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First developed in Germany in the early 1900s, by a man named Hans Riegel. . He began the Haribo
company, which made the first gummy bears in the 1920s. It gained great popularity in the United States
during the 1980s. Today, it continues to be popular, with sales totaling over $135 million in 1996 in the
United States alone.


 Gummy candy comes in a series of adorable shapes

 It also has a sweet taste
 It is available for you to choose from in a wide range of colors
 Due to its flexibility, you can easily mould gummy into different shapes according to your
 Gummy candy is the most versatile form of candy that is available in the market in comparison to
other forms of candy.
 It is a diet supplement that you can take whenever you are hungry and low on energy before taking a


 Dimensions of the Gummy Making Machine

The machine dimensions include the length, width, height as well as the overall weight.

Your production needs and specifications will determine the dimensions of themachine that you will choose.

Apart from that, the size of the production facility will also determine the dimensions of the gummy making

 Production Capacity

You will need a machine that has the capability of sustaining your production needs.

The bigger the production capacity, the bigger the machine and so it the level of automation.

For instance, for a big a higher capacity of production, you will need a fully automatic machine.

 Power Requirements

You need to know the kind of work that you will perform with the machine that you will purchase.
With help from the machine supplier, you will be able to get the right power ratings for the machine you

 Operational Conditions and Requirements

There are other operational requirements and factors such as humidity and temperature that will affect your
choice of machine.

You can determine the highest temperature requirements in degrees centigrade such as 550 C.

You should also determine the highest humidity of operation in percentage such as 55% humidity.

With these factors at your fingertips, you will be able to get a proper machine fitting these conditions.

You can make gummy candy by using different types of ingredients depending on the target market
You need to blend a series of ingredients controlling various characteristics to come up with the best taste and texture.

Here is a list of all the ingredients that you will need for making gummy bear candy:

 Edible Gelatin

This is the main ingredient that you require for the making of gummy bear candy.
Gelatin is a type of protein that you can derive from animal tissues by boiling animal skin, horns, and bones.

It will form gel-like, thick solution when you mix it properly with the right amount of ingredients including

Mixing gelatin properly in the right conditions will lead to the formation of a chewy gummy texture of the
gummy candy.

The elastic nature of gelatin will also allow you to come up with the semi-solid jiggle for the gummy candy.

 Water
This is a universal and the main solvent that you will use in mixing all the ingredients for making gummy

It is also the main lubrication ingredient that assists in making the gummy bear candy softer.

 Sweeteners
Gelatin, in itself, is odorless and has no taste.
You will need to have additional sweeteners to the mixture to improve the taste of the gummy bear candy.
Some of the sweeteners that you will add to the mixture are different types of sugars depending on the
gummy candy.
The main sweetener that you can use comes from sugar cane or beets.
Apart from that, you can substitute sucrose with fructose as the main sugar sweetener.
 Corn Syrup
You will require corn syrup to add to the mixture to help in the retention of the moisture in candy.
Apart from that, glucose syrup or corn syrup increases the volume of gummy bear candy and makes it softer.
What’s more, corn syrup assists in the prevention of sugar crystallization and increases the overall taste of
the candy.
You will also add some additives alongside the corn syrup to help in the prevention of microbial growth.

 Colours
Add food coloring to the mixture according to the flavor of the gummy candy you want to obtain.

 Flavor
To give the gummy sweets different attractive forms of flavours, different types of flavours have to be

The flavor of the gummy candy is also a big determinant in the color you will use.
For example:
I. Raspberry comes in a red
Ii. Orange flavour comes in an orange colour

 Citric acid

Citric acid is added to preserve the caramel and increase shelf life
Citric acid has a low ph, which makes it impossible for bacteria to thrive in such a low ph environment.


The manufacture of gummy candy begins with compounding. The raw materials indicated in the recipes are
pour into the main mixing tanks.

Once the ingredients are mixed, the resulting liquid is cooked until it thickens into what manufacturers call
a slurry.

When the batch is complete, it is sent to the quality control (qc) laboratory to make sure that it meets the
required specifications.

Various sensory characteristics are checked, including appearance, color, odor, and flavor.

Many other characteristics, such as viscosity of oils, the particle size of the solids, and PH of liquids, are also

After the gummy candy passes qc testing, it is separated by production batches and

After the gummy candy passes the quality control test, it is separated by production batches and each batch
is transferred to a starch molding machine known as a mogul.

Before pouring the slurry in the molds,

the molds for gummy bears candies are lined with corn starch, which prevents the gummy candies from
sticking to the molds.
The slurries then poured into molds for shaping.

After the gummy bear candy slurry is poured into the molds, it is cooled to 65º f and allowed to sit for 24 -26
hours to allow the slurry to cool and set.

After 24 hours in the molds, the trays are inverted and the gummy candy falls out into a vibrating metal
screen known as a sieve. The vibrating action of the sieve, in concert with oscillating brushes, removes all of
the excess starch that adheres to the gummy candy. These pieces then move along a conveyor belt to trays,
where they are manually transferred to other machines by which they can be decorated further and placed
into appropriate packaging.

The starch that is removed from the gummy candy is reused in the process, but first it must be cleaned, dried,
and otherwise reconditioned. Candy particles are first removed by passing the starch through a metal screen
known as a sieve. It is then conveyed to a recirculating starch conditioning system. As it enters this machine,
it is dried by being passed through hot, moving air. After drying, the starch is cooled by cool air jets and
conveyed back out to the mogul to be reused in the starch molding process.


Quality control begins with the evaluation of the incoming raw materials. Before they are used, these
ingredients are tested in the qc lab to ensure they conform to specifications and as mentioned before, after
cooking, mainly sensory characteristics are evaluated.
The characteristics of each batch of final product is also carefully monitored. Quality control chemists and
technicians check physical aspects of the candy that include appearance, flavor, texture, and odor. The usual
method of testing is to compare them to an established standard. For example, the color of a random sample
is compared to a standard set during product development. Other qualities such as taste, texture, and odor are
evaluated by sensory panels. These are made up of a group of people who are specially trained to notice
small differences.

At present we can observe an endless number of varieties as for flavors, colors and forms, mixtures of colors
in an alone product and up to combination of gummies with marshmallows.

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