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Document No.

Date of
July 01, 2014
Confidential Revision Date April 1, 2019
Version 4.00

Safety, Quality, and Environment Management

Foreign Construction Works
Architectural Design and Supervision Procedure
[International Business Division Version]

International Business Division,

Fujita Corporation
(Notes) • This document posted on the website is the latest version of the management
• Printed documents are not the management document.
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Revision History
Date of
Version Details of Revision Approved by Checked by Prepared by
Person in
Operating Division
1.00 2014.07.01 Established charge of
Design Department
Design Department
Person in
Correction following the organizational Construction
1.10 2015.05.01 charge of
change Control Division,
International Branch
Design Department
Revision of the Correction process system Person in
2.00 2017.10.01 chart following the organizational change charge of
Control Division,
Addition of works for quality management MS
International Branch
Change of Revision History (Approved by,
Executive Design
2.10 2018.08.15 Checked by, Prepared by), correction of Branch Manager
meeting Department
Correction following the organizational change Design
3.00 2019.02.14 Division manager
•Review of the Process System Chart
•Addition of Construction Supervision
•Addition of description on the Receipt of
Executive Design
4.00 2019.04.01 Construction Supervision Report Division manager
meeting Department
•Revision of the scope of Design Review
•Addition of the Document Preparation List
•Addition of Section 6 Matters to Establish for
Projects Designed by Local Subsidiaries
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Table of Contents

Section 1 Matters to Establish for Work of Design and Quality Management or Construction Supervision
1. Scope 4
2. Definition of Terms 4
3. Persons Responsible for Design work, Quality Management Work, and 6
Construction Supervising Work
4. Standard of Qualified Person 6
5. Procedure to Start Work 8
6. Handling Design Request Form 8
6.1 Scope 8
6.2 Person Responsible for Design Request Form 8
6.3 Management Procedure 8
6.4 Procedure to Change the Details of Request 9

Section 2 Outline of Design and Quality Management or Construction Supervision Works

1.Process of Design Work and Quality Management or Construction Supervision 12
1.1 Process of Design Work 14
1.2 Process of Quality Management Work 15
1.3 Process of Construction Supervision Work 15
2. Procedure of Design Works 16
2.1 Preparation of Design Quality and Environment Plan 16
2.2 Environment Friendly Design 18
2.3 Design Verification 19
2.4 Design Review 20
2.5 Confirmation of Validity of Design 24
2.6 Approval for Drawings and Specifications 25
2.7 Entering the Description of Qualification, Signature, and Seal in Drawings and 25
2.8 Release of Drawings and Specifications 25
2.9 Explanation of Drawings and Specifications 26
2.10 Design Change 26
3. Procedure of Quality Management Work 28
3.1 Selecting Quality Management Manager 28
3.2 Preparation of “Design quality and environment plan sheet” 28
3.3 Preparation and Submission of “Quality management work plan” 28
3.4 Documents to be Used for Quality Management 28
3.5 Checking Construction 28
3.6 Checking Working Drawing and Construction Plan 28
3.7 Completion Inspection 29
4. Procedure of Construction Supervision Works 30
4.1 Selection of Deputy of Construction Supervisor 30
4.2 Preparation of “Design quality and environment plan sheet” 30
4.3 Preparation and Submission of “Construction supervision work plan” 30
4.4 Holding General Regular Meeting 30
4.5 Drawings and Specifications Used for Construction Supervision 30
4.6 Checking Construction 30
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4.7 Approval and Confirmation of Working Drawings and Construction Plans 31
4.8 Submission of “Construction supervision interim report” 31
4.9 Construction Supervision Review 31
4.10 Completion Inspection 32
4.11 Procedure when Completing Construction Supervision Work 32
5. Preparation and Submission of “Building data sheet and work record” 33
6. Evaluating Local Design Offices 33

Section 3 Document Management

1. Scope 34
2. Definition of Terms 34
3. Basic Principles for Handling Documents 34
4. Scope and Place to Store Documents by Person in Charge of Managing 34
5. Method and Procedure to Store Documents 35
5.1 During Design Period, Quality Management Period, and Construction 35
Supervision Period
5.2 When Completing Works 35
5.3 Disposal of Documents After Expiration of Storage Period 35

Section 4 Management of Saved Data

1. Scope 37
2. Definition of Terms 37
3. Basic Principles of Handling Saved Data 37
4. Range of Saved Data and Procedure to Save 37

Section 5 Format Number of Forms Related to Management System

1. Scope 40
2. Person Responsible for Managing Format Number 40
3. Configuration and Types of Format Number 40

Section 6 Matters to Establish for Projects Designed by Local Subsidiaries

1. Scope 41
2. Work Process 41
3. Design Review 42
4. Design Change 44
5. Construction Supervision Review 45
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Section 1 Matters to Establish for Work of Design and Quality Management or Construction

In this section, basic matters concerning design work and quality control or construction supervision work of
buildings shall be established to ensure that drawings and specifications, and buildings constructed in
accordance with drawings and specifications satisfy requirements.

