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46. who is the sole judge of all contest relating to the election and qualifications of the president?

 The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to the
election, returns, and qualifications of the President or Vice-President, and may
promulgate its rules for the purpose.

47. where is judicial power vested?

 The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as
may be established by law.
 (In the Philippines) Judicial power is vested in the courts with the Supreme Court of
the Philippines as the highest judicial body.

48. What are the qualifications of members of the supreme Court?

 (1) No person shall be appointed Member of the Supreme Court or any lower collegiate
court unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines. A Member of the Supreme
Court must be at least forty years of age, and must have been for fifteen years or more,
a judge of a lower court or engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines.

 (2) The Congress shall prescribe the qualifications of judges of lower courts, but no
person may be appointed judge thereof unless he is a citizen of the Philippines and a
member of the Philippine Bar.

 (3) A Member of the Judiciary must be a person of proven competence, integrity,

probity, and independence.

49. What is the composition of the supreme court of the Philippines?

 The Supreme Court is composed of one Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices,
all of whom are appointed by the President from a list of recommendees presented by the
Judicial and Bar Council.

50. What is certiorari, mandamus, quo warranto, prohibition, and habeas corpus?
 A remedy used by a superior court to quash an order or decision of a lower court or
administrative body made without jurisdiction.

 Certiorari means to be certified. The writ of certiorari can be issued by the Supreme
Court or any High Court for quashing the order already passed by an Lower Court.
 A remedy available to any person detained or imprisoned, not to hear and determine the
case upon the evidence, but to immediately and in a summary way test the validity of the
person's detention or imprisonment.

 “Habeas Corpus" is a Latin term which roughly means "you may have the body." This
writ is issued to produce a person who has been detained, whether in prison or in private
custody, before a court.

 A remedy to compel the performance of a public duty.

 Mandamus is a Latin word, which means "We Command". Mandamus is an order from
the Supreme Court or High Court to a lower court or tribunal or public authority to
perform a public or statutory duty.

 A remedy used by a superior court to prohibit a lower court or tribunal from exercising or
continuing to exercise an authority it does not have.

 The Writ of prohibition means to forbid or to stop and it is popularly known as 'Stay
Order'. This writ is issued when a lower court or a body tries to transgress the limits or
powers vested in it. The writ of prohibition is issued by any High Court or the Supreme
Court to any Lower Court.

 A remedy used to challenge a person's entitlement to a public office that he or she
purports to occupy and exercise.

 The word Quo-Warranto means "what is your authority"? It is a writ issued with a
view to restrain a person from holding a public office to which he is not entitled.

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