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2ème Edition

Mohamed Fouad DRIDER



1- Hello !
Greeting People •l Hi.
•lGood morning.
•l Good afternoon.
•lGood evening.

1 - What do you say ?

good morning / good afternoon / good evening / good bye

................... ...................
................... ...................
................... ...................
................... ...................

2 - Introduce yourself.
My name is Farid.

What is your name ? I am Farid.

Hello ! My name is Alice Gibbs.

And you ? What is your name ?

............ ! My ...................................................................

............ ! I .......................................................…..........…

3 - Complete the alphabet with the missing letter.

a ..... c d ..... f ..... ..... i ..... k ..... m

n ..... ..... q ..... ..... ..... u ..... ..... x ..... z
4 - Put the following names in alphabetical order.
Owen / Lily / Susan / Yolande / Boris / Nancy
1. ........................ 2. ........................ 3. ........................

4. ........................ 5. ........................ 6. ........................

Meeting people

•lGlad to meet you.

•lGlad to see you. - Hello, pupils ! This is Tom.

•lNice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, Tom.

•lNice to see you. - Glad to see you.

•lPleased to meet you.

5 - Meet your friend.

lYou : Nice to ............................, ..............

lYour friend : ................................, ..............

6 - Put each number in the right box.

seventeen / eight / two / thirteen / one / five / twelve / fourteen /
nine / zero / eighteen / three / ten / twenty / eleven / four / fifteen / seven /
sixteen / nineteen / six

0 : ............................. 7: ............................. 14 : .............................

1 : ............................. 8: ............................. 15 : .............................

2 : ............................. 9: ............................. 16 : .............................

3 : ............................. 10 : ............................. 17 : .............................

4 : ............................. 11 : ............................. 18 : .............................

5 : ............................. 12 : ............................. 19 : .............................

6 : ............................. 13 : ............................. 20 : .............................

1- Hello !
7 - Give your age.

How old are you ? I am twelve (12)

- Hi ! I am eight years old.

And you ? How old are you ?

Hello ! I am ....................................... years old.

8 - Where are you from ?

I am from England
Where are you from ?

I am English
Hello ! I am American.
And you ? Where are you from ?

Hi ! I am from ........................................................

Hi ! I am .................................................................

9 - Complete with one of the following words.

Italian / Spanish / Japanese / American / Indian /

1. Akiko is 2. Indira is 3. Maria is 4. Monica is 5. George is

.................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

10 - Choose the right country from the following list.
Italy / France / Sweden / Brazil / China / England / Egypt / The USA

l I am from ......................... , I am French. l I am from ........................ , I am English.

l I am from ......................... , I am Swedish. l I am from ........................ , I am Chinese.

l I am from ......................... , I am American. l I am from ........................ , I am Italian.

l I am from ......................... , I am Egyptian. l I am from ........................ , I am Brazilian.

11 - Complete this table.

Country Nationality

1. Japan 1. .................Japanese ...................

2. Morocco 2. ......................................................

3. Spain 3. ......................................................

4. Greece 4. ......................................................

5. Tunisia 5. ......................................................

6. Germany 6. ......................................................

7. Lebanon 7. ......................................................

12 - Study the following example and do the same.

A : Are you from England, Pierre ?

B : No, I am not.
A : Where are you from ?
B : I am French.

1- Hello !
A : ......................................................., Adolf ?

B : No, I am not.

A : ......................................................... from ?

B : I am ..........................................................

A : .........................................................., Tom ?

B : No, I am not.

A : ......................................................... from ?

B : I am ..........................................................

A : .........................................................., Jose ?

B : No, I am not.

A : ......................................................... from ?

B : I am ..........................................................

13 - Reorder the following words to write correct sentences.

l is / name / What / your / ? 1. ..............................................................................

l you / are / from / Where / ? 2. ..............................................................................

l Algerian / are / you / ? 3. ..............................................................................

l thirteen / not / I / am. 4. ..............................................................................

l to / you / meet / Nice . 5. ..............................................................................

14 - Complete this conversation between Tom and Alice.

Tom : ............... ! My name is Tom.


Alice : Hi ! I am Alice.

Tom : ..........................................................................?

Alice : I am thirteen.

Tom : ..........................................................................?

Alice : No, I am not English.

Tom : ..........................................................................?

Alice : I am from France.

Tom : ................................................................, Alice.

Alice : ................................................................, Tom.

15 - Fill in your label.

First name : ...............................................................

Family name : ............................................................

Age : ...........................................................

Nationality : ...........................................................

Your photo Hometown : ...........................................................

school : ...........................................................

1- Hello !
16 - Read Michelle’s letter and fill in her label.

17, Beach Blvd First name : ..........................................

San Francisco, Ca 92802
September 19 th, Family name : ......................................
Dear friend,
Hello ! My name is Michelle Wright. I am twelve. Age : ....................................................
I am American and I am from San Francisco.
Nationality : .........................................
I am a pupil at Daisy School. What about you ?
Yours, Hometown :.........................................
School : ..............................................

17 - Answer Michelle’s letter telling her about you.

............................................................................................... (address)



(date) ...............................

Dear Michelle,






/i/ : six
/ai/ : five

18 - Classify these words according to the pronunciation of “i”.

fifteen / is / nice / sixteen / hi / nine / pupil / nineteen

/i/ /ai/

..................................................... .....................................................

..................................................... .....................................................

..................................................... .....................................................

..................................................... .....................................................

..................................................... .....................................................

Test One

9, Baker Street
London / England

Dear friend,
Hello ! My name is Kate Jackson. I am twelve. I am English and I am from
London. I am a pupil at Victoria School. How about you ?


1 ( 14 poin ts )

Reading comprehension
a. Read the text and say «true» or «false». /03

1. Kate is 12. 1. ……………

2. Kate is from France. 2. ……………
3. Kate is a pupil at Daisy School. 3. ……………

b. Read the text and fill in the label about Kate. /04

Full name : .............................................

Age : .............................................

Hometown : .............................................

School : .............................................

Mastery of language
a. Put the following words in alphabetical order. /01

pupil friend school name

1. …………… 2. …………… 3. …………… 4. ……………

b. Look at the example and do the same. /02

e.g. / I am from Algeria. I am Algerian.

I am from China. I am …………………...

