SYP 5 Guaranteed Cash Summon

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Unit Your Rating Choose File -> Make a copy... to edit these ratings.

Ace 3 - Ok
Aileen 2 - Disappointed Your count at each value:
Ayaka 4 - Happy 1 - Troll 3
Balthier 2 - Disappointed 2 - Disappointed 13
Barbariccia 2 - Disappointed 3 - Ok 7
Basch 5 - Lottery winner 4 - Happy 17
Blossom Sage Sakura 4 - Happy 5 - Lottery winner 6
Cloud 4 - Happy Total 46
Dark Fina 4 - Happy Guaranteed 5*
Dark Knight Cecil 3 - Ok Guaranteed 5* + 10 normal
Delita 3 - Ok Odds of winning the lottery: 13.04% 16.39%
Duke 5 - Lottery winner Odds of being happy or better: 50.00% 57.01%
Elfreeda 4 - Happy Odds of being ok or better: 65.22% 71.45%
Emperor 2 - Disappointed Odds of disappointment or worse: 34.78% 28.55%
Fohlen 4 - Happy Odds of being outright trolled: 6.52% 4.91%
Fryevia 4 - Happy
Gilgamesh 4 - Happy
Gladiolus 1 - Troll
Jiraiya 3 - Ok
Knight Delita 2 - Disappointed
Lightning 4 - Happy
Loren 5 - Lottery winner
Lunera 2 - Disappointed
Luneth 3 - Ok
Marie 2 - Disappointed
Mercenary Ramza 2 - Disappointed
Noctis 5 - Lottery winner
Nyx 1 - Troll
Olive 4 - Happy
Onion Knight 3 - Ok
Orlandeau 4 - Happy
Prishe 2 - Disappointed
Pyro Glacial Lasswell 2 - Disappointed
Queen 4 - Happy
Ramza 4 - Happy
Reberta 5 - Lottery winner
Rem 4 - Happy
Roy 4 - Happy
Seabreeze Dark Fina 4 - Happy
Tidus 5 - Lottery winner
Trance Terra 2 - Disappointed
Veritas of the Dark 3 - Ok
Veritas of the Flame 4 - Happy
Veritas of the Light 2 - Disappointed
Wilhelm 2 - Disappointed
Zargabaath 1 - Troll

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