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TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

The student knows that there are recognizable The student is expected to collect and analyze data to
patterns in the natural world among the sun, earth, identify sequences and predict patterns of change in
shadows (Day 3), seasons (Day 2), and the observable
and moon system
appearance of the moon over time (Day 1).
Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time
Grade: 4 Subject: science

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: What skills must be


Assessment: (C5)

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Graphic organizers (graphs with cycle) Qiuzlet
Cooperative learning (Four Corners)

Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Creative project, quizzes and unit exam terms
Visual – PPT presentation Craft supplies
Prior to lesson go over vocabulary terms
Computer, projector
Auditory – Lecture asking questions, light whiteboard
Analyze and identify
demonstrations for shadows
Kinesethic –
Hands on activity on moon cycle, seasons.
Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. Can you explain what happens when the sun, earth and moon line up in that order?

2. How would you feel physically if the earths axis didn’t have a tilt?
Do you think this would be a good, bad, or not affect life on earth?

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Begin with prior knowledge questions: “CREDIT CARD” Have each student write a 2-3 sentence
-Does anyone know why we have day and night? summary of they have learned that day allowing me to
-Why is it cold some months and why its hot in others? review them and make sure the objective was met.
-Why is it the moon is a different every night? What
kind of shapes do we the see?
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Beging with PPT with supporting videos and pictures to hook students, followed by Listing and review key terms
prior to instruction within the PPT, then brief outline of our objective for that day.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Day 1 Cut out activity of the moon phases
Day 2: Ball and lamp activity demonstrating seasons
Day 3: Ball and lamp activity demonstrating shadows with the earth and moon

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Day 1: Take home worksheets to practice moon cycle
Day 2: Handout on seasons: placement of the earth in correlation with the sun.
Day 3: Handout where students pair and create shadows with objects given by teacher.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

OBJECTIVE: Day 1: Students will be able to identify phase of the moon
Rigor Day 2: students will be able to comprehend and identify seasons
Day 3: Student will be able to comprehend shadows, night and day.

OPENING: Demonstrate a youtube videos with the moon cycle and follow with questions. Example, can you tell me
Retrieval what you are seeing?, have you ever wondered why the moon has different shapes? What about winter
and summer? Have you ever thought about why that happens?

TEACHER INPUT: Explain the objective of what is expected for students to know by the end of the lesson and review with
Relevance students the important/difficult vocabulary prior to the lesson.

Routing Powerpoint slides with images and embedded videos to elaborate on the text students are reading.

Retaining / Rehearsing
Graphic organizer Activities with Cooperative Grouping

Day 1: Student pair and create the moon cycle with cutouts of shapes
Day 2: Handout on seasons: placement of the earth in correlation with the sun.
Day 3: Handout where students pair and create shadows with objects given by teacher.


Can you explain what happens when the sun, earth and moon line up in that order?
How would you feel physically if the earths axis didn’t have a tilt?
Do you think this would be a good, bad, or not affect life on earth?
End of unit Exam

Craft Supplies, Computer, Projector, Powerpoint, Balls, lamp,

Ask students the same questions I did at the beginning of the lesson and follow with having students do a “Credit Card”
where they write a brief summary of what they have learned that day and I am able to evaluate if they meet the objective

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