I am from England. I am …………………

c. Write in numbers. /02

eight (……………) / eleven (……………)

d. Put the following words in the right box. /02

nine six five fifteen

/i/ /ai/
…………… …………… …………… ……………
…………… …………… …………… ……………
2 ( 06 point s )

Written Expression
You are with Peter on the Internet. Complete the dialogue with information about you. /06

Peter : Hello! I’m Peter. What’s your name?

………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Peter : How old are you?

………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Peter : Are you Egyptian?

………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Peter : Where are you from, then?

……… : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Peter : Nice to meet you, ………………

……… : ……………………………………………………………………………………..

My Project
Here is a sample of a project.
You can follow these steps to do your own project.

Objective : Making a brochure about a country I would like to visit.


1 - The map of Great Britain. 4 - The queen of Great Britain.

2 - The flag of Great Britain. 5 - Some places of interest in

Great Britain.
3 - Great Britain : capital, currency, language.

1- The map of Great Britain. 2- The flag of Great Britain.

Great Britain
is in Europe.

It is the flag of
Great Britain.

Capital, Currency, Language.

Great Britain

Capital Currency Language

London English

l London is the capital Pound l English is the

of Great Britain. language
l The pound is
of Great Britain.
the currency of
Great Britain.
Hello !

4 - The Queen Of Great Britain.

l Elisabeth the Second is

the queen of Great Britain.


5 - Some places of interest in Great Britain.

l It is the British Museum.



l It is Cambridge University l It is the Tower of London

2- Family and Friends
The Family-Tree

Grand - father Grand - mother

Aunt Uncle Father Mother

Sister Me Brother

1 - Who is it to you ? You are a member of this family.

Aïssa Khadidja

Fatima Ali Zineb

Nabil Selma You Ryad

l Aïssa is your ..................................... l Ryad is your .....................................

l Fatima is your .................................. l Zineb is your ....................................

l Selma is your .....................................

Who is it ?

It is Alice. It is Tom.
She is my sister. He is my brother.

2 - Put in : I / you / he / she.

1. This is Ahmed ; .......... is my friend. 2. Are .......... from Egypt ? No, .......... am not.

3. It is Fatima ; .......... is my aunt 4. .......... am twelve.

5. It is my cousin Leila ; .......... is from Oran. 6. Brahim is my brother ; .......... is four.

3 - Complete this conversation.

A : ............................................. ? B : No, it is not my father.

A : ............................................. ? B : It is my uncle.

4 - Choose the right word to complete the question.

l (What / Where / Who / How) ............... are you from ?

l (Where / How / What / Who) ............... is your name ?

l (How / Where / Who / What) ............... is it ? Your brother ?

l (Who / What / Where / How) ............... old are you ?

Cardinal Numbers.

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety

5 - Write in numbers.

l sixteen : .................... l forty-two : .....................

l twenty-eight : ............... l eighty-three : ...............

l fifty-five : ..................... l seventy-one : ................

l ninety-one : ................ l thirty-six : ......................

2- Family and Friends
6 - Write the following numbers in full letters.

23 : ........................................ 19 : ........................................

35 : ........................................ 28 : ........................................

49 : ........................................ 91 : ........................................

51 : ........................................ 73 : ........................................

68 : ........................................ 57 : ........................................

76 : ........................................ 64 : ........................................

82 : ........................................ 32 : ........................................

94 : ........................................ 99 : ........................................

7 - Answer these questions using “I, he, she”.

1. How old are you ? .............................................................................

2. How old is your father ? .............................................................................

3. How old is your mother? .............................................................................

What is your job ?

What do you do ?

I am a teacher.
What is your occupation ?

What is his job ? What is her job ?

He is a dentist. She is a secretary.

8 - Put the right job for each picture.
nurse / teacher / carpenter / mechanic / cook / policeman / builder / plumber /
dancer / farmer / dentist / butcher

1. a ........................ 2. a ........................ 3. a ........................ 4. a ........................

5. a ........................ 6. a ........................ 7. a ........................ 8. a ........................

9. a ........................ 10. a ........................ 11. a ........................ 12. a ........................

9 - Put in : my / your / his / her.

l This is my friend. ......... name is Mohamed.

l What is ......... job ? I am a dentist.

l It is my sister. ......... name is Jessica.

l ......... name is Faiza and I am from Algiers.

2- Family and Friends
10 - Look at the example and do the same.

A : Is she an actress ?

B : No, she is not.

A : What is her job ?

actress / singer B : She is a singer

A : ........................................................................ ?

B : No, he is not.

A : ........................................................................ ?

painter / carpenter B : He is a .............................................................

A : ........................................................................ ?

B : No, she is not.

A : ........................................................................ ?

doctor / nurse B : She is a ..........................................................

A : ........................................................................ ?

B : No, he is not.

A : ........................................................................ ?

fireman / policeman B : He is a ............................................................

I am a singer.

What is your occupation ?

I am an actress.

11 - Complete with “a” or “an”.

l Yacine is not ........ doctor, but ........ dentist. l Are you ........architect ?

l Picasso is ........ painter. l Mr Mesbah is ...... electricain.

l I am ...... officer at the port of Oran.

12 - Read the following letter from Mandy.

18, North Drive E.

Jacksonville, Florida 32207 USA
August 15 th,
Dear Leila,
Hello ! I am Mandy Goose. I am 12. I am American and I
am from Jacksonville in Florida.
My father is a doctor. His name is Robert. My mother is a
teacher. Her name is Stacy. Ray is my brother. He is 7.

a. Choose the right answer. a. fourteen

1. Mandy is ..................... years old. b. eleven

c. twelve
a. Australia

2. Mandy is from ..................... b. the USA

c. England
a. doctor

3. Robert is a ............................... b. teacher

c. journalist
b. Complete the following table.

Leila Robert Stacy Ray

......................... ..... father ........ ......................... .........................

2- Family and Friends
13 - Complete the following conversation.
Phil : Hi ! My name is Phil Grey. .................................... ?

Kevin : Hello ! I am Kevin Adams.

Phil : .................................................................................... ?

Kevin : I am English.

Phil : .................................................................................... ?

Kevin : No, I am not a journalist.

Phil : .................................................................................... ?

Kevin : I am a doctor.

Phil : .........................................................................., Kevin.

Kevin : Glad to meet you, Phil.

14 - Draw your home family-tree below the photo.

