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Optimal Order Quantity of an EOQ Model Using

Expected Value of a Fuzzy Function

P. K. De1 , Apurva Rawat2
1. Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology, Silchar, 788010, Assam, India.
2. AIM & ACT, Banasthali University, Banasthali, 304022, Rajasthan, India.
Emails : 1. 2. apurva

Abstract—In this paper, the optimization of a fuzzy inventory problems. Park[1] used arithmetic operations under function
model under fuzzy demand is done. Due to uncertainty in principle to deal with fuzzy costs in their inventory problem.
demand, we can express it using some fuzzy distribution which Chen et al.[2] used function principle to deal with the EOQ
depends on the inventory manager. The fuzzy demand leads to a
fuzzy total cost function of the inventory problem. The paper uses problem. Gen et al.[3] uses triangular fuzzy numbers to repre-
three types of fuzzy numbers to represent the uncertain demand sent the uncertain data in his model and applies interval mean
and the expected value of the total cost function is minimized method to find their means. To represent the fuzzy demand
so as to find the optimal value of order quantity using each. Yao et al.[4] uses triangular fuzzy number in an economic
The expected value of the total cost function is based on the order quantity(EOQ) model without backordering. Yao and
lambda pessimistic and optimistic values of the fuzzy variables.
The formulae for optimal order quantity are then derived. The Lee[5] uses trapezoidal fuzzy numbers in EOQ problems with
results are justified with the help of some numerical illustrations. and without backordering. Chang[6] used extension principle
The methodology of the paper can also be applied to other and centroid method to estimate the total cost in a production
inventory problems under uncertain factors affecting the total inventory model. Chen and Li[7] show how to treat the
cost of the problem. defuzzification of fuzzy numbers with exponential membership
Keywords: Fuzzy Inventory·Order Quantity·Fuzzy function by graded mean integration representation method.
variable·L-R type fuzzy number·Fuzzy expectation·Optimal Yao and Wu[8] construct a new ranking system for fuzzy
order quantity·lambda pessimistic value·Lambda optimistic numbers by using the decomposition principle and the crisp
value ranking system on R. Hseih[9] uses trapezoidal fuzzy number
to represent the fuzzy demand and optimizes his model under
k-preference. Hseih[10] obtained the optimal order quantity
When uncertainty arises in data due to randomness in the by using both function principle and graded mean integration
data, probability theory is used to represent and analyze it but representation method for both computing and representing
when uncertainty is due to fuzziness in data, then fuzzy set fuzzy total annual inventory cost.
theory best suited. In various real life applications of inventory The aim of this paper is to illustrate the application of
theory, uncertainty arises in the factors affecting the model various L-R types of fuzzy numbers in fuzzy inventory models
such as demand, associated costs, lead time etc.. The problem using their lambda pessimistic and optimistic values. To deter-
tries to find out the optimal order quantity under the given mine the optimal order quantity that minimizes the total cost
uncertain data and given set of conditions, i.e., the quantity function the expected value of a function of fuzzy variable
which should be ordered at certain intervals of time so that defined by [11] is used.
the total cost is minimum calculated for the whole time cycle. In the second section of the paper, a brief review of the
By minimizing the total cost, a person can gain a maximum fuzzy numbers and their expectation is done. The third section
profit in his business or industry. computes the lambda pessimistic and optimistic values of L-R
The above kind of inventory problems exist in retail mar- type fuzzy numbers. Then the inventory model is formulated
kets, small scale industries, storage of goods in godowns, in first part of section four. The other part comprises of the
construction and so on, where the problem is that the storage fuzzification of the assumed inventory model. Results are
cost of much large amount of inventory causes increased illustrated using numerical examples in section five and a
carrying cost and small amount of inventory causes increased conclusion is derived in the last section.
shortage cost. Frequent orders to set up the inventory again
also adds up to the increase in total cost of the business. II. P RELIMINARIES
The use of fuzzy numbers in fuzzy inventory models has The term ”fuzzy” was introduced in fuzzy set theory by
been done since a long time. Fuzzy set theory is applied to Lotfi A. Zadeh in 1965. It is a form of many-valued logic
represent uncertainties arising in demand or the cost coef- based on reasoning that is not fixed or exact. In the field
ficients. By using it, one can easily quantify the vagueness of computation fuzzy logic variables may have a truth value
and imprecision in data. An extensive work can be found in that ranges in degree between 0 and 1, i.e., fuzzy logic has
[14] related to the application of fuzzy set theory in inventory been extended to handle the concept of partial truth, where the
truth value may range between completely true and completely where, a, b, c ∈ R and is represented graphically as
false. Fuzzy logic has been applied to many fields, from
inventory theory, networking to artificial intelligence. It uses
an imprecise but very descriptive language to deal with input
data more like a human operator. It is a way of processing
data by allowing partial set membership rather than crisp.
Fuzzy sets are the sets whose elements have degrees of
membership in that set. The notion of fuzzy sets were intro-
duced as an extension of the classical sets. In classical set
theory, the membership of elements in a set is in the form of Fig 1. Membership function of triangular fuzzy number A
in binary terms- an element either belongs or does not belong 2) Trapezoidal Fuzzy number: A trapezoidal fuzzy number
to the set. By contrast, fuzzy set theory permits the gradual is denoted by A= (a, b, c, d) and defined by the following
assessment of the membership of elements in a set; this is membership function
described with the aid of a membership function valued in the
real unit interval [0,1]. Fuzzy sets generalize classical sets,

