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“~ IDEA Rundberg College Prep Aa World History Syllabus Ms. Hendricks Google Voice Number (512)481-2545 Room Number 112 Tutorials: Mondays after school until 4:30 and Tuesday/Friday during lunch *Tutorials are subject to change based on Distance Learning but any changes wil be communicated through Teams and Remind Course Description In AP World Modern, students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes from 1200- present. The course provides six themes that Students explore _ throughout the course in order fo make connections gmmong historical developments in different times and places: humans and the environment, Course Objectives Develop and use skills, practices, ani methods employe by historians Analyze primary and y sceondary sources; develop historical arguments; make historical connections; and utilize reasonin about comparison, causation, an continuity and change over time cultural developments and a interactions, governance economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation. C \a Class Materia Class Rules © Binder with two dividers (World Histo! ar Ulustrated Dictionary) yy Qo Pollo aah ony ales “4 Phones ff and out of sight oo Notebook paper ez (umless specified ‘by teachess oo Pen or pencil My Students are always in dress code "Students only use respectful language Be a respectful class asset Follow class procedures and work productively forthe entire class erio ="~« When at school, students may only =” drink water during class (no eating) During virtual classes, snacks must jes be ‘lisa ive Zh g Because | have a life-threatening allergy to perfumes an fragrances, my room is a fragrance-free zone ae tudents may not have or use '*” perfumes, deodorants, lotions, or any. other fragrances at school or in class 00 Colored pencils or makers for projects 00 At least five colors of highlighters for notes, readings, and writing revision 09 Planner to record homework and important dates : - Class Calendar Important Vocabulary dilustrated ictionary must be Complete to receive grade) {Class Notes (must be annotate summarized to receive grade) All Class Documents, Activities, and a ‘Assignments Podeasts* cy Init Revi Students will bu eqtrad $6 take class notes, read 1 je textbooks. nd is ai Peqvaitable on the website, tn ha J, Listening to and taking notes on podcasts! is a requirement, bul students can choose which episodes they want to listen to. PY Allpodeasts on the class site are school appropriate, but parents are strongly encouraged to help students choose their episodes and preview or listen to them together (there might be an occasional use of language from a primary source that is P' ). All podcasts offered are directly connected to topics covered in the Course (described in the Key Concepts) but some might spark further conversation because of: genocide, war, racism, or brief mentions of violence against women. (Given possible), and during tutorials! Students are reqitired t0 have materials ready of attend turorlals BEFORE the assignment Is due tf unable to complete them gehome I will always provide a summary that indicates any trigger warnings in an episode and offer a wide variety of topics from which students may choose Son te or she mi in five school days of the deadline for aeements partial credit of up to a 70, deducting 30 points from the grade \sSessint earned. The student will also not eam a preparedness Kickt + 40% Formative jint and be referred to West Wing (when available). Assessments Students will have the opportunity to do corrections on any + 10% Dai formative assessments to eam back half the points. This is 2 Assessmet major opportunity and should be done regularly. Summative _ SEPEDP Pry prcorpoedyp a7. ‘Team and Family Roles + Student-Check class website regularly and keep parent(s)/guardian(s) informed about class: topics being studied, major test, projects, and papers + Parent@)/Guardian(s)- Check class website and talk to student, asking questions about content knowledge and allowing time for homework/internet ac + Teacher- Contact parents when warranted about student behavior or ongoing academic concerns, inform parents of positive behavior and academic successes, reply to emails in a timely manner and update class website regularly citing the original author, a student may not use that information, even if it is paraphrased, A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and | _ unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or another supervising professional ployee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. All incidents of academic dishonesty will result in a parental contact, not earning Kickboard points, and a penalty of a zero on the assignment/test/project, and repeated instances will have other consequences like a conference, Please remember that academic integrity is central to who you.are-and how, people perceive you.

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