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Introduction of

Invasive Species Invasive Species

Invasive Species What is an invasive species? Intentional:
Edition An introduced species that estab-
lishes, expands its range and nega-
 Agriculture
 Hunting
tively impacts the ecosystem and
 Fishing
native species in that area. Intro-
duction usually begins with human  Ornamental
assistance of a non native plant,
animal or fungi.

Why are invasive species a

 Habitat loss and degradation

 Loss of native species

 Crop damage and disease

Above: Honeysuckle
 Loss of recreation opportunities
Includes Facts and  Transport
 Airplanes
Information on Invasive
 Ships
Species  Cars
Along with Questions and  Shoes
Answers  Escaped pets or zoo animals
 Wooden crates
To Get A Smart Start  Firewood
Above: Common Reed (Phragmites)
Effects on the Key Terms: Are All “Exotic”
Ecosystem Non-target species: Organism affect-
species Harmful?
 Widespread loss of habitat ed by a control method that was not the NOT ALL…
 Alteration of the habitat intended to be. Actually some are considered help-
 Detrimental effects on native ful. For instance, a lot of our food
populations “Exotic” Species: A species living
crops like potatoes and wheat are
 Monoculture outside its native distributional range,
not native to the United States.
which has arrived there by human activity,
There are some benefits to all spe-
either deliberate or accidental.
cies -- but invasive species do
Invasive Species: An “exotic” species more harm than good.
that establishes, expands its range, and
negatively impacts the ecosystem and na- How many invasive
tive species in that area.
species are there in
Generalist: The ability to live off of a
wide range of food types the U.S?
Above: Kudzo Human commensal: Lives in close The numbers vary widely,
association with humans But there is an estimate that there
Invasive Species are 50,000 “exotic” species. Of
management? those 50,000 about 4,300 have
Methods dependent upon type of invasive been considered invasive.
 Biocontrol
 Treatments
Stopping the Invasion
 Chemical
 Physical and Mechanical  Clean and Inspect Clothing, Gear, and
Containers for Weeds and Other
 Do not bring in exotic species as pets
Eurasian Boar
Zebra Mussel Range A Harmful Aquatic
Qualities of Invader
Invasive Species What Is It?
 Fast growth Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), A
Freshwater mussel.
 Rapid Reproduction Where is it from?
 Pioneer Species Originally native to Black and Caspian sea
(Southern Russia). They were believed to be
 High Dispersal ability introduced to the United States by mid-1800's
through ballast water, but it is unrecorded.
 Tolerance of a wide range of envi-
Is it harmful?
ronments Zebra mussels can be harmful ecologically,
Here is a map of where Zebra Mussels
 Compete Aggressively for re- are present in the United States. biologically, economically, and human haz-
Damage Zebra Mussels Can ard. They can attach to native species and
sources eventually lead to a decline. They are filter
 Generalist feeders and take nutrients out of the water
Zebra and away from other species. They also like
 Lack of Natural Enemies to settle on surfaces like pipes and boats,
 Human introduction causing damage. Lastly, they have sharp-
clogging a
edged shells and can be a hazard to unpro-
tected feet.
Where are they found?
They range from local waterways, like the
Hudson River, all the way west to Oklahoma.
How to Prevent?
To prevent the spread of Zebra Mussels eve-
Zebra ryone must inspect their boats and gear.
Cleaning/steaming their boats before putting
them into another body of water is key
on top of
a native
Zebra Mussels
Giant How can we stop
Hogweed the spread of
Giant Hogweed?
What is it? This invasive weed can be con-
A large weed that can grow to 14 feet or
more! trolled:

Where is it from? This invasive weed can be controlled:

