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XIII Issue I



R.I. DIST.3260
I.W. DIST.326
3rd July 2010

PP Dr. Surajit Sahu, MPHF

President Secretary
Dr. P.N. Behera, PHF Rtn. Sukanta Kumar Swain

I.W. President I.W. Secretary

Mrs. Smruti Patnaik Mrs. Manaswini Mohapatra

RI President Ray Klinginsmith with the

First Lady Judie

RI THEME FOR 2010-11 I applied the same philosophy in developing the

Presidential Citation for 2010-11. I consider each of
What is Rotary? What does a Rotary club do ? the four Avenues of service to be equally important,
These questions are often asked of Rotarians by and we have created a new citations program in the
prospective members and other interested people, from of a questionnaire to help clubs test their
and they difficult to answer effectively in a few effectiveness in all four avenues. We also have
minutes. produced a higher-level “Presidential citations with
Although our primary motto Service Above Self Distinction” to challenge those clubs that routinely
highlights our altruistic nature, it fails to answer the earn the annual presidential citations.
two questions. Therefore, I decided to search for a
briefly stated theme that would fulfill two objectives. We hope the new questionnaire will be helpful
The first to explain the purpose of Rotary to non tool to both the clubs and the district governors as
Rotarians and the second to confirm and validate we seek the lengthen our stride and improve our
the importance of our principles to Rotarians. levels of fellowship and service, as we move forward
In my search for right words I reviewed the hour into the second century of service for Rotary
Avenues of service and noted that Club service and International, which started with the first convention
Vocational Service both help us to enjoy life and to of Rotary clubs in 1910.
be good citizens. Community Service and Vocational Ray Klinginsmith
Service combine to make our local communities President, Rotary International, 2010-11
better places for us to partner with clubs in other
countries and on different continents to make the
world a better place to live with an improved
opportunity for world understanding, goodwill, and KNOW OUR DIST. LEADER
It is important to remember that Rotary is a “spirit Rtn Prof. Dr.
of service” as well as an organization of Rotary clubs, Narayan Mishra is a
and we need to share our core values of service, Chest Physician of
fellowship, diversity, integrity and leadership with National and
other people and organization. I considered many
International repute. He
words and phrases to capture the essence of Rotary,
and the words I finally selected to describe Rotary’s was born on 1st
current mission and to highlight our achievements February 1951, to Smt.
are what we do best. Bimala and Sri. Krushna Chandra Mishra, a nationally
I hope you agree that these four words aptly acclaimed agricultural scientist. Presently, he is
reflect who we are and what we do as Rotarians. working as Prof and Head of the Department of
We are a unique and a premier organization - Pulmonary Medicine in MKCG Medical College,
certainly one of the best in the world. We build the Berhampur. He was deputed to work at Kingdom of
spirit and resources of our local communities in an
important way, and we are the best in the world at Saudi Arabia as a Consultant Chest Physician for a
linking people of goodwill around the globe and then period of seven years.
gaining their cooperation and support to make the Dr. Mishra made his maiden entry into Rotary
world a much better place to live and work. In the Family in the year 1970 as the first and Chartered
words of Ed. Cadman, “Rotary is unity without Rotaractor and became the Vice-President of
uniformity”. We are indeed fortunate to be Rotarians!
Rotaract Club, Berhampur. Being the Centennial Dr. Nutan (Dental Surgeon), son-in-law Dr. Manoj
President of Rotary Club of Berhampur Central, he (Neuro Surgeon) and Son Ayan (Engineer, MBA)
received the Best Club Award of RI Dist. 3260, and make a happy family.
got special recognition for highest membership To sum up, Rtn Prof. Dr. N. Mishra is a leader
growth and for the Best Project in AIDS awareness. par excellence, has a strong sense of commitment
He was chosen as a faculty of Rotary Leadership to the noble cause of Rotary whose motto of life is
Institute of RI Dist. 3260 and received the best “Service to humanity through professional service,
participant award in RLI graduation course. He was Research activities and Rotary movement”.
ADT for 2005-06, Chairman Health and Hygiene
awareness for 2005-06, Zonal Chairman TRF for
2006-07 and Asst District Governor 2007-08 of RI
Dist 3260. He received the “Rotary Service Above
Self Award” from RI President D.K. Lee and received
Editor’s Column....!
“Four Avenues of Service Award” from Rotary
International. His anti-smoking and drug abuse Except for a few remarkably strong-willed
campaign in State and National level for last 20 years persons, most everyone knows New year ’s
is praise worthy. On 4th Feb 2009 i.e. on World resolutions are usually easier to make than to keep.
Cancer Day, he conducted a huge “Anti-tobacco rally” Remember those promises you made to yourself on
with more than ten thousand school students, which 1st January 2010? Are you still going strong? Or did
was the largest of its kind in the world. He has you bail out early? If your resolve dissolve the instant
attended two RI Conventions at Brisbane in 2003 the clock struck on midnight on 1st January - Don’t
and Chicago in 2005. The list is too long and the feel too bad. You are about to get a second chance.
mentioned few are only the indicators of the A new Rotary year begins on 1st July 2010
involvement in and belongingness of Dr. Mishra in and that means Rotarians everywhere will be setting
the total gamut of Rotary activities. fresh goals for service. As we seek direction we just
need to look to the man who has recently done
Being the right son of the soil, his Professional
some goal setting of his own. As the part of his plan
Excellency as well as outstanding contribution to the
for the year ahead 2010-11 RI President Ray
society is remarkable. He has two International
Klinginsmith is urging Rotarians to “Build
awards and many national awards to his credit for
Communities and Bridge Continents”. As we begin
his devoted research work in the field of pulmonary
to think about how we might respond to Rays appeal
medicine. In 2005, he received the best research
we can follow our Dist. 3260 leader Dr. Narayan
award in the field of ASTHMA in India and presented
Mishra as he has given us the Dist. goals to achieve
his papers in several International forums. He
this year’s RI theme.
received the highest and the most prestigious award
July is the month of celebrations.
of Indian Chest Society and National College of Chest
Celebrations of Installation of new office bearers
Physician Oration award for the two consecutive
throughout the Rotary world. But installations are
years 2008 and 2009. He has published many
only ceremonial functions. In Rotary there is
original research works in the National and
automatic transfer of responsibility and duty on the
International journals. He has achieved the “Best
dawn of new Rotary year which begins on 1st July
citizen of India Award” and “Bharat Gourav Award”
every year. Mind the words (Transfer of responsibility
in 2002. Rtn Dr. Mishra has widely traveled globally
& duty). Because in Rotary the responsibility never
inside and outside India in connection with his
seizes. Once your tenure on a particular office ends
academic, cultural and social objectives.
on 30th June bigger duty and greater responsibility
His wife Rtn Smt. Asha Mishra, MA, M,Ed, MPHF, is assigned to you. The plan and programme of
is also a dedicated, enthusiastic and vibrant member Rotary never stops. It ever flows continuously, only
of the Rotary family who is an unstinted source of the officer incharge of a particular office change.
inspiration for others and a perennial support to Rtn. Let us do our job with integrity.
Dr. Mishra. She is first lady Rotarian of Dist.3260 to
graduate from Rotary Leadership Institute. Daughter PP Dr. Surajit Sahu

I am delighted that my Club
DR. NARAYAN MISHRA, MPHF “Cuttack Silver City” is going to
DG. R.I.D 3260 install the new & 13th President along
with his team of office bearer on 3rd
July’ 2010. Though I feel reluctant to
MESSAGE write a message for my own club,
still I have been persuaded to scribe
my views and opinions.
Each year at the stroke of mid night on 30th June, the Our Club over the period has
wheel of Rotary turns one full circle and new office bearers made a difference. We have moved
take charge of the organisation at all levels. The beauty forward with a firm commitment of service and ethical
practices in our standards - Our members have truly
of this process is “continuity with change”. The basic exemplified these in their action through various
fundamentals remain the same, only new zeal is infused community services.I wish our Club do not change the
into the organisation through change of guard. Installation direction that we have set, because by that Rotary
Ceremony is an occasion when a Rotary Club presents to looses credibility within our community and people no
the community its new leadership, dwells over the longer will trust our ability to follow through on our
achievements of the past year and re-dedicates itself to commitment. As the future of Rotary in our hands, we
must maintain our continuity & consistency in Building
our age old motto of “Service Above Self”. I am happy Communities and Bridging Continents.
that the Rotary Club of Cuttack Silver City is organising I & my wife PDC. Srinoo must Congratulate and
the Installation Ceremony on 3rd July 2010. heartily thank our IPP. Manoranjan Acharya for the
The Rotary Club of Cuttack Silver City has established splendid efforts he put in setting new standards and
revitalizing the club. His spouse Mrs. Purnima and his
itself as a premier club of the district, having in its fold an two daughters Gungun & Twinkle deserves the upmost
elite and vibrant membership. I take this opportunity of appreciation for the support & cooperation they have
congratulating the outgoing leadership of the club under extended to Manoranjan in relinquishing the assignment
the President ship of Rtn. Manoranjan Acharya for the as President. I must commend his office staffs as well
outstanding work done during 2009-10 and wish the new for holding on to their jobs more effectively in absence
team led by Rtn Dr. Padmanabha Behera great success of Manoranjan. The team of office bearers during 2009
– 10 were fully motivated with the duo leaders
in the days ahead. Manoranjan and Debu. They kept the team working
Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith says effectively till the last day of the Rotary Year and even
that “We build the spirit and resources of our local now after.
communities in an important way, and we are the best in While congratulating Dr. P.N.Behera and Rtn. Sukant
Swain for the new assignments they are going to take
the world at linking people of goodwill around the globe up, we wish them and the entire team a very successful
and then gaining their cooperation and support to make and meaningful year ahead. Dr. Behera, a very sincere,
the world a much better place to live and work.” That is dedicated motivated person will surely lead the club to
basically the essence of his clarion call “Building greater heights of accomplishment while Building
Communities – Bridging Continents”, which will form the Communities and Bridging Continents.
core of our actions during 2010-11. I am sure, the year As leader, he will encounter situations that demand
courage. He must decide what he believes in and stand
2010-11 will become a landmark year for the Rotary Club by those principles. Margaret Thatcher, the former
of Cuttack Silver City in its myriad service projects and British Prime Minister, once said of conviction: “Staying
other activities. in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get
My wife Rtn. Asha joins me in wishing the Installation knocked down by traffic from both sides”. So keeping
in mind that moving to either side of the road requires
Ceremony and the publication of the souvenir “Sneha” all
taking a position on an issue or topic one has to believe
success. in that position and stick with it amid challenges or
Yours-in-Rotary Service, criticism with strong convictions.
Our R.I. President Ray Klinginsmith desires the clubs
to be Better, Bigger & Bolder. I wish, we all shall make
Dr. Narayan Mishra our sincere endeavors to respond to his call and bring
the club to a higher level of recognition & glory to be
shared by all of us.
Exchange Rate of US$ has been changed Good Luck
to Rs.46 with effect from PDG. Dilip
1st July 2010 Dist. Trainer

