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The Issues tal issues in the power sector. The
objective was to develop a decision-
In India, coal is abundant and still making tool, which would enable
considered to be the cheapest fuel to government officials and institutions
generate power. However, the wide in India to evaluate alternative
use of coal raises concerns over the options for power development. The
environmental impact. In particular, activity ended in June 1998, and the
the burning of coal pollutes the air results are now being disseminated to
and contributes to greenhouse gas several states.
emissions; while the accumulation of
ash at power stations makes land inap- The work started with an initial ques-
propriate for other uses and endangers tionnaire and a series of seminars and
both ground and surface water. Also, workshops in Delhi, to encourage the
when more coal is burned, more must participation and interest of a wide
be produced, which in turn degrades audience. One workshop, for Indian
more land, displaces population, and international technicians, dis-
destroys forest cover, depletes more cussed the modeling tools available to
water resources, and causes more help in the analysis. Another involved
water pollution. non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) who were invited to voice
The Government of India recognized their views and to nominate their rep-
the need for an independent assess- resentatives to attend subsequent
ment of the environmental conse- workshops for the duration of the
quences of coal burning in power study. These preliminary workshops
plants and asked the World Bank and were followed by a major Inception
Energy ESMAP to look into the issue, in Seminar in July, 1996, attended by
consultation with all affected groups key decisionmakers from the Indian
and people. ministries and from the industry.

The decision-making tool was devel-

ESMAP's Work oped through two state-level case stud-
ies, supplemented by a set of special
In 1996, with funding from the studies. The case studies were done in
Department for International the states of Andhra Pradesh (AP) and
Development (DFID) of the United Bihar. The special studies provided
Kingdom, ESMAP, launched a far generic data and covered: demand-side
reaching examination of environmen- management; interfuel substitution;
market-based instruments for pollu- mance of the AP State Electricity
tion control; welfare effects of abate- Board has been better than that of the Sector
ment policies; renewable energy electricity board in Bihar.
options; ash pond management, ash Management
disposal, and ash utilization; and miti- Outcome and Follow-up
gation options for power develop- Assistance
ment. A synthesis report pulled The study resulted in a set of analyti-
together the findings of the work as a cal tools and a decision-making Programme
whole and attempted to draw some process that will assist power system
preliminary conclusions at the all- planners in making decisions that are
India level. The case studies and spe- environmentally more sustainable; the
cial studies were carried out almost seven special studies; two case studies;
entirely by Indian teams, supported by and the synthesis report. The work is The World Bank

a firm of international consultants now being disseminated to a wider

(Environmental Resource audience, notably through a Manual 1818 H Street, NW
Management, of the United for Environmental Decision-making,
Kingdom) which also prepared the in which the objectives, methodology, Washington, DC 20433 USA
synthesis report outputs, and interpretation of the out-
puts of the tools prepared for AP and Tel.: 1.202.458.2321 Fax.: 1.202.522.3018
Although no two states can adequately Bihar will be described. The dissemi-
represent the complexity of the Indian nation of the study also includes a Internet:
power sector, AP and Bihar, with pop- series of workshops and training activ-
ulations of 100 million and 75 mil- ities in other states. It is anticipated Email:
lion, respectively, offered a good cross- that the analytical tools and decision-
section of the environmental issues making process will be taken up as
and options facing India. Bihar is rel- part of the implementation of ongoing
atively poor, and the Bihar State Bank projects for power sector reform
Electricity Board is in a particularly in Haryana and Orissa and in the
precarious financial and technical con- preparation of a planned project in AP.
dition. About 40 percent of electricity
demand comes from heavy industry. Moreover, the experience gained dur-
The high degree of dependence of its ing the study and the methodology
power sector on coal permits an in- developed for it are to be used in a
depth analysis of the environmental series of country energy-environment
impacts of coal mining and coal use in reviews undertaken by ESMAP.
power generation. Also, Bihar is com-
paratively remote from alternative The management of this ESMAP activ-
sources of energy, although other ity was shared by Robin Bates, Principal
options are available in the long term. Economist with the Energy, Mining and
AP, on the other hand, has a wider Telecommunications Department, and
range of power options, including Mudassar Imran, Energy Economist,
hydropower, wind, and solar. Its good South Asia Energy Operations Unit of
ports offer better possibilities for the World Bank.
importing fuels. Agriculture accounts E-mail: and
for about 40 percent of the electricity
demand, and the financial perfor-

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