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This agreement for rent is made at Dhaka on this the1 st day of July of the
year Two Thousand Fifteen of the Christian era:-


J.R. F Jute Spinners Ltd. represented by Md. Mizanur Rahman, Director

business address of Rupayan Golden Age (7th Floor), 99 Gulshan Avenue,
Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh hereinafter called the “LESSOR”
(which expression shall, where the context so requires or permits, include his
heirs, legal representative, successors-in-interest, executors and assigns) of
the – ONE PART.


Ratanpur Jute Spinners Ltd.(RJSL) represented by Marzanur Rahman,

Managing Director business address of Rupayan Golden Age (7th Floor), 99
Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh herein after referred
to as “LESSEE” (which expression unless otherwise repugnant to the
context shall mean and include successors-in-interest, administrators, legal
representatives, executors and assigns) of the – OTHER PART.

WHERE AS THE LESSOR is a loyal, peace loving, law abiding and

permanent citizen of Bangladesh and the owner and possessor of and
otherwise will and sufficiently entitled to the rent agreement. Which are
fully described in the schedule here under written and hereafter referred to as
the said property.
AND WHEREAS THE LESSOR is the exclusive space owner of the
13,000 Sft Tin shade Aricha Road, Borangail,Shibayla, Manikgonj
Bangladesh and is willing to rent to LESSEE for occupation and use for a
period of 05(three) years from1stJuly of 2015.

The terms, at the rent and subject to the conditions and convents hereinafter
contained now this agreement witness and it is agreed between the parties
here to as follows:

AREA: That the lessee shall use the demised premises for operation a
factory and all types of activities for a term up to1st July of 2020.

RENT: The rent payable in respect of the demised premises shall be

Tk.10,000.00 lamsum per month commencing from 1st July of 2015.The rent
shall be payable of each month after deducting withholding of income tax if
any under the prevailing law of the country.

DURATION OF THE LEASE: Shall be 05(Three) years commencing

from 1stJuly 2015 and it may be renewed for further period mentioned above
by mutual consent of the parties and at the terms and conditions agreed these
upon mutually on the expiry of the present lease agreement and at the time
of renewal the rent will be fixed at the market rate of the area.


1. The Lessee shall pay for all telephone, electricity, water, GAS bill and
other utility services used in or provided to the demised premises.
2. That aforesaid lessor shall pay the Municipal Tax, Land Tax and other
local impositions relating to the premises in question.
3. The lessor shall or his authorized agents can enter the demised premises
at reasonable time during the business hours with prior notice and
maintaining formalities to view the state of the demised premises.

4. A) Without prior permission of the lessee no changes of structural,

internal/external plan can be done.

B) No digging, cutting and any major changes which affects the design or
plan can be allowed.

C) Decoration work can be done without affecting design or plan.

5. A) That the lessee will not be terminated by the lessor as long as the
lessee continues to pay the rent in time. But the lessor may ask the lessee
to vacate the house if that is required for the lessor personal use serving
two months notice and the lessee shall also be entitled at any time to
terminate this agreement by giving two months notice or by paying three
month’s rental in lieu of such notice. That the lessee shall deliver vacant
possession to the lessor at the termination of the term in good condition
as delivered at the time of giving possession of the schedule premises.

B) That the aforesaid lessee shall be responsible for making good any
loss or damage to any part of the demised premises including sanitary
fittings, glass fittings, water line fittings, electric fittings, gas line fittings

C) That the aforesaid lessee shall be responsible for keeping and

maintaining the demised premises properly in tenantable condition.
D) That the lessee should see that sanitary fittings are kept cleaned and
no brokerage is made in any manner that will create inconvenience to the
lessee as well as lessor.

E) That the aforesaid lessee shall not carry out any addition or alternation
at his own cost or asks for any addition or alteration from the aforesaid

F) That the aforesaid lessee shall not transfer the possession of the
aforesaid premises whole or part it to anybody else except to the
aforesaid lessor nor the lessee shall sublet the whole or part of anybody.

G) That the aforesaid lessee shall use the Space only for factory office of
the Ratanpur Jute Spinners Ltd. The lessee shall use the demised
premises for all type of activities as required and for other purpose.

H) That on expiry of the term the lessee can be renewed on mutual

consent for a further period as may be agreed by both the parties.

I) That the lessor shall do white wash and or paint inside or outside wall
of the land and shall paint the door and windows once in two years.

In witness where of both lessee and lessor have put their signature on the
day and year mentioned above.



13,000 Sft Tin shade Aricha Road, Borangail, Shibayla, Manikgonj

Signature of the witness

1. Md. Mizanur Rahman

J.R.F Jute Spinners Ltd.

2. Marzanur Rahman,
Managing Director
Ratanpur Jute Spinners Ltd.(RJSL)


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