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Subject examination and study regulations

for the Master’s program of Civil Engineering
at the Technical University of Munich

From June 1, 2016

as amended by the amending from February 28, 2018

On the basis of Article 13 (1) sentence 2 in conjunction with Article 58 (1) sentence 1, Article 61 (2)
sentence 1 and Article 43 (5) of the Bavarian Higher Education Act (BayHSchG),
the Technical University of Munich issues the following Statute:

Table of Contents:

§ 34 Scope, academic degree

§ 35 Start of studies, standard period of study, ECTS
§ 36 Qualification requirements
§ 37 Modularization, module examination, courses, fields of study, language of instruction
§ 38 Examination deadlines, study progress review, missed deadline
§ 39 Examination Board
§ 40 Crediting of study periods, study and examinations
§ 41 Study-accompanying examination procedure, examination forms
§ 42 Registration and admission to the master's examination
§ 43 Scope of the master's examination
§ 44 Repetition, failure of examinations
§ 45 Coursework
§ 45 a Multiple-choice procedure
§ 46 Master's Thesis
§ 47 Passing and evaluation of the master's examination
§ 48 Grade report, certificate, diploma supplement
§ 49 Double Degree
§ 50 Timing of when articles come into effect

Appendix 1: Examination modules

Appendix 2: Selection procedure
§ 34
Scope, academic degree

(1) 1The subject examination and study regulations for the Master’s program of Civil Engineering
(FPSO) supplements the General Examination and Study Regulations for Bachelor and Master Courses
at the Technical University of Munich (APSO) of 18 March 2011, as amended. 2The APSO has priority.

(2) At the completion of the master's examination, the academic degree "Master of Science" ("M.Sc.")
is awarded. 2This academic degree can be used with the university name "TUM".

§ 34
Start of studies, standard period of study, ECTS

(1) 1A student degree in civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich is possible both in the
winter semester and in the summer semester. 2It is recommended to start the study in the winter

(2) 1The required number of credits in compulsory and elective courses in order to obtain the master's
degree is 90 credits (approximately 70 semester-weeks’ worth), spread over three semesters. 2There
are 30 credits for the master's thesis in accordance with § 46. 3The credit requirements for the Master's
program of Civil Engineering is at least 120 Credits. 4The standard period of study for the master's
program is four semesters.

§ 36
Qualification requirements

(1) The qualification for the Master's degree in Civil Engineering is proven by:

1. at least a six-semester bachelor's degree acquired at a German or foreign university, or at least an

equivalent degree in civil engineering or comparable degree programs,

2. sufficient German language skills according to § 7 para. 4 no. 9 of the statutes of the Technical
University of Munich on enrollment, re-registration, leave of absence and de-registration (ImmatS) of
9 January 2014, or an adequate knowledge of the English language. For this purpose, students whose
language of instruction is not English are to be certified by a recognized language test such as the "Test
of English as a Foreign Language" (TOEFL) (at least 88 points), the International English Language
Testing System (IELTS) (at least 6.5 points) or the "Cambridge Main Suite of English Examinations",

3. and passing the aptitude test in accordance with Appendix 2.

(2) A qualified university degree in accordance with paragraph 2 exists only if there are no significant
differences in competences (learning outcomes) acquired in the relevant Bachelor of Civil Engineering
degree program, with that of the Technical University of Munich, as referred to in paragraph 1: no
technical requirements of the master's program.

(3) 1For the determination in accordance with paragraph 2, the module catalog of the Bachelor degree
program of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Munich is used in the first stage of the
aptitude test.

(4) With regard to the comparability of the study program, the determination of the specific
qualification and the attribution of competences when examining higher education degrees acquired
at foreign higher education institutions, the Commission (see Annex 2, section 3) decides on the
aptitude assessment procedure in accordance with Art. 63 Bavarian Higher Education Act.

§ 37
Modularization, module examination, courses, fields of study,
language of instruction
(1) 1General regulations on modules and courses are set out in Sections 6 and 8 APSO. 2In the case of
deviations from module definitions, § 12 (8) APSO applies.

(2) The curriculum with the compulsory modules is listed in Appendix 1.