KNOW OUR PRESIDENT & FIRST LADY From the Desk of President....!
Rotarian Dr.
Padmanava Behera was Dear Fellow Rotarians,
born on 11th August I express my heartfelt
1940 to an illustrious gratitude to all the Rotarians of
family of Cuttack. my club for having bestowed on
Rotarian Dr. Behera
me the responsibility to serve as
started his early
the President of a vibrant and
education in Sayeed
Seminary, Cuttack and illustrious Rotary Club of Cuttack
Intermediate in Science Silver City.
in BJB College, Bhubaneswar. He did his B.V.Sc. & A.H. also During the past one hundred and five years,
P.G. in Animal Gynaecology and Obstetrics from OUAT, Rotary has been lighting candles of hope and
Bhubaneswar. Specialised in Frozen Semen Technology in spreading the warmth of it’s service and friendship
Indoswiss Project K.L.D.P. Board, Mattupatti, Kerala. Served throughout the globe. Although we have a great
in Department of Veterinary Sc. and Animal Resources of satisfaction of achievement, still there are many
Govt. of Orissa from 1966 to 1998 in different official more promises to be kept in this year as “Building
capacities and retired on 31st March 1998 as O.V.S. (I). Communities - Bridging Continents” is the global
A Rotarian since 2003, Dr. Behera served the Rotary call amongst the Rotary Family.
Club of Cuttack Silver City in various capacities. He was I wish all my fellow rotarians should realise
Chairman of publicity Committee of Dist. Conference of
that there is lot more to be accomplished. Let us
Celebration 2004-05. He was Addl. Dist. Secretary Public
carve a futuristic vision to give our children a
Relation in District Secretariat of Dist. Governor RI Dist.3260
during 2008-09. Apart from these he has also participated in happier, healthier and brighter tomorrow and a
several intercity meet and attended all the district conferences world of peace and understanding.
and assemblies of R.I. Dist.3260. since his joining in Rotary. So, I hope to have your active support to
Dr. Behera is also associated with many organisations, move on and achieve our goal. With your help
associations and societies of Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. He and co-operation only I shall be able to march
is also a Life member of Bigyan Prachar Samiti, Cuttack, towards and prove myself as a competent
Odisha Bigyan Academy, Bhubaneswar, “Janapriya Bigyana president.
Manch” Bhubanewar and Asimaloka Mission, Bidanasi, I pray the almighty to bless us with a
Cuttack. In the monthly Bigyanalok magazine, Bigyana purposeful year. The success of the club has
Diganta”, Bidyana Lahari, his articles on importance of fruits become possible due to the team spirit,
and vegetables on human health are published regularly. determination and involvement of our members. I
Life member of fortnightly published news magazine “Bikash
draw your attention in Rotary because “Action
Barta”, “Asimalok Monthly Magazine”.
Life member Orissa Veterinary Association, Orissa, Live Speaks Louder Than Words”. “K[û Kc¨, Kûc ùagúùe
Stock Dev. Society, Orissa Executive Committee member cêñ aògßûi Kùe”ö
Orissa Retired Govt: Employees’ Association, Cuttack. He is
consultant veterinarian ·to “Baba Satyasahi Seba Samiti” and Rtn. Dr. Padmanava Behera, PHF
has served in several Animal Health Camps organised by President, 2010-11
the Samiti.
Rotarian Dr. Behera happily married to Mrs. Jyotsna
who is also a member of Inner Wheel Club of Cuttack Silver
City. They have been blessed with one son Rajesh, a
Have you thought of “Every
Computer Engineer and two daughters Suryarashmi, and
Saurarashmi, grand-daughter Natasha, grand-son Aditya. All Rotarian Every Year”. If not,
are happily married and settled in their own families with do so now and take step to
their children. contribute generously to
Dr. Behera’s hobbies are writing science articles; short “The Rotary Foundation”.
stories and poems which have been published in several
magazines and papers.

KNOW OUR SECRETARY IPP Rtn. M.R. Acharya, PHF Speaks ...
The Wheel of Rotary has
moved to a new year of 2010-11
and I have the great pleasure to
handover the mantle of the club to
our President Rtn. Dr. P.N. Behera,
PHF. After handing over the
Presidentship today I feel relaxed
that the club leadership is going to
the hands of a dedicated and
committed leader Dr. P.N. Behera who will be
Rtn. Sukanta Kumar Swain, son of Late awarded today with Four Avenues of Service Citation
HareKrushna Swain and Mrs. Badani Swain was born Award. Rotary International has recognised with deep
on 18 th July 1963 at Raulapada,Nuapada,Dist- appreciation for outstanding efforts in the Four
Avenues of Services.
Jagatsinghpur. He is at present resident of
I express my deep sense of gratitude to our
Madhusudan Nagar, Talcher House, Tulsipur,
members, team of office bearers who have
Cuttack-8. He completed his H.S.C from Port Trust
supported, encouraged and co-operated with me to
High School, Paradeep port, Paradeep in the year
lead the way always to fulfill the R.I. theme objects
1978. He completed his Intermediate in 1980 from
and mission “The Future of Rotary is in your hand”.
S.V.M. College, Jagatsinghpur. He completed
During my tenure all of us developed friendship and
graduation in science from Stewart Science College,
fellowship in a cordial atmosphere to fulfill the Rotary
Cuttack in 1982. Started his career as a service
motto “Service Above Self”. We have organised a
engineer in Water Management Division of a reputed
very good seminar on “Water and Sanitation” under
Water Treatment Company. With this experience he
the charimanship of a vibrant leader Er. S. Barik
started his own Industry in Water treatment Plant at
which was highly appreciated by guests and visiting
Jagatpur, Cuttack. He is the proprietor of MIS Water
Rotarians out of the funds raised by the seminar, we
Treat Supply & Services since 15 years. He has
have done four drinking water projects in slum area
many professional awards in water management
schools. This seminar has got 3 Dist. Governors
awards for our club. Our Jalachhatra Project at
He is happily married to Mrs Sarmistha. He is
Badambadi Bus stand during hot summer was highly
blessed with two daughters,Swati and Shriya. Swati
appreciated by the public.
continuing B.Tech in KilT University and Shriya is a
The acivities of our club have been publish
student of Std- 8 at St. Josephs Girls High School,
in G.M.L. with good number of photographs and
public relation activities were published and covered
His hobby is attending trouble shooting in water
in leading newspaper and electronic media. We
treatment plants and writing articles on industrial
worked together with the spirit of Rotary, D.G. Rtn.
water management. He also likes to travel widely to
S. Varvandkar during his visit to our club has given
make friendship with people. He has travelled almost
an appreciation letter to our club activities and
all important places of India and Nepal.
I congratulate our new President Rtn. Dr.
TODAY’S PROGRAMME P.N. Behera and his team of office bearers and wish
Dr. Behera will take our club to a greater height
Joint Installation Ceremony of R.C. of Cuttack during 2010-11 fulfilling the RI & Dist. Citation and
Silver City and IW Club of Cuttack Silver City goal by building communities & bridging continents
Chief Guest which is the theme of this year.
This year our club received 8 nos. of
Sri Anup Kumar Patnaik, IPS appreciation awards from Dist. Governor along with
Director cum DG & IG of Police, RI Citation due to best cooperation of my fellow
Vigilance, Orissa. members.

BRIEF BIODATA OF OUR CHIEF GUEST special reference to Orissa state under Dr (Prof.)
N.S.J. Rao (Retd.) of Berhampur University and his
Shri Anup Kumar Patnaik name has also been registered for the Ph.D. in
Berharmpur University. Besides, he has also received
D.O.B. : 15.02.1953 the American Medal of Honour for the year 2003 for
Father’s Name : Late Manas Ranjan Patnaik his overall accomplishment and contributions to
Native Place : Balasore society by the American Biographical Institute, North
Qualification : M.Sc.(Physics), Carolina, U.S.A.
LL.M. 1st class first
Appointment to IPS : 12.11.1977
Our Honorary Members
Shri Patnaik post graduated
from Utkal University in Physics Shri Anup Kumar Patnaik, IPS
in 1972 and started his career Director cum D.G. & I.G. of Police
as a Lecturer in Physics in the Vigilance, Orissa
Government College, Angul in
1973 and continued as such till
Chief Guest of the Evening
February 1977. Then joined in * * *
Indian Forest Service in March, Prof. Sanatan Rath
1977 and later on changed onto the Indian Police M.S.(Surg),M.S.Neuro,FACS,FICS,FRSH
Service in November 1977. He served in different
Retd. DMET, Orissa
ranks in different places of the State as ASP,
Dhenkanal; SDPO Berhampur, Addl.S.P. Ganjam and In 1990 after obtaining Fellow
Supdt. of Police in the districts like Kalahandi, Royal Society of Medicine, U.K. he joined
Dhenkanal, erstwhile Cuttack Rural, S.P. Vigilance, as Prof. and Head of the Dept. of
Berhampur, Cuttack. As DIG of Police, SWR, Neurosurgery, SCB Medical College,
Sunabeda, DIG of Police(Admn) IG Police (Law and Cuttack 1990-91. Established M.Ch.
Order), IG of Police(Operations), IG of Police(Admn.), Neurosurgery. Visited several countries
like U.K., London and others. Attended
AddI.D.G. of Police & IG of Prisons-cum-Director, several countries as Guest speaker in
Correctional Services, Orissa, Bhubaneswar, Addl. so many World Conferences of Tokyo,
D.G. of Police, Human Rights Protection Cell, Orissa, Canada, Australia, Sydney, Paris, Manila,
Cuttack., Addl. D.G. of Police, Vigilance, Director- Phillipines, Thailands etc. Published more than 100 scientific
cum- Add!. D.G. of Police, Vigilance And after articles in “Neurology India”, Journal of Neurosurgery, Archieves
promotion to the rank of DG & IG of Police now of Neurology. Honoured with Vijayshree award, Visishta Chikitcha
functioning as Director-cum-DG & IG of Police Medal, Doctor of Millennium Award 2000 and so on.
Vigilance. In the meanwhile he obtained his LL.B. After completing 70 years age public ovation was given
Degree from Utkal University and 1st class 1st in in Cuttack city town Hall for his contribution to the social
LLM Examination of Berhampur University in the year Healthcare provision to underprivileged and economically poor
1996. He has attended the Command Course at Our club is Honoured to have him as our Honorary
United Kingdom nominated by the Government of Member.
India. He was awarded with the Presidents Police
Medal for Meritorious Service on the occasion of
Republic Day Parade, 1994. He was also awarded
with the Presidents Police Medal for Distinguished OUR NEW MEMBER
Service on the occasion of Independence Day, 2002
and Governor’s Medal on 26th January, 2007 for his Name - T. Earnest Vasiharn
outstanding performance, excellent leadership, D.O.B. : 26.7.1972
sincerity and high degree of honesty and integrity in D.O.W. : 28.12.1998
discharging his duties. He has also received many Educational Qualification : B.Sc.
awards from Non-Government Organisation like Occupation : Bank Manager
“Kalinga Ratna Samman” by Kalinga Sambadika Spouse : Mrs. P. Alice Benija
Sangha, Orissa, “Orissa Prativa Puraskar” by Cuttack Address : Manager, Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.
Surakhya Committee and Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhawana Buxi Bazar, Cuttack-1
Award, 2002 by the Orissa State Rajiv Gandhi Forum Ph.0671-2425690 (O), 2425126. Mobile: 9437578696
as a good Police Administrator. Now he is preparing Children : Kerin, Theodore, Adorine.
to submit his research papers on the topic “Service Classification loaned : Banking
condition of police personnel”- A legal study with Proposed by : PP Dr. Surajit Sahu

