Script For Socialization

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2019 Socialization and Stakeholders’ Nights

Good evening everyone, welcome to the magical land of Kings and Queens, Princes and
Princesses, Fairies, Knights, and the like. Where your dreams do come true and your thoughts
come to life.

This must be another once-upon-a-time in the storybook of our dearest Alma Mater wherein
we bring reality to our every dream.

Let our fancies fill the magical wonders of our hearts!

(Alternately): Kings and Queens, Prince and Princesses, Dukes and Duchesses, Marquees and
Marchionesses, Earls and Countesses, Viscount and Viscountesses, Barons and Baronets,
Knights and Danes, Guests, Commoners, Noblemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, We welcome
you all to this………2019 Socialization and Stakeholders’ Nights!

Grade 9, Grade 10, GPTA, Guests, Visitors, Administrator, Faculty and Staff, welcome to the
Kingdom Hall!


Let’s give bow and curtsy as we have the entrance of the Reigning Beauties in the Kingdom
of Mallig Plains National High School!

Grace, the Dukes and Duchesses in the palace of the Grade 9!

Grace, the Marquees and Marchionesses in the palace of the Grade 10!

Hail, the Knights and Danes of MPNHS GPTA!

His majesty, king of the Clinica Somera!

Her Majesty, the Queen of the Kingdom of Mallig District,

:Queen Maribel M. Ancheta

His Majesty, the King of the Kingdom of Mallig,

:King Engr. Jose P. Calderon

Her Majesty, the Baronet of Centro 1, Mallig

:Baronet Engr. Loudisma T. Baniqued

His majesty, the Baron of Jacinto Baniqued,

:Baron Hon. Jacquez D. Baniqued

All hail to His Majesty, the King of the Kingdom of Mallig Plains National High School,
:King Eugene P. Servitillo

Hail to the Royal Highness, the Princes and Princes of this kingdom,

:Faculty and staff

So cast the spell, let us be filled with our Nationalistic Spirit through the singing of the
Philippine National Anthem, Viscountess Mylene G. Agpalza, conducting.

And let us remain standing, as God’s presence embrace us in this majestic occasion through
an INVOCATION to be led by Prince Rev. Victorino A. Paguigan, PVEP Volunteer

Thank you Viscountess Mylene G. Agpalza and Prince Rev. Victorino A. Paguigan. You may
now be seated. We now call in Knight Jaime A. Castillo, GPTA President for his Opening


Thank you Knight Jaime for those heart-warming words added balance to the lightness of the
present atmosphere.

This occasion will not be complete without someone who welcomes the Guests and
Attendees of such, to finally make a point Ladies and Gentlemen, we give the Princes and
Princesses of Mallig Plains National High School in their Welcome Dance.


Thank you for that wonderful and classy Dance Dear Princes and Princesses.

At this juncture, noblemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s give way to the paramount ruler in
the Kingdom of Mallig District for an ideal message, her majesty, Queen Maribel M.
Ancheta, PhD, District Supervisor of Mallig.


Thank you so much for that vivacious message, Queen Maribel Ancheta.

Another inspiring message from the palace of Centro 1, her majesty, Baronet Engr. Loudisma
T. Baniqued.


Thank you for that stupendous message your majesty.

His majesty, Baron Jacques D. Baniqued form the palace of Jacinto Baniqued for a great
message! Around of applause please.

Thank for that fabulous message your majesty!

I believe, “Love is a dance step that never goes out of style; sometimes you stumble, and
sometimes you hurt your partner, but oftentimes, you learn to survive.”

I definitely agree with you _____________. Well, let us fill the atmosphere with love. The
atmosphere radiates the sound of excitement and magic. How I wish Fairy God Mothers will
make our dreams come true and fill this night with love magic just as what they do to

It will happen tonight my dear. Fairy God Mothers of Grade 9 and Grade 10 send their
dancing lovely princesses and their gorgeous princes to delight us all.

Fasten your seatbelts everyone! As we highlight the dance floor with the gracious moves of
the Princes and Princess in the Palace of Grade 9!


That was a magical dance number Grade 9! Once, again may we give a round of applause!

At this juncture, may we all lend our ears to the mightiest ruler of Mallig, Isabela, an icon of
extraordinary leadership, is majesty, Hon. King Jose P. Calderon.

Thank you so much for that marvelous message for your people in this kingdom, Mayor.

This time, let us welcome Queen Rowena S. Gerardo, to present to us the rulers in the palace
of the Grade 9!

Thank you, your highness.

Let us also welcome Queen Liberty L. Tutaan, to present to us the rulers in the palace of the
Grade 10!

Thank you, your highness!

One wouldn’t normally give personage’s exact rank and title. However, successors of the
throne must be recognized so that their powers will still reign in the kingdom. With this, we
call in Queen Norilyn C. Cabuyadao for the presentation and turn-over of different symbols.

Let’s keep the fire burning…… we’ve now come to the candle lighting which presents a
hopeful life that awaits us all. To lead and light the mother candle is no other than
Retainer baldrics, the thrones a seal, coronets and crowns, feast gear and other royalty.
Treasure will be passed to the next reigning royalty. To lead the kingdom even better, they
must be prepared to the responsibilities that will jump out of them. This time will have the
______________________, President Junior Organization and ______________________,
President – Senior Organization.

Will of written testaments, rules and laws of the kingdom, wisdom where we can ponder all
through ourlives. This time, the passing of the magical book.

Untold stories were just written to be not forgotten and to be able to reach even the youngest
generation and be able to keep memories together with affections and emotions. Grade 10,
hand on the enchanted pen.

We have been living drowning in the midst of our immeasurable wealth of love, kindness and
humility. This time, let us all give the Grade 9 each charmed treasures they needed the most.

A big big hand for our Grade 9 and Grade rulers!

Fairy Godmothers sent us another set of dancing fabulous princes and princesses from the
palace of Grade 10! Let us dance with their rhythm of love!


That was an enchanting and breathtaking dance number!

The great king of this empire, the reason behind this glamorous castle, who is really
deserving with the crown and the scepter, to introduce to us the distinguished guest of this
enchanted night! A mystic a round of applause sweetest gesture as we call in his imperial
highness, Viva to his majesty, King Eugene P. Servitillo!



As a symbol of gratitude and privilege of visiting our kingdom, we award tis plaque of
appreciation. Let me read the content.

Together, let’s give bow and curtsy to his majesty!

Dancing is the melody of the heart. The night is still young and lively. Let’s come now to the
next part of our program – the SOCIALS.


We will be giving you now the grandest time!

Yes, exactly partner! We have come to the rewarding part, the proclamation of the winners
after those marvelous performances!

For our _________, may I request the __________________ – to assist as well as


For our Ms. Senior, may I request the assistance of _____________________

It is indeed a showcase of beauties. Of course, the splendor on stage, including the royal
charms of the Kingdom Mallig Plains Naational High School.

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