Stick your family photo


My home family-tree.

15 - Colour the following words.

16 - Complete with the right colour.

l A carrot is ................................. l The sky is ...............................

l A banana is .............................. l Cotton is .................................

26 years
l How old is she ?
She is twenty-six years old (26).
She is young (≠ old).

l How tall is she ?


She is one metre seventy-eight tall (1m78).

She is tall (≠ small).

l What is her weight ?

It is fifty kilos (50 kg).
She is slim (≠ fat / overweight).

50 Kgs

17 - Complete the sentences with one of the following words.

old / small / strong / fat

1. A 2. An ...........woman 3. A 4. A .................boy

2- Family and Friends
18 - Answer the following questions.
l Are you tall or small ? I am .........................................................

l How tall are you ? I am .........................................................

l Are you slim or fat ? I am .........................................................

l What is your weight ? My weight is ............................................

19 - Has she got long hair or short hair ?

1. Alice has got................ hair. 2. Jessica has got ................ hair.

And you ? I have got ...................................................

20 - Complete the sentences with one of theses words.

straight / wavy / curly / afro

1. She has got 2. She has got 3. She has got 4. She has got

And you ? I have got ................................................... .

21 - Read and colour the hair.

red / fair / dark

1. Meg has got fair hair. 2. Lynda has got dark hair. 3. Pam has got red hair.
And you ? I have got ....................................................

Meg has got long straight fair hair.

And you ? I have got ..................................................... hair.

What colour are her eyes ?

She has got blue eyes. She has got dark eyes.

And you ? I have got ............... eyes.

22 - Look at the example and write about you.

Jessica has got short straight dark hair and blue eyes.

And you ? I have got ............................................. hair and ................ eyes.

23 - Put in “has” or “have” + one of the following words.

hair / eyes / cat / book

l Fatima ............ got brown ............. l ............ you got a ............ of English ?

l He ............ got short fair ............. l I ............ got a ............ at home. Her name is Pussy.

24 - Correct the mistakes. There is one mistake in every sentence.

l Karima have got green eyes.


l Rafik is tall and slim.


2- Family and Friends
25 - Read the following text.


Her name is Heidi. She is eight

years old. She is from Switzer-
She is 1m35 tall. She has dark
eyes. Her hair is short and
She has got a dog at home. His
name is Hercule. She has got
two friends : Pierre and Clara.

a. Put a tick () on true and a cross () on false.

1. Heidi has black eyes. 2. Heidi has got short fair hair.

3. Hercule is a cat. 4. Heidi has got 2 friends.

b. Answer the following questions.

l Is Heidi ten years old ? .................................................................................................

l Is Heidi English ? ................................................................................................

l How tall is Heidi ? ......................................................................................................

26 - Read the following passage and tell us about your teacher.

My teacher of English is young. His name is Rachid Ramdani. He is from Oran.

He is tall and slim. He has got dark hair and brown eyes.

And your teacher ?

My teacher of English is .............................. . ........................ name is .........................

.............. . ......... is from .................. . ......... is ............... and ............... . ......... has got

............ hair and ............ eyes.

27 - Write a paragraph about one of your family members.
Use the following notes
l his/her name. l his/her age.
l his/her physical appearance (height, build, hair, eyes). l his/her occupation (job).

Start like this.

It is my .........................................................................................




..................................................................................................... Stick his / her


ð : father
θ : thirty

28 - Classify the words according to the pronunciation of “th”.

brother / this / thirteen / three / mother / thirty

/ð/ /θ/

........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................

Test Two

07, rue Capitaine Si Merbah

Oran, 31000

December 9 th,

Dear Melissa,
My name is Hind Harouni. I am twelve. I am Algerian and I am
from Oran. I am a pupil at Tripoli School.
Miss Seddiki is my teacher of English.
I am tall and slim. I have got long straight fair hair and blue eyes.
My father is an architect. My mother is a housewife. I have got one
brother. His name is Ahmed. And you ?

1 ( 14 point s )

Reading comprehension & lexis

a . Read the text and complete this table. /04

First name Family name Age Nationality Hometown

Hind .................... .................... .................... ....................

b . Read the text and say “true” or “false”. /02

l Hind is a pupil at Tripoli School. (...................)
l Miss Seddiki is a teacher of French. (...................)
l Hind has got hazel eyes. (...................)
l Hind has got one sister. (...................)

c. Find in the text words opposite in meaning to the following. /01

Fat # ............... Short # ...............

Mastery of language
a. Write these numbers in full letters /02
32 : ……………………………………………
65 : ……………………………………………

b. Choose the right word. /03

Abdelkader is (a / an) ……….electrician. (He / She) ……… is 32. He (has / have)

………got a nice car. This is (his / her) ……… sister. (His / Her) ……… name is

Meriem. She is (a / an) ……… teacher at USTO University..

c. Classify the words according to the pronunciation of «th» /02

father thirty three this

/ ð/ /θ/

………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………

2 ( 06 point s )

Written Expression
Write a letter to your friend Jessica in England telling her about you.
Use «  I am » and « I have got » /06

• Give your name, age, nationality, and hometown.

• Give your occupation and school, your teacher of English.
• Your physical appearance.
• Tell her about the number of your brothers and sisters.




Dear Jessica,

My Project

Here is a sample of a project.

You can follow these steps to do your own project.

Objective : Making a description of a famous person I know.


1 - Kevin Costner’s identity card. 2 - Describing Kevin Costner.

3 - Kevin Costner’s family.


First name : Kevin

Surname : Costner
Date of birth : 18.01.1955
Nationality : American
Occupation : Actor
Height : 1m83
Hair : Fair
Eyes : Blue Kevin Costner

Family and Friends


l He is 58 years old.
l He is American.
l He is an actor.
l He is 1m83 tall.
l He has got short fair hair.
l He has got blue eyes.

l It is Kevin.

Kevin Costner is an actor. He is American. He is 56 years old. He
is 1m83 tall. He has got fair hair and blue eyes.

Kevin has got three

children Joe, Lily,

3- Sport
1 - Write the days of the week.

Sunday .......................... .......................... ..........................

.......................... .......................... Saturday

2 - Complete with the months of years.

01 02 03 04 05
January ................ March ................ May

06 07 08 09
................ July ................ ................

10 11 12
October ................ ................

