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Managed File Transfer Solutions using

DataPower and WebSphere

MQ File Transfer Edition

© 2011 IBM Corporation


 Introduction
 MQ FTE Overview
 DataPower File handling Overview
 File transfer scenarios with DataPower / MQ FTE
 DataPower MQ FTE Configuration

2 © 2011 IBM Corporation

File Transfer within the Enterprise
Moving Files and Documents
Moving Files and Documents between Head-office and
around internally within Head-office remote locations


Regional Offices
Head Office Locations


CRM Packaged Apps


Accounting Sales


© 2011 IBM Corporation

How do most organizations move files today?
Most organizations rely on a mix of homegrown code, several legacy products and different
technologies … and even people!
– Typically File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is combined with
writing and maintaining homegrown code to address its

 Why is FTP use so widespread?

– FTP is widely available – Lowest common denominator
– Promises a quick fix – repent at leisure
– Simple concepts – low technical skills needed to get started
– FTP products seem “free”, simple, intuitive and ubiquitous

 Legacy File Transfer products

– A combination of products often used to provide silo
– Often based on proprietary versions of FTP protocol
– Can’t transport other forms of data besides files
– Usually well integrated with B2B but rarely able to work with
the rest of the IT infrastructure – especially with SOA

 People
– From IT Staff to Business staff and even Security Personnel
– Using a combination of email, fax, phone, mail, memory

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Shortcomings of Basic FTP

Limited Limited
Reliability Security
 Unreliable delivery – Lacking  Often usernames and
checkpoint restart – Files can passwords are sent with file –
be lost as plain text!
 Transfers can terminate  Privacy, authentication and
without notification or any encryption often not be
record – corrupt or partial available
files can be accidentally used  Non-repudiation often lacking
 File data can be unusable
after transfer – lack of
Character Set conversion

Limited Limited visibility

Flexibility and traceability
 Changes to file transfers often require updates to many  Transfers cannot be monitored and managed
ftp scripts that are typically scattered across machines centrally or remotely
and require platform-specific skills to alter  Logging capabilities may be limited and may only
 All resources usually have to be available concurrently record transfers between directly connected systems
 Often only one ftp transfer can run at a time  Cannot track the entire journey of files – not just from
 Typically transfers cannot be prioritized one machine to the next but from the start of its
journey to its final destination

© 2011 IBM Corporation
What is Managed File Transfer?
Reliable, controlled, auditable movement of files

 No agreed specification for managed file transfer products to certify


 General consensus that managed file transfer involves the following:

 Auditable Who transferred a file? Where? When? Was it this file?

 Reliable Automatic resumption of interrupted transfers. No partial file data left lying around

 Secure Limits access to authorized users. Protects file data in transit

 Automated Designed for “lights out” operation

 Centralized Can be monitored and managed from one central location

 Any file size Imposes no practical limits on file sizes. Efficient regardless of file size

 Integrated Integrates well with applications that typically perform file processing

 Cost Effective Reuses existing skills and infrastructure

© 2011 IBM Corporation

 Introduction
 MQ FTE Overview
 DataPower File handling Overview
 File transfer scenarios with DataPower / MQ FTE
 DataPower MQ FTE Configuration

7 © 2011 IBM Corporation

What is WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition?
Adds managed file transfer capabilities to WebSphere MQ


WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition


 Auditable Full logging and auditing of file transfers + archive audit data to a database

 Reliable Checkpoint restart. Exploits solid reliability of WebSphere MQ

 Secure Protects file data in transit using SSL. Provides end-to-end encryption using AMS

 Automated Providing scheduling and file watching capabilities for event-driven transfers

 Centralized Provides centralized monitoring and deployment of file transfer activities

 Any file size Efficiently handles anything from bytes to terabytes

 Integrated Integrates with MB, WSRR, ITCAMs for Apps, DataPower + Connect:Direct

 Cost Effective Reuses investment in WebSphere MQ. Wide range of support ( inc. z/OS and IBM i)

© 2011 IBM Corporation
A consolidated transport for both files and messages

 Traditional approaches to file transfer

result in parallel infrastructures
– One for files – typically built on FTP
– One for application messaging – based
on WebSphere MQ, or similar

 High degree of duplication in creating

and maintaining the two infrastructures Application
File Transfers

 File Transfer Edition reuses the MQ

network for managed file transfer and
– Operational savings and simplification
– Reduced administration effort
– Reduced skills requirements and
maintenance Consolidated Transport
for Messages & Files