It is originally from southwest Asia and it Mechanically and mechanically
arrived in the United States in 1917 as a  Root cutting
garden plant. It is heavily present in west-
ern New York and can be found through- A map of where Giant Hogweed is  Causes immediate death
out other regions of the state. present in New York. The yellow
dots have less than 400 plants and  Flower head/seed head removal
Is it harmful? the red dots have 400 or more. Blue
The hogweed can be harmful to humans  Cutting and mowing
through its sap in combination with mois- dots have no plants sighted.
ture and sunlight which. This can cause  Cut and cover
skin and eye irritation, blistering, scarring,
and even blindness! Through use of herbicides
 Systemic herbicides
Where do they grow?
Hogweeds grow in various areas: along
streams, rivers, roadsides, forests, fields,  Glyphosphate
and yards. It thrives in areas with good
lighting and moist soil.  Triclopyr

 Effective

 Cost efficient

Hogweed seeds may still grow after up to

15 years in the soil so monitoring the
area in years to come for growth is essen-
The Little Green Emerald Ash Borer Range
Types of Invasive
Tree Killer Species
What Is It?
Emerald Ash Borer Biological: This is a management
(Agrilus planipennis), A method that involves the invasive species’
green jewel beetle. enemies… This means that another exot-
Where is it from? ic specie who is a known predator, para-
Originally native to eastern site, or pathogen is brought into play to
Russia, northern China, control the populations of the invasive
Japan, and Korea. It is not known for specie. BUT… before bringing in this spe-
sure, but they most likely came in ash cies, we have to make sure that it will
wood used for stabilizing cargo in ships or NOT affect non-target species
Here is a map of where Emerald Ash Borer
for packing or crating heavy consumer
is present in the United States.
products. Physical or Mechanical:
Damage Emerald Ash Borer Causes
Is it harmful? This method involves people going
The Emerald Ash Borer is responsible for out and physically removing the
the destruction of tens of millions of ash invasive species. Some ways of do-
trees throughout the United State. What ing this include trapping, creating
they do is bore into ash trees feeding on
barriers, and harvesting. Mowing is
tissues beneath the bark, ultimately killing
an example for a plant
the tree.
Where are they found in the U.S.? Chemical Control: This method uses
They range of the Emerald Ash Borer is herbicides, insecticides, fungicides,
north to the upper peninsula of Michigan, piscicides. These are all forms of pesti-
south to northern Louisiana, west to Colo- cides, which are chemicals used to kill
rado, and east to Massachusetts. pest. Although this method can be very
How to Prevent introduction? effective, it can be very dangerous to oth-
To prevent introduction, you should NOT er species or to ecosystems. This method
move firewood outside state lines must be used carefully. Like biological
control, we must make sure that the
chemicals will NOT affect non-target spe-
Questions Thinking Questions:
1. What is an invasive species? 

2. List three examples of how an in- 1. Can you think of any more exam- 
vasive species is a threat ples of management techniques for critter/phragmites
invasive species?
3. How are invasive species intro- 
2.What other invasive species can you
think of in your area? 
4. Which of the following is not an ac- hogweed.shtml
cidental way of introducing an invasive
species? 3.Why is it so hard to get rid of inva-
A. Transport  Simberloff, D. (2013). Invasive Species: What
sive species? Everyone Needs to Know. New York, NY: Ox-
B. Wooden crates ford University Press.
C. Firewood
D. Ornamentals 4.What should you do if there is an in-
vasive species growing around your 
5. Where is giant hogweed success- house?
ful? 
5. Are there any non-harmful invasive mollusks_zebra_mussel.php
6. How is giant hogweed harmful to species in your area?
the ecosystem that it takes over?
6. Are all exotic/non-native species control.pdf
7. Give one example of a type of in-
vasive species management. considered invasive?
8. What are two examples of why 7. What are some of the reasons
zebra mussels are extremely success- invasive species are so successful?

9. Where do zebra mussels establish 8. What are some proactive ways to

populations? prevent non-native species entering or
A. Forested areas state and from becoming invasive
B. Waterways (ex. Rivers) species?
C. Roadsides

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