 0, x ≤ a
since the indicator functions of classical sets are special cases x−a

 b−a , a ≤ x ≤ b

of the membership functions of fuzzy sets, if the latter only µA (x) = 1, b ≤ x ≤ c (2)
take values 0 or 1. In fuzzy set theory, classical bivalent sets d−x
 d−c , c ≤ x ≤ d

are usually called crisp sets. The fuzzy set theory can be used

0, x ≥ d

in a wide range of domains in which information is incomplete
or imprecise. where, a, b, c ∈ R and is represented graphically as

A. Fuzzy number
A fuzzy number is a convex normalized fuzzy set whose
membership function is piecewise continuous. Suppose X̃ is a
generalized fuzzy number (known as L-R type fuzzy number),
whose membership function µX̃ (x) satisfies the following
conditions with 0 < w ≤ 1 and −∞ < l < m < n < u < ∞;
1) µX̃ (x) is a continuous mapping from <, to the closed
interval [0,1], Fig 2. Membership function of trapezoidal fuzzy number A

2) µX̃ (x) = 0, −∞ < x < l, 3) Exponential Fuzzy number: An exponential fuzzy num-
3) µX̃ (x) = L(x), is strictly increasing on [l, m], ber is denoted by A = (a, b, α, β; w); 0 < w ≤ 1 and defined
4) µX̃ (x) = w, m < x < n, by the following membership function
5) µX̃ (x) = R(x), is strictly decreasing on [n, u],  a−x
6) µX̃ (x) = 0, u < x < ∞.  we− α , x ≤ a

This type of generalized fuzzy number is denoted as µA (x) = w, a ≤ x ≤ b (3)
µX̃ (x) = (l, m, n, u; w)LR . When w = 1, it can be written as  we− x−b

β ,x ≥ b

µX̃ (x) = (l, m, n, u)LR .

where, a, b, c ∈ R; α, β are positive real numbers. A
B. Some L-R types of fuzzy numbers = (a, b, α, β)E denotes exponential fuzzy number when w=1,
In the most the real life applications fuzzy numbers are represented graphically as
one way to describe the data vagueness and imprecision.
They can be regarded as an extension of the real numbers.
In the literature of fuzzy sets there is some shortcoming in
the definition of fuzzy number. Frankly some authors do not
distinguish between positive and nonnegative fuzzy numbers.
Here, we focus on mainly three types of fuzzy numbers viz.
Fig 3. Membership function of exponential fuzzy number A
the triangular, trapezoidal and exponential fuzzy number.
1) Triangular Fuzzy number: A triangular fuzzy number
is denoted by A = (a,b,c) and defined by the following C. λ-pessimistic and λ-optimistic value of a fuzzy variable
membership function Let ξ be a fuzzy variable and λ ∈ (0, 1], then
ξλ0 = inf {x | µ(x) ≥ λ}

 0, x ≤ a
 x−a , a ≤ x ≤ b and ξλ00 = sup{x | µ(x) ≥ λ}

µA (x) = b−a (1)
c−x are called λ−pessimistic and λ−optimistic values of fuzzy
,b ≤ x ≤ c
 c−b

0, x ≥ c variable ξ.
D. Expectation of a function of a fuzzy variable 2) Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number: For a trapezoidal fuzzy
number ξ = (a, b, c, d) and λ ∈ (0, 1] as shown:
For the fuzzy variable ξ and a strictly increasing function
f : < → <, if the Lebesque integrals
Z 1 Z 1
f (ξλ0 ) dλ and f (ξλ00 ) dλ (4)
0 0

are finite, then the expectation of f (ξ), i.e.,

Z 1
E[f (ξ)] = [f (ξλ0 ) + f (ξλ00 )] dλ (5)
2 0
Fig 6. Graphical representation of L−1 (λ) and R−1 (λ) for trapezoidal
III. M ETHODOLOGY fuzzy number ξ

A. λ-pessimistic and λ-optimistic value of L-R type fuzzy

numbers L−1 (λ) = a + λ(b − a) (8)
Let ξ be a generalized fuzzy variable (L-R type fuzzy & R (λ) = d − λ(d − c) (9)
number) and λ ∈ (0, 1] as shown:
3) Exponential Fuzzy Number: For an exponential fuzzy
number ξ = (a, b, α, β) and λ ∈ (0, 1] as shown:

Fig 7.Graphical representation of L−1 (λ) and R−1 (λ) for exponential
fuzzy number ξ

Fig 4. Membership function of generalized fuzzy number ξ L−1 (λ) = a + αlnλ (10)
Then ξλ0 = L−1 (λ) and ξλ00 = R−1 (λ) & R−1 (λ) = b − βlnλ (11)

B. Calculation of L−1 (λ) and R−1 (λ) for various fuzzy IV. M ODEL F ORMULATION
numbers An inventory model under fuzzy demand without shortages
1) Triangular Fuzzy Number: For a triangular fuzzy num- is considered under this section. The optimal order quantity
ber ξ = (a, b, c) and λ ∈ (0, 1] as shown: is computed initially under crisp environment and later on
in fuzzy environment by taking the fuzzy demand as various
types of fuzzy numbers.

