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Congressmen Langevin (D-RI) and Young (D-AL) send letter to FCC

Chairman Pai

On Tuesday, July 23, Congressmen Langevin (D-RI) and Young (D-AL) sent a letter to FCC
Chairman Pai reiterating the Coalition’s concerns about the inaccuracy of ASR-only captioned
telephone service.

The congressmen identified and presented issues concerning the validity of the study provided as
support for the FCC’s decision to approve ASR-only captioning service. As co-chairs of the
Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus, the congressmen dedicate themselves to informing, educating and
raising awareness on issues affecting people with disabilities. Among those issues, they
champion the irrefutable right to accessible and accurate captioned telephone service.

We want to thank the congressmen for their dedication to individuals with hearing loss, and their
right to unfettered access to this essential service given by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Please click here to read the letter from Congressmen Langevin and Young.

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