The ordinal Numbers.

l 1 st : the first l 11 th : the eleventh

l 2nd : the second l 12 th : the twelfth
l 3rd : the third l 13 th : the thirteenth
l 4 th : the fourth l 14 th : the fourteenth
l 5 th : the fifth l 15 th : the fifteenth
l 6 th : the sixth l 16 th : the sixteenth
l 7 th : the seventh l 17 th : the seventeenth
l 8 th : the eighth l 18 th : the eighteenth
l 9 th : the ninth l 19 th : the nineteenth
l 10 th : the tenth l 20 th : the twentieth

3 - Write in full letters.

l 21 st : the .................................................. l 50 th : the ..................................................

l 44 th : the .................................................. l 62nd : the ..................................................

l 93rd : the .................................................. l 19 th : the ..................................................

4 - Complete with the right ordinal number.
l March is the .....third.... month of the year.

l December is the ............... month of the year.

l August is the ............... month of the year.

l November is the ............... month of the year.

l January is the ............... month of the year.

l May is the .......................... month of the year.

5 - Write the following dates in full.

l 12.03.75 : March 12th, 1975 l 05.07.62 : ................................................

l 01.11.54 : ................................................ l 22.02.05 : ................................................

6 - When is your birthday ?

My birthday is on the eighteenth of January.

And you ?
My birthday is on the ..................................... of ............................

7 - What sport is it ?

skating / running / karate / basket-ball / football / boxing / swimming /
horse-riding / tennis / volley-ball

1. ......….......... 2. ......….......... 3. ......….......... 4. ......….......... 5. ......…..........

6. ......….......... 7. ......….......... 8. ......….......... 9. ......….......... 10. ......…..........

3- Sport
8 - Classify the following sport or game in the right box.
football / judo / handball / cycling / golf / hockey / swimming

Collective Sports games

Individual Sports / Games
(Team Sports) games

.............…....…..........…....... .............…....…..........….......

.............…....…..........…....... .............…....…..........….......

.............…....…..........…....... .............…....…..........….......

.............…....…..........…....... .............…....…..........….......

9 - What is it ?

goal / bat / basket / bicycle / roller-skates / ball / clubs / skis / net / racket

1. ......….......... 2. ......….......... 3. ......….......... 4. ......….......... 5. ......…..........

6. ......….......... 7. ......….......... 8. ......….......... 9. ......….......... 10. ......…..........

10 - What do they play ? Complete with the right word.
football / golf / rugby / tennis / basket-ball / volley-ball / hockey / baseball

1. John plays 2. Mahmoud plays 3. Kevin plays 4. Mary plays

............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

5. Ali and Omar play 6. Azzouz plays 7. Phil plays 8. Chris plays

............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

11 - Complete the sentences with one of theses words.

racket / clubs / ball / bat / stick

l I play golf with ...................

l I play baseball with a ..................

l I need a .................. to play tennis or table-tennis

l I need a .................. to play hockey.

l I use a .................. to play football.

3- Sport
12 - Where are these football clubs from ?

Football team Country

Real Madrid CF ...........….........…..

Chelsea FC .......…....…..........….......

Olympiques de Marseille .......…....…..........….......

FC Bayern Munich .......…....…..........….......

FC Porto .......…....…..........….......

AC Milan .......…....…..........….......

13 - Complete with one of these words.

ice-skates / kimono / boxing-gloves / T-shirt

1. .........….......... 2. .........….......... 3. .........….......... 4. .........…..........

l A football-player wears a T-shirt l A skater wears ..................

l A boxer wears .................. l A karaterman wears a ..................

14. Look at the following plan of a sports centre and complete the sentences below

between Next to the middle on the right On the left

swimming pool aerobics room gymnastics Tennis court volley-ball
room ground

running truck

stadium basketball
reception desk

1. The swimming-pool is …………… of the aerobics room.

2. The handball ground is …………… the volley-ball ground and the basketball ground.

3. The tennis-court is …………… the gymnastics room.

4. The running truck is in …………… of the sports centre.

5. The gymnastics room is ......................... of the aerobics room.

Yes, I do.

Do you like swimming ?

No, I do not.

3- Sport
15 - Answer the following questions.

1. Do you watch football ? ……………………………

2. Do you practise karate ? ……………………………

3. Do you play table-tennis ? ……………………………

4. Do you live near a sports centre ? ……………………………

5. Do you like the Olympic Games ? ……………………………


They (practise)
practise judo.
She (practise)
practises karate.

affirmative negative interrogative

I practise do not practise Do I practise ?

You practise do not practise Do you practise ?

He practises does not practise Does he practise ?

She practises does not practise Does she practise ?

We practise do not practise Do we practise ?

They practise do not practise Do they practise ?

16 - Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Messi and Cristiano (play) ..................... football.

2. Salim (prefer) ..................... running.

3. I (go) ..................... swimming on Mondays.

4. Tom (not like) ..................... boxing.

5. .................... you (love)..................... skiing?

It is twelve twenty-five What time is it ? It is twenty-five past twelve

08:00 eight o'clock 08:30 eight thirty

08:05 eight five 08:35 eight thirty-five
08:10 eight ten 08:40 eight forty
08:15 eight fifteen 08:45 eight forty-five
08:20 eight twenty 08:50 eight fifty
08:25 eight twenty-five 08:55 eight fifty-five

a.m (morning) p.m (afternoon)

08:00 = 8 a.m 20:00 = 8 p.m

17 - Write the time in full letters.

