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Practice Activities – M&R



Name and surname(s): Jonathan Vides Torres

Group: 2018-2
Date: August 19th, 2019

Task 1

Practice Activities – M&R

Read chapter 4 and design a communicative task for the following educational
situation below:

You are an English teacher who’s teaching the content of phrasal verbs to your pre-
intermediate to intermediate students.

Goal: to have students learn and use phrasal verbs orally in communicative situations

Input: Students will be presented slides showing images and gifs of the verbs turn up, turn
down, take out; put away, turn off, turn on; clean up, pick up, take off, let out. (see appendix

Students will also listen to the pronunciation of each phrasal verb at

Pair the phrases with each phrasal verb. Add one more phrase for each verb.
The garbage the radio the yard your tablet your shirt the groceries your toys the
music the TV the cat your shoes
1. Clean up______________ ____________ 7. Take out ______________ ________________
2. Turn off _____________ _____________ 8. Put away _____________
3. Turn on ______________ ____________ 9. Pick up ______________
4. Hang up ______________ ____________ 10 Turn up ______________
5. Turn down ______________ ___________ 11. Let out ______________
6. Take off ______________ ________________

PAIR WORK: each pair is given a set of 20 cards (see appendix 2) with images showing an action,
which must be shuffled and placed face down on their desks. When students take a card, they will have
5 seconds to say a sentence describing the action with a phrasal verb. If the sentence makes sense and
the phrasal verb is used correspondingly, the student can keep the card; otherwise, the card will have to
be set aside. When all the 20 cards have been used, the student who has the most cards wins the game.

Practice Activities – M&R

Task 2
Evaluate your own task by explaining each step proposed for Ellis in Tomlinson (1998) to
evaluate a task:
1. Description of the task:
Input: The input of this task is a set of slides proposed for helping students make visual
connection between images/gifs and phrasal verbs. Examples of phrasal verbs in
sentences are provided too. Also, pronunciation samples are present so learners have a
referent to help themselves pronounce intelligibly. Thus, students will be able not only to
read and listen to the phrasal verbs, but also to see images related to them and examples
where each one of them is in use. These two last aspects are instrumental for making
learning meaningful.
As for the language activities, they are both receptive and productive because the first one
is intended to help students internalize the use of the phrasal verbs by leading them to
connect them with phrases; and in the second one students are expected to use the
phrasal verbs to describe what they see in each picture.
With regard to the distinction between pedagogic or real - world tasks, this task is a
pedagogic one, since the situation in which students are supposed to produce the
language is not a daily-life one, but a one in which they have a time limit to say what they
need to say; basically, they are to produce in a game setting, which is very improbable to
be the situation in which they use the language on a daily basis.
2. Planning the evaluation:
Approach: The task will be evaluated in terms of its objectives, whether they are
achieved or not. Purpose: The evaluation seeks both to determine the effectiveness of
the task and to reflect on the value and use of such a type of task. Focus: we will see if
the program meets the students’ learning needs. Scope: The task will evaluate both
predicted and unpredicted benefits. Evaluators: teachers from the same institution will
evaluate the task (internal). The task will be evaluated by the time it is completed
(summative evaluation).
3. Collecting information: The most appropriate way to evaluate this type of tasks
is through observation. Observers will have an evaluation rubric to assess it.
4. Analysis of information collected: The observers will analyse the rubrics and will
draw conclusions on how the task was performed, what learning took place;

Practice Activities – M&R

they will also interview the teacher and the learners to know their opinions
about the task.
5. Conclusions and recommendations: Will focus on whether the task should be
adapted or not and what complementary work is to be done with students who
did not do well on the task.

Task 3

Read the comic presented below and answer:

In case you would have to work with mixed-abilities, describe what kind of
activities you would propose for intermediate and advanced level, using the
same comic as an input.

The first activity is presented in order to help students understand the meaning of
the phrasal verbs used in the cartoon. The second one is intended to help students
learn how to use those phrasal verbs in communicative settings. Finally, the third
activity promotes both reading comprehension and writing skills because students
need to understand the situation of the comic in order to be able to advise the boy.

Activity 1
Read the story. What words from the text have these meanings?
1. Criticize, blame, accuse
2. to delay doing something, especially because you do not want to do it
3. tolerate; endure.
4. to give money or effort to an activity

Practice Activities – M&R

5. subject someone to an unpleasant or demanding experience

Activity 2
Read each situation. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs: put up
with, put off, put down; put into, put through.
1. - John, why are you just relaxing on the couch? Don’t you have anything to do?
- Dad, I do have some homework but It’s not for tomorrow. I have enough time.
- It’s the same never-ending story with you, John. I bet you will be rushing to finish your
work. Remember your grandpa’s words “don’t ____________ till tomorrow what you
can do today”

2. - What’s the matter with you Paula? You look so sad!

- It’s my mom, Alicia. I was at home studying with Allan and Susan and she started to
scold me in front of them; she even said that I was a lazy good-for-nothing. She always
_________ me __________. I am tired of this. I can’t _________________ this
situation any longer.
- I know it’s hard that your mom always ________ you ________ the same all the time,
Paula, but you need to be patient. Be strong. Be brave. Try to talk to her. After all, she’s
your mom.
3. - $3000 dollars to horse 34.
- Honey, are you really going to _______ all that money _______ a HORSE?
- Yes…it’s fast, and strong and…I feel lucky today. Trust me.
Activity 3
Putting things off is a really bad habit. Imagine the boy is a friend of yours. Write at
least three pieces of advice for him. Then, share your advice with two other
1. You should…____________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________

1. Advanced:

The activities proposed for the advanced level intend to:

1. Develop inferential comprehension through questions like “How does the
woman feel?”.
2. Promote critical thinking by asking questions such as “what is your opinion
about it?” and “what would you have done?”
3. Encourage writing skills, by having students write a different ending.
4. Promote negotiation of meaning by asking students to sit together, share
their ideas and decide which are the best ones.

Practice Activities – M&R

Read the story and answer the questions.

- How does the woman feel? Why?
- Describe the boy’s attitude. What is your opinion about it?
- If you were the boy’s friend, what would you advise him to do?
- If you had been the boy, what would you have done? Propose a different ending
from the boy’s perspective.
- If you had been the mother, what would you have done? Propose a different ending
from the mother’s perspective.

Pair work: sit together with a classmate and share your proposals with each other.
Then, decide which of the two proposals is the best and present it to the rest of the

Practice Activities – M&R


1. Slides with phrasal verbs.

2. Phrasal verbs cards

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