Tishk International University: 1. What Is Computer? Explain About Types of Computer?

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Department of pharmacy
Faculty of pharmacy

First stage Group: B

Course: Introduction to Information Technology

Supervisor: Ghanish Babu L
Prepared by: Abdulsalam Sabir Hassan

1. What is computer? Explain about types of computer?

An electronic device for, processing data, and storing typically in binary form, according to
instructions given to it in a variable program. A computer is composed of software and hardware,
and can exist in a variety of sizes and configurations.
The types of computers are:
a) Mini and Mainframe computers:
Very powerful, Very expensive, used by large organisations such as banks to control the entire
business operation.
The processing speed of minicomputer is slower than mainframe computer, while the processing
speed of mainframe computer is faster than minicomputer. Minicomputer has small or less
memory storage than mainframe computer. While Mainframe computer has large memory
b) Personal computers:
Cheap and easy to use, used as stand-alone computers or in a network. May be connected to
large mainframe computers within big companies.

2. List the input & output devices of the Hardware components of the
A. The input devices are (Mouse, Keyboard, TrackBalls, Scanners, Touch pads, Light pens,
Mouse controls a computer screen's pointer in conjunction with the way it is moved on a flat.
Computer keyboard allows a person to enter letters, numbers, and other symbols.
Trackball used in many notebook and laptop computers the trackball is usually located in front
of the keyboard tow
Scanner scans documents and images, which can be imported into a computer. 
Touchpad Also called track pad a small area that you touch to choose something or give an
instruction on a device such as a microwave.
Light pen utilizes a light-sensitive detector to select objects on a display screen.
Joystick is a lever that moves in all directions and controls the movement of a pointer or some
other display symbol.
B. The output devices are (VDU, printers, plotters, speakers, speech synthesizers).
VDU is used to describe any device used with computers to display text and images.
Printer is a machine that is used for printing photographs, documents, etc.
Plotter is a type of printer for computers. Plotters usually they are used to print to paper which is
very large in size.
Speakers convert electromagnetic waves into sound waves.
Speech synthesizer: used for the purpose of imitating human speech.

3. How computer memory is measured?

 Bit: all computers work on a binary numbering system, i.e. they process data in one’s or
zero’s, this 1 or 0 level of storage is called a bit.

 Byte: a byte consists of eight bits.

 Kilobyte: a kilobyte (KB) consists of 1024 bytes.
 Megabyte: a megabyte (MB) consists of 1024 kilobytes.
 Gigabyte: a Gigabyte (GB) c0nsists of 1024 megabytes.
4. List the Applications of the of the software components of the computers.
The Applications of the software components are:
Word processing applications (Microsoft Word, Lotus word Pro, WordPerfect)
Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, lotus 123)
Database (Microsoft Access, Lotus Approach)
Payroll (sage software)
Presentation tools (Microsoft PowerPoint, Lotus freelance)
Desktop Publishing (abode Photoshop)
Multimedia applications (Microsoft’s Encarta CD-ROM based encyclopedias).

5. What is Buses? Explain the Types of Buses?

A bus is a communication system that is used to transfer data between computer components or
between computers. This expression covers all related hardware components and software
components, including communication protocols.

Types of bus:
 Address bus: carries memory addresses from the processor to other components such as
input & output devices and primary storage.
 Data bus: carries the data between the processor and other components.
 Control bus: carries control signals from the processor to other components.
6. What is CPU? Explain the purpose of CPU?
The CPU (Central processing unit) is normally an Intel Pentium or equivalent and it is one of the
most important components within your computer. The CPU sends signals to control the other
parts of the computer, like how a brain controls a body.
The purpose of CPU:
 It determines how fast your computer will run and is measured by its MHz speed. Thus a
600 MHz Pentium is much faster than a 400 MHz Pentium CPU.
 It is the CPU that performs all the calculations within the computer.

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