(3) 1Students must choose from a catalog of specializations according to Annex 1, either four
specializations or three specializations with additional choice of a cross-sectional learning, i.e. an
individual study profile. 2One of the specializations is to be specified as a guide. 3The guidance must be
a topic from Appendix 1. The choice of the specialization subjects as well as the compulsory modules
within the cross-sectional learning are to be fixed by the end of the first semester and may only be
changed within the first semester.
A person in the chair (or subject area) who represents the subject (mentor or mentor) is responsible
for advising students on the preparation of their individual study profile. 5The subject matter of the
individual study profile is determined by the chosen specialization as well as the cross-sectional
learning, which can be chosen across faculties. 6The mentor, in coordination with the students, decides
which modules are compulsory modules if a cross-sectional examination is chosen. 7The prerequisite
for this is that the basic and supplementary courses in the Bachelor program of Civil Engineering at the
Technical University of Munich belong to a specialization subject, or similar achievements have been
successfully completed or these subjects are chosen as supplementary subjects. 8The subject
combinations are reviewed and deemed admissible if the choice of modules justifies a potential career
profiles. 9In the case of unusual combinations that are not included in the curriculum for the Civil
Engineering Master's program, students must give reasons in writing.

(4) 1Compulsory modules amounting to 12 credits and elective modules amounting to at least 6 credits
must be completed in each specialization. 2The elective modules must each be selected from a
specialist subject catalog of elective modules. 3The cross-sectional learning modules amounting to a
total of 21 credits must be completed. 4Also modules of 12 credits must be defined as compulsory
modules. 5Furthermore, students have to complete elective modules with a total of 9 credits (in the
case of a cross-sectional education) or 12 credits (in the case without cross-sectional proficiency) from
the general catalog of the Master of Civil Engineering elective modules. 6Furthermore, in addition to
the modules completed in the framework of the bachelor's program, students have to select graded
modules from the overall range of the Technical University of Munich amounting to at least 6 credits
(supplementary subjects).

(5) 1. By way of paragraph 3, individual stipulations must be made for students taking part in a
contractually agreed 1: 1 or double degree program. 2. The individual arrangements must be made in
collaboration with a mentor and the student advisory service and must be approved by the
Examination Board.

(6) 1In addition to the German-language modules, sufficient modules are offered in English. 2It is
therefore possible to study the master's program in English as well. 3If students have not proven their
proficiency in the German language, the admission states that at least one module must successfully
be taken by the end of the second semester, in which German language skills are acquired through
integration. The offer will be announced by the Audit Committee in the usual way. Voluntarily provided
extracurricular programs such as German language center language courses are also recognized.4. The
language of each compulsory module is indicated in Appendix 1.

§ 38
Examination deadlines, study progress review, missed deadline

(1) Examination deadlines, examination of the progress of the course and missed deadlines are
regulated in § 10 APSO.

(2) 1At least one of the module examinations listed in Appendix 1 or at least one compulsory module
examination chosen from the cross-sectional examination must be successfully completed by the end
of the second semester. 2If the deadline is exceeded, § 10 (5) APSO applies.

§ 39
Examination Board
The body responsible for decision-making in accordance with § 29 APSO is the Master Examination
Committee for Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Geo-Environment.

§ 40
Crediting of study periods, study and examinations
(1) The crediting of study periods, study and examination achievements regulates § 16 APSO.

(2) Study and examination achievements under this master's program according to an individual
curriculum for a Double Degree program or a 1: 1 program are recognized without equivalence

§ 41
Examination procedure, examination forms
(1) In addition to examinations and oral examinations in this course of study, possible forms of
examinations according to §§ 12 and 13 APSO are laboratory services, exercises (possibly certificates),
reports, project work, presentations, learning portfolios, scientific papers and examination courses.

a) 1A written exam is a written work performed under supervision with the aim of recognizing problems
in a limited time while using given methods and defined tools, and finding ways to solve them and
possibly applying them. 2The duration of written examinations is regulated in § 12 Abs. 7 APSO.

b) 1The exercise performance (if applicable certification) is the processing of given tasks (eg
mathematical problems, programming tasks, modeling etc.) with the aim of applying theoretical
contents to solve application-related problems. 2It serves to verify factual and detailed knowledge as
well as its application. 3The exercise performance can i.a. written, oral or electronic. 4Possible forms
include, for example, homework, exercise sheets, programming exercises, (E-) tests, tasks within the
framework of university internships, etc. 5The specific components of the respective exercise
performance and the competences to be examined are listed in the module description.

