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Name __________________________Per_____Date______

Equilibrium Constant (Keq)

For each of the reactions below, first determine the equilibrium constant. Then, use the
concentrations provided to solve for Keq.

1. a. N2 (g) + 3H2 (g)  2NH3 (g) b. [NH3] = 0.0100 M, [N2] = 0.0200 M,

[H2] = 0.0200 M

2. a. 2KClO3 (s)  2KCl (s) + 3O2 (g) b. [O2] = 0.0500 M

3. a. H2O (l)  H+(aq) + OH-(aq) b. [H+] = 1x10-8M, [OH-] = 1x10-6M

4. a. 2CO(g) + O2 (g)  2CO2 (g) b. [CO] = 2.0 M, [O2] = 1.5 M,

[CO2] = 3.0 M

5. a. Li2CO3 (s)  2Li+(aq) + CO3-2(aq) b. [Li+] = 0.2 M, [CO3-2] = 0.1 M

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