A. Notations Used

C : carrying cost
O : ordering cost
D : total demand
T : total time
Fig 5. Graphical representation of L−1 (λ) and R−1 (λ) for triangular fuzzy
number ξ
tq : time of one order cycle
D̃ : fuzzy total demand
Q : order quantity
L−1 (λ) = a + λ(b − a) (6) Q∗ : optimal order quantity
−1 TC : total cost
& R (λ) = c − λ(c − b) (7)
B. Model 1: Inventory model under fuzzy demand without 1) For triangular Fuzzy Number:
shortages in Crisp Environment Z 1
dE[T C] C O
In this model, the economic lot size is obtained by the = − [a + λ(b − a) + c − λ(c − b)] dλ
Q 2 2Q2 0
following model equation Z 1
dE[T C] C O
2OD Q D = − [(a + c) + (b − a − c + b)] λ dλ
Q= ; where = Q 2 2Q2 0
CT tQ T dE[T C] C O
= − [(a + 2b + c)]
The total cost for the period [0; T] is given by Q 2 4Q2
total cost = F(q) = carrying cost + ordering cost O
⇒ Q∗ = (a + 2b + c) (15)
T C(C, O) = T C(Q) = + (12)
2 Q 2) For trapezoidal Fuzzy Number:
The crisp optimal solution is: Z 1
dE[T C] C O
optimal order quantity = − [a + λ(b − a) + d − λ(d − c)] dλ
r Q 2 2Q2 0
Z 1
2OD dE[T C] C O
Q∗ = (13) = − [(a + d) + (b − a − d + c)] λ dλ
CT Q 2 2Q2 0
and minimum total cost dE[T C] C O
= − [(a + b + c + d)]
√ Q 2 4Q2
T Cmin = 2ODCT (14) r
⇒ Q∗ = (a + b + c + d) (16)
Diagrammatic representation: 2C
3) For exponential Fuzzy Number:
Z 1
dE[T C] C O
= − [a + αlnλ + b − βlnλ] dλ
Q 2 2Q2 0
Z 1
dE[T C] C O
= − [(a + b) + (α − β) lnλ dλ
Q 2 2Q2 0
dE[T C] C O
Fig 8. Variation of stocked quantity w.r.t timeξ = − [(a + b) − (α − β)]
Q 2 2Q2
Example 1: Let O = 20; C = 12; D = 500; T = 1. Then r
Q=40.8 ≈ 41; TC=489.8 ≈ 490. ⇒ Q∗ = (a + b + β − α) (17)
C. Model 2: Inventory model under fuzzy demand without V. N UMERICAL I LLUSTRATION
shortages in Fuzzy Environment
Let D̃ be a generalized fuzzy number. When the demand Consider the problem in example 1 taking the demand D as
is uncertain, the total cost function also becomes a fuzzy. fuzzy number.
Assuming T as unity TC in (12) is transformed according to 1) Let D = (400, 500, 800) be a triangular fuzzy number.
(5) as shown: Then from (15), we get Q* = 42.8 ≈ 43.
2) Let D = (400, 500, 600, 800) be a trapezoidal fuzzy
CQ number. Then from (16), we get Q* = 43.78 ≈ 44.
TC = ⊕ O ⊗ (D̃ Q)
2 3) Let D = (500, 600, 25, 5) be an exponential fuzzy
1 1 CQ L−1 (λ) R−1number.
CQ (λ)
E[T C] = [( +O× )+( +O× )] dλThen from (17), we get Q* = 43.2 ≈ 43.
2 0 2 Q 2 Q
Z 1
= + [L−1 (λ) + R−1 (λ)] dλ
Z 1
dE[T C] C O
= − [L−1 (λ) + R−1 (λ)] dλ An inventory problem deals with finding the optimal order
Q 2 2Q2 0
quantity to minimize the total cost. With this aim, the expected
The problem is to determine the optimal order quantity (Q*) value of a fuzzy function is used. The methodology of the
that minimizes the fuzzy total cost. Hence, in the preceding paper used for optimization can be applied to various real life
subsection the optimal values of Q and TC are derived by problems where the factors affecting the cost of the business
substituting the values of L−1 (λ) and R−1 (λ) in above are vague or uncertain. The model can also be extended and
equation, for various types of fuzzy numbers viz. triangular, can be applied for further research and development in the
trapezoidal and exponential fuzzy number. areas of inventory management.
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