c) 1A report is a written preparation of a learning process with the aim to reflect what has been learned
in a structured way and to analyze the results in the context of a module. 2The report shall demonstrate
that the essential aspects have been understood and can be reported in writing. 3Possible reporting
forms include, for example, excursion reports, internship reports, work reports, etc. 4The written
report may be supplemented by a presentation in order to check the communicative competence in
presenting the content to an audience.

d) 1As part of project work, a project assignment, meant as a defined goal in a defined time and with
the use of suitable instruments, shall be completed in several phases (initiation, problem definition,
role allocation, brainstorming, criteria development, decision, execution, presentation, written
evaluation). 2In addition, a presentation may be part of the project work to review communicative
competence in presenting scientific topics to an audience. 3The specific components of the respective
project work and the competences to be examined are listed in the module description. 4The project
work is also possible in the form of group work. 5This is to prove that tasks can be solved in the team.
The contribution to be assessed as examination performance must be clearly identifiable and
assessable. 7This also applies to the individual contribution to the group result.

e) 1The scientific preparation is a written achievement, in which a challenging scientific and / or

scientific application-oriented question is worked on independently with the scientific methods of the
respective discipline. 2It is to be proven that a research question corresponding to the learning
outcomes of the respective module can be completely processed in compliance with the guidelines for
scientific work - from the analysis to the conception to the implementation. 3Possible forms which
differ in their respective claim level are e.g. Thesis paper, abstract, essay, study paper, term paper, etc.
The scientific work may be accompanied by a presentation and possibly a colloquium in order to
examine the communicative competence of presenting scientific topics to an audience. 5The specific
components of the respective scientific elaboration and the competences to be examined are listed in
the module description.

f) 1A presentation is a systematic, structured oral presentation visually supported by appropriate

media (such as beamers, slides, posters, videos) that illustrates and summarizes specific topics or
outcomes and reduces complex issues to their essential core. 2The purpose of the presentation is to
demonstrate to students that they can develop a specific topic in a specific time in such a way that it
can be presented to an audience in a vivid, clear and comprehensible manner. 3And it should also be
demonstrated that questions, suggestions or points of discussion of the audience can be dealt with
competently regarding the respective topic area. 4The presentation can be supplemented by a short-
written explanation. 5The presentation can be done as a single or group performance. 6The
contribution to be assessed as examination performance must be clearly identifiable and assessable.
This also applies to the individual contribution to the group result.

g) 1An oral examination is a time-limited examination on specific topics and specific questions to be
answered. 2In oral examinations, it should be proven that the qualification objectives documented in
the module descriptions have been achieved, that the correlations of the examination area have been
recognized and that special questions can be classified in these contexts. 3The oral exam can be
conducted as a single exam or as a group exam. 4The duration of the examination is regulated in § 13
Abs. 2 APSO.

h) 1Laboratory services include, depending on the discipline, experiments, measurements, field work,
field exercises, etc. with the aim of carrying out, evaluating and gaining insights. 2Component may be
e.g. be: the description of the processes and the respective theoretical basics including literature
studies, the preparation and practical implementation, any necessary calculations, their
documentation and evaluation as well as the interpretation of the results in terms of the findings to
be developed. The laboratory performance may be supplemented with a presentation to review the
communicative competence in presenting scientific topics to an audience. 4The specific components
of the respective laboratory performance and the competences to be examined are listed in the
module description.

i) 1A learning portfolio is a written representation of one's own work, selected according to previously
defined criteria, with which learning progress and performance level are to be demonstrated at a
specific point in time and in relation to a defined content. 2The selection of the work, its relation to
one's own learning progress and its significance for the achievement of the qualification goals must be
justified. 3The learning portfolio should demonstrate that responsibility for the learning process has
been taken and that the qualification objectives documented in the module description have been
achieved. 4Depending on the module description, components of successful self-learning controls of
the learning portfolio may include, in particular, work related to the application, web pages, weblogs,
bibliographies, analyzes, thesis papers, as well as graphical processing of a subject or a question. 5The
specific components of the respective learning portfolio and the competences to be examined are
listed in the module description.

j) 1In the context of an examination course, several examination elements must be completed within
one examination. 2The examination is, in contrast to a partial module examination, checked to be
organizationally (spatially or temporally) coherent. 3Exams are several different exam formats, which
in their entirety capture the full competency profile of the module. 4Examination elements may also
be forms of examination in accordance with (a) to (i). 5The total duration of the examination must be
stated in the module catalog. The form of examination and duration of examination of the individual
examination elements are to be specified in the module description.

