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Traffic light strain

pole analysis
For software product(s): LUSAS V15.0
With product option(s): Nonlinear

This example of a strain pole system is intended to introduce the concepts involved in
carrying out a nonlinear cable analysis. The example demonstrates how to take a linear
model with basic properties and develop it further so that a nonlinear analysis can be
undertaken. It is not intended to show general pre-processing facilities for creation of
point and line features, definition and assignment of mesh, geometric, material and
support are undertaken. For an understanding of the basic model creation please refer
to the LUSAS application examples manual.
The model geometry is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The engineering properties
used are given on pages 3 and 4.
Units used are kip, ft, kslug, s, F throughout.
5% of span 0.5

5% of span


Interface clearance All diagram

dimensions are feet

Pole 2 Pole 1

Figure 1 - Side elevation of strain pole system

Traffic light strain pole analysis

Pole 3 Pole 4

11 11 11 11 16 12


Plan View
3 section signal
5 section signal
Sign 6' x 2'
(Centred between signals) 11




All diagram
dimensions are feet

26 16 11 11 11 11


Pole 2 Pole 1

Figure 2 - Plan of strain pole system

Building the model

Building the model

 Units. Work in kip, ft, kslug, s, F. These are “consistent” units.

 Vertical axis. Use vertical Z. To amend this, use Utilities > Vertical axis

 Mesh attributes: Attributes > Mesh > Line. Use thick nonlinear beam – 3D,
element length 1foot

 Geometric attributes: Use Utilities > Section property Calculator >

Circular Sections > Solid. Enter D=0.5/12 ( ½ inch). This section will be
used for the cables both catenary and messenger.

Use Utilities > Section property Calculator > Rectangular Sections > Solid.
Enter D=14/12 and B=14/12 (14 inch square). Assumes pipe ducts are
Use Utilities > Section property Calculator > Rectangular Sections > solid.
Enter D=20/12 and B=20/12 (20 inch square). Assumes pipe ducts are
The sections above will be used to create a tapered pole 14 inch square at the
tip and a tapering at 0.16inch per foot over the height of the pole.

 Material attributes: Concrete USA, Structural AASHTO LRFD 6th 6.0 ksi
for poles.

Steel USA, Pre-stressing Strand AASHTO LRFD 6th used for cables.
 Support attributes: Attributes > Supports. Fixed translations and rotations
X, Y and Y at the bottom of all poles.

 Loading attributes and assignments.

Loads Description Type of Parameters Assigned to:


1 Initial sag Loading > Gravity All lines

Body Force
-32.185 ft /s2

Traffic light strain pole analysis

The output requirements of the analysis are:
 Calculate final displaced shape of cable members

Beam, Cable, Nonlinear.

Associated Files

strain_pole.mdl contains the model geometry with all of the attributes assigned.
The example will use this model file as a starting point.

Model stages
Creating the Model
For this example a model file is provided:
To create the model, open the file strain_pole.mdl supplied with this example.

Basic linear model

Shown below in Figure 3 is the basic linear model. It is this model that will be
developed to form a full nonlinear cable analysis with the stages of construction.

Figure 3 - Basic geometry model

It should be noted that if the model this run and the deformed mesh is viewed then the
cable deflections will be erroneous. Since the cables have very little stiffness, applying

Model stages

gravity in a linear analysis results in large defections. This example of a strain pole
system is intended to introduce the concepts involved in carrying out a nonlinear cable

Multiple analyses
A number of analyses will be used within the same model.

 To create additional analyses select the menu item Analyses> General structural
analysis. Ensure that the option to inherit properties from the base analysis is
ticked. Set the name as Analysis 2 Nonlinear and click OK.
This will create a second analysis that has the same mesh, sections, materials and
supports as the first analysis. Note that the loading is not copied and gravity will be
added back into analysis 2.
In this second analysis a number of different model stages will be considered.

Analysis 2 – Stage 1
The steps below outline actions required to set up stage 1 which models the poles and
the messenger cable as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Stage 1

 In the analyses treeview , right-click on Loadcase 2 in analysis 2 of the analysis

treeview and rename as Stage 1.
To represent the construction sequence some of the members in the model need to be

 Create a deactivate attribute by clicking Attributes > Birth and Death. Select
Deactivate and then click next. Leave the default as Maintain relative position

Traffic light strain pole analysis

internal nodes but change the Inactive line control to Fixed. Name the Attribute
“Deactivation” and click OK.
This attribute now needs to be assigned to the lines representing the Catenary and
connector cables.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Catenary & connector cables’ group
and select ‘Set as Only Visible’. This will remove all other lines from the view.

