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Ingles A1.


Jhon Andersson Viafara Peña.

Grupo No.900001_864.


Leydi Tatiana Minda.

Ingeniería Industrial.


Ibagué, Tolima. Noviembre 2019.

 Textos que servirán para explicar sus collages de imágenes dentro de su página
Wix compartidos en el foro de la actividad.

Entrada 1. My personal information.

My name is Jhon Anderson Viafara Peña, I am seventeen years old, I am from Ibague -
Colombia, I live with my dad and my uncles, I study industrial engineering, my hobby is to
be on the cell phone and listen to music, I do not have a favorite television program and my
sport favorite is football.
Entrada 2. My family.
My family is mainly composed of 8 people which are my cousin Maria Angela, 35 years
old, my cousin Gloria Esperanza, 37 years old, my cousin Maria Alejandra, 16 years old,
my cousin Stefany Sofia, 12 years old , my cousin David Andres, 9, my dad, Jhon Jairo, 41,
is a shopping assistant, born in Florence - Caquetá, is short and muscular, my aunt Julia
Esperanza, 57, is a lover at home, he was born in Cali - Valle Del Cauca, he is short and
chubby, and lastly my uncle Horacio, 63, is a taxi driver, born in Puerto Rico - Caquetá, is
of medium height and fat.
Entrada 3. Daily routine.
My friend Daniel Felipe Carvajal Zambrano, he is 16 years old, he is usually his daily life,
he wakes up every morning, type 4 or 5 am, bathes, he gets ready, he has breakfast to go to
study. Type 12 or 1 pm he arrives from studying, he has lunch and during the afternoon
he does  homework, and goes to the gym, type  7 or 8 pm, dinner, he goes out in the
neighborhood to talk, or starts watching TV or to be on the cell phone.
Entrada 4. My hobbies.
In my free time or with my family and my friends, many times every morning when I don't
have to do some kind of trade, I start to play on the cell phone, or listen to music,
sometimes in the afternoons I don't have work to do I go to a friend and I start watching
television or talking to her, then when the night comes I start watching novels or contest on
television, or if they are playing some game that interests us we see it, and when I have
nothing good what to watch on the television I start watching series on Netflix and play free
fire, or if my friends are there we can talk outside the house or play with them.
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