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Language: English

Day: 1

July 28 — August 25, 2020

Note: For any geometry problems whose statement begins with an asterisk (∗), the first page of
the solution must be a large, in-scale, clearly labeled diagram. Failure to meet this requirement
will result in an automatic 1-point deduction.

JJ1. Find all nonnegative integer pairs (k, m) such that the sum of the first k positive perfect
cubes is equal to 6m .

JJ2. (∗) In triangle ABC, let ω be a circle on the opposite side of BC as A and tangent to
lines BC, AC, and AB at D, E, and F , respectively. Line AD intersects ω at D and K,
such that segment DE bisects ∠AEK. Let L be the reflection of E over point K. Let P
be any point on the circumcircle of 4DEL such that AK = AP . Prove that line AP is
tangent to the circumcircle of 4DEL.

JJ3. Let n > 3 be a positive integer, and let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be nonzero real numbers such that
2020 2020 2020
x1 + = x2 + = · · · = xn + ,
x1 x2 xn
and the number of ways one can choose i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} such that xi 6= xj is greater
than or equal to n. Let S1 be the value of xi · xj summed over all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n where
xi 6= xj , and let S2 be the value of xi · xj summed over all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n where xi = xj and
i 6= j. Find (as a function of n) the maximum value that SS21 can take.

Time: 3 hours.
Each problem is worth 7 points.

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