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Components of a typical WMQ FTE network

Applications exchanging file data

 Agents
– The endpoints for managed file Agent Agent Agent
transfer operations

 Commands
– Send instructions to agents

 Log database
WebSphere MQ
– A historical record of file transfers “Coordination”
Queue Manager
 Coordination queue manager
– Gathers together file transfer

Commands Log

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Components of a typical WMQ FTE network

Applications exchanging file data

 Act as the end points for file transfers
 Long running MQ applications that Agent Agent Agent
transfer files by splitting them into MQ
– Efficient transfer protocol avoids
excessive use of MQ log space or
messages building up on queues
 Multi-threaded file transfers WebSphere MQ
– Can both send and receive
multiple files at the same time “Coordination”
Queue Manager
 Generate a log of file transfer
activities which is sent to the
“coordination queue manager”
– This can be used for audit
 Associated with one particular queue Commands Log
manager (either v6 or v7) Database
– Agent state on queues

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Notes on:
 FTE agent processes define the end-points for file transfer. That is to say that if you
want to move files off a machine, or onto a machine – that machine would typically
need to be running an agent process
 Agent processes are long running MQ applications that oversee the process of moving
file data in a managed way. Each agent monitors a ‘command’ queue waiting for
messages which instruct it to carry out work, for example file transfers
 The FTE agent process needs connectivity to an MQ queue manager to do useful
work. It can connect either directly to a queue manager running on the same system,
or as an MQ client using an embedded version of the MQ client library (which is kept
completely separate to any other MQ client libraries that may or may not already have
been installed onto the system)*
– Each agent requires its own set of MQ queues – which means that an
agent is tied to the queue manager where these queues are defined
– However – one queue manager can support multiple agents

* Note: availability of direct (bindings) connectivity or MQ client based connectivity is dependent on the version of MQ
FTE in use
• WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition on z/OS does not support the MQ client style of connectivity
• File Transfer Edition on distributed platforms has a ‘server’ and ‘client’ offering. The agent component of the ‘client’ offering is
restricted to only supporting MQ client style connectivity. The agent component of the ‘server’ offering may be used either
connectivity options

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Example usage of agent monitoring + program execution

5. FTE can also start another

application to process the file
3. FTE transports file
to destination

WMQ WMQ t ap*

Existing * Existing
Application Application
Agent Agent

1. Application writes 2. Agent monitors file 4. At destination MQ FTE

file to file system system, spots arrival of writes file to file system
file and based on rules,
transfers the file

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Notes on:
Monitoring & Program Execution
 Resource monitors work in two stages:
1. Poll a resource (in this case the file system – but as we’ll see later the ‘resource’ can also
be an MQ queue) and identify that a condition has been met (perhaps the appearance of a
file matching a particular pattern)
2. Perform an action (which can include starting a managed file transfer, or running a script),
optionally propagating information about the resource (for example the name of the file
triggered on) into the action
 As shown on the previous slide, resource monitors are typically used to provide integration with
an existing system without needing to make changes to the system
 Another function of FTE, used for integration with existing systems is the ability to execute
programs or scripts both on the source or destination systems for a file transfer. This can be
used to:
– Start a program, on the source system, which generates the file data to be transferred prior
to performing the managed file transfer
– Start, or notify, a program on the destination system when the file data has been
transferred – allowing it to process the data without having to poll

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Components of a typical WMQ FTE network

Applications exchanging file data

 Send instructions to agents

and display information about Agent Agent Agent
agent configuration
– Via MQ messages
 Many implementations of WebSphere MQ
commands: “Coordination”
– MQ Explorer plug-in Queue Manager
– Command line programs
– Open scripting language
– Documented interface to
Commands Log
program to Database

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Notes on:
 “Commands” is the name we have given to anything which instructs the FTE agent.
As described on the previous slide, there are a wide range of command
implementations including graphical and non-graphical command-line based
 Commands instruct the FTE agent by sending it messages. The messages
themselves use a documented format which can easily be incorporated into your own
 The commands that are supplied with FTE can connect either as an MQ client (again
based on embedded client libraries) or directly to a queue manager located on the
same system

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Components of a typical WMQ FTE network
Log Database

Applications exchanging file data

 Keeps a historical account of

transfers that have taken place Agent Agent Agent
– Who, where, when… etc.