(2) 1The module examinations are usually taken during the course of studies. 2The nature and duration
of a module examination are shown in Annex 1. 3In the case of deviations from these stipulations, § 12
(8) APSO must be observed. 4The evaluation of the module examination is subject to § 17 APSO. 5The
grades of partial module examinations correspond to the weighting factors assigned to them in
Appendix 1. 6The modules marked accordingly in Appendix 1 are only passed if each partial module
test has been passed.

(3) If it is stated in Appendix 1 for a module examination that it is written or oral, the examiner will
announce the binding type of examination in a suitable manner to the student at the latest at the
beginning of the lecture.

§ 42
Registration and admission to the master's examination
(1) 1When enrolled in the Master's program of Civil Engineering, students are considered admitted to
the module examinations of the master's examination. 2In the same way, students are also admitted
as eligible for individual module examinations as part of the consecutive bachelor program civil
engineering at the Technical University of Munich.

(2) 1The registration for a module examination in the compulsory and elective area is governed by § 15
(1) APSO. 2The registration for a corresponding re-examination in a failed compulsory module is
governed by § 15 Abs. 2 APSO.

§ 43
Scope of the master's examination
(1) The master's examination comprises:
1. the module examinations in the corresponding modules according to para 2 as well as
2. the master's thesis according to § 46.

(2) 1The module examinations are listed in Appendix 1. 2There are 48 credits in compulsory modules
and at least 42 credits in elective modules. 3When selecting the modules, § 8 (2) APSO must be

§ 44
Repetition, failure of exams
(1) The repetition of examinations is regulated in § 24 APSO.

(2) Failure to pass examinations shall be governed by § 23 APSO.

§ 45
In the master program civil engineering, no modules with academic achievements are completed.

§ 45 a
Multiple choice method
The execution of multiple choice procedures is regulated in § 12 a APSO.

§ 46
Master's thesis
(1) 1According to § 18 APSO students must prepare a master's thesis within the framework of the
master's examination. 2The master's thesis can be issued and supervised by competent examiners of
the engineering faculty Bau Geo Umwelt of the Technical University of Munich (topic creator or topic
creator). 3The expert examiners according to sentence 2 are appointed by the examination board.

(2) 1The master's thesis should be started after successful completion of all module examinations.
Students can be admitted to the master's thesis early if they have 60 credits.

(3) 1The time from issue to delivery of the master's thesis may not exceed six months. 2The master's
thesis is deemed to have been taken and failed unless it is delivered in due time without valid reasons
recognized in accordance with § 10 (7). 3The master's thesis can be written in German or English.

(4) 1The completion of the master's thesis consists of a written elaboration and a presentation about
its content. 2The presentation is not included in the grading.

(5) 1If the master's thesis has not been rated at least "sufficient" (4.0), it may be repeated once with a
new topic. 2It must be re-registered at the latest six weeks after the decision on the result.

§ 47
Passing and evaluation of the master's examination
(1) The master's examination is passed if all examinations listed the in accordance to § 43 (1) have
been passed and a credit balance of at least 120 credits has been reached.

(2) 1The module grade is calculated in accordance with § 17 APSO. 2The overall grade of the master's
examination is calculated as the weighted grade of the modules in accordance with § 43 (2) and the
master's thesis. 3The grades of the individual modules correspond to the assigned credits. 4The overall
judgment is expressed by the predicate in accordance with § 17 APSO.
§ 48
Grade Report, Certificate, Diploma Supplement
If the master's examination has been passed, a grade report, a certificate and a diploma supplement
must be issued with a transcript of records in accordance with § 25 (1) and § 26 APSO. 2The date of the
certificate must indicate the date on which all examinations and academic achievements have been

§ 49
Double degree
The Technical University of Munich and the Universities of École Polytechnique (France), École
Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (France), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), Kungliga
Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden) and České vysoké učení technické v Praze (Czech Republic) offer
Cooperation Agreement, each with a double degree program. 2For the students of the Civil Engineering
Master's degree program at the Technical University of Munich, who take part in one of these double
degree programs, the following special rules apply:
The selection of participants takes place in two stages. 4First of all, potential participants will be
selected based on school success, academic achievement, knowledge of the German or English
language and motivation. 5Finally, the final selection will be based on personal interviews with
representatives of both universities.