21:00 ……………………………………… 13:30 ………………………………………
10:15 ……………………………………… 09:35 ………………………………………
18:30 ……………………………………… 12:10 ………………………………………
14:45 ……………………………………… 19:20 ………………………………………
11:25 ……………………………………… 16:55 ………………………………………

18. Put in «on» or «in» or «at»

• I practise tennis on Mondays.
• I play football at ten o’clock.
• I do tennis in the afternoon.
1. …… half past two 5. …… Wednesday 9. …… night 13. …… Friday

2. …… the morning 6. …… April 10. …… October 14. …… 1984

3. …… the weekend 7. …… midday 11. …… eight o’clock 15. …… midnight

4. …… the evening 8. …… May 1st, 2008 12. …… June 6th 16. …… the afternoon

19 - What does Dawn do on Sundays ?

get up / 08:00 have / breakfast / 08:30 go shopping / 09:00

3- Sport

play / table-tennis / 10:00 have / a bath / 11:00 do / her homework / 14:00

1. Dawn gets up at eight o’clock in the morning.

2. She …………… breakfast at half past eight.

3. She …………………………… at nine.

4. She ……………………………………………………………

5. She ……………………………………………………………

6. She ………………………………………… two in the afternoon.

20. Read the following text.

Nassima is my friend. She practises tennis. She gets up

at half past six in the morning and goes running for half an
Then, she has breakfast. At half past nine, she takes her
racket and ball and goes to the tennis-court. She wears her
T-shirt and skirt. She trains with her coach for two hours. At
weekends, she plays matches against her friend Amina.

a. swimmer
a. Choose the right answer.
1. Nassima is a ........................... b. tennis-player

c. skater a. six o’clock

2. She gets up at .......................... in the morning. b. five to six

a. racket c. half past six
3. She uses a .......................... to play tennis. b. club

c. bat

a. cousin

4. She plays matches against her .......................... b. sister

38 c. friend
b. Answer the following questions.

1. Does Nassima like tennis?

2. Does Nassima go to the tennis-court at nine thirty ?

3. Does Nassima wear a kimono to play tennis?

4. Does Nassima play tennis against Amina on Mondays?

1. ……………………………………………………………......................................................

2. ……………………………………………………………......................................................

3. ……………………………………………………………......................................................

4. ……………………………………………………………......................................................

21 - Look at the example and do the same.

l Lance Armstrong / cyclist / USA

Lance Armstrong is my favourite champion. He is a cyclist.

He is American.

l Serena Williams / tennis-player / The USA



l Hicham El Guerrouj / runner / Morocco



3- Sport

l Ian Thorpe / swimmer / Australia



l Wayne Rooney / football-player / England



l Mike Tyson / boxer / The USA



22 - Fill in the gaps with one of the following words.

tall / likes / tennis-player / slim / blue / from / fair / young

I like tennis.
Maria Sharapova is my champion.


Maria Sharapova is a ………………………… . She is ……… Russia. She is ……… . She

is 1m79 ……… She is ……… with long straight ……… hair and ……… eyes. She ………

shopping in her free time.

And you ? l What sport do you like ?

l Who is your favourite sport star ?




/Κ/ : chemist
/t ∫/ : champion

23 - Classify the following words in the right column.

cheese architect kitchen cholera beach stomach

school chess butcher artichoke child match

/Κ/ /t ∫/

........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................

........................................... ...........................................

Test Three
52, Woburn Place
London WC1
January 20th,
Dear friend,
My name is Jonathan Davies and I am twelve years old. I am English and I live
in London. I am tall. I have got fair hair and green eyes. I am a pupil at Victoria
I like football and I practise it in an English club. Leo Messi is my favourite
champion. He is a football-player. He is from Argentina. He plays for FC
And you? Who is your favourite football-player?Where is he from?And what
club does he play for?
Well, in my next letter, I will tell you about my family.

1 ( 14 poin ts )

Reading comprehension
a. Read the text and complete the following table. /06

full name age nationality hometown height hair eyes

Jonathan Davies …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. ……..

b . Read the text and say “true” or “false”. / 01

1. Jonathan likes skiing. (...................)

2. Jonathan does not like Messi. (...................)

Mastery of language

a . Put the name of each sport below each picture./02

cycling / swimming / karate / skiing

l ..................... l ..................... l ..................... l .....................

b . Complete with the right ordinal number./01

l February is the .................... month of the year.

c. Complete the following passage using : on / in / at/ 02

Jonathan practises football ......... Sundays ......... the morning. He goes to the stadium

......... half past nine. He meets his friends ......... the afternoon.

d. Classify the following words in the right column./02

match / champion / chemist / school

/Κ/ /t ∫/

......................................... .........................................

......................................... .........................................

......................................... .........................................

2 ( 06 point s )

Written Expression
Write a short composition about your favourite football-player. Use the present
simple. /06

• Give the name of your favourite football-player.

• His age / his country (or nationality).
• Describe him.
• Say which club he plays for.


.......................................................................... Stick his photo





My Project
Here is a sample of a project.
You can follow these steps to do your own project.

Objective : Talking about a sport I like.



1 - What is football ? 2 - Where do we play football ?

3 - What do we wear to play football ? 4 - What do we use to play football ?

l Football is a collective


l A goal-keeper.

l A referee.
l A football-player.

l Football-players play football in the stadium.


l He wears a T-shirt, shorts, sport-stockings and trainings.


l A football-player uses a ball.

4- In and Out
It is a car.

1 - What is it ?
taxi / train / ship / plane / bicycle / lorry / tramway / coach

1. ...................... 2. ...................... 3. ...................... 4. ......................

5. ...................... 6. ...................... 7. ...................... 8. ......................

2 - Study the following examples.

How does Peter go to school ? How does Mr. Grey go to work ?

He goes to school on foot. He goes to work by car.

And you ? How do you go to school ?

Tick () the right answer.

on foot by car by taxi by bus by bicycle

Write a correct sentence.

3 - Study the following example.

always often sometimes

They read fairy tales. (sometimes)

They sometimes read fairy tales.
seldom never How often do they read fairy-tales ?

Complete with one of these words. Sometimes.

always / sometimes / never

l I .................... go to school on Fridays. l I .................... watch cartoons on television.

l Albert is a good pupil. He .................... revises his lessons.

4 - Put the adverbs of frequency in the right place.

1. My brother speaks Spanish. (never) ……………………………………………………

2. I do not play football. (always) ……………………………………………………
3. Do you watch television? (often) ……………………………………………………

5 - Study the following examples and do the same.

l 07.10 : 7.10 a.m. l 21.45 : ...........................

l 19.20 : 7.20 p.m. l 08.00 : ...........................

l 15.30 : ........................ l 17.05 : ...........................

l 10.00 : ........................ l 14.15 : ...........................

4- In and Out
6. What is it?

pencil paper clips book calculator compasses

copybook ink pen ruler protractor school-bag
rubber pencase scissors pen setsquare

1. ........................ 2. ........................ 3. ........................

4. ........................ 5. ........................ 6. ........................

7. ........................ 8. ........................ 9. ........................

10. ........................ 11. ........................ 12. ........................

7 - Look at Amina’s time-table.