 Implemented by the ‘database

logger’ component which WebSphere MQ
connects to the coordination “Coordination”
queue manager Queue Manager
– Stand alone application
– Or JEE application

Commands Log
 Queryable via Web Gateway Database
– Also a documented interface

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Notes on:
Log Database
 File Transfer Edition can record a historical account of file transfers to a database
using the ‘database logger’ component.
– This component is available to run as a stand alone process or as a JEE

 The information used to populate the log database is generated, as MQ messages, by

the FTE agents participating in file transfers. This is routed to a collection point in the
MQ network, referred to as the ‘coordination queue manager’ (see next slides). The
database logger component subscribes to the messages produced by agents and
reliably enters them into a database.

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Components of a typical WMQ FTE network
Coordination Queue Manager

Applications exchanging file data

 Gathers together information

about events in the file transfer Agent Agent Agent

 Not a single point of failure WebSphere MQ

– Can be made highly available
– Messages stored + forwarded Queue Manager

 MQ v7 publish / subscribe
– Allows multiple log databases,
command installs
– Commands Log
Documented interface

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Notes on:
Coordination queue manager
 The coordination queue manager is used as the gathering point for all the information
about file transfers taking place between a collection of FTE agents
 The queue manager uses publish/subscribe (so it must be MQ version 7) to distribute
this information to “interested parties” which typically include:
– The WebSphere MQ Explorer plug-in, which provides a graphical overview of FTE
– The database logger component, which archives the information to a database
– Some of the command line utilities which are part of the FTE product
 The format used to publish information is documented and can be used to develop 3rd
party applications which process this data
 Although there is only a single ‘coordination’ queue manager for a given collection of
agents it does not represent a point of failure:
– MQ stores and forwards messages to the coordination queue manager when it is
available – so if the coordination queue manager is temporarily unavailable no log
data is lost
– The ‘coordination’ queue manager can be made highly available using standard
HA techniques such as MQ multi-instance queue manager or via a HA product
such as PowerHA

© 2011 IBM Corporation
WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Tools

 Command Line tools

– For operations (for example transferring a file)
– Administration (for example starting an agent)
– eclipse based plug-in to MQ Explorer
– Used for operations only (for example transferring files, browsing transfer log history)

© 2011 IBM Corporation

How to start a File Transfer
 Command Line Interface is consistent across all
supported platforms
 Transfer commands can be invoked from the
supported Operating Systems shell environment
 Commands can be invoked from anywhere across
the file transfer network
– i.e. Command could be invoked from a
Windows machine for transfers taking place
between z/OS and Unix machines
 Developers can use any native command line
language on the OS that can invoke these
commands (shell, bat, cmd, etc.)
 Application Programs can place a request using a
messaging interface in XML

 Examples:
 fteCreateTransfer Starts a new file transfer from the command line
 fteStartAgent Starts a File Transfer agent from the command line
 fteStopAgent Stops a File Transfer agent in a controlled way
 fteShowAgentDetails Displays the details of a particular File Transfer agent
 fteShowAgents Displays the status of all known Transfer agents

Page 22 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Eclipse GUI
integrated into
WMQ Explorer

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Scheduling & Triggering File Transfers

Choose when to start the

scheduled transfer

Choose advanced options

Choose when to repeat the

Choose the trigger for the
scheduled transfer and how

Deploy file transfer to network

Page 24 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Auditing & Monitoring File Transfers

Page 25 © 2011 IBM Corporation


 Introduction
 MQ FTE Overview
 DataPower File handling Overview
 File transfer scenarios with DataPower / MQ FTE
 DataPower MQ FTE Configuration

26 © 2011 IBM Corporation

The Modern Enterprise is a Network of Complex Interactions

Wholesalers Affiliates





© 2011 IBM Corporation

Rich Portfolio of Workload Optimized Systems and Appliances
WebSphere DataPower Caching Appliance
WebSphere DataPower Low Latency Appliance
WebSphere DataPower XML Accelerator
Information Power7 with WebSphere and DB2
Netezza Retail Analytic Appliance Smart Analytics Optimizer
Netezza Skimmer
Netezza TwinFin
Smart Analytics System

WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud Integration
WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance
Management WebSphere DataPower Integration
Application Manager for Smart Business
IBM CloudBurst
Rational Power Appliance Express
Rational Power Appliance Workgroup
Rational Power Appliance Enterprise
Service Manager for Smart Business
Smart Business Appliance
Virtual Desktop for Smart Business
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance
InfoSphere Guardium Real-time Database Monitoring and Security
Information Archive
Proventia Management SiteProtector System
SAN Volume Controller
Proventia Network Enterprise Scanner
Scale Out Network Attached Storage
Proventia Network Multi-Function Security
System Storage Productivity Center
Security Network Active Bypass
Real Time Compression Appliance
Security Network Intrusion Prevention System
WebSphere DataPower XML Security Gateway