 Select the lines representing the catenary and connector cables and assign the
deactivate attribute “Deactivation” to the selected lines in Analysis 2 Nonlinear
loadcase Stage 1.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Strain pole model’ group and select
‘Set as Only Visible’. This will show all the model lines again.
The loads within stage one can now be assigned. In the Attributes treeview the gravity
load already exists as it was used in analysis 1.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Catenary & connector cables’ group
and select ‘Invisible’. This will remove these lines from the view.

 Select the remaining lines as shown in Figure 4 and assign the loading attribute
“BFP1(Gravity –ve Z)” to the selected lines in Analysis 2 Nonlinear loadcase
Stage 1.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Poles’ group and select ‘Invisible’. This
will remove these lines from the view.
An initial tension is also to be added to the messenger cable and new attribute for this
load needs to be created.

 Create an initial tension attribute by clicking Attributes > Loading. Select Stress
and strain and then click next. Set the element description to Line, then using the
drop list select the element Thick nonlinear beam. Now enter the value of Fx as 1
Kip. Name the Attribute “Initial tension” and click OK.

 Select the lines representing the messenger cable and assign the load “Initial
tension” into Analysis 2 Nonlinear loadcase Stage 1.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Strain pole model’ group and select
‘Set as Only Visible’. This will show all the model lines again.
Finally the nonlinear control needs to be added to Stage 1.

Model stages

 In the Analyses treeview , right-click on Stage 1 loadcase and in the context

menu select Controls > Nonlinear and transient. In the nonlinear and transient
dialog selection the check box Nonlinear (top left corner) and then select OK.

 In the Analyses treeview , right-click Nonlinear analysis options and in the

context menu select Edit. In the nonlinear analysis options dialog select co-
rotational formulation check box and then select OK.

Analysis 2 – Stage 2
The steps below outline actions required to set up stage 2 which models the catenary
and connector cables being added to the model as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Stage 2

The first thing that is required is a new loadcase needs to be added to analysis 2.

 Create a loadcase by clicking Analyses > Loadcase. Set the loadcase name as
Stage 2 and in the drop list select Analysis 2 Nonlinear and then select OK.
To represent the construction sequence some of the members in the model need to be

 Create a deactivate attribute by clicking Attributes > Birth and Death. Select
Activate and then click next. Name the Attribute “Activation” and click OK.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Catenary & connector cables’ group
and select ‘Set as Only Visible’. This will remove all other lines from the view.

Traffic light strain pole analysis

 Select the lines representing the catenary and connector cables and assign the
activate attribute “Activation” to the selected lines in Analysis 2 Nonlinear
loadcase Stage 2.

 With the lines still selected assign the loading attribute “BFP1(Gravity –ve Z)” to
the selected lines in Analysis 2 Nonlinear loadcase Stage 2.

 In the Groups treeview , right-click the ‘Strain pole model’ group and select
‘Set as Only Visible’. This will show all the model lines again.
Finally the nonlinear control needs to be added to Stage 2.

 In the Analyses treeview , right-click on Stage 2 loadcase and in the context

menu select Controls > Nonlinear and transient. In the nonlinear and transient
dialog selection the check box Nonlinear (top left corner) and change the
incrementation type from Manual to Automatic and then set the Max time steps
or increments at the bottom of the dialog to 10. Next, select the advanced button
and in the advanced nonlinear incrementation properties dialog set the value of
stiffness ratio to switch to arc-length to 0.0. Having set the value select OK

Analysis 2 – Stage 3 self weight freeze

Stage 3 self weight freeze reapplies the self-weight in a single Manual load step. This
effectively freezes the self-weight load allowing Stage 4 to be incrementally increased.
If an Automatic nonlinear control were to follow a previous Automatic nonlinear
control then the loading would be overwritten.
Note that the initial tension load in the messenger cable does not need to be reapplied

 Create a loadcase by clicking Analyses > Loadcase. Set the loadcase name as
Stage 3 self weight freeze and in the drop list select Analysis 2 Nonlinear and then
select OK.

 Select all the lines in the model.

 With the lines still selected assign the loading attribute “BFP1(Gravity –ve Z)” to
the selected lines in Analysis 2 Nonlinear loadcase Stage 3 self weight freeze.

 In the Analyses treeview , right-click on Stage 3 self weight freeze loadcase and
in the context menu select Controls > Nonlinear and transient. In the nonlinear
and transient dialog selection the check box Nonlinear (top left corner) and then
select OK.

Model stages

Analysis 2 – Stage 4 vertical loads

The steps below outline actions required to set up stage 4 vertical loads which models
the weight of the traffic signals and signs on the cable system as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Stage 4 vertical loads

The table below sets out the weight of the traffic signals and signs.

4 Signal Weights Loading > 65lbs 3 section traffic signals

95lbs 5 section traffic signals

48lbs 6’ x 2’ signs

The loads representing the traffic signals and signs need to be created.

 Create a concentrated load attribute by clicking Attributes > Loading. Select

Concentrated and then click next. Set the value of Fz to -0.065 kip. Name the
Attribute “Vertical 3 section traffic signals” and click OK.