FEW IMPORTANT C.O.L. ( 2010 ) Directors of Rotary International consider the official recognition
REPORT OF ACTION (EXTRACT) of Early Act clubs.
Adopted Resolution 10 – 102
Adopted Resolution 10 – 01 ( to consider encouraging clubs To request the RI Board to consider recognizing Inner Wheel
to create a training & leadership committee ) as a valuable working associate of Rotary.
IT IS RESOLVED by Rotary International that the Board of Adopted Enactment 10 – 127 ( to increase Per Capita Dues)
Directors of Rotary International consider encouraging clubs to Each club shall pay to RI per capita dues for each of its members
create a training and leadership committee in addition to the as follows: US$25.00 per half year in 2010 – 2011,US$25.50
standing committees recommended by the Club Leadership Plan. per half year in 2011- 2012, US$26.00 per half year 2012 –
Adopted Enactment 10 -11 ( to create the office of Immediate 2013, US$26.50 per half year in 2013 – 2014 and thereafter;
Past President ) provided that each club shall pay semiannually to RI a minimum
Section 4 – Officers. The club officers shall be a president. The of US$250.00 in 2010 – 2011, US$255.00 in 2011 – 2012,
immediate past president, a president – elect, and one or US$260.00 in 2012-2013, and US$265.00 in 2013- 2014 and
more vice- presidents, all of whom shall be members of the thereafter. Such dues shall remain constant until changed by
board, and a secretary, a treasurer, and a sergeant-at-arms, the council on legislation.
who may or may not be members of the board as the bylaws Adopted Resolution 10 – 165 ( to amend the RI secondary
shall provide. motto )
Adopted Enactment 10 -40 ( to preclude clubs from limiting IT IS RESOLVED that the 2010 Council on Legislation adopt “
membership based on sexual orientation ) One Profits Most Who Serves Best “ as the secondary Rotary
Limitation on Membership. motto.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2.030, no club, Adopted Enactment 10 – 176
regardless of the date of its admission to membership in RI, To provide for a standing committee of RI for Interact.
may be provisions in its constitution or otherwise, limit For details, please refer to Report of Action of 2010 COL
membership in the club on the basis of gender, race, color, or
creed, national origin or sexual orientation or impose any Contact Dist. Trainer PDG. Dilip K. Patnaik
condition of membership not specifically prescribed by the RI
constitution or bylaws. Any provision in any club constitution or Minutes of Meeting No.590 dt. 26.6.2010
any condition otherwise imposed in conflict with this section of Meeting called to order by President Rtn. M.R.
the bylaws is null, void, and without effect. Acharya. National Anthem was rendered by all. President
Adopted Resolution 10 – 41 ( to consider making policies for welcomed all Rotarians, Inner Wheel members, Rotaractors
the disabled to join Rotary ) and the Guest of the Evening Dr. Suhasini Lenka, Asst.
IT IS RESOLVED by Rotary International that the Board of Governor. Fellowship announcement was made by Sgt-at-
Directors of Rotary International consider making policies for arms, PDG Rtn. Dilip K. Pattnaik, President announced
the disabled to join Rotary Clubs. that Table Tennis Tournament will be conducted jointly by
Rotary Club of Silver City and YMCA from 9.7.2010 to
Adopted Enactment 10 – 52 ( to amend the rules for transferring
11.7.2010. President Elect Rtn. Dr. P.N. Behera announced
& former Rotarians ) that Blood Donation will be held at YMCA on 2.7.2010 &
The admission of a transferring or former Rotarian as an active Joint Installation of our club will be held on 3.7.2010 at
member pursuant to this section shall be contingent upon YMCA. IPDG Rtn. D.K. Pattnaik also announcd about Four
receiving a certificate from the board of the previous club avenues of service & RI citation award. Thanks giving
confirming the prospective member’s prior membership in that ceremony started by President M.R. Acharya followed by
club. Secretary D.P. Choudhury and IW President Mrs.
Adopted Enactment 10 – 53 Rupamanjari Pattnaik.
Members shared their views on last years
It is recommended that any club wishing to admit a former performance and expressed their satisfaction and
member demand that the potential member provide written proof appreciation. All members conveyed thanks to IPDG D.K.
from the previous club that all debts have been paid. Pattnaik for presenting a wall clock to our club.
Adopted Enactment 10 – 87 ( to add a fifth Avenue of Service Rtn. Ramesh Chandra Singh of R.C. of Cuttack
: New Generation Service ) Mid-town invited all our members and president to their
New Generation Service, the fifth Avenue of Service, installation ceremony to be held on 2.7.2010 at Hotel
recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young Akbari. President presented flower bouquet to the board
adults through leadership development activities, involvement members as a mark of gratitude.
Guest of the evening Dr. Lenka addressed the
in community and international service projects and exchange gathering with her valuable suggestions. Members securing
programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural more than 90% attendance during the year were awarded
understanding. with gifts. Vote of thanks was offered by PP P.K. Bal and
Adopted Resolution 10 – 94 ( to consider recognizing Early attendance statistics was presented by Sgt-at-arms PDG
Act Clubs ) Dilip K. Pattnaik. The meeting was adjourned followed by
IT IS RESOLVED by Rotary International that the Board of cultural function by Rotarylets and fellowship dinner.

From Imm. Past Secretary’s Pen... ! DIST. GOALS AND PROJECTS
FOR 2010-11
I express my deep gratitude
to all my club members for reposing 1. Net Membership increase by 5%.
the responsibility of club secretary 2. Five New clubs in the District.
during the year 2009-10. Throughout 3. At least to add 10 Interact and 10 Rotaract
the year I have tried my best to clubs during the year.
4. Awareness in all spheres:
discharge the duties and
a) Safe drinking water b) Health & Hygiene c)
responsibility for the betterment of
Nutrition d) Road Safety e) Value of education
the club.
f) Pollution g) Malaria Prevention h) AIDS
I must thank our President Rtn. Manoranjan i)Tuberculosis j) Maternal and Child Health Care
Acharya who has always worked with me and has and so on ...
given his valuable advices. Each club has to do some awareness project
While discharging my duties as a Secretary according to the need of the community.
I have sought guidance from PDG Rtn. Dilip 5. Each club to arrange BLOOD DONATION camp
Patnaik time to time to which I am very much on 1st July and to collect number of Blood units
thankful to him. equivalent to 50% of the club members during
the year.
I express my sincere and deep gratitude 6. To make our district polio free.
to PP Rtn. Dr. N.C. Parija (Editor) who has always 7. Observation of World Aids Day, No Tobacco
stood by my side and encouraged me. I am also Day and World Cancer Day with rally.
thankful to Rtn. Dr. R.K. Satpathy for his co- 8. Installation of Rain water harvesting system at
operation to carry out my work sincerely. I am least in the home of one of the Rotarians in
equally thankful to all my club members specially each club or in your community during the year.
to Rtn. R.K. Mohanty. Rtn. Dr. P.N. Behera 9. Each club to do at least a permanent need
(President) and all executive body members for based community project as per their capability.
their support in discharging my duties. 10. Each club to impart vocational training in the
Lastly I apologize to all members if I have form of tailoring or computer training at least to
hurt anybody unknowingly during my tenure as one needy person of the locality.
11. In case of any disaster in the territory of our
district 3260 each club to participate / contribute.
Rtn. D.P. Choudhury 12. To donate minimum 10 US dollars by each
Secretary member in the club to meet the polio challenge.
13. Arrange Mega Health camps for corrective
surgery in the district with the help of Nationally
CLUB AWARDS 2009-2010 acclaimed doctors.
14. Active participation in grant programme of rotary
1. RI President Citation Certificate Award. foundation.
2. Drinking Water Project. 15. Each club to plant at least 10 useful plants in
3. Intercity Meet their locality during the month of July and to
maintain and to grow it up.
4. Sanitation Project.
16. Installation of libraries in the rural based schools
5. Plantation. (Dist. Awards). where there is no library facility.
6. Yoga Promotion. 17. Promotion of Four Way Tests and ethics of
7. Governor’s Citation In grateful Appreciation for Rotary in the community.
the contribution in serving communities and 18. To encourage maximum number of members
achieving Rotary Dist. Goal. to attend PETS /SETS and other training
8. Appreciation award for Sarpassing Communities programmes.
expectation through utilatarian service project, 19. Involvement of the youth in the club activities.
mega-health check-up camps, Blood donation. 20. To arrange one Overseas Inter district seminar
9. 10% Plus Membership growth. on World Peace at Sri Lanka from 11th to 15th

November 2010 (To develop strong bondage 10. Took up membership development programme
with other neighboring countries, to have cultural looking for potential members from unfilled
exchange and to enjoy rotary globally). classification.
Encourage maximum numbers of members to 11. Invited Senior Rotarians of our Club and
other clubs to share important Rotary
attend the seminar.
21. GSE Team - Pairing done with RI Dist 5400 12. Mentors appointed for new members for
Boise, Idaho (USA). assimilation and Rotary Education.
22. District Projects: 13. Pre-Induction training programme was
I) Adoption of 1 village: organized to educate and encourage the new
Sanitation (Provision of latrines for each family), proposed members.
Provision of safe drinking water, Medical and
dental dispensary, Literacy (School) with special SERVICE PROJECTS
reference to adult and female child, Vocational Director :- Rtn. Bijay Ku Bagadia
1. 1/07/2009 - A Mega Blood donation & Blood
II) Setting up Geriatric Hospital (At Chatrapur) with grouping camp was organized jointly with
provision of instruments and other ancillaries. YMCA. at YMCA Building, Cuttack. Members of
III) RI Dist 1170 wants to take up project for down other Rotary Clubs Of Cuttack also participated
trodden people at Jagdalpur area through RI in the Blood Donation Camp. 51 units of
Dist 3260 and Tulsi Trust. blood collected and 300 People were identified
IV) Model School (High Standard) for poor children. with their blood group. Our Club members, Inner
V) Model Trauma centers. Wheel Members, Rotaractors, Interactors and
VI) Rotary Swargadham : an unique developmental YMCA members participated in the Blood
Donation and blood grouping Camp. Blood Bank
mega project for cremation ground with all
of SCB Medical collected blood. 100 & more
modern facilities at Berhampur. time blood Donors were felicitated by our club.
Our Club maintain around 500 Blood Donors
SECRETARY’S REPORT ON CLUB Data bank for the benefit of the community.
ACTIVITIES 2009-10 Print &Electronic media coverage was done.
2. 12.07.2009-Massive Plantation Programme was
MEMBERSHIP conducted at various Schools, Office premises,
Director : - Rtn. Prasant Kumar Bal. industrial Premises, Saraswati Sisu Mandir
at Chahata and Mahanadi Vihar
1. During this year we have inducted 10 new 3. 01.08.2009- Club celebrated Friendship Day.
members out of ten two are lady members. 4. 15.08.2010- Club celebrated the Independence
2. One old Member returned to the Club in July Day at Kalyani Blind School at Nuapada,
2009. Cuttack. Food Packets and Sweets were
3. Total members strength in our Club is 45 as on distributed among the students and teachers.
today. Club gave a commitment to build a water Tank
4. We have taken steps for ensuring 100% at their premises to solve their Drinking water
membership retention. problem.
5. Recognized Club members for sponsoring new 5. 29.08.2009- Club organized an Eye donation
members. awareness campaign in association with YMCA,
6. Encouraged Club members to discuss Rotary Cuttack And technical support provided by JPM
and its goals with Friends and Colleagues Rotary Eye Hospital Cuttack at YMCA Premises.
and invites qualified candidates to join Rotary. PP. Dr. Pravat Kumar Mishra the Chairman of
7. Invited important persons like, Community JPM Rotary Eye Hospital was the Chief Guest.
Leaders, Artist, Men of Stature to take part About 60 people Pledged their eyes and many
in the meetings and projects, so as to people registered their names to donate their
propagate the achievements of Rotary with eyes after their death, Club felicitated two Eye
the ultimate objective of getting new members Donors Family members with Uttariya and
for Rotary. Flower. Many eminent persons of the society,
8. Invited non-Rotarian friends as member’s PDGS, IPDG, Rotarians, Inner Wheel Members,
guests to the club meetings and projects. Rotarctors, Intractors, General Public and
9. Invited Rotarians who have come on transfer celebrities of Film industries and some donors
or had left for other reasons, to join the club. attended the Programme.