§ 501
Come into effect
(1) 1This Charter comes into effect on October 1, 2016. 2As per sentence 1, Annex 2 applies: Aptitude
procedure for all students starting their studies at the Technical University of Munich starting in the
winter semester 2016/2017.

(2) 1At the same time, the subject examination and study regulations for the Master's degree in Civil
Engineering at the Technical University of Munich of 1 August 2011, last amended by the statutes of
20 August 2015, shall cease to be valid subject to the provision in paragraph 1. 2Students who already
present have completed their studies at the Technical University in the winter semester 2016/17,
complete their studies according to the articles of association in accordance with sentence 1. 3Students
who have completed their studies in the Master's degree in Civil Engineering at the Technical
University of Munich in the summer semester 2016 can switch to the new subject examination and
study regulations upon request.
Appendix 1: Examination modules (compulsory modules)
In each elective subject, 12 credits from compulsory modules and 6 credits from elective modules are
to be provided. 2In addition, 12 credits (or 9 credits if you choose a cross-sectional recess) are to be
taken from the complete catalog of the elective modules of the Civil Engineering Master's program.
The examination board continuously updates the subject catalog of the elective modules. 4This will
be announced at the latest at the beginning of the semester in a suitable manner. 5In addition to the
modules completed in the framework of the bachelor's program, students must also choose graded
modules from the overall range of the Technical University of Munich amounting to at least 6 credits
(supplementary subjects).

1 Baukonstruktion

Structural Design

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer -sprache

BGU51038 4 8 2V+2Ü Lernportfolio Deutsch WiSe

Grundlagen des
BGU51029T2 2 4 1V+1Ü K (60 min) Deutsch WiSe

2 Structural Mechanics


Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

BV430008 4 6 2V+2Ü K (90 min) Englisch SoSe

BV020001 4 6 2V+2Ü K (90 min) Englisch WiSe
3 Bauphysik

Building Physics

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Bauphysik SoSe
BV360014 8 12 6V+2Ü K (180 min) Deutsch +

4 Bauprozessmanagement

Management of Business- and Engineering Processes

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Projekt- und
Unternehmens- K (90 min)
BV550009 4 6 2V+2Ü Deutsch SoSe
prozesse in der
oder M (60 min)

„Unternehmer- K (60 min)
BV550010 2 6 1V+1Ü Deutsch WiSe
ingenieur in der
Bauwirtschaft“ oder M (60 min)

5 Bauwerkserhaltung

Condition Control and Repair of Structures

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

BGU64008 Bauwerkserhaltung 10 12 8V+2Ü K (180 min) Deutsch SoSe
3 Sem.
6 Computation in Engineering

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Computation in K (90 min)

BGU44013T2 3 6 2V+1Ü Englisch WiSe
Engineering I
Übungsleistung (SL)

Computation in K (90 min)

BGU44014T2 3 6 2V+1Ü Englisch SoSe
Engineering II
Übungsleistung (SL)

7 Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building

Energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

System Effect and

BV620019 of Sustainable 4 Wissenschaftliche
6 2V+2Ü Englisch WiSe
Planning in Civil Ausarbeitung

Case Studies of
Sustainable Urban Wissenschaftliche
BV620020 4 6 2V+2Ü Englisch SoSe
Developments and Ausarbeitung

8 Grundbau, Bodenmechanik, Felsmechanik und Tunnelbau

Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Geotechnik +
BV120001 9 12 5V+4Ü K (180 min) Deutsch SoSe
3 Sem.
9 Holzbau

Timber Structures

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

BGU51034 Ingenieurholzbau 5 8 3V+2Ü K (120 min) Deutsch +

K (60 min)
BGU51024 Holz im Bauwesen 2 4 1V+1Ü Deutsch WiSe
oder M (30 min)

10 Hydromechanics


Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

BGU41022 Methods in 4 6 2V+2Ü Englisch SoSe
Hydromechanics (90 min)