1. Scope
(i) This procedure shall apply to the projects contracted by the Design Unit of International Business
Division with the customer as a contract designer in the design work of buildings and quality control or
construction supervision work of the International Business Division.
(ii) In addition to the preceding paragraph, this procedure shall apply to the projects of local subsidiaries
requested to the Design Unit of International Business Division from Sales Departments, etc.
(iii)For the construction supervision work, this procedure shall apply to the construction supervision work
of buildings performed by Design Units under delegation from customers.
(iv) Projects designed by local subsidiaries shall be in accordance with Section 6.
(v) For the documents to be prepared based on this procedure manual, refer to (Table -1) Document
Preparation List (Page 8/31).

2. Definition of Terms
(1) Terms concerning the design stage
a) Basic design: A stage where basic drawings and specifications are completed to explain them to
a customer for concretizing the design based on the settings of design conditions.
b) Detailed design: A stage where working drawings and specifications are completed by making
design conditions more concrete to explain them to a customer.
(2) Terms concerning drawings and specifications
a) Basic drawings and specifications: Contain concretized design from the settings of design
b) Working drawings and specifications: Concretizes design conditions further to clarify matters that
secure quality and performance.
c) Drawings and specifications for application for confirmation:
Are used for application for confirmation. They shall contain
drawings and statements (including final change application
drawings, minor changes, and reports). (A different term is
used instead of application for confirmation in accordance with
the name of application of each country)
d) Drawings and specifications for construction service contract:
Drawings and specifications attached to a construction contract.
(3) Terms concerning other documents
a) Final drawing: A drawing illustrating the state of a target object of a
construction work at completion prepared by constructor
(4) Terms concerning people involved in design
a) Unit Manager: Design Manager, Building Construction Department,
International Business Division
b) Manger of Administrative Unit: The Manager, specially appointed manager, or deputy
manager of the unit that collectively organizes design work
and quality management or construction supervision work and
performs coordination among respective units.
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c) Manager of Executive Unit: The Manager, specially appointed manager, deputy manager,
or specially appointed deputy manager of the unit that
supports Administrative Unit and performs design work and
quality management or construction supervision work in each
specialized area.
d) Person responsible for design: A person who develops design in each specialized area.
e) Person in charge of design: A person who develops or assists design in each specialized
f) The Manager in charge of design in each Operating Division:
Specially appointed manager, deputy manager, or specially
appointed deputy manager in charge of design in each
Operating Division.
g) Local Design Office: An office registered and designated pursuant to the provisions
of each country or region where a person licensed in that
country or region and engaged in design, construction
supervision, or other work related to buildings, or a person
who employs any of these persons, performs design,
construction supervision, or other work, or acts as an agent
for procedures based on the provisions of laws and
regulations or ordinances related to construction of buildings,
for remuneration at the request of others.
(5) Terms concerning Design Unit and Quality Management or Construction Supervision Unit
a) Design Unit: A unit that consists of the members of Design Department
belonging to the Fujita First-Class Architect Office or the
members designated by the Design Unit Manager, which does
not include local subsidiaries.
b) Administrative Unit: A Unit that collectively organizes design work and quality
management or construction supervision work and performs
coordination among respective units.
c) Executive Unit: A unit that supports Administrative Unit and performs design
work and quality management or construction supervision
work in each specialized area.
d) Unit in charge of management: Same as Administrative Unit.
(6) Terms concerning quality management works of construction by Design Divisions
a) Quality management: It refers to selecting quality management items for each
project, checking construction work with drawings and
specifications concerning the selected items, and checking
whether or not construction is carried out according to
drawings and specifications.
b) Quality Management Manager: A person who performs quality management work. The
Manager of Administrative Unit shall be appointed to this
c) Deputy of Quality Management Manager:
A person appointed by the Quality Management Manager
who performs quality management work on behalf of the
Quality Management Manager.
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d) Assistant of Quality Management Manager :
A person who performs some of the quality management
work under the responsibility and supervision of the Deputy
of Quality Management Manager.
e) Quality Management Officers: Quality Management Manager, Deputy of Quality
Management Manager, and Assistant of Quality Management
(7) Terms concerning construction supervision works
a) Construction supervision: To check whether a construction is performed in accordance
with the drawings and specifications by comparing the
construction against drawings and specifications.
b) Construction supervisor: A person who performs construction supervision works. The
head of the Administrative Unit shall be appointed to this
c) Deputy of Construction Supervisor: A person appointed by the Construction Supervisor who
performs construction supervision work on behalf of the
Construction Supervisor.
d) Assistant of Construction supervisor: A person who performs some of the construction supervision
works under the responsibility and supervision of a deputy of
Construction supervisor.
e) Officers in charge: Refer to a Construction supervisor, a deputy of Construction
supervisor, and an assistant of Construction supervisor.
f) Third party supervisor: A person who carries out construction supervision work
contracted by the customer separately from the Design Unit of
International Business Division.