28 © 2011 IBM Corporation

An Appliance Analogy




© 2011 IBM Corporation

The Connectivity Appliance Recipe
1) Take some characteristics from integration software stacks
• Programmability by developers
• Message level routing and security (including by partner for B2B)
• Integration with other SOA infrastructure & governance software such as Registry, Repository, etc…
• Conditional Processing (if, else, split, join)
• Transformation of any-2-any formats

= 3)thatCombine them into a hardware device (aka hardware form factor)

has characteristics of both application stacks and networking gear.

2) Take some characteristics of networking & firewall devices

• High throughput
• Many concurrent connections
• IP level security and routing (can’t see inside message but route by source and target)
• Simplified Management and reduced maintenance costs through firmware updates
• Reliability

© 2011 IBM Corporation

IBM WebSphere DataPower appliances

 Simple architecture:
– microcode firmware + purpose-built hardware

 Delivered from the factory with everything you

need to connect to the network and start
– No need to provision anything but the Ethernet
network and CAT cables to get started

 All computationally-significant components

sealed within a temper-proof casing
– Chips
– Memory
– Boards and cards
– Flash-based file system (signed and encrypted)
– Parsing and xform accelerators (patented)
– Cryptographic accelerators (patented)

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Why use WebSphere DataPower appliances?
 Business Requirements
• Configuration driven, not programmable
• Relief from maintaining diverse development and system
administrator skills
• Simplified IT deployments

 Appliances are Fit for Purpose, Easily Consumable

• A drop-in, “plug-n-work” device
• Hardened, with numerous functions integrated into a single device
• Easy configuration-driven set up and management
• Purpose-built hardware / software that delivers on specific business

© 2011 IBM Corporation
WebSphere DataPower XI52 and XB62 Appliances (9005)

• 2U high density rackmount design  Far more memory than ever before
– Memory aggregation at the domain level
• New customer-replaceable Ethernet modules
(announced for firmware 4.01)
with far more ports than the current generation
(4)  Enhanced hardware diagnostics
– Two 10 Gbps ports
– Eight 1 Gbps ports  Customizable intrusion detection

 Higher performance chips, memory, flash, and

hard drives


8 81-Gigabit
1-Gigabit 2 210-Gigabit
NICs Ethernet
© 2011 IBM Corporation
DataPower Devices
DataPower appliances have been the best selling The
WebSphere product since the DataPower company
acquisition in 2005
“Russian Doll”
Guiding philosophy is to take rote, repeatable integration
tasks and lock them down in the appliance form factor,

– Parsing (XML, Flat)

– Validation (XML, Flat)
– Transformation (XML, Flat)
– Security (Transport, XML, other)
– Integration (Multi-transport, SOA, ESB)

– B2B (Partner Mgt, Persistent Tx Store)

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Common usage patterns

Internet DMZ Trusted Domain

1 Web Gateway
 Security policy enforcement
 SLA policy enforcement
 Web Application Firewall 2.1 ESB
 Integration Gateway functions +
 Routing
Web Apps 2 Integration Gateway
Devices  Database connectivity
System z
 Web Gateway functions +  more...
 Any-to-any transformation
 Protocol Bridging 2.2 Service Enablement
 ESB functions +
 Rapid web service façade creation
Partner Apps 3 B2B Gateway
 Integration Gateway functions +
 Partner Management
 Enhanced qualities of service

© 2011 IBM Corporation
Web Gateway

Connection from client

Proxying and Enforcement
• Terminate incoming connection
• Terminate transport-level security
• Enforce Service Level Agreement policies
Partner App
• Inspect message content, filter, pattern-match
• Enforce security policies on message content
• Call out to Access Control List(s)
• Detach binaries and call out to virus checker Virus
• Transform content (XSLT, XML-to-XML)
• Establish a new connection to pass results New connection to target

Internal App

© 2011 IBM Corporation

 All the same capabilities as the XS40 to proxy WTX

and protect traffic, PLUS…
Design Studio
 Support for additional transport protocols:
– FTP(s), SFTP(SSH), WebSphere MQ, WebSphere
 Database connectivity (ODBC)
 File system access (NFS)
 Web 2.0 standards: ReST, JSON
 Onboard engine for parsing and transforming
virtually any message format
– WebSphere Transformation Extender (WTX)

