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How to make “Chocolate Bananas”

Tools and Materials :

1. Spatula 2. Pan

3. Stove 4. Knife

5. Egg 6. bananas
7. Chocolate milk 8. spring roll skin

9. Misis 9. Bread crumb

10. Cooking oil 11. Plate

Steps to make :

1. Prepare the tools and materials is needed

2. Take a banana cut into two parts
3. After that take a piece of spring roll skin
4. Put the banana that has been deviped into two on a spring roll skin
5. Give a little misis, then roll the spring roll skin wrtil the banana is perfectly
6. Apply a white stretch on the tip of the spring roll skin, so that it sticks
7. Then dip the covered banana in the egg white
8. The covered with bread crumb and fry over medium heat
9. If the colour changes lift and drain
10. After that serve on a plate with a prinkling of misis and give chocolate milk
11. Chocolate bananas are ready to eat, emmmm deliciosis

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Anggota kelompok :
Ria resti syafitri
Novia safitrih. B
Sofyan sauri
M. Thariq akmal
Choirul rosy
Hendrik dwi. Y

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