3. Persons Responsible for Design Work and Quality Management or Construction

Supervision Work
Unit Managers shall serve as persons responsible for design work and quality management or construction
supervision work.

4. Standard of Qualified Person

The person responsible for design, the person in charge of design, the deputy of quality management manager
or construction supervisor, and the assistant of quality management manager or construction supervisor
defined in this procedure shall meet the following conditions (i) to (vi).
(i) Person responsible for design: A person qualified as a first class architect or a building mechanical
and electrical engineer, or a person appointed by the Manger of the
Administrative Unit.
(ii) Person in charge of design: A person who has two years or more of work experience or has any of
the qualifications listed below, and who is appointed by the Manager
of the Executive Unit.
a) 1st-class architect
b) 2nd-class architect
c) Structural Design 1st-class architect
d) MEP Design 1st-class architect
e) JSCA Kenchiku-kouzoushi
f) Fire Protection Engineer
g) Building Equipment Engineer
h) Chief Electricity Engineer
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i) Interior Coordinator
j) Interior Planner
(iii) Deputy of Quality Management Manager:
A person appointed by the Quality Management Manger.
(iv) Assistant of Quality Management Manager:
A person appointed by the Quality Management Manger.
(v) Deputy of Construction Supervisor:
A person who is qualified as a first class architect or appointed by the
Construction Supervisor.
(vi) Assistant of Construction Supervisor:
A person who is equivalent to a person responsible for design or a person
in charge of design and appointed by the Construction Supervisor.
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5. Procedure to Start Work
Unit Managers shall start work in accordance with (Fig-1) Flow to Start Work after receiving a “Design request
sheet” from Sales Departments.

(Fig-1) Flow to Start Work

Sales Department, Implementation
etc. Unit Manager Administrative Unit Unit

Design request form

Design request form

Determine the

Affix a seal
Design request
Determine Affix a seal for
Administrative Unit confirmation
Design request
form Determine a person
responsible for design
Design request form
(copy) Determine Determine a person
Executive Unit in charge of design
Store the
Paperwork Start work Start work

* When detailed design is succeeded to Design Department of Operating Division, the Unit Manager shall
redetermine an Administrative Unit and implement the Flow after the “Determine Administrative Unit.”

6. Handling Design Request Form

6.1 Scope
This chapter shall be applied to design requests from Sales Departments.

6.2 Person Responsible for Design Request Form

After receiving a Design request form, the Unit Manager shall serve as the general person responsible for Design
request form.

6.3 Management Procedure

6.3.1 Acceptance, Approval, and Management of Design Request Form
(1) When design is requested by Sales Department
(i) Unit Managers shall implement the procedure below.
a) Check the details of request contained in a “Design request form,” determine its acceptance, and
approve it.
b) Determine an Administrative Unit with consideration given to the customer's name, use of a
building, and volume of work of the requested project.
c) Enter the Design No. and the Date of Acceptance in the 'Design request form,' and affix an
approval seal.
d) Send the “Design request form” to the head of the Administrative Unit.
e) Send the copy of the “Design request form” returned from the Administrative Unit to the head of
Unit that made the request.
f) Store the original to a designated place for each fiscal year and in ascending order by Design No.
(2) The head of the Administrative Unit shall implement the procedure below.
a) Check the details of a “Design request form.”
b) If there is no doubtful point, determine a person responsible for design. Enter the name of the
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person responsible for design in the column of person responsible for design in the “Design
request form,” and affix a seal.
c) Hand the copy of the “Design request form” to a person responsible for design, and ask the person
responsible for design to store it as a record of project quality and environment.
d) Return the original of the “Design request form” to the Unit Manager.
e) Determine an Executive Unit.

6.4 Procedure to Change the Details of Request

When the details of a “Design request form” are changed, parties concerned shall be informed about the change
in accordance with the following procedure. The head of Administrative Unit shall hand the copy of the “Design
request form,” which went through the designated change procedure, over to a person responsible for design
and ask the person responsible for design to store it as a record of project quality and environment.
(1) When work different from the initial scope of request is performed due to change in the scope of
request in a “Design request form”
To change the scope of design, the “Design request form” whose scope of request is changed needs to be
(i) The Person responsible for design shall revise a “Design quality and environment plan sheet” and
inform concerned parties about the details of change.
(2) When the details of the outline of construction work is changed
(i) The Person responsible for design shall inform concerned parties about the details of change with the
outline of a scheme drawing or design drawing.
(3) When the name of the construction contained in the “Design request form” is changed
(i) The Person responsible for design shall revise a design quality and environment plan, and inform
concerned parties about the details of change.
(4) When the Administrative Unit of a property or the Manager of the Administrative Unit needs to be
(i) The Unit Manager shall determine an Administrative Unit to succeed the work.
(ii) The Person responsible for design shall revise the 'Design Quality and Environment Plan Sheet