Repeat the above for the Vertical 5 section traffic signals and the Vertical 6’ x 2’
signs using the data in the table.

These loads now need to be assigned to the model. The loads are assigned as shown in
Figure 6. The largest arrow represents the 5 section traffic signals and the smallest
arrow represents the 6’ x 2’ signs. Select the relevant points on the messenger cable
and assign the concentrated loads in loadcase Stage 4 vertical loads.

Traffic light strain pole analysis

Finally the nonlinear control needs to be added to Stage 4.

 In the Analyses treeview , right-click on Stage 4 vertical loads loadcase and in

the context menu select Controls > Nonlinear and transient. In the nonlinear and
transient dialog selection the check box Nonlinear (top left corner) and change the
incrementation type from Manual to Automatic and then set the Max time steps
or increments at the bottom of the dialog to 10. Next, select the advanced button
and in the advanced nonlinear incrementation properties dialog set the value of
stiffness ratio to switch to arc-length to 0.0. Having set the value select OK

Analysis 2 – Stage 5 vertical loads freeze

Stage 5 vertical loads freeze reapplies the self-weight, signals and sign loads in a single
Manual load step. This effectively freezes the all loads load allowing Stage 6 to be
incrementally increased.

 Create a loadcase by clicking Analyses > Loadcase. Set the loadcase name as
Stage 5 vertical loads freeze and in the drop list select Analysis 2 Nonlinear and
then select OK.
In this loadcase apply gravity and the signal and signs loads.

 In the analyses treeview , right-click on Stage 5 vertical loads freeze loadcase

and in the context menu select Controls > Nonlinear and transient. In the
nonlinear and transient dialog selection the check box Nonlinear (top left corner)
and then select OK.

Analysis 2 – Stage 6 wind loads

The steps below outline actions required to set up Stage 6 wind loads which models the
weight of the traffic signals and signs on the cable system as shown in Figure 6.

Model stages

Figure 7 - Stage 6 wind loads

The table below sets out the weight of the traffic signals and signs.

Wind load Pressure loads applied to

3 Wind loads Loading >
will be signs between poles 1 &2
assumed as 30 and 3 & 4
lbs per foot

120lbs 3 section traffic signals


210lbs 5 section traffic signals


360lbs 6’ x 2’ signs (12ft2)

 Create a concentrated load attribute by clicking Attributes > Loading. Select

Concentrated and then click next. Set the value of FY to 0.120 kip. Name the
Attribute “Wind 3 section traffic signals” and click OK.

Repeat the above for the Wind 5 section traffic signals and the Wind 6’ x 2’ signs
using the data in the table.

These loads now need to be assigned to the model. The position of the signals and
signs are shown in Figure 1 and the loads are shown in Figure 7. The largest arrow

Traffic light strain pole analysis

represents the Wind 6’ x 2’ signs and the smallest arrow represents the Wind 3 section
traffic signals. Select the relevant points on the messenger cable and assign the
concentrated loads in loadcase Stage 6 wind loads.
Finally the nonlinear control needs to be added to Stage 6.

 In the analyses treeview , right-click on Stage 4 vertical loads loadcase and in

the context menu select Controls > Nonlinear and transient. In the nonlinear and
transient dialog selection the check box Nonlinear (top left corner) and change the
incrementation type from Manual to Automatic and then set the Max time steps
or increments at the bottom of the dialog to 10. Next, select the advanced button
and in the advanced nonlinear incrementation properties dialog set the value of
stiffness ratio to switch to arc-length to 0.0. Having set the value select OK

Solving the analyses

 Press the Solve Now button. On the Solve Now dialog ensure Analysis 1 and
Analysis 2 are checked and press OK to run the analysis.

If the analysis is successful...

Analysis loadcase results are added to the Treeview

If the analysis fails...

If the analysis fails, information relating to the nature of the error encountered is written
to the output files in addition to the text output window. Any errors listed in the text
output window should be corrected in LUSAS Modeller before saving the model and
re-running the analysis.

Viewing the Results

Plotting Deformed Shapes
 Ensure the Mesh and Geometry layers are turned off in the treeview.

 With no features selected click the right-hand mouse button in a blank part of the
Graphics area and click ‘Deformed Mesh’ to add the deformed mesh layer to the
treeview. In the deformed mesh dialog box set a deformation factor of 1 and
select the Window summary option and click the OK button to display the
deformed mesh for the single vehicle loadcase.

Viewing the Results

 Set active the Stage 5 vertical loads freeze loadcase in Analysis 2.

Figure 8 - Deformed mesh stage 5

 Set active the last increment of the Stage 6 wind loads loadcase in Analysis 2.

Figure 9 - Deformed mesh plot stage 6

This completes the example.


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