argument? Accomplish the chart given on p.14 get a
communicate to you, then share ideas devices partner and find out if you have similar/different
answers. Think of your own heroes/idols-
people who represent everything you'd like to
From birth to old age you have a role to play. Have the students read the example poem
Find out from the poem entitled The Seven and analyze te literary devices used
B. Establishing Purpose for :parents, teachers grandparents, relatives and
the lesson of Man
friends. Give their traits and attitudes that is
What are the expressions used to worthy of emulation. Choose a song ,rap, pop,
agree and disagree? rock , classical , c ountry religious) that
expresses how one can values his role in life.
Have them answer the vocabulary words Have the students read the example poem
in Task 2 p.4 and analyze the figure of speech
C. Presenting examples/ Recall then name of the person (you The Teacher will present the The teacher will explain the importance Discussion of Keypoints in Expressing Learning the Essentials of Brochure
instances of the new know personally or through reading or Author's background and the poem of reading the words using the correct Agreement and Disagreement
lesson through watching a movie) Task 3 p.2 using the slides

D. Discussing new Go around and interview at least five (5) Group Dynamics : Grp. 1 Spot the Rhyming Discussing the Guidelines in planning
concepts and Practicing classmates and find out how they perform their Words Grp.2 Look for onomatopoeic words and constructing a brochure
role in life. Use chart in Task 4 p2 in the poem , Grp.3 Read the form and find
New Skills Read the dialog anfd take note
the Alliteration, Assonance and Consonance.
Grp.4 Read the poem and look for words the words that express
that appeal to the senses agreement and disagreement.
Task 15 p.12

E. Developing Mastery Look back at the roles you played before and Let the students enumerate the Presentation of the group Complete each mini-dialog with an Answer the process question on p.15
choose the most important one for you (see seven ages and have them explain expression of agreement and Task 27
Task 5 p.3)
each stages. disagreement . Task 16 p.12
F. Finding practical Think of how it differs from the role you are Have them answer the Reading Task On the spot remedations Write an appropriate statement that Working on the outline of the
application of concepts playing now. Work on the chart on p.3 3 A,B,C. agrees or disagrees. Use the expressions brochure
learned. Task 17 p.12 then do Task 18
and skills in daily living
with a partner
G. Making Generalization Let the student explain in their own way about How important is the poem's message in your Have them spot the difference of Literary Dyads: Write a mini dialog on any of the Use the rubric for Assessment on
and Application their plans that have something to do in their past life? Think of someone in real life who devices and Figure of speech following topics. Use expressions ,agreeing p.17 then complete the chart on
experiences and their plans in the future performed his role in effectively. ,or disagreeing. Task 19 p.12
H. Evaluating Learning Use the chart on p.3 Task 6 to rateyour Go back to the picture of the Seven Ages of Have the student to compose a three to five Share the task in the class. Use Answer the Task 30 1. What roles can I
understanding in the lesson as a Man. At what stage are you now? Explain lines poem then identify the literary device perform that will make a difference in my life.
rubrics to evaluate
whole performance in the various used.
I. Additional Activities Assignment - What is the Literary Devices Assignment- Read the informative article Assignment- Completion of Brochure and
Assigment Have the students answer
,and Figure of Speech? Give the different Assignment - Give the expression used in about punctuation then answer the process putting up picture in Community Service in
the vocabulary in Reading Task 2 p. 4
types of the expressing agreement and disagreement questions. P.13 deisgnated
Two. Barangays


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