Fluid Mechanics
BGU41016 and Groundwater 4 6 4V K (120 min) Englisch WiSe

11 Immobilienentwicklung

Real Estate Development

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer -sprache

K (90 min)
BV550017 Immobilien- 4 6 2V+2Ü Deutsch SoSe
entwicklung oder M (60 min)

K (60 min)
BV550018 Immobilieninvestiti 2 6 1V+1Ü Deutsch WiSe
on oder M (60 min)
12 Massivbau

Concrete and Masonry Structures

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

BV090001 Massivbau 6 12 3V+3Ü K (180 min) Deutsch +

13 Metallbau

Metal Structures

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer -sprache

Verbundhoch- K (75 min)

BGU42014T2 3 6 2V+1Ü Deutsch WiSe
und brückenbau
Projektarbeit (SL)

K (75 min)
BGU42015T2 und 3 6 2V+1Ü Deutsch SoSe
Stahlbrückenbau Projektarbeit (SL)

14 Engineering Risk and Reliability

Risikoanalyse und Zuverlässigkeit

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer -sprache

BV600001 Risk Analysis 4 6 2V+2Ü M (40 min) Englisch WiSe

Risk and Reliability

BGU60016 5 6 3V+2Ü K (120 min) Englisch SoSe
15 Urban Water Systems Engineering


Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Water and
BGU38014 4 6 2V+2Ü K (120 min) Englisch WiSe

BGU38011 Systems and 4 6 2V+2Ü K (120 min) Englisch SoSe

16 Structural Analysis


Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Stuctural Analysis WiSe

K (90 min) + K (90 min)
BGU32027 of Plates and 8 6 4V+4Ü Englisch +
Shells Gewichtung (1:1) SoSe

Finite Element WiSe

BGU32028 8 6 4V+4Ü K (180 min) Englisch +

17 Traffic Control and Transport Planning

Verkehrstechnik und Verkehrsplanung

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Interactions of
BGU52018 Land-use and 2 3 1V+1Ü K (60 min) Englisch WiSe

Modeling and WiSe

BGU56045 Control of Traffic 6 9 3V+3Ü K (180 min) Englisch +
Flow SoSe
18 Verkehrswegebau

Road, Railway and Airfield Construction

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer -sprache

Bemessung im K (90 min) WiSe

BV340010 4 8 2V+2Ü Deutsch +
Übungsleistung (SL) SoSe

K (60 min)
BV340011 Kapitel im 2 4 1V+1Ü Deutsch WiSe
Verkehrswegebau Übungsleistung (SL)

19 Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer -sprache

Planning and WiSe

K (120 min) + Bericht
BV460007 Design in Water 8 12 4V+4Ü Englisch +
Engineering Gewichtung (1:1) SoSe

20 Werkstoffe

Building Materials

Credit Lehr- Prüfungsart und Unterrichts-

Modulnr.** Titel SWS Sem.
s formX Prüfungsdauer sprache

Zusatzmittel und
BGU35009 5 7 4V+1Ü K (150 min) Deutsch WiSe

Mineralische WiSe
BGU37011 4 5 3V+1Ü K (120 min) Deutsch +

WiSe = winter semester, SoSe = summer semester, Sem = semester; SWS = semester credit hours;
K = written examination, M = oral examination, SL = ungraded study achievement

Examination achievements that are acquired at another university within the scope of a master's
program (eg semester abroad) can be credited up to a maximum of 30 credits and included in the
master's examination as elective courses according to the elective catalog. This is only allowed if
there is no corresponding module in the master's program module catalog of the Technical
University of Munich, but the other requirements correspond to those of the Master's program of
Civil Engineering. The Master Examination Committee for Civil Engineering decides on the approval in
coordination with the course advisor of the master's program in civil engineering and the foreign
representative of the engineering faculty construction geo environment.

** The specified module numbers are subject to change; The current module numbers can be found
in the study tree from TUMonline.
x The distribution of SWS on events may vary by 1 SWS according to the requirements of the current
semester; the specific distribution of SWS on the courses will be announced in the module
Appendix 2: Suitability procedure
Qualification procedure for the master program civil engineering at the
Technical University of Munich

1. Purpose of the procedure

The qualification for the Master's degree in Civil Engineering requires, in addition to the requirements
of § 36 (1) nos. 1 and 2, proof of suitability in accordance with § 36 (1) no. 3 in accordance with the
following provisions. 2The specific qualifications and abilities of the applicants should correspond to
the occupational field of civil engineering.
Single suitability parameters are:

1.1 ability to work in a scientific or fundamental and method-oriented way,

1.2 existing knowledge from the first degree course in accordance with the Bachelor degree program
Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Munich,

1.3 Professional competence in oral and written form,

1.4 science-oriented interest in engineering problems.