6. 12.09.2009-Club organized a Yoga Class jointly on primary education which is the fundamental
with Inner wheel Club of Cuttack Silver City at Right of every Children.
Hotel Surya Kiran. Mrs. Kanupriya Lath and 15. 14.11.2009- Our Club jointly with YMCA and
Miss. Bijay Laxmi Mohanty, Yoga teacher from YWCA organized peace rally with Diabetic
Art of Living conducted the programme with a detection camp at YWCA Campus. Retired D.G
power point presentation and practical class. Police Rtn. P.K. Senapati. IPS inaugurated the
They also gave Audio speech of Sri Sri Guru peace rally by flagging off. School Children,
Rabi Shanker, Dr. Gopal Kishore, Mrs. Mulketan Police constable, ladies from different
of Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic science & organization , Rotarians of our Club,
research of Bangalore. Our Club members, Rotaractors, Prints and Electronic Media
Inner Wheel Members, Rotaractors and participated in the peace rally. Around 300
Interactors participated in the yoga class. people attended. The purpose of this peace
7. 20.09.2009 - Club organized a Sit/ Draw rally was to create peace and harmony,
Competition among the student of primary Friendship and Fellowship in the Society.
Schools, at Badambadi UP School, Cuttack. 16. 29.11.09 - A Mega Health Check-up Camp was
Around 200 Students participated in the organized at village Dasamanakula, Tirtol.
competition. Three Prizes were Distributed in About 450 patients were treated as well as
each category. Ten Prizes were distributed on free medicines were distributed to the
the same date. Our Rotarians, Rotractors, patients. Doctors from different departments
Interactors, Students, Teachers participated. treated the patients. PP. Rtn. Dr. N.C. Parija
Our honorary member Dr. Ratnakar Chainee organized the camp.
was the Chief Guest. 17. 05.12.09 - Our Charter day was celebrated with
8. Our Club provided free driving training to one inauguration of our new meeting venue at
poor unemployed youth at Bidanasi, Cuttack. YMCA, Cuttack. Our Club GSR. PP. Dr. Niranjan
With a cost of Rs.2300. Tripathy inaugurated the new meeting hall.
9. 11.10.2009- Our Club organized a Seminar on Club felicitated the Charter members with
“Water And Sanitation” at Hotel Surya Kiran from Uttariya and Flowers. IPDG. Dillip K. Pattnaik,
9.30 2.30. P.M. Justice A.S. Naidu was PDG. Dr. Sukumar Das, PDG. Dr. Ranjan Singh
the Chief Guest. PDG. N.K. Mishra, PP.Rotarian. graced the ceremony. Our Club members,
Subhransu Samantray, and PP.Dr. Surajit Sahu Rotarians from other Rotary Clubs, Inner wheel
were the moderators. The resource persons members, Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Lets,
were Er. Sanjiv Das, Exe. Engineer ( PHD), Er. President, Secretary and members of YMCA
Promod Chandra Rath, Chief Er.(PHD) Retd, were present in the ceremony. Press and Media
Prof. Dr. Sarat Ch Jena, Er. Sarbeswar Barik, also covered the programme. The Charter Day
Rtn. Sukanta Kumar Swain. Mayor of Cuttack ceremony was followed by cultural programme
Municipality, IPDG, PDGS, Assistant Governor, and Dinner.
Presidents of other Rotary Club, Rotarians, Inner 18. 01.01.10- Club celebrated New Year – 2010
Wheel Members, Rotaractors, Interactors, with the Bidanasi Slum Children, Cuttack.
General public from Cuttack City and press and Sweets Packets were distributed.
Electronic media attended the Seminar. Total 19. 02.01.10- Club distributed Tri – Cycle to one
Attendance were 270. The seminar Chairman Polio affected handicapped person at YMCA
was Rtn. Er. Sarbeswar Barik. premises. Club has taken responsibility to
10. 17.10.2009- Our Club celebrated “Diwali” at provide all types of help to this poor Polio
Kalyani Blind School. Sweets and food packets affected person.
were distributed among the students. IPDG, 20. 10.01.10- Our Club participated in the National
President and other Rotarians attended the immunization Day (Pulse Polio) in Tulasipur and
school and joined the celebration. Bidanasi area.
11. 24.10.2009- Club observed UNO Day and the 21. 23.01.10- Our Club organized jointly with
Speaker was PP. Dr Surajit Sahu. Cuttack Municipal Corporation. A signature
12. 31.10.2009- Club felicitated our Interactors for campaign for “SAY NO TO POLYTHENE” and
World Interact Week. all Rotary Clubs of Cuttack participated at
13. 1.11.2009- A general health check up camp Buxi Bazar Square from 9 A.M to 2 P.M.
was organized at our RCC, Balikuda. About Collector and D.M. Cuttack, CMC
252 patients were treated and provided with Commissioner, Mayor Cuttack, ADM Cuttack,
medicines free of cost. CDMO Cuttack, PDGS, Rotarians, Ladies,
14. 11.11.2009- National Education Day celebrated Many people of Cuttack City, students of various
at our Club premises. Each speaker put stress Schools And Colleges, Celebrities from various

segment and media persons witnessed the D.K. Patnaik motivated the members.
project. 3. Our Club actively participated on two NID
22. 26.01.2010- Republic Day was celebrated at programmes this Year at Bidanasi and Tulasipur
Kalyani Blind School, Nuapada, Cuttack. Club area.
distributed Biscuits/ Chocolate etc. 26.01.10- 4. Our Club Members and President attend the
Our Club inaugurated one drinking water Tank Dist. Workshop on Polio Plus at Puri, hosted by
at Kalyani Blind School, Nuapada, Cuttack. Rotary Club of Sri Jaganath Dham.
Dr. P.N. Behera inaugurated the Tank. Entire 5. Our Club applied a Matching Grant Project for
School Children will be benefited and the Mass immunization for Diarrhea with matching
problem of Safe drinking water was solved. partner Rotary Club of Maryland, USA.
Around Rs.7862.00 was spend for the purpose. 6. Our Club participated on the GSE program. Our
23. 31/01/2010- Our Club organized a mega health Rtn. Satyajit Sahu hosted one GSE member
Camp at Anandpur, vill- Purnia). Eight Doctors Danial C. Real from Brazil in his house for three
from various departments, Five pharmacist, Two days.
Technicians helped in this Camp. 650 Patients 7. 07-01-2010- Our club felicitated GSE Team
were treated and free Medicine were distributed Leader and members jointly with all Rotary
in the Camp. Our Rotarians attended the Camp. Clubs of Cuttack at Cuttack Club annexe. Our
24. 27.02.10- Our Club organized Holi Milan at Club exchanged flag, presented flower bouquet
our locality and Club to create friendship and and Uttariya.
fellowship in the society. 8. We have twin club relationship with R C Of
25. 28.02.2010- Club organized a awareness Maryland, USA.
programme on environment protection, No
Smoking, No Drugs and Child Care with the PUBLIC RELATION
help of Anganbadi Workers at Bidanasi Slum,
Director:- Rtn. Satyajit Sahu
Cuttack. We have visited some slum area and
spoke about cleanliness & Drinking of clean 1. Our Club takes several steps to publicize Rotary
water with two of our Doctor members. and our activities in the Community.
26. 21.03.10- Club organized a literacy project at 2. We invited eminent person from different
Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Mahanadi Vihar, segments to give talks on various subject and
Cuttack. All Students and Teachers participated published the name of our Club.
in the discussion. Our Club donated Rs1500 to 3. We have distributed Leaflets and banners at
six poor Children for purchasing their Books. various festivals and programme to publicize
27. 31.03.10- Our Club opened a Stall at Badambadi the Club’s name & Rotary movement.
Bus Stand near Traffic Tower for Jala Chatra 4. Our Mega Blood Donation Camp, installation
(Drinking Water) for summer hit public. This ceremony, plantation programme were
Project continued for two months. Club spent published in the local daily News papers (The
Rs.6000 for this project. Samaj, Dharitri, Sambad, Matrubhasa). And O
28. In our Permanent project, Rotary Silver City TV, Kamyab TV, E-TV, Doordarsan, the
Manjari Devi Health Centre around 650 patients electronic Media also covered our programme
were treated every month with free medicines 5. Our programme Eye donation awareness
and consultation by our Doctor members five campaign was covered by prints and electronic
days in a week. media.
29. We have created special fund and committee 6. Our programme Sit/ Draw competition was
for Disaster Management. covered by print media (The Samaj).
7. Our Grand Seminar on “ Water & Sanitation“
THE ROTARY FOUNDATION was fully covered by prints and electronics
Director:- Rtn. Hrudananda Swain media.
1. Motivated members for contributing to Rotary 8. Our programme peace rally and diabetic
foundation. Detection Camp was covered by Doordarssan,
2. 07.011.2009- We have invited Sr. Rotarian from OTV, Kanak TV and Kamyab TV and also in
other Rotary Club to motivate our members for print media.
contributing to The Rotary Foundation and on 9. Our Mega health Check up Camp Dasmankul,
that day we felicitated our TRF Contributors and Tritol was published in local daily New paper
The Director Of Rotary Foundation. On same (The Samaj & Sambad).
day we got some commitment from our 10. Our Club shifting from Hotel Surya Kiran to
members for becoming PHF. We implemented YMCA House premises. And Charter day
the Slogan “Each Rotarian every Year”. IPDG. celebration was published in local daily News

11. Our Project with CMC, Cuttack “Say No To 16. Special meeting and important programmes
Palythene” was published in print and electronic are documented (Video recording &
media. Photography).
12. Our Mega Heath Project at Anandpur Village 17. Developed a club history in CD form and
Purnia was published in the local daily News launched a website.
13 Our summer project “Jala Chatra” was published Rtn. Deb Prasad Choudhury
in the local News Paper. Secretary
14 During magazine month, Rotary magazines,
club souvenirs were distributed to public library
and educational institutions. PROGRAMM AHEAD
15. Interaction with Rotarians from other clubs
during the District conference and appraised 8-11 July : State level Table Tennis Championship
them of the club activities. organised by and RC of Cuttack Silver City and
16 Senior popular teachers felicitated on teacher’s YMCA Cuttack at YMCA Hall. Please encourage the
day. participants with your presence and support.
CLUB ADMINISTRATION 10.7.2010 : Talk on Bana Mahotsava
Director:- Rtn. Er. Sarbeswar Barik 11.7.2010 : Observation of Vanamahotsava
1. We held varieties of programme, according to & Plantation of Sapling at Saraswati Sishu Mandir,
the designated months. Every month regular Mahanadi Vihar, Cuttack.
attendances were recognised. 11.7.2010 : First B.O.D. Meeting.
2. We have taken a lot of steps to improve
attendance in the regular meeting, by sending 17.7.2010 : Talk on “Global Warming”
SMS, E-Mail, and Phone Calls. 18.7.2010 : Observation of Vanamahotsava
3. Every month First Saturday we held our family & Plantation of Sapling at
get – together.
4. Every month second Sunday our BOD meetings 24.7.2010 : Talk on World Population Day.
were held at our BOD members Residence and 31.7.2010 : Training programme by MDTC Rtn. PP
offices premises. Susanta Mohanty.
5. We have conveyed greetings and felicitation
to the members on their Birthday and Marriage
anniversary. Sneha’s Greetings
6. On Fifth December we celebrated charter day
ceremony. Birthday :
7. On 17.10.09- Club organized a Pot dinner with 1. Rtn. Er. Anil Garg 30/6
family get-together & entertainment. 2. Rtn. Bipra Ch. Sahoo 3/7
8. Every fortnight our Club Bulletin “Sneha” was 3. Rtn. Biraja Pr. Das 3/7
regularly published and distributed among the
members, Schools, Colleges, Others Rotary Marriage Anniversary :
Clubs and Non – Rotarian. 1. Rtn. Hrudananda Swain 3/7
9. In the month of December, 12 Club members Ann Manjari
attended the District conference “Samarpan” at 2. Rtn. Sukanta Kumar Swain 27/6
Raipur. Ann Sarmishta
10. We have already prepared the filled and unfilled
Classification Chart and published in the
11. Special fellowship activities were taken up for ATTENTION MEMBERS
improving fellowship & friendship.
12. Organized District level seminars & Intercity - Attendance is not the end of Rotary but non-
meet. attendance is the end of a Rotarian.
13. Observed parent’s night / past president nights Members :
/ Charter Day Celebration, Holi Milan, Hasya Please attend the weekly meeting regularly in time.
Kabi Sammilani, Sahitya Sandhya. Use Lapel pin always.
14. Undertook all the projects and programmes - Members are requested to pay their semi-
to fulfill the requirement of R.I. Citation and
D.G’s citation. annual dues from July 2010 - Dec 2010 at the earliest
15. Rotary information and classification talks were by 10th July 2010.
given in each club meetings. - Treasurer

A. Membership:
On 2nd July 2010 our club in association with 1. To achieve a net growth of membership by 5%.
YMCA and IW Club of Cuttack Silver City organised 2. To take steps for ensuring 100 percent
Blood Donation Camp where about 50 units of membership retention.
blood collected. 3. To adopt star program for mentoring of new
BLOOD DONATION, THE GIFT OF LIFE 4. To adopt three years plan for the club with active
involvement of President, President Elect,
" Blood is the loving fluid that all lives are based. President Nominee and other club members.
5. Sponsoring a new Rotary Club.
Blood can’t be harvested, it can only be 6. Maintaining club website.
donated. You can save one’s life by donating 7. Recognizing club members for their contribution
blood but without affecting your health. to club projects and activities.
" Any person 18-60 yrs age, more than 45 8. Preparation of filled/unfilled classification and
accordingly exploring possibility of recruiting
kg.wt. & Haemoglobin 12.5 gm% can donate
new member.
blood. B. Service Project
" Blood is replaced within 24-48 hrs (blood 1. To organise health camps in some distant rural
volume). places (at least 5-6 nos).
2. To organize veterinary health camps specially
" It improves body resistance, improves for large animals and small ruminants in rural
circulation & makes one healthier. areas.
" One can work after Blood donation with only 3. To organize eye camps particularly to identify
15 to 20 mts rest, no special diet required. cataract patients and to facilitate their treatment.
4. To sponsor an effective 4-way test essay and
" One can donate blood in 3 months interval. speech competition for young people.
" Every 2 seconds some one needs blood. 5. Providing career information for local school
" Every year, India needs 400 lakh units of blood 6. To adopt 4 or more vocational service topics.
and only 5 lakh units available. 7. To have classification talks by club members
" Blood Donation is a noble & selfless service. atleast in three club meetings in a month.
8. To recognise and honour an individual in his
It gives the donor joy & contentment. This is
the expression of love for mankind as blood 9. To develop and initiate a new vocational service
knows no caste, colour, creed, religion or race, project.
country continent or sex. 10. To provide a copy of 4-way test and declaration
Say “yes” to Blood Donation. of Rotarians in Business and profession to all
new club members.
11. Our Rotary Silver City Manjari Devi Health
Centre, Project at Madhupatna. All members to
be involved to improve the activities by exploring
the possibility of establishing a full fledged
hospital for specialised treatment.
12. To take up various development programmes
in the RCC Balikuda like sanitation, literacy, and
education of child and mother, medical/dental
check-up and geriatric problems of senior
13. To arrange blood donation camp during July
2010 to collect blood units equivalent to 50% of
the club members.
Sponsoring Interact/Rotaract Club.
Sponsoring RYLA.
You can’t donate 16. To continue WCS projects for drinking water
anything better and sanitation and for mass immunization of
slum children.