© 2011 IBM Corporation
B2B Gateway ebMS /

 All of the capabilities of the XS40 to proxy and enforce policies

 All of the additional capabilities of the XI50 for protocol bridging and universal transformation, PLUS…
 Partner Management functions:
– Define partners with the web management console
– Associate partners with network endpoints
– Attach metadata about the partners to their definitions
 Enhanced Qualities of Service
– Onboard persistent transaction store
– Search messages by partner, time, etc
– Replay messages if necessary
– ebXML/ebMS, AS1, AS2, and AS3 protocol bindings
for greater reliability across traditionally unreliable protocols
© 2011 IBM Corporation
Business to Business (B2B) Appliance XB60 / XB62
Purpose-built B2B hardware for simplified deployment, exceptional
performance and hardened security

• Extend integration beyond the enterprise with B2B

• Hardened Security for DMZ deployments
• Easily manage and connect to trading partners
using industry standards
• Simplified deployment and ongoing management

• Trading Partner Management for B2B Governance; B2B protocol policy

enforcement, access control, message filtering, and data security

• Application Integration with B2B Gateway Service capabilities supporting B2B

patterns for AS1, AS2, AS3, ebMS v2.0, FTP(S), SFTP, HTTP(S), SFTP/POP3,
MQ, MQ FTE, JMS and more
• Full featured User Interface for B2B configuration and transaction viewing;
correlate documents and acknowledgments displaying all associated events

• Simplified deployment, configuration and management providing a quicker time to

value by establishing rapid connectivity to trading partners

© 2011 IBM Corporation

XB60 complements IBM‘s family of WebSphere software solutions
Internet DMZ Trusted Domain

WebSphere MQ FTE

WebSphere Transformation
WebSphere Extender / Trading Manager
DataPower XB60


WebSphere Partner Gateway /

Sterling Integrator

 Standalone Consolidated Patterns

– Deploy standalone for purpose built B2B gateway functionality in the DMZ utilizing exceptional security and B2B transaction volumes for
quickly connecting to trading partners

 Enterprise B2B Integration Pattern

– Deploy with MQFTE for B2B enabled Managed File Transfer
– Deploy with WTX-TM for end-to-end EDI Processing
– Deploy as B2B entry point for BPM and ESB solutions
– Supplement WPG or Sterling Integrator by offloading security functions and advanced web services
© 2011 IBM Corporation

 Introduction
 MQ FTE Overview
 DataPower File handling Overview
 File transfer scenarios with DataPower / MQ FTE
 DataPower MQ FTE Configuration

41 © 2011 IBM Corporation

XB60 MFT Integration Pattern – Integrate to MQ FTE for end-
to-end file transfer
Trading Partner

XB60 (Admin)
Gateway 3
Server WS MQ
2 Service
1 B2B Agent02
Internet Gateway Agent01 4b
4a Service
MQ Explorer
FTE Viewer 5
Transaction 6
Viewer Application

(Partner view)

(LOB User) © 2011 IBM Corporation
Message Segmentation for Large Files

... ... ... ... ...

If the payload of the received message is too big, the message payload will be segmented
into smaller pieces before forwarding to the queue

Can also be configured for streaming

43 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Logical flow of data
DataPower portion
MQ File Transfer Edition portion of transfer of transfer

File Transfer MQFTE

Sender Source
Destination Partner
Agent Agent Appliance
 
 MQ queue
Message Message

1. MQFTE source agent receives the transfer and sends the file to the destination agent which shares queues
with DataPower
2. Destination agent places file data as one or more messages in a group.
3. MQFTE front-side handler consumes message(s) from the queue, reassemble the message if there is more
than one segments, and sends the data to the external partner

44 © 2011 IBM Corporation


 Introduction
 MQ FTE Overview
 DataPower File handling Overview
 File transfer scenarios with DataPower / MQ FTE
 DataPower MQ FTE Configuration

45 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Outbound from MQ FTE to DataPower


Agent FTE Agent : APC


MQ queue : FTE2DP



© 2011 IBM Corporation

Using a File to Queue transfer to the FTE2DP queue


Agent FTE Agent : APC


MQ queue : FTE2DP



© 2011 IBM Corporation

MQFTE & DataPower XB60 Integration Headers

 MQFTE Source Agent can optionally configure the following metadata when integrating
with XB60.
 When set, B2B Gateway will use these information to match the right partner profile