13.30 14.30 15.30 16.30

8-9 9 -10 10 - 11 11 - 12
14.30 15.30 16.30 17.30

Sunday music History Maths French Arabic French English R. Ar

Monday Arabic Maths English art French Arabic geography

Tuesday Maths Arabic Science / Physics

Wednesday French Arabic Sports Science / Physics Civic education R. Fr

Thursday Maths Arabic French English Maths Islamic education R. M

* R. Ar = Rattrapage Arabic * R.Fr = Rattrapage French * R.M = Rattrapage mathematics

a. Look at Amina’s time-table and give short answers to the following questions.

l Does Amina start school at 8 a.m. on Sundays ? .......Yes, she does.......

l Does Amina study Spanish at school ? ......No, she doesn’t......

l Does Amina have maths on Thursdays ? .................................................................

l Does Amina study English on Mondays ? .................................................................

l Does Amina have music on Saturday morning ? .....................................................

b. Look at Amina’s time-table and answer the following questions.

l When does Amina have geography ?


l At what time is French on Wednesday ?


l What does Amina have on Tuesday afternoon ?


And you ? Which school subject do you like ?

I like .........................................................................……..………...........

4- In and Out
8 - Answer the following questions.

What do you do on Fridays ?

1. At what time do you get up in the morning ?


2. What do you have for breakfast ?


3. What do you do in the afternoon ?


4. Do you revise your lessons in the evening ?


5. Do you go to bed early or late in the evening ?


9 - Read the following letter.

33 Dukes Road
Hexham NE46 3AW
September 25th,
Dear friend,
You ask me a lot of questions about my daily life and here is my routine. On
weekdays –from Monday to Friday– I go to school. I get up at 7 a.m., get washed
and dressed, feed my cat and do my guitar practice. At 8 a.m. I have breakfast.
At 8.30 a.m., I go to school. School starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. I have
lunch at school. I have dinner at 6 p.m. Then, I watch TV and do my homework
or read. I go to bed at 8.45 p.m.
On Saturdays, I have a guitar lesson at 9 a.m. and in the afternoon, I meet my
friends. On Sundays, I get up late in the morning. At weekends, I usually go to
bed at 10 p.m.

a. Fill in the chart with Steve’s routine.


l 7.00 a.m : ........................................................................

l 8.00 a.m : ........................................................................

l 8.30 a.m : ........................................................................

l9.00 p.m: ........................................................................

l 3.00 p.m : ........................................................................

l 6.00 p.m : ........................................................................

l 8.45 p.m : ........................................................................

b. Say “true” or “false”.

1. Steve has a cat at home. ( ………… )

2. Steve finishes school at three in the afternoon. ( ………… )

3. Steve plays the piano. ( ………… )

4. Steve meets his friends on Saturday morning. ( ………… )

5. Steve goes to bed at nine in the evening at weekends. ( ………… )


What is Leila doing, now ?

She is feeding the hens and
the chicks.

4- In and Out

affirmative negative interrogative

I am writing am not writing am I writing ?

You are writing are not writing are you writing ?

He is writing is not writing is he writing ?

She is writing is not writing is she writing ?

We are writing are not writing are we writing ?

They are writing are not writing are they writing ?

10 - What are they doing ?

1. Peter ........................ a horse 2. Tom ........................ 3. Alice ........................

(ride) (fish) (dance)

11 - Complete the sentences with one of these verbs.

building / coming / having / playing / cooking / swimming

1. Listen ! Pat is …………… the piano.

2. They are …………… a new hotel.

3. Look ! Tom and Jeff are …………… in the river.

4. Hurry up ! The bus is ……………

5. “Where are you, George ?” “In the kitchen. I am …………… a meal.”

6. Ann is …………… a shower at the moment.

12 - Study the following example and do the same.

Alan / watch TV / play the violin
Alan is not watching TV. He is playing the violin.

l Alice / dance / sing


l Kate / listen to music / read a fairy tale


l Mark / do his exercises / draw


l Tom / swim / climb a tree


l Jessica / take photos / collect flowers


13 - Turn into the negative form.

1. Tony is driving a lorry. …..............................................................................................

2. I am watching cartoons. ........…....................................................................................

3. Ray and Tom are washing the car. ...............................................................................

4- In and Out
14 - Ask a correct question on the underlined words.
l The children are playing in the garden.

.......................................................................................................................................... ?

l Ali is playing football

.......................................................................................................................................... ?

l John is listening to music.

.......................................................................................................................................... ?

15- Read the following letter and answer the questions below.

Dear Flora,
I am in Paris. I am staying at my friend’s. It is half past two, now. I am
near the Eiffel Tower. There are a lot of tourists. They are taking photos.
I am sitting next to a painter. He is painting the portrait of a nice woman.
He is doing it very well. It is fine and I am having a good time!

1. Is Sandra in France ? ....................................................................................................

2. Is Sandra staying in a hotel ? .........................................................................................

3. What are the tourists doing ? .........................................................................................

4. Is Sandra having a bad time in Paris ? ............................................................................

16 - Reorder the following words to get correct sentences.

1. is / Dawn / a letter / writing / .
2. you / having / are / a bath / ?
3. not / Ahmed / drinking / is / coffee / .
4. doing / what / they / are / ?
5. where / you / going / are / ?
17 - Give the plural form of the following words.

1. a pen (………………………) 5. a tramway (………………………)

2. a book (………………………) 6. a university (………………………)

3. a dictionary (………………………) 7. a coach (………………………)

4. a box (………………………) 8. a child (………………………)

18 - Turn the following sentences into the plural.

1. It is a lorry. ………………………………………………………......................

2. This is my copybook. ………………………………………………………

3. That child is my pupil. ………………………………………………………

/s/ : likes

the final “s” /z/ : lives

/iz/ : teaches

19. Classify the following verbs according to the pronunciation of their final «s»

feeds washes works goes plays watches dances writes

/s/ /z/ /iz/

……………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………

Test four

09, Baker Street

London WC1
October 2nd,
Dear Fatima,
My name is Meg Carey and I’m twelve. I’m English. I’m thin. My eyes are blue and
my hair is fair. I live in London and I go to St Anne’s School.
I always get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight
o’clock. For school, I put on my school uniform. I go to school by bus. School starts
at half past nine and we have six lessons a day. I like history and geography. Lunch
is at school. It is at one o’clock. In the afternoon, we have sport. School finishes at
a quarter to four and I go home. Before dinner, I read or play with my friends.
We have dinner at seven o’clock and then, I do my homework or watch TV.
I go to bed at nine o’clock.

