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a) Write the senteces whit contractions
I have seen the movie. I´ve seen the movie.
1 She has not read the book. She hasn´t read the book.
2 You have not washed the dishes. You haven´t washed the dishes.
3 We have done the housework. We´ve done the housework.
4 He has been sick. He´s been sick
5 They have not eaten Japanese food before. They haven´t eaten Japanese
b) Write +, -, ? sentences in the present perfect.
+ I´ve met a famous actor
1 + I/forget your name. I´ve forgotten your name.
2 – my boyfriend/wear his new shirt. My boyfriend hasn´t worn his new shirt.
3 ? you/speak to your boss. Have you espoken
4 – they/do their homework. They haven´t done their homework.
5 ? your brother/work in New York. Has you brother work in New York?
6 + then train/leave the train station. Then train has left the train station.
7 – we/take any photos. We haven´t taken any photos.
8 ? the children/eat all the cookies. Have the children eaten all the cookies?
9 – my girlfriend/call me today. My girlfriend hase´t callen me today.
10 + Janet/leave her book at home. Janet has left her book.
c) write a sentence in the present perfect for each picture.Use the vers
in the box.
They´ve wont the cup
1 He´s broken his leg.
2 They´ve gone to the beach.
3 He´s fallen off his motorcycle.
4 She´s read the newspaper.
5 They´ve bought a new car.


a) Circle the correc form
Have you ever eaten / Did you ever eat at Appetito?
1 I haven´t bought / diden´t buy any new clothes recently
2 My boyfriend has given / gave me a ring for my last birthday.
3 They´ve spent / spent a lot of money yesterday.
4 Have you ever won / Did you ever win a competition.
5 My Friends have had / had a party last weekend.
b) Circle the correct form.
Let´s go to the Pekin Duck. I´ve never been / gone there.
1 The secretary isn´t here. She´s gone / been to the bank.
2 I´ve never gone / been the Us.
3 My neighborst aren´t at home. They´ve gone / been on vacation.
4 Have you ever gone / been abroad?
5 We have lost of food. We´ve gone / been to the supermarket.
c) Putt he verbs in parentheses in the present perfecto r simple past.
A Have you ever traveled abroad? (ravel)
B Yes, I went to Peru last year. (go)
A Have you ever visit any countries in Asia ¿ (visit)
B Yes, I have. I go to South Korea a few years ago. (go)
A Who are you gone with? (go)
B My husband. It was a work trip and his compny paid for everything. (pay)
A How wonderful¡ How did you got there? (get)
B We flow (fly)
A Where did you staied (saty)
B We hd a suie in five-star hotel. It was beatutifull¡ (have)
AHave the Company taken you on any other trips recently? (take)
B No. My husband stoped working there a year later, so that wasour only trip. (stop)
A Too bad!

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