Goshman - Multiplying Sponge Balls PDF

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3. Conceal a ball in the curled fingers of your lett hand, as in Ftg.

5, Your
right hand is holding the shell and sponge ball, as two balls, (Fig. 4). Move
your left hand toward your right hand, and take the ball (that is between your
index & middle fingers'!, and place it between 'lour middle and third flngel1L At
the exact same time that you first touch this belt, you secretly place the
hidden sponge bau, irrtu the shell as in Fig, 6, Note, that in Fig, 0, the lett
hand has been turned a little, so vou can see how it is done. The audience
never sees this view.
Be sure to practice this move until it is so perfect that the audience thinks
that you are just moving the bail that was between your index and mlddie

Place two balls in your left coat pocket. One ball and shell in your right coat

Take the ball and shell from your right coat pocket, SO that it looks as if
you're just taking out one ball. Hold it with your right hand as In Fig, 1,
Multiply it to two balls, by doIng move No.1 (see Figs, 2, 3 aM 4). Then
vanish the ball by doing move No, 2.
Put vour left hand into your left coat pocket, take out one ball (seen bv the
audience) and one ball held in palming position as in move No, 3, Fig. 5 {not
seen by the euclencel. Take the ball that the audience sees, in your lett hand,
and place it between the middle and third fingers of your rigbt hand. You een
now multiply two balls to three by performing move No. 1 (Figs. 2. 3 and 4),
Ending up as In Ag, 7.
Move your left hand {with paimN balll toward yOUf' right hand. Taite the
ball which is between your Index and midcRe fingers, and place it between
your third and rrttte fingers. At the same time placing the palmed ball Into the
sheil. as in basic sleight No.3. Fig. 6,
Now, once again mtJttjpty tine balls into foor bv using basic sleight No,
(fig. Sl,
When you show this trick to your friends, be sure that they are directly in
front of the stage area,
You should face $lightly to your right and hold your arms at about eye level.
When muttip:lying the spOnge balls, be sure to stretch your fingers. In this
way it win be much easier to grasp the SIX)flQO balls.
like all trfeks, be sure- to practice it wei!. Study your body and arm
positions. In front of a large size mirror, before performing tttts trick for your

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