1 ( 14 poin ts )

Reading comprehension & Lexis

a. Read the text and complete the following table. /02

Full name Nationality Age Occupation School

Meg Carey ........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

b. Read the text and answer the following questions. /03

1. Does Meg go to school by bus? ……………………………………………

2. Does Meg have lunch at home? ……………………………………………

3. What does Meg do after school? ......…………………………………………

c. Find in the text the opposite of the following words. /02

fat ≠ …………… never ≠ …………… dislike ≠ …………… starts ≠ ……………

Mastery of language
b. Reorder the following words to make correct sentences /02
l sometimes / to / . / Meriem / the zoo / goes
l you / ? / volley-ball / play / Do / always

c. Turn into the plural./03

1. I am a pupil. …………………………………………………..
2. He is my child. …………………………………………………..
3. She is a secretary .......................................................................

c. Classify the following nouns according to the pronunciation of their final “s” /02

pencils desks boxes rulers

/s/ /z/ /iz/

……………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………

2 ( 06 points )

Written Expression
Write a short composition about you telling what you do on Fridays. /06
• Say what time you get up in the morning.
• Say what you do in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.
• Say what time you go to bed.

My Project

Here is a sample of a project.

You can follow these steps to do your own project.

Objective : Asking a friend of yours and reporting about him / her



1 - Asking a friend

2 - Reporting about a friend

Asking a friend
You : What time do you get up on your school-days?

Your friend : I usually get up at 7.

You : How do you go to school?

Your friend : I often go on foot. It’s not far from home.

You : What’s your favourite school-subject?

Your friend : I like chemistry and geography.

You : What do you do in your free time?

Your friend : I go swimming twice a week: on Mondays and on Thursdays.

You : Do you watch TV?

Your friend : Yes, I do.

You : What do you like on TV?

Your friend : I like detective films and documentaries about animals.

In and Out

Reporting about a friend
My friend often goes to school on foot. At school, he likes chemistry and geography. In his

free time, he goes swimming. He likes detective films and documentaries about animals

on TV.

5- Environment

1. autumn 2. winter

3. spring 4. summer
1. Complete the sentences with the opposite of the underlined words.

1. Summer is hot, but winter is …………………

2. In summer, days are ………………, but in winter they are short.

3. Tomorrow, the weather won’t be fine ; it will be ………………

2. When do we say?

horrible lovely awful beautiful terrible fine


………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………

3 - What is the weater like ?
sunny / rainy / snowy / windy / cloudy

1. ......….......... 2. ......….......... 3. ......…..........

4. ......….......... 5. ......…..........
Tomorrow it (be) rainy.
Tomorrow it will be rainy.
l I will put on my raincoat.
l I will take my umbrella.

affirmative negative interrogative

I will / shall go won’t / shan’t go will / shall I go ?
You will go won’t go will you go ?
He will go won’t go will he go ?
She will go won’t go will she go ?
We will / shall go won’t / shan’t go will / shall we go ?
They will go won’t go will they go ?

Study this example

l Alice (go) to the zoo tomorrow.
l Alice will go to the zoo tomorrow. (affirmative)
l Alice won’t go to the zoo tomorrow. (negative) yes, she will.
l Will Alice go to the zoo tomorrow ? (interrogative)
no, she won’t.
5- Environment
Where will Alice
go tomorrow ? she will go to the zoo.

4 - Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Tomorrow I think it (not rain) .................. The weather (be) .................. fine. I (not stay)

.................. all day at home. In the afternoon, I (do) .................. some shopping.

I (buy) .................. some new clothes for me.

5 - Turn into the negative form.

1 - We shall travel to France next summer.

l .........................................................................................................................................
2 - They will buy a new house next week.
l .........................................................................................................................................
3 - It will snow tomorrow.
l .........................................................................................................................................

6 - Ask a correct question on the underlined words.

1. Janet will travel to Serengeti Park in Kenya.

l …………………………………………………………………………………………?

2. They will protect wild animals.

l …………………………… ……………………………………………………………?

7 - Look at this weather forecast for tomorrow in the USA and say “true” or “false”.

1. It will rain in Seattle.


2. It will be warm in Miami..


3. The temperature will be

twenty-two in Houston.


4. It will be cold and windy in

Chicago. ………
8 - What is it? Put the right word for each animal.

cat koala panda horse rhinoceros

gazelle dog hen whale bear
goat cow elephant gorilla crocodile

1. ................ 2. ................ 3. ................ 4. ................ 5. ................

6. ................ 7. ................ 8. ................ 9. ................ 10. ................

11. ................ 12. ................ 13. ................ 14. ................ 15. ................

9. Classify the animals above in the right column.

domestic animals wild animals

........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

............................ ............................ ............................ ............................

........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................

5- Environment
10. Answer the following questions.

1. What is it? ………………………………………………………

2. Is it domestic or wild? …………………………………………

3. Where does it live? ……………………………………………

4. What does it eat? ………………………………………………

Now, write a paragraph about it.

The tiger is …………………………………………………………………………………………





11. Read the following text.

The lion is a wild animal. It comes from

Africa. It lives in the African savannah. It
eats meat. It sometimes attacks people.
The lion is the male. It is a nice animal
with long brown hair round the head. The
lioness is the female. It hasn’t got hair. The
cubs are the babies.
a lioness
Say “true” or “false”.
1. The lion isn’t a domestic animal. ( ………… )

2. The lion is an American animal. ( ………… )

3. The lion eats meat. ( ………… )

4. The lion never attacks people. ( ………… )

5. The lioness has long hair round the head. ( ………… )

The cubs
6. The cub is a baby lion. ( ………… )

12. Put the words below in the right order to make correct questions.

Amy : like / Do / animals / you

…………………………………………………………… ?

Kate : Yes, I do. I like them very much.

Amy : animal / you / Which / prefer / do

…………………………………………………………… ?

Kate : I prefer the koala. I love it. The koala

Amy : it / Is / dangerous

…………………………………………………………… ?

Kate : No, it isn’t. It’s a quiet animal.

Amy : does / live / Where / it

…………………………………………………………… ?