2. Procedure for testing suitability

2.1 The aptitude test procedure is carried out twice a year in the summer semester for the following
winter semester and in the winter semester for applications for the following summer semester by the
engineering faculty Bau Geo Umwelt.

2.2 1The applications for admission, together with the documents according to 2.3.1 through 2.3.4,
must be submitted to the Technical University of Munich by the online application procedure for the
winter semester by 31 May and for the summer semester by 15 January (limitation periods). 2The grade
report and the certificate must be submitted to the Admissions Office of the Technical University of
Munich, as proof of passing the bachelor's examination, no later than 5 weeks after the beginning of
the lecture. 3Otherwise, it will not be possible to start the master's program according to § 36 of these

2.3 The application must be accompanied by:

2.3.1 a transcript of records with modules amounting to at least 135 credits; the transcript of records
must be issued by the competent examining authority or the relevant study administration office,

2.3.2 a tabular CV,

2.3.3 a written justification in English or German of a maximum of 1 or 2 DIN A4 pages for the choice
of Civil Engineering degree program at the Technical University of Munich, in which the candidates
explain their specific talents and interests, why they consider themselves particularly suitable for the
Master's degree in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, their willingness to perform
justified, for example, by explanations of course-specific vocational training, internships, stays abroad
or a subject-related advanced training in the bachelor's program, which has gone beyond attendance
times and compulsory courses. For verification of activity, the completion of these tasks may need to
be documented by attachments.
2.3.4 an assurance that the justification for the choice of course of study and the letter of reasoning
were made independently and without outside help and that the ideas borrowed from external
sources are identified as such.

3. Commission on the suitability procedure

3.1 1The aptitude test is carried out by a commission, which as a rule includes the Dean of Studies for
the Master's program of Civil Engineering, at least two university professors and at least one scientific
assistant. 2At least half of the commission members must be university professors. 3A student
representative or student representative will advise the commission.

3.2 1The appointment of the members and the chairperson is made by the faculty council in
consultation with the Dean of Studies. 2The chairperson must be a university lecturer. 3At least one
university teacher is appointed as a deputy member of the commission. 4For the course of business,
Art. 41 BayHSchG, as amended, shall apply.

4. Admission to the aptitude test

4.1 Admission to the aptitude test requires that the documents specified in point 2.3 are available on
time and in full.

4.2 Those who fulfill the required conditions will be assessed in the aptitude test according to no.

4.3 Anyone who is not admitted will receive a refusal notice provided with reasons and legal advice.

5. Implementation of the aptitude test

5.1 First stage of the aptitude test

5.1.1 The Commission shall assess, based on the written application dossier required by point 2.3,
that candidates are qualified to study in accordance with point 1 (first stage of the aptitude
test). 2The commission must evaluate the submitted documents on a scale of 0 to 100 points,
where 0 is the worst and 100 the best result to be achieved:

The following evaluation criteria are included:

1. Professional qualification
The curricular analysis is not carried out by a schematic comparison of the modules,
but on the basis of competences. 2It is based on the elementary subject groups listed
in the following table of the bachelor program Civil Engineering of the Technical
University of Munich.


Höhere Mathematik 12
Technische Mechanik, Hydromechanik 22
Bau- und Umweltinformatik 10
Bauprozessmanagement, (Bau-) Recht 12
Werkstoffe, Bauphysik 15
Baukonstruktion, Tragwerkslehre, Statik 18
If it has been established that there are no significant differences in acquired
competences (learning outcomes), a maximum of 60 points will be awarded. 4 If this
value is not an integer, it will be rounded up to the next higher number. 5 Missing
competencies will be deducted according to the credits of the assigned modules of
the bachelor’s degree course in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of

2. Mark / Grade
For each tenth grade that is better than 3.0 for the average of 135 credits, one point
will be awarded. 2The maximum number of points is 20. 3Negative points will not be
awarded. 4For foreign degrees, the grade converted using the Bavarian formula is used.
If a diploma with more than 135 credits is available at the time of application, the
assessment will be based on the best graded modules amounting to 135 credits. 6The
applicants must list these in the application form and assure them in writing that the
information provided is correct.
The average is calculated from graded module examinations amounting to 135
credits. 8The total grade cut is calculated as the weighted average grade of the
modules. 9The grades of the individual modules correspond to the assigned credits.