17. To conduct intercity seminar on environmental 8. To organise multi-district seminar on “Image of
pollution. Rotary” during Nov 2010.
18. Holding workshop to educate and to prevent Club Administration
child mortality. 1. To improve attendance of the members in each
19. To recognise successful sportspersons and club meeting, committee chairman will take
athletes. more interest in increasing percentage of
20. A career development project shall be taken up attendance.
for the people with disability, in computer and 2. Members to be intimated over phone call/
tailoring training. messages, if not approaching personally in
21. To adopt a meritorious and poor girl child for group for request to attend meetings and club
three years from class eighth to tenth. projects regularly.
22. No plastic project to be taken up by adopting a 3. To organise special fellowship activity for
village in urban slum area. improving fellowship.
23. To sponsor and maintain library in an Oriya 4. To encourage members for better participation
medium school where no library facility is by offering greetings and felicitations on their
available. Birthday/Marriage Anniversaries.
24. To observe and organise awareness programme 5. Honouring/felicitating members on their
on AIDS, Leprosy, Malaria, Cancer, Safe achievements/special occasions of their families.
Drinking Water, Health and Hygiene, Nutrition, 6. To ensure participation by members by
Pollution, Tuberculosis etc. assigning responsibilities like speaking about
Rotary Foundation own vocation, giving Rotary informations,
1. To achieve every rotarian every year goal of involving in meeting formalities etc.
US $100. 7. To continue publishing the Club Bulletin ‘Sneha’
2. To participate in the Pulse Polio programme. regularly.
3. To host the G.S.E. team members and sponsor 8. To motivate members to attend District
candidate for G.S.E. team/member/leader. Conference/Assembly and RI Conventions/Dist.
4. To recognise donors for Rotary foundation and Seminars.
motivate members for contribution to TRF. 9. To organise special get together like Holi, Hasya
5. To support Rotary’s US$200 million challenge Kabi Samilani, Kabita Samaroha etc.
for Polio eradication. 10. To organise family picnic, pot dinner etc.
6. Atleast one member to belong to a Rotary 11. To organize various fund raising programmes
Fellowship or a Rotarian Action Group. like music nights, magic shows, other variety
7. To seek a Rotary Foundation matching grant shows etc.
for water/health project/immunisation project. 12. To organize club assembly as per requirement
8. Donation of US$10 by each member to meet of Rotary and to motivate the members to
the polio challenge. participate and offer their suggestions.
Public Relation 13. To organise training programmes for new
1. To give wide coverage to all the functions and
members and to various office bearers.
activities of Rotary in the print and electronic
14. Rotary information to be given to the members
media so as to popularise the Rotary with public.
in every meeting.
2. Inviting persons of stature to club meetings.
15. To appoint mentors for the new members.
3. Inviting media persons and organizing
16. To appoint mentors for the new members.
discussions regarding the function of Rotary
International. 17. R.I. dues, C.O.L., Rotary Magazine dues, District
4. Interaction with local Govt. Officials, Business Dues shall be sent in due time.
Community, Civic Leaders, Community 18. Punctuality, Decorum, Tolerance of members
organisation to properly spread the to be maintained in each meeting.
achievements of Rotary. 19. Committee chairmen shall be encouraged to
5. Educating non-Rotarians and public about hold meeting very often with their members to
Rotary by circulating the various publications of implement the club programmes activities and
Rotary, Bulletin of the club among the local projects.
schools, library and community centres. 20. The Directors and Chairman shall be given
6. To organise religious harmony meets by training in the beginning of the year for effective
involving leaders of various religions. implementation of club programme/increasing
7. Club website: attendance.
which has already been opened during June 21. Effective team building members to be taken
2010 to be maintained properly every year to for District Governor Secretariat 2011-12.
create awareness worldwide.

Service Above Self As a Rotarian engaged in a business or profession,
I am expected to:
Guiding Principles of Rotary International
1) Consider my vocation to be another opportunity
The Object of Rotary
to serve;
2) Be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of the
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the
ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my
ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in
country, and to the moral standards of my
particular, to encourage and foster: community;
· FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an 3) Do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to
opportunity for service; promote the highest ethical standards in my
· SECOND. High ethical standards in business and chosen vocation;
professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful 4) Be fair to my employer, employees, associates,
occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s competitors, customers, the public, and all those
occupation as an opportunity to serve society; with whom I have a business or professional,
· THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in relationship;
each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; 5) Recognize the honor and respect due to all
· FOURTH. The advancement of international occupations which are useful to society;
understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world 6) Offer my vocational talents: to provide
fellowship of business and professional persons united in opportunities for young people, to work for the
the ideal of service. relief of the special needs of others, and to improve
The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide the quality of life in my community;
association of Rotary clubs, is to provide service to others, 7) Adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all
to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world representations to the public concerning my
understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship business or profession;
of business, professional, and community leaders. 8) Neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian
Mission :
a privilege or advantage not normally accorded
others in a business or professional relationship.
The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide
association of Rotary clubs, is to provide service to others, BENEFITS OF ROTARY
to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world # Become connected to your society.
understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship # Work with others in addressing community needs.
of business, professional, and community leaders. # Interact with other professionals in your
Avenues of Service : community, assist with RIs international
Based on the Object of Rotary, the Avenue of Service humanitarian service efforts.
are Rotary’s philosophical cornerstone and the foundation # Establish contacts with an international network
on which club activity is based: of professionals.
· CLUB SERVICE focuses on strengthening fellowship # Develop leadership skills.
and ensuring the effective functioning of the club. # Involve family in promoting service efforts.
serve others through their vocations and to practice high Rotary is an organisation of business and
ethical standards. professional persons united worldwide who provide
· COMMUNITY SERVICE covers the projects and humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards
activities the club undertakes to improve life in its in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in
community. the world.
· INTERNATIONAL SERVICE encompasses actions Those 31 words are worth remembering when
taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the someone asks, “What is Rotary?”
globe and to promote world understanding and peace. OATH OF A ROTARIAN
THE FOUR-WAY TEST : While becoming a new member of a club
The test, which has been translated into more than 100 # I shall pay club dues in time.
languages, asks the following questions: # Attend weekly meetings regularly.
Of the things we think, say or do # I shall abide rules and regulations of club.
1. Is it the TRUTH? # I shall do perform any work entrusted by the
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? President of Club.
3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER Club Bulletin is the mirror of our club. Members
FRIENDSHIPS? are requested to give articles / information etc. to make
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? the bulletin lively.

The award is instituted by Ray Family of Tulasipur,
Cuttack in loving memory of their mother Late Manorama Ray.
An award instituted by our PP Rtn. Bishnu Prasad An Award fund of Rs. 10,000/- has been kept in fixed deposit,
Pattanaik in memory of his loving mother. The award is given the interest on which will be utilized for the award.
to the student securing highest mark in Class-IX of Orissa Police
The award is given to the student securing highest
High School, Tulasipur, Cuttack. This year the award is given to
mark in Class – X examinations of Buckley Girls High School,
Dibyajita Sahu, s/o Mr. Purandar Sahu and Mrs. Pushpalata
Cuttack as per the result declared by BSE, Orissa. This year
Sahu of Tulasipur Police Colony, Cuttack securing highest mark
the award goes to Ms. Sreeta Mohanty, daughter of Sri Sanjeeb
in Class-X exam. of Orissa Police High School, Cuttack.The
Mohanty and Smt. Sabita Mohanty of Mani Sahu Chhak, Buxi
award carries a trophy and cash of Rs.500.00.
Bazar, Cuttack, who has secured 86.83% of marks. The award
2. SMT. KAMALA PADHIARY MEMORIAL AWARD carries a Shield and cash prize of Rs.500/-.
Instituted by Rotarian PDG Dilip Ku. Patnaik since 6. SARAT KUMARI DEVI MEMORIAL AWARD
1999, in memory of his Loving Elder Sister. This award is given
to the student securing highest marks in the Annual Class IX. The award is instituted by PP T.P. Mohapatra in loving
Examination of “Sri Satya Sai School”, K.V.K. Road, Cuttack. memory of his mother Late Sarat Kumari Devi. The award is
given to the best student of Cuttack securing highest mark in
Smt. Kamala Padhiary (Meera) was the wife of Sri class-X examinations as per the result declared by BSE Orissa.
Lalit Mohan Padhiary OAS (I) who retired as the Addl. Secretary. This year award goes to Anupam Jena, son of Advocate Anjan
to Govt of Orissa. She was a very Loving, pious, simple lady Kumar Jena and Pramodini Nayak of Gopaljew Lane, Cuttack
and devotee of Sri Satya Sai Saba. This award carries a cash of Balu Bazar Saraswati Sishu Mandir, securing 576 mark in
gift of Rs. 500.00 and a running shield to promote, motivate & HSC exam. This award consists of a cup and cash Rs.500/-.
inspire the awardee to do better & excel in Class X examination.
This year the award goes to Miss Arpita Ray, daughter of Sri 7. JADUMANI BEHERA AND PADMINI DEVI
Gyanaranjan Ray of Class-10 of Sri Satya Sai School, Cuttack. MEMORIAL AWARD.

3. GHANASHYAM BAL MEMORIAL AWARD This award is instituted by their sons and only daughter
IW Jyotsna Behera, spouse of Rtn. Dr. P.N. Behera, PHF in
The award is instituted by our PP Rtn. Prasant Kumar loving memory of their father and mother who was a social
Bal and his Family in memory of his elder father Late Ghanshyam worker in their locality. This award is given to the best student
Bal. An Award fund of Rs. 10,000/- has been kept in fixed of Siba Durga High School, Chandabali, Bhadrak securing
deposit, the interest on which will be utilized for the award. highest mark in Class-X HSC examination as per the result
The award is given to the student securing highest declared by B.S.E. Orissa. This year award goes to Sri Samar
mark in Class – X examinations of Secondary Board High School, Kr. Rath, S/o Sri Bhagaban Rath of village Panchapada
Cuttack as per the result declared by BSE, Orissa Cuttack. This Chandabali who has secured 532 marks in HSCE. This award
year the award goes to Shri Nanda Dyuti Acharya, Son of consists of a shield and cash Rs.1000/-.
Sri Nirad Kumar Acharya and Smt. Nirupama Acharya of Cuttack.
Sri Acharya has secured 12th Rank in Orissa with 93.67% marks.
The award carries a Shield and cash prize of Rs.500/-. APPEAL
All members are requested to donate freely
The award is instituted by the Ray Family of Tulasipur, for the development of Rotary Silver City Manjari
Cuttack in loving memory of their father Late D. C. Ray. An
Debi Health Centre on their birthday / marriage
Award fund of Rs. 10,000/- has been kept in fixed deposit, the
interest on which will be utilized for the award. anniversary.
We are happy to announce that Rtn. D.P.
The award is given to the student securing highest
mark in Class – X examinations of Stewart School, Cuttack as Choudhury has donated Rs.100/-, President Rtn.
per the result declared by ICSE. This year the award goes to M.R. Acharya donated Rs.500/- & President elect
Sri Sanjeevan Nanda, Son of Sri Snajay Kumar Nanda and Rtn. Dr. P.N. Behera donated Rs.1000/-, PP Rtn. T.P.
Smr. Swarnalata Nanda of Meria Bazar, Cuttack, who has Mohapatra has also donated Rs.1000/- to our Health
secured 96.14% of marks. The award carries a Shield and cash Centre on their marriage anniversary / birthday.
prize of Rs.500/-.

CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ROTARY RFSM (Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member)
FOUNDATION TILL 30.06.2010 1. Rtn. PP Tarini Prasad Mohapatra
2. Rtn. PP Dr. R.K. Mohanty
(Extract of the letter from Carl Wilhelm Stenhammar
Chair-Elect, The Rotary Foundation Trustees) 3. Rtn. Satyajit Sahu
Past President, 2005-06, RI 4. Rtn. Deb Prasad Choudhury
When you step into your year as Club President 5. Rtn. PP Arun K. Chatterjee
on 1 July 2010, your Rotary Foundation will be taking Our T.R.F. Contributor during 2009-10
steps in a new direction as 100 Rotary Districts begin 1. Rtn. (Mrs.) Roslin Grace, PHF
operating as pilot districts under the new Future.
Vision plan while the remaining 434 districts continue 2. Rtn. PDG Dilip K. Patnaik, PHF+4
to conduct business in regular Rotary fashion. These Thank you for your support and for serving the
changes will be both challenging and rewarding and important role of a Rotarian. By working together,
will open new doors as we move closer towards we can make the 2010-11 Rotary Year best ever. If
celebrating our Foundations centennial in 2017. every Rotarian reaches out to make the world a
While significant changes in our Foundation’s better place every year, then our Foundation will be
Future are certain, somethings will remain the same seen as a becon of hope to all.
our motto, Service Above Self, is the mainstay of On behalf of the “Sneha Family” we congratulate
our call to help others in needs to provide hope, to our new contributors to The Rotary Foundation during
change lives, and to save lives, funded by our own May 2010 for becoming PHF.
generosity to our own Rotary Foundation for projects
and programs that we define as our own. OUR CLUB MEMBERS WITH
The mission of The Foundation is to enable DIST. ASSIGNMENT 2010-2011
Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill
and peace through the improvement of health, the 1. PDG Dilip K. Patnaik - Dist. Trainer, Chairman
support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Dist. Bye-laws Committees, Chairman, Dist.
Public Image Development.
Your investment in our Rotary Foundation brings
2. PP Dr. Surajit Sahu - MDTC.
help and hope to those who need it most around the
3. PP Prasant Ku. Bal - Asst. Governor.
world. The Rotary Foundation’s good works are only
4. PP Dr. R.K. Satpathy, Co-chairman, World
limited by our imagination, actions, and contributions.
Community Service.
Our generous contributors are : 5. PP B.P. Patnaik, Co-chairman, Membership
MPHF (Multiple Paul Harris Fellow) Extension.
6. PP Dr. N.C. Parija, Dist. Resource Coordinator
1. Rtn. PDG Dilip K. Patnaik, PHF+4 (Water).
2. Rtn. Dr. Surajit Sahu, PHF+1 7. PP Dr. R.K. Mohanty, Dist. Resource Coordinator
PHF (Paul Harris Fellow) 8. Rtn. Er. Sarbeswar Barik, Dist. Resource
1. Rtn. Bijay K. Bagadia Coordinator (Water).
9. PE Dr. K.C. Biswal, Chairman, Family Planning
2. Rtn. PP Bishnu Pr. Patnaik & Population Control.
3. Rtn. PP Dr. N.C. Parija 10. Rtn.(Mrs) Srinoo Patnaik, Chairman - Girl Child
4. Rtn. PP Dr. R.K. Satapathy & Women Education.
11. IPP Manoranjan Acharya, GR.
5. Rtn. PP Prasant Ku. Bal
6. Pres. Rtn. Manoranjan Acharya
7. Rtn. (Mrs.) Srinoo Patnaik
8. Rtn. Er. Sarbeswar Barik PDG Dilip K. Patnaik has been
assigned as the Chairman of
9. Rtn. Dr. Kailash Ch. Biswal Scrutinizing and Balloting Committee
10. Rtn. Dr. Padmanava Behera of DGN for the year 2013-14 besides
11. Rtn. Er. Anil Garg his other Dist. assignments. We look
forward to witness reforms in the
12. Rtn. Durga Prasad Nanda Election Procedures during his

Everybody in this beautiful world is following (A Project of Rotary Silver City Welfare Society)
a path. World has become nothing but a host of
paths. I am an Allopath. Somebody else is a Rotary Club of Cuttack Silver
Homoeopath. Another is an Ayurvedicopath. City founded a society registered
Someone is an Engineer - path. One is an IAS path, under the Society Act in the name
or an MBA path. The blessed once are in IIT path. & style “Rotary Silver City Welfare
Friends, are these the real paths ? Are these Society” to provide humanitarian
the only paths? Should we human beings, God’s service to poor and needy people.
beautifulmost and intelligent most creations, only The society took up Health
be taking to one of the abovementioned paths? Service Project by establishing
Aren’t we all heading to Antipathy and Apathy, Rotary Silver City Manjari Devi
following one of the above paths? Don’t all these Health Centre at Kajidiha Industrial
paths push us into a make believe world? These Estate, Cuttack to cater health service to
should actually be helpful in ridding our society of downtrodden people of the locality and slum dwellers.
all the illness. On the contrary, What are we
It was inaugurated on 14th April 2008, an ausicious
day of Rama Navami by Sushree Nibedita Pradhan,
We are all becoming greedy, intolerant, and
jealous of each other. Its a long time since we have Ex-Mayor, Cuttack Municipal Corporation as Chief
forgotten of two invaluable pathies. Sympathy and Guest, Sri Pravat Ranjan Biswal & DGN Dilip K.
Empathy. Shouldn’t our society and this beautiful Patnaik were Guest of Honours. The function was
world be full of these two pathies? All the paths well attended by many Rotarians and public
that each one of us in should lead us into these dignitaries.
two pathies. These should be our real paths. For smooth management of the health centre
One example should explain at the points that a managing committee was constituted with the
above few lines want to make. Suppose a person is following members. Dr. R.K. Mohanty, Chairman, Rtn.
getting drowned deep in the river. Four of his friends Hrudananda Swain, Co-chairman, Dr. P.N. Behera,
are at the bank of the river. Vice-Chairman and members Dr. Surajit Sahu, Dr.
1st Friend : Oh! very good. Let him drown. That K.C. Biswal, Dr. N.C. Parija, Dr. Dushasan Sahu
dry I asked him for five thousand and Rtn. Sibanarayan Sahu and ex-officio members
rupees. He didn’t give me: Antipathy. Dr. R.K. Satpathy, President of the Welfare Society,
2nd Friend : I can’t be of any help. Some Rtn. P.K. Bal, Hon. Secretary and Rtn. B.K. Bagaria,
important works are there in the Treasurer of the Welfare Society remained in the
market. Let me do that first: Apathy. managing committee.
3rd Friend : (starts crying) Bo....hooooo...! What The health centre is properly equipped with all
a good friend he was ? God has taken necessary facilities for its smooth functioning for
him so early. Let me go and give this health checkup and treatment by providing medicines
bad news to the villagers: Sympathy. free of cost. Sri Deepak Ku. Senapati, Pharmacist
4th Friend : (Jump into River) : Cried loudly for
and Miss Saubhagini Mallik, Lady attendant cum
help. Himself jumped into the river.
Caretaker of the health centre were employed.
Rescued the person: Empathy.
Now it is upto us, which pathy we adopt? What We are grateful to Rtn. Hrudananda Swain &
path we walk on? Rtn. Manjari Swain for providing free accommodation
Dr. Narayan Prasad Modi in their building, besides donating medicines worth
Asst. Professor, Paediatrics Rs.14,000/- during 1st six months. Further, Rtn. H.N.
SCB Medical College, Cuttack Swain is arranging medicines for the patients.
We are thankful to our club members for their
donations to equip the health centre.
Congratulations Health centre remains open everyday from 5
pm to 7 pm except Sundays. We are grateful to the
Rtn. Dr. Padmanav Behera has following doctors for their selfless and voluntary
been awarded the 4 Avenues of service to the mankind. They are Dr. Surajit Sahu,
Dr. K.C. Biswal, Dr. N.C. Parija, Dr. Arakhita Swain,
Service Citation for the year
Dr. K.C. Sahoo, Dr. Narayan Modi, Dr. Umesh Ray,
2009-10. Dr. Rajendra Kr. Panda, Dr. N.K. Gachhayat, Dr.

Snehanjali Senapati, Dr. M.M. Murmu and Dr. donated for management of the Health Centre. We
Gayadhar Tripathy, Dr. N.K. Gachhayat. are thankful to them.
To assist the doctors rotarian friends like Dr. P.N. So far more than 6000 patients have been
Behera, Rtn. B.K. Bagari, Rtn. A.K. Chatterjee, Rtn. treated. We are thankful to Rtn. T. Viswanath Patra,
Debu Choudhury, Rtn. M.R. Acharya and others give Debu Choudhury, Dr. K.C. Biswal, Dr. N.C. Parija
their valuable time in taking care of patients. and others for providing us medicines. We are also
We appreciate the donation of the following thankful to the Chief Medical Officer, Cuttack for
persons. providing medicines to the Health Centre.
1. Rtn. Bipin Bihari Mohanty - Rs.6000/- Let us pray God to bless us to serve the
2. Rtn. Ashok Bihari Mohapatra - Rs.5000/- humanity.
3. Sri Rajendra Pr. Gupta - Cuttack Hardware PP Dr. R.K. Mohanty
- Rs.500/- per month. Chairman, Managing Committee
4. M/s Binakar Supply Agencies - Rs.5000/- Rotary Silver City Manjari Devi Health Centre
besides many others.
First birth anniversary was celebrated on 3rd FOUNDERS OF ROTARY
April 2009. It was organised in a very simple manner
with good gathering of doctors, businessman,
Rotarians & Inner Wheel members under the
Presidentship of Dr. R.K. Satpathy. D.G. Dillip K.
Patnaik and Dr. D. Muduli, Director, Family Welfare,
Orissa attended the function as Chief Guest & Guest
of Honour respectively. Rotary Silvercity Welfare
Society felicitated doctors, chairman of the Managing
Committee and Rtn. Hrudananda Swain & Rtn.
Manjari Swain for their benevolence in providing free
The Guests and audience who were present
during the function were so moved and satisfied with
the performance of the health centre, many of them From left : Silvester Schiele, Paul P. Harris (pointing to
book), Hiram E. Shorey, and Gustavus H. Loehr.

Memorable events with

Rotary International President 2010-11, 2011-12 & RI Director

In the present time the Rotarians of India are on top of the Rotary World. After USA & Japan, we are
no.3 in contribution to The Rotary foundation and maintaining leading position in membership growth (in
India). For Year 2011-12, our very respected and beloved Rtn. Kalyan Banerjee will serve Rotary International
as President, this shows that Indian Rotarians playing important role in strengthening the great organization
Rotary International.
To honour Kalyan Da for this great achievement our Global Quest Award winner and Addl. Solicitor
General of Hon’ble Supreme Court, PDG Vivek K. Tankha has invited all the Rotarians of RID 3260 in the
“Felicitation Program” of Rotary International President (2011-12) on 14th Aug. 2010 at Tarang Hall, MPSEB
Rampur, Jabalpur, (M.P.) at 6.30 PM.

Club No.4914 Organised on 04.09.1999 Date of Charter : 26.10.1999

International Innerwheel President

Dr.(Mrs) Pallavi Shah
Instill in us O Lord, the true meaning of frienship. IIW Theme : 2010-2011 : “Conviction, Compassion, Consistency”
Never let us forget that we are all thy children.
Notwithstanding the differences in our Association President Dist. Chairman I.W. Dist.326
culture and creeds. Dr.(Mrs.) Kapila Gupta Mrs. Rekha Saxena
Endow us with a desire to serve our fellow men.
Remembering that we too often need help.
Whenever or whatever the need for service arises.
Help me to be ready to serve.
Endeavouring to make our badge of Inner Wheel
Ensuring that we have not
Lived in vain.


