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yesterday is a dream, tomorrow is a vision, but a day well livedmakes every yesterday
a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.carrying the same vision , we
IIITA family successfully completes 13 glorious andtremendous years of its

Hum jante hai aap hai bekaraar,Par sirf kuch paloan ka intezaar,Aur phir shuru

yeh show ekdam


rr!!!!Good morning
you for coming. It
gives me an
immense pleasure
to welcome
all of you. How
different is today’s
morning. Anyone
is having any idea
about this
morning? Can
anyone answer me
why we are here?I
know you all are
waiting to know
about today’s
event. We are here
to have some fun
and enjoy apart
from studies.
There are a lot of
hustles and
bustles. You all
are busy with your
classes and
testshaving so
stressful life. So to
change your mood
today we have
organised some
fun games for you
as fun is alsovery
necessary to
refresh your mind.
So students are you
ready for enjoying?

Welcoming ……..
 A cool Good
evening, Namaste,
and a warm welcome
to one and all present
over here. Divya:
Education is not
accusation of
knowledge but
formation of
character. We roll
down a red carpet of
welcome to all the
dignitaries, parents
and invitees well-
wishers and friends.
It’s an honour
 that this beautiful
audience have
gathered here. I Ms.
Dora with my co-
host Ms. Divya once
again welcome you
all on behalf of
whole Blossoms
family on this 2
 Annual Function.
Div: Today is a
special day for us we
are celebrating our
2nd anniversary of
Blossoms play
school. Thank you
all for giving your
valuable and prized

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