3. Motivation letter
The written justification is assessed by two commissioners on a scale of 0 to 20 points.
The content of the memorandum is evaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Can substantiate the choice of course of study,

2. Can present the relationship between personal interests and contents of the
program well structured,

3. Can convincingly substantiate the particular suitability for the master's course
through arguments and relevant extra-curricular activities and engagement (see
4. Can linguistically emphasize key points of the statement of reasons.
The commissioners independently assess each of the four criteria, with equal
weighting of the criteria. 4The score is the arithmetic mean of the individual scores,
rounded up to full scores.
5.1.2 The number of points in the first level is the sum of the individual ratings. 2Insignificant
decimal places should be rounded up.
5.1.3 Those who have achieved at least 80 points, receives a confirmation of the passed aptitude
5.1.4 1Suitable candidates with a total score of less than 70 points will receive a reasoned
and instructed refusal notice signed by the university management. 2The signature authority
can be delegated.

Applicants who have the right to compensation for disability, chronic or long-term illness,
upon request, deviate from 5.1.1 to 5.1.3, instead of a direct rejection, receive an invitation
to the second stage of the aptitude test. 4The application must be accompanied by
appropriate evidence.

5.2 Second stage of the aptitude test

5.2.1 The remaining candidates will be invited to a selection interview. 2In the second stage of the
aptitude test, the qualification obtained in the first-degree course and the result of the
selection interview will be assessed. 3The appointment for the interview will be announced
at least one week in advance. 4Time window for any interviews that may have to be carried
out must be determined before the application deadline. 5The appointed date of the
interview must be observed by the applicants. 6Whoever is prevented from participating in
the selection interview for reasons beyond his or her control can, receive a late registration
at the latest two weeks before the start of the lecture.

5.2.2 The interview will be conducted individually for the candidates. 2The interview will last for a
minimum of 20 and a maximum of 30 minutes per applicant and will take place in English or
German. 3The content of the conversation covers the following topics:

1. Justification for the choice of the Master's program of Civil Engineering,

2. Explanations on the topic of the final thesis in the bachelor program,

3. Understanding of complex engineering contexts and questions on the basis of a sketch-like

representation of a solution for an exemplary problem,

4. Personal impression (after conversation).

The subject may also be the documents submitted after 2.3. 5Specialist knowledge, which
should only be taught in the Master's degree in Civil Engineering, is not decisive. 6With the
approval of the candidate, a member of the group of students may be admitted to the
5.2.3 The interview will be conducted by at least two members of the commission. 2The
commissioners independently assess each of the four equally weighted criteria. 3Each of the
members keeps track of the outcome of the selection interview on the 0-80 score scale, with
0 being the worst and 80 the best result to be achieved. 4The score results from the arithmetic
mean of the individual ratings. 5 Insignificant decimal places should be rounded up.
5.2.4 The total number of points in the second stage is the sum of the points from 5.2.3 and the
points from (professional qualification) and (grade). 2Who has scored 115 or
more points is considered suitable.
5.2.5 The result of the aptitude test, as determined by the commission, shall be communicated in
writing, if applicable, in compliance with the conditions already laid down in stage 1 of
paragraph 5.1.3. 2The decision is signed by the management of the university. 3The signature
authority can be delegated. 4A notice of refusal must be provided with a statement of reasons
and information on legal remedies.

5.2.6 Licenses in the Master's degree in Civil Engineering apply to all subsequent applications in
this degree program.
6. Record
A record of the procedure, including, a record of the date, duration and location of the aptitude test,
the names of the members of the Commission, the names of the candidates and the assessment of the
commissioners and the overall result must be made. 2The notes must show the main reasons and the
topics of the interview with the candidates; the main reasons and the topics can be listed in keywords.

7. Repetition

Anyone who has not provided proof of suitability for the Master's degree in Civil Engineering can once
again register for the aptitude test.

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