Mrs. Smruti Patnaik Mrs. Smruti Patnaik Mrs. Rupamanjari Patnaik
President IPP
Mrs. Rupamanjari Patnaik

Vice President
Mrs. Reeta Ray

Mrs. Manaswini Mohapatra

Joint Secretary
Mrs. Bandana Sarangi

Treasurer Mrs. Reeta Ray Mrs. Manaswini Mohapatra Mrs. Bandana Sarangi
Mrs. Sujata Choudhury Vice President Secretary Jt. Secretary
Mrs. Shrabanee Das

Mrs. Jyotsna Behera

Mrs. Arpita Duttagupta

Executive Member s
Mrs. Reeta Das
Mrs. Kabita Das
Mrs. Sarojini Pattnaik Mrs. Sujata Choudhury Mrs. Shrabanee Das Mrs. Jyotsna Behera
Mrs. Jyochhnarani Rajguru Treasurer ISO Editor

The Founder of Inner Wheel OUR EXECUTIVE MEMBERS
“The Candle that lit the Flame of Inner Wheel

Chtr. Pres. Kabita Reeta Das

Mrs. Oliver Golding

Hey Brecon

Our International Inner Our Association

Wheel International Inner Wheel
President President
2010-2011 2010-2011 Sarojini Jyochhnarani

Pallavi Shah Kapila Gupta

India Rohta, Haryana
PP Jyotsna PP Snigdha PP Reena
Dist. Chairman A.C Member
2010-11 2010-11

PP Arpita Pramodini Purnima

Rekha Saxena Dipti Mohanty

Bilaspur Bargarh
Swarupa Patnaik Sandhya Swain
From the District Chairman’s Desk... Know Our President
Message Mrs. Smruti Patnaik was born
Dear friends on 26th April 1965 to Late Abhimanyu
It is proud moment for me to share my Patnaik & Susama Patnaik. She has
views with you through this directory. I completed her M.A. and M.Phil with 1st
congratulate you to be the leader of your division, presently she is working as a
clubs. I thank you for giving me this Lecturer in E.D. Women’s College,
opportunity to take the baton of leadership of Cuttack. Happily married to Mr.
our Dist. 326 in the year 2010-11. Biswajeet Mishra who is presently
This year is again memorable as our own
placed in Kolkata as the Chief Manager Bajaj Allianz &
Dr.(Mrs.) Pallavi Shah has adorned the
highest office of “International Inner Wheel blessed with one son Sidhartha Mishra studying XI in
President” as the 4th lady from India to honor us. She has given Vishakhapatnam. She has worked in different places in
a beautiful and meaningful theme this year. Rourkela DAV Womens’ College in Noida, New Delhi.
Commit With –– Her hobbies are making friend, reading books,
Conviction, Compassion, Consistency. gardening, visiting new places and also helping the
In this theme the very essence of Inner Wheel stands. needy.
Commitment for more members, commitment for education Smruti Patnaik
specially for girls and women and commitment towards a cleaner
and greener environment. Friends there is difference between
interest and commitment. “When you are interested in doing Know Our Secretary
something, you do it only when circumstance permit, when you
are committed to something you accept no excuses only results. PP Mrs. Manaswini
Develop conviction and compassion in your hearts and do Mohapatra was born to Mrs. Sucheta
your projects with consistency. Turn your me into we and myself and Mr. Sashi Sekhar Hota on 3rd
into ourselves so the success will be yours, as Andrew Carnegie June at Cuttack. She passed the
said “Team work is a fuel that allows a common people to attain HSC examination from Unit-IV. Govt.
uncommon results.” Our efforts should be to make a difference Girls High School, Bhubaneswar and
in the society. We must concentrate on our areas of service to completed the graduation from
empower women be it at any age e,g. basic education, vocational Ramadevi Women’s College,
courses, vocational centers like tailoring, paper plate making Bhubaneswar.
machines, or micro loans for setting up of these centers. Always She is a charter member of the Inner Wheel
remember the Motto of Inner Wheel i.e. Friendship and Service.
Club of Cuttack Silver City and has served the club
There should be consistency in friendship and commitment for
the service of the needy and under priviledged. Remember - as its President in the year 2006-07. She has great
Who serves best, profits most. Share pains of others with love interest in fabric paintings, glass paintings and art &
and compassion, without them humanity can not survive. craft. She likes to listen music and read books.
So friends wish you all a very happy, enjoyable & meaningful She is happily married to Rtn. PP Tarini
year ahead. Prasad Mohapatra who is working in LIC of India at
Our Association President Dr. Mrs. Kapila Gupta has given Cuttack. They are blessed with two daughters
us her motto “ENJOY INNER WHEEL, EXPAND INNER WHEEL Jashaswini, who is studying in Sailabala Women’s
AT LARGE.” College, Cuttack & Akankhya is studying in
Yours in friendship St. Joseph’s Girls’ High School, Cuttack.
Rekha Saxena

Best wishes from Inner Wheel Members May this New Inner Wheel year
on Marriage Anniversary of bring to your life all your dreams...
Mrs. Rupamanjari Patnaik & and lead you to success..
Mr. Brahmajit Patnaik In every thing you do.
on 8th July
Mrs. Smruti Patnaik & May each New Day
Mr. Biswajit Mishra Gladden your heart and
on 23rd July enrich your life with good fortune.
on Happy Birthday of May all your aspirations and hopes come true.
Mrs. Purnima Acharya
on 15th July With Good wishes to all of you.
IPP Speaks... to Rtn. PP R.K. Satpathy & Editor Rtn. PP Dr. N.C.
Parija for allowing IW a full page in the bulletin
Dear Friends, throughout the year. We thank the Rotaract President
The time has come to for the joint venture at Ipsar College in debate
close a successful calender year competition. Our special thanks to Interactor
of friendship & service and start Rupambika for donating blood at such a young age
afresh a new glorious eventful and hope this will boost the younger generation to
Inner Wheel year under the donate blood in future. My sincere thanks to Mr. Rao,
guidance of our smart, multi- the founder of our adopted Slum School “Asha
talented loving new president Mrs. Smruti Patnaik. Aswasana”, without whom our projects would never
As the wheel keeps rotating, we learned and have been completed. Our special thanks to all the
gained a lot in friendship and service on the theme Rotarylets who made each family get-together the
“Help bring Hope” (2009-10). All it need is a little most enjoyable one.
effort, patience and understanding to conquer the Needless to say its impossible to do justice to
world of Inner Wheel - all yours in friendship. describe the huge contributions, cooperations, I
It was a wonderful experience to serve with IW received from our club members, Rotarians & other
sisters in our vibrating club of Cuttack Silver City. club members on which the Presidents performance,
First of all my sincere thanks to all my I.W. members, pillar of success stands.
the Rotarians for having faith in me and selecting To conclude - this is a complete team work. The
me as President (2009-10). Our club has received 5 President depends fully on the team. My sincere
acolads from the district to add to its glory. thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to serve
This year the IW Theme was “Help bring Hope”. this glorious club as President. My heartiest good
I realised the help & guidance of each of our club wishes to the new President Mrs. Smruti Patnaik
members at every single step to help the needy to and her team of office bearers for a successful year
help themselves in a better way. To perform a service, ahead.
proper communications and understanding among Rupamanjari Patnaik
the club members specially with the Secretary is President
very important. For better understanding one has to
be a good listener first. I was lucky enough to have
a Secretary who is always full of innovative idea to Know our Honorary Member
do new things for the club. Our vibrant ISO brought
glory to the club by her exuberant performance at Name : Minarva Mohanty (M.A)
the ISO meet. Without their support President’s W/o Late Saroj Kanta Mohanty
performance would never have been successful. All
C.D.P.O. of Kantapada,
my IW sisters were always ready to support
whenever required. Our beloved Chairman Mrs. Dipti Ex-P.O. Jajpur, Dist:Cuttack
Mohanty, a wonderful personality helped & guided Address : C/o Sukanta Behera
us on how to deliver service with an enjoyable, Mahavir Lane, Palamandap
cheerful way without being tense. She guided us on Govt. Employ W.C.D. Department.
cost cutting on unnecessary activities and utilise the
club money for a better purpose. Our A.C. member
Mrs. Sanghamitra Sahoo, Dist. Editor Anita Pati, Dist. KNOW OUR NEW MEMBER
ESO Mrs. Laxmi Samantaray & Dist. ISO Mrs. Nalini
Mohapatra, PDC Mrs. Srinoo Patnaik always Name - Mrs. Seema Patnaik
rendered a hand of guidance whenever required. I Qualification - M.A. (Indian Culture)
must thank PP Mrs. Anjali Patnaik (Cuttack Main Address: C/o Dr. B.K. Patnaik, FRCS
Club) who took most of the leadership for different At: Kanika Chhak, PO: Tulasipur,
joint programmes for all the four IW Clubs at Cuttack PS:Lalbag
which brought the members even closer to each
Dist: Cuttack. M.9437225539
Occupation : Business.
My heartiest gratefulness & thanks to the young
vibrant smart Rotary President Manoranjan Acharya, Mrs. Seema Patnaik is wife of Mr.
the ever-dutiful, patience & sincere Secretary Rtn. Sriprakash Patnaik who is a mechanical engineer. They
Deb Pr. Choudhury for being supportive at every have been blessed with two lovely daughters. Elder
step throughout the year. Our sincere thanks to Rtn. daughter Pallavi is happily married last year and
PP Dr. Surajit Sahoo for allowing our club to perform younger daughter Ankita is doing undergraduate in Arts.
two important projects in his clinic. Our sincere thanks Her area of interest is singing, travelling and helping
others to help themselves.

Inner Wheel Awards for the year 2009-10 DREAM ACTION PLAN 2010-11
Best President - Mrs. Rupamanjari Patnaik 1. Inner Wheel Information Education & Training.
Best Secretary - Mr. Reeta Ray 2. Polio Plus.
Best I.S.O. - Mr. Bandana Sarangi 3. Fellowship & Cultural program.
Early Bird Prize - for Souvenir in scheduled time. 4. Intercity, Dist. Rally, Project with Rotary.
Early Bird Prize - for Dist. dues in scheduled time. 5. Medical Assistance, Blood Donation,
Dist. ISO - - Manaswini Mohapatra (Painting) Immunization, Heart care & Eye care.
Competitions - Smruti Patnaik (Skin care) 6. Awareness on AIDS, Cancer, Drug abuse &
- Bandana Sarangi (cooking & leprosy.
Essay competition) 7. Breast feeding.
Best Project & Dedicated Service - by adopting slum school 8. Environment protection & plantation.
9. Village & slum area adoption.
“Asha Ashwasana” on IW Theme : Help Bring Hope”.
10. Care for youth / career guidance.

& 11.
Care for senior citizens.
Help to Blind, Handicapped & Spastics.
Our Certificate of Appreciation 13.
Family Welfare / Mother & Child Care / MNT.
Membership Growth, Extension & Retention.
15. Vocational Training.
16. Help & Adoption of Orphan Child.


July :
1. 4th July : Installation Ceremony - It was a joint
ceremony with Rotary Club. Our Honorary
member & 4 new members were inducted.
2. 12th July & 27th July: Plantation - Seventy
numbers of plants were planted in “Bapuji
Sikhya Niketan” & Saraswati Sisu Mandir.
3. 23rd July : Literacy Project - Literacy Day was
organised by our club at our adopted school
“Asha Aswasana”.
4. 1st July : A joint Blood donation camp was
organised at Y.M.C.A. Cuttack with Rotary Club
of Cuttack Silver City.
August :
1. 1st Aug : Friendship Day was celebrated with
Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors & other
guests of our club.
2. 3rd Aug : Breast feeding Awareness Programme
was organised at our adopted slum near Samaj
Office, Buxibazar, Cuttack. On the same day a
health camp was organised at the slum &
Deworming tablets, tonics & food packets were
3. 4th Aug : Debate competition was organised
on Breast feeding awareness at S.B. Women’s
The aims & objectives of Inner Wheel : 4. 5th Aug : Rakhya Bandhan was celebrated at
- To promote friendship. Hotel “Surya Kiran” with Rotarians.
5. 15th Aug : Independence Day was celebrated
- To Encourage the ideals of Personal Service. at Bapuji Sikhya Niketan & a patriotic song
- To Foster International Understanding. competition was organised among the students.