• DPMQFTESenderID : the business ID of internal partner

• DPMQFTEReceiverID : the business ID of external partner
• DPMQFTEContentType : the content type of message payload

48 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Set up of the queue manager connections within DataPower


Agent FTE Agent : APC


MQ queue : FTE2DP



© 2011 IBM Corporation

MQFTE Front Side Protocol Handler Configuration

The Queue manager that host the shared queue

The queue where we retrieve the message

50 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Transactionality Support
Logical flow of data
DataPower portion
MQ File Transfer Edition portion of transfer of transfer
4 (error)
File Transfer MQFTE
Sender Source
Destination Partner
Agent Agent Appliance
Get Queue
2 3 Backout Queue

1. MQFTE source agent receives the transfer and sends the file to the destination agent which shares queues
with DataPower
2. Destination agent places file data as one or more messages in a group.
3. MQFTE front-side handler consumes message(s) from the queue
4. Error happens in transaction processing and MQFTE front-side handler rolls the transfer back and. Go back
to step 1 to retry the transfer.
5. If the number of retries reaches the “backout threshold”, then MQFTE front-side handler will send the
transfer to the “backout queue”.

51 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Inbound to DataPower and MQ FTE



MQ queue

Agent Network Agent


© 2011 IBM Corporation

The DataPower Multi-Protocol Gateway with FTE backend URL



MQ queue
Agent Network Agent DestQM=QMPC&DestFile=testcompl


© 2011 IBM Corporation

MQFTE URLOpener Parameters

 Mandatory
– DestAgent : the destination agent in MQFTE network that will ultimately receive the file
– DestQM : the destination queue manager the source agent should send the messages to
– DestFile : the filename to use when the destination agent need to store the received
messages into file.
– Unique filename is supported.
 Optional
– SenderID : the business ID of sender (e.g. external partner )
– ReceiverID : the business ID of receiver (e.g. internal partner)
– ContentType : the content type of the message payload

 Example :
– dpmqfte://QM_Demo/?

54 © 2011 IBM Corporation

Nothing MQ FTE specific in the Policy

© 2011 IBM Corporation

The FTE Agent Monitor configured to accept routing from DataPower




MQ queue
Agent Network Agent

FTE Agent : AWA


© 2011 IBM Corporation

View MQ FTE Transactions in the B2B Viewer(XB60 only)
DataPower portion
of transfer MQ File Transfer Edition portion of transfer
Outbound GW Inbound GW
Agent Network Agent System
 Appliance 

 MQ queue

4 MQFTE Logger

1. Outbound gateway sends a B2B message to 3. FTE consumes the group of messages and uses the
information present in the first message in the group to
inbound gateway
route the data to a back end system, where it is written
2. The DataPower appliance writes data to an MQ as a file
queue as one or more messages in a group. The 4. B2B Viewer of the outbound gateway retrieve the
message ID assigned to the first message in the transaction metadata from the MQFTE Logger
group becomes the Integration ID. Other information Database
can be passed in the RFH 2 header of the first

57 © 2011 IBM Corporation

New Integration ID Column in B2B Viewer ( XB60 only)

 A new column to store the integration ID which could be used to correlate a B2B Transaction
with a backend transaction

 For MQFTE integration, the integration ID maps to the “transfer ID” of MQFTE network

 For inbound, the integration-ID is the Message ID of first message we sent to the shared

 For outbound, the integration-ID is the Message ID of the first message we received from the
shared queue

58 © 2011 IBM Corporation

MQ FTE Data View in XB60 - The metadata display popup windows

 A pop-up to display the MQFTE metadata when the integration-id is clicked ( for MQFTE-
related transaction only)
 Depending on weather the transaction is inbound or outbound, the popup window will show
different metadata

59 © 2011 IBM Corporation

DataPower and MQ FTE solution benefits

 Integration between the B2B appliance and backend application is over WebSphere MQ
instead of a shared file system.

 Files transferred between the B2B appliance and MQ FTE can be correlated using the
integration ID from MQ; this ID can also be seen in the B2B Viewer.

 The combined B2B messaging flow through the B2B appliance and file transfer flow through
MQ FTE can be viewed through the B2B Viewer on the appliance. This provides the user
with an end-to-end view of the file transfer.

 File transfers can be set up to occur at specified times or dates, or repeated at specified
intervals. File transfers can also be triggered by a range of system events, such as new files
or updated files.

© 2011 IBM Corporation

© 2011 IBM Corporation

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