Kate : In Australia.

Amy : it / eat / What / does

…………………………………………………………… ?

Kate : It eats the leaves of trees.

Study these examples

l A horse is fast.
l A cheetah is very fast
l A cheetah is faster than a horse. (comparative)

l A wolf is dangerous.
l A bear is very dangerous.
l A bear is more dangerous than a wolf. (comparative)

• nice (nicer)
• big (bigger) / hot (hotter) / fat (fatter)
• noisy (noisier) / friendly (friendlier)

5- Environment
13 - Give the comparative of the following adjectives.

1 - long (longer) 5 - expensive ( ........................... )

2 - important (more important) 6 - difficult ( ........................... )

3 - large ( ........................... ) 7 - strong ( ........................ )

4 - happy ( ........................... ) 8 - slim ( ........................... )

14 - Compare (look at the example and do the same).

going by plane / expensive / going by ship

l going by plane is more expensive than going by ship.

a snail / slow / a tortoise

1. .........................................................................................................................................

a shark / dangerous / a wolf

l .........................................................................................................................................

An elephant / big / a horse

l .........................................................................................................................................



Don’t pick flowers. Don’t feed the animals.

15 - Complete the sentences. Use one of theses phrases :

Don’t drink / Don’t swim / Don’t camp / Don’t smoke / Don’t walk / Don’t make noise

1. Don’t make noise. 2. ......... ............ here. 3. ......... ............ here.

The baby is sleeping. There are dangerous animals. It is a public place

4. ......... ............ here. 5. ......... ............ it. 6. ......... ............ on grass.

It is a dangerous beach. It is killing. You can spoil it.

5- Environment
16 - Answer the following questions using :

her / you / us / them / it / me / him

1. Is this present for me ? 5. Is that ticket for Tom ?

Yes, it is for you. Yes, it is for ............

2. Is Fatima with Ali and Omar ? 6. Is Jennifer with you and your brother ?

Yes, she is with ............ Yes, she is with ............

3. Are these flowers for Leila ? 7. Is that letter for you ?

Yes, they are for ............ Yes, it is for ............

4. Is the book about Algeria ? 8. Is that sandwich for me, mum ?

Yes, it is about ............ Yes, it is for ............

17 - Select the following sentences in the right box.

l live in peace. l have a good and free education.

l get nice books at school. l love our country and defend it.

l respect people everywhere. l take care of our environment : land, air and sea.

l protect animals. l have a name and a nationality.


............................................. .............................................

............................................. .............................................

............................................. .............................................

.............................................. ..............................................

............................................. .............................................

............................................. .............................................

one syllable :
number of two syllables :
syllables winter
three syllables :

18 - Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.

summer / rainbow / dangerous / hot / elephant / cold / north

one syllable two syllables three syllables

.............................. .............................. ..............................

.............................. .............................. ..............................

.............................. .............................. ..............................

Test five
Cotswald Park is a nice zoo in Oxford in England. It has got a lot
of wild animals from all over the world.
In the garden, there are many parrots of different colours: red and
grey from Africa; green and yellow from Asia ; yellow and white
from Australia. Parrots like bananas.
In the aquarium, there are clown fish. They eat insect eggs.
In the zoo, there are two Indian elephants: Daisy and Duncan.
There are also four zebras from Kenya.
Come and visit Cotswald Park to see all these animals and
more !
( 14 point s )
Reading comprehension & Lexis
a. Read the text and choose the right answer. /03

1. Cotswald Zoo is in ……………………

a. London b. Oxford c. Manchester

2. The parrots from Africa are ……………………

a. yellow and white b. green and yellow c. red and grey

3. Daisy and Duncan are two …………………… from India.

a. tigers b. pandas c. elephants

b. Read the text and answer the following questions. /02

1. Do clown fish eat insect eggs?
2. Are the four zebras from Nigeria?

c. Find in the text the opposite of the following words. /02

domestic ≠ ……………… dislike ≠ ………………

Mastery of language

a. Find out the odd words and copy them on your sheet. /02
01 rose tiger lion zebra
02 rainy summer cloudy sunny
03 Britain France Italy Barcelona
04 Sunday March October August

The odd words

1. …………… / 2. …………… / 3. …………… / 4. ……………

b. Look at the example and do the same. /03

1. A hippo is (heavy) …heavier than… a cow.
2. A giraffe is (high) ……………………… a camel.
3. A peacock is (beautiful) ……………………… a cock.
4. Summer is (hot) ....................... spring

c. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables. /02
tigers / ostriches / cocks / cows

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

……………… ……………… ………………

……………… ……………… ………………
……………… ……………… ………………

( 06 poin ts )
Written Expression
Write a short composition about your favorite wild animal. /06
• Your favourite wild animal.
• Where it lives.
• What it eats.
• Why you like it.

My Project

Here is a sample of a project.

You can follow these steps to do your own project.

Objective : Making a description of an animal I like.



1 - What is a giraffe ? 2 - Where does the giraffe live ?

3 - What does the giraffe feed on ?


l The giraffe is 6 m tall.

l The giraffe has a long neck and long legs.

l The giraffe has dark patches on its body.

l The giraffe is a gentle wild animal.



l The giraffe lives in Africa.


l The giraffe eats leaves.


Projects Objectives
Project 1 1. Greeting people.
Hello ! 2. Introducing oneself
3. Asking and giving information about :
name, age, origin (nationality / country).
Project Page 2-13

Project 2 1. Introducing people :`family members, friends and others.

Family and Friends 2. Asking for and giving information about people :
job, age, height, weight.
Project Page 14-29 3. Describing people physically.

Project 3 1. Naming sport, sportwear and sport-equipment.

Sport 2. Talking about sport activities.
3. Telling the time.
4. Talking about daily activities, hobbies.
Project Page 30-45

Project 4 1. Telling about others :

In and Out What they are doing.
What they do / How they travel / Where they live.
2. Talking about daily life.
Project Page 46-59

Project 5 1. Talking about seasons and the weather.

Environment 2. Predicting future events.
3. Talking about animals.
4. Comparing.
Project Page 60-73
5. Giving rights and duties.

- ISBN : 978-9947-39-016-0 - Dépôt légal : 4956-2012

Chihab Éditions : 10, Av. Brahim Gharafa. B.E.O Alger 16 009
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© Chihab Éditions, 2007-2012

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