6. 22nd Aug : Mini seminar on Health care on 2. 26th Jan : Members celebrated Republic Day
Yoga & Meditation was held at Hotel Surya at our adopted slum “Asha Aswasana” & “Bapuji
Kiran. Mrs. Kanakpriya Lath from “Art of Living” Sikhya Niketan”.
was the chief speaker. 3. 29th-30th Jan : Members attended the 12th
September : “Triennial Conference” at Banaras.
1. 2nd Sept : Vocational Training was given at our February :
adopted slum about different hand made items 1. 7th Feb : Pulse Polio Programme was
on jute, waste products, from home, greeting conducted at Raghunath Jew School. 266
cards and flower making were taught. Children were given polio drops.
2. 5th Sept : Guru Divas was observed by 2. 11th Feb : Members attended a discussion on
felicitating teachers of our club for their “OTV Janamanch programme” topic was
dedication in teaching the students for many “Observation of Valentine Day against our Indian
years. culture & tradition”.
3. 6th Sept : I.S.O. Meet : Members participated 3. Members visited Orissa Orphanage and
in the cultural programme of Inter District I.S.O. sponsored lunch to the inmates.
meet at ICAI Bhawan.
1. 23rd March : An Intercity Meet was organised
4. 8th Sept : A quiz on Inner Wheel Awareness at COPHEE (Nari Niketan) Jaipur, on Women
was conducted among our members. Empowerment topic was “Mohila & Sisu Desk”
5. 12th Sept : Dist. Chairmans official visit. She scheme of Government.
visited our adopted school ‘Asha Aswasana’ & 2. 23rd March : Jail visit programme : Members
slum near Samaj office. School uniforms were visited the Jajpur Sub-Jail & spent time with
given to sixty students of our adopted school in the women prisoners to enlighten them with
presence of our Dist. Chairman. different activities. Bhagbad Gita was presented
6. 22nd Sept : President & members joined in by our Secretary.
Dandiya dance festival at Bhubaneswar and April :
won prizes. 1. 7th April : World Health Day was observed by
7. 29th Sept : Attended “Eye Donation Camp’ doing Yoga, Meditation & Spiritual Discussions.
organised by Rotary Club of Cuttack Silver City. 2. 9th April : Members had a discussion on “Live-
in Relationship” approved by Supreme Court
October : with other I.W. Members.
1. 20th Oct : Care for aged : Members distributed 3. 11th April : A Seminar on Emotional
85 nos. of food packets at Dayashram during Management was organised on how to keep
regular visit. ourselves emotionally balanced in different
2. 22nd Oct : Joy of giving week was celebrated advanced situations.
in our adopted slum near Samaj office by May :
distributing new & old clothes & other household 1. Incoming office bearers attended the orientation
articles. training programme at Rotary Bhawan,
3. 26th Oct : Chartar Day of our club. Members Bhubaneswar.
observed by cutting cake & pot lunch at June :
President’s residence. 1. We had our Annual General Meeting and
prepared for the Installation Ceremony.
November :
1. 14th Nov. : Children’s Day was celebrated at Mrs. Reeta Ray
“Bapuji Sikhya Niketan” & “Asha Aswasana” with Secretary
patriotric song & fancy dress competition among
the students. Our Thanks
December : Mr. Ranjan Das (Tiki) of Panpolly, Kujang is a
1. 3rd Dec : International Day of Disabled was dedicated & committed social worker. He is associated
observed with the inmates of Dayashram by with many cultural & intelectual organisations of
distributing food packets. Paradeep & Kujanga. He is instrumental in expanding
2. 25th-27th Dec : Members attended the Dist. & propagating social values of Rotary services. Being
Conference “Sarvashi” at Raipur. a charter member of Paradeep Rotary Club, he
January advocates for peace, justice & equity with his cool &
1. 22nd Jan : International Inner Wheel Day : lovable temperament.
Observed IIW Day by organising a programme We thank Mr. Das for his cooperation & support
“Hum Honge Kamyab” at YMCA Buxibazar, to our Club & we convey our best regards to Mr. Das.
Our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Das for donating a
wheel chair to our club for the Cancer Institute.



1. Rtn. Ajoya Ku. Sahoo 9937791449 Saudamini 27th May / 22nd Feb
2. Rtn. Dr. Arakhita Swain 9437037373 Sandhyarani 21st May / 17th Feb
3. Rtn. Arun Ku. Chatterjee 9238599707 Reena 9th Feb / 25th Feb
4. Rtn. Aswini Ku. Mohapatra 9437028075 Ratnapriya 20th Dec / 28th Nov.
5. Rtn. Ambika Ch. Pattanaik 9437020646 Swarupa 24th Apr / 15th Feb
6. Rtn. Ambika Pr. Mohanty 9437022110 Suchitra 13th May / 6th Apr
7. Rtn. Er. Anil Garg 9937327126 Smita 30th June / 17th Feb
8. Rtn. Ananta Kishore Satpathy 9437074418 Kalpalata 6th Sept / 10th July
9. Rtn. B.D. Rout 9437462722 Supriya 15th Mar / 11th July
10. Rtn. Bikash Ch. Rath 9437535800 Pramodini 15th Jan / 23rd Feb
11. Rtn. Bishnu Pr. Pattnaik 9437024966 Kabita 21 Dec / 6th May
12. Rtn. Brahmajit Pattanaik 9861050937 Rupamanjari 12th Oct / 8th July
13. Rtn. Bijay Kumar Bagaria 9238334606 Rita 2nd June / 28th Nov
14. Rtn. Biraja Prasan Das 9338111978 Anupama 3rd July / 24th Apr
15. Rtn. Bipra Cha. Sahoo 9437112936 Sushmita 3rd July / 12th Dec.
16. Rtn. Debi Pr. Mishra 9437065401 Jyotshnarani 4th Feb / 30th Jan
17. Rtn. Deb Pr. Choudhury 9337383991 Sujata 4th Nov. / 6th Feb.
18. Rtn. PDG Dillip K. Pattanaik 9437052286 Srinoo 26th Nov / 18th Mar
19. Rtn. Dr. Dushasan Sahoo 9437272380 Kaberi 14th Aug / 4th June
20. Rtn. Durga Pr. Nanda 9337851971 Deepa 14th Jan / 7th May
21. Rtn. Gopal Sarkhel 9337812113 Anuradha 20th Apr / 8th Mar
22. Rtn. Hrudananda Swain 9437024141 Manjari 24th Aug / 3rd July
23. Rtn. Khitish Ch. Patra 9437062840 Meenakshi 12th Jan
24. Rtn. Dr. Kailash Ch. Biswal 9937458642 8th Nov / 29th May
25. Rtn. Manoranjan Acharya 9437050678 Purnima 25th July / 16th Feb
26. Rtn. Moses Das 9338092712 Mousumi 17th Feb / 20th Jan
27. Rtn. Dr. N.C. Parija 9437022401 Jyotsna 20th Oct / 14th Dec
28. Rtn. Dr. Narayan Pr. Modi 9437023434 Ritu 22nd July / 10th Dec
29. Rtn. Prasanta Ku. Bal 9337115889 Sipra 12th July / 29th Jan.
30. Rtn. Dr. Padmanava Behera 9861323463 Jyotshna 11th Aug / 20th June.
31. Rtn. Dr. R.K. Satpathy 9437004983 Subhadra 15th Sept / 18th Feb.
32. Rtn. Dr. Rajkishore Mohanty 9437511616 Pritilata 11th Dec / 31st May
33. Rtn. Dr. Ruchi Sahoo 9437403888 Shakti Prasad 8th July / 25th Jan
34. Rtn. Mrs. Rosaline Grace 9937177666 Rihobiam Lima 1st Aug / 10th May
35. Rtn. Satyajit Sahu 9337121817 Rupali 20th June / 4th Dec.
36. Rtn. Dr. Surajit Sahu 9437021432 Snigdha 17th Sept / 5th Mar
37. Rtn. Sarbeswar Barik 9437121038 Nandita 14th Mar / 25th Apr
38. Rtn. Mrs. Srinoo Pattanaik 9437072286 PDG Dilip 18th July / 18th Mar
39. Rtn. Sukanta Ku. Swain 9437021430 Sarmistha 18th July / 27th June
40. Rtn. Sudeep Das 9437307009 Madhusmita 13th Jan / 24th Mar
41. Rtn. Sourjya Pr. Mohapatra 9437033628 Sangita 8th July / 7th May
42. Rtn. Siba Narayan Sahu 9437269919 Sasmita 24th June / 8th June
43. Rtn. Dr. Shakti Pr. Sahoo 9437025323 Ruchi 30th Oct / 25th Jan.
44. Rtn. Tarini Pr. Mohapatra 9437062068 Manaswini 20th June / 5th Mar
45. Rtn. T. Earnest Vasiharn 9437578696 P. Alice 26th July / 28th Dec
46. Rtn. Dr. Umesh Roy 9437277337 Mamata 18th Feb / 12th Mar


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In Memory of
Late Jadumani Behera
Padmini Debi
of Chandbali
I.W. Mrs. Jyostna, Prasanna, Prasanta, Prafulla

With Best compliments from :

Er. Pradip Kumar Behera
Ann Suryarashmi
Itr Natasha, Ms Rishita
Master Antarikh, Master Aditya

With Best compliments from :

Er. Chitta Ranjan Behera
Ann Saurarashmi
Master Chirashmaya
& Ms. Lipshita


With best compliments from :

PP Rtn. P.K. Bal, PHF

Ann Dr. Sipra
Ms. Shradha Suman
Master Shrey Sidharth


With best compliments from :

Rtn. Er. Sarbeswar Barik,PHF

Ann Dr. Nandita Barik
Upasana Das
Brajeswar Das

With best compliments from :

$ 0671-2414733 (O)
2414162 (O)
0671-2416111 (F)

Mob: 94370-20172

(Side of the Mangalabag Post Office),


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@ûYòaû Kùf ùi[ôùe [ôaû eûiûd^òK _\û[ð, Lû\¥ iûcMâúùe cògò Lû\¥Kê
aòhûq Keò[ûGö
# GZ\¨ a¥ZúZ Reò MêWK òÿ ijee ^ûkcû^uùe _âùag Keò ahðûRk ^òÃûi^ùe
aû]û iéÁò Keò KéZc òâ a^¥û iéÁò Keòaû iùw iùw cgû I cûQò aõg aé¡ò Keò
ùeûM iéÁò Keòaûùe iûjû~¥ Keò[ûGö
ò ûf ùR÷a¥ aRð¥aÉê (Bio Medical Waste)
AZüÉZ _Kû«ê ^ûjóö Gjû @ûA^Zü GK \Š^úd @_eû]ö
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_eòPûkKcû^uê @^êùeû] Keû~ûC@Qò ù~ ùicûù^ ^òR ^òR iõiÚûeê ^òMZð
ùjC[ôaû ùcWÿK ò ûf ùR÷a¥ aRð¥aÉê ~[û iûfûA^¨ I aäW¨ ùaûZf, Qê*,ò iòe¬ ò ,¨
geúee @õg aòùgh, béY I _äûùi<û, _äûÁe, ùWâiõò MR¨, a¥ûùŠR¨, AõùRK¨i^¨
gògò I ^Á ùjûA~ûA[ôaû Jh] _âbZé K ò ê AZüÉZ ^ ù`û_ûWÿò ÊúKéZ_
ò ûâ ¯ iõiÚû
‘iû^òK^òä ’¨ Kê jÉû«e Ke«êö

ò ûf Kcòg^e ùcde


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With Best compliments from :

Rtn. Satyajit Sahu

Mrs. Rupali Sahu

With best compliments from :

M/s B.S. Agencies

(Pharmaceutical Distributors)

Naya Sarak
(Subhas Bose Road)
Cuttack - 753 001 (Orissa)


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With best compliments from :

Rtn. Biraja Prasanna Das


Ann. Anupama

With best
compliments from :

Rtn. Roslin Grace

Spouse Mr. Rihobiam Lima


Master Anurag Titus


With best compliments from :

Rtn. Er. Anil Garg

Ann. Smita Garg,
(M.D., P.J. Constructions)

Capt. Jewel Garg
Er. Payal Garg



Rotary Silver
Rotary CityCity
Silver Manjari Devi
Manjari Health
Devi HealthCentre
at Industrial Estate, Cuttack
at Industrial Estate, Khapuria, Cuttack

With best compliments from :

Rtn. Sudip Das

Ann Madhusmita Das
Master Sumeet Das
Master Arpeet Das


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