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Ideal answers of Midterm exam of General Chemistry

Q1/ What are the factors affecting solubility of compounds? Explain the effect
of each factor on solubility, giving example? (10 marks)
1- Intermolecular forces between the solute and solvent are proportional with
solubility. For example NaCl has high solubility in water because both of them are
polar molecules and they form high intermolecular forces together.
2- Temperature is proportional with solubility. For example sugar is dissolved more in
hot water rather than cold one.
3- Partial pressure of gas is proportional with solubility. Increasing the pressure of gas
solute enhance its solubility in the solvent e.g. CO2 gas in soft drink
4- Size of particles of solute is inversely proportional with solubility. Small size of solute
particles has large surface area and therefore their solubility is increased e.g. sea salt
has less solubility in water than table salt.
5- Stirring is proportional with solubility. Salt is soluble more in water with stirring than
without it.
6- Amount of solid already dissolved is proportional with solubility e.g. 1g of sugar is
dissolved in 100 ml water more easier than dissolving 10 g of sugar in the same
7- pH of the solution is inversely proportional with solubility e.g the low pH of stomach
is dissolving the food.

Q2/ Answer the following giving the reason in detail: (35 marks)
1- Which of the following compounds would have the highest boiling point?
a- Sea water b- pure water c- mixture of water and oil
Sea water has highest boiling point because when water contains salt the
intermolecular forces between water and salt are increased as both of them are
polar compounds and during heating the energy needs to break the
intermolecular forces are more than pure water and mixture of water and oil
because the intermolecular forces in pure water and the mixture of polar water
and non-polar oil are less.
2- Which of the following compounds would have the highest solubility in
water? Why?
a- NaCl b- ethanol CH3CH2OH c- cyclohexane C6H12
NaCl has highest solubility in water because it is polar compound due to the high
difference in electronegativity between Na and Cl in which the Cl with high
electronegativity withdraw electrons towards it and becomes partially negative
while Na of less electronegativity is remaining positive. The same thing happens
in polar water where the difference and electronegativity between O and H is
high and O of higher electronegativity withdraws electrons towards it and
becomes partially negative while H of less electronegativity remains as positive.
Therefore the negative pole of Cl- is attracted to H+ of water and positive pole
Na+ is attracted to O-2 and can dissolve easily.
3- Which of the following compounds would have the highest melting
point? Why?
a- Aspirin purity 30% b- Aspirin purity 50% c- Aspirin purity 98%
Aspirin purity 98% has the highest melting point because in high pure compounds
the molecules or repeating clusters of ions are arranged in a regular, tightly packed
repeating crystal lattice. The lattice is held together by various intermolecular forces,
which come about because of the chemical nature of the solid. The tighter the
crystal lattice, the more energy is required to break it, and eventually melt the

4- Which of the following physical state would have the highest purity?
a- Hygroscopic compound b- crystalline compound
c- amorphous compound
Crystalline compound has the highest purity because the ions in their molecules are
arranged in a regularly tightly packed repeating crystal lattice. The lattice is held
together by various intermolecular forces, which come about because of the
chemical nature of the solid. The tighter the crystal lattice, the more energy is
required to break it, and eventually melt the compound. Amorphous compound
includes the impurities that are arranged in irregular lattice and the same thing in
hygroscopic compound.
Q3/ Describe the cause of stomach bleeding when acidic molecule drug is taking
on empty stomach? (5marks)
Aspirin has an adverse effect which is stomach bleeding and it is partly due to the acidic
nature of the drug. In the stomach, aspirin is hydrolysed to salicylic acid. The carboxylic acid
group (COOH) and a phenolic hydroxyl group (OH) present in salicylic acid make this
molecule acidic. Thus, intake of aspirin increases the acidity of the stomach significantly, and
if this increased acidic condition remains in the stomach for a long period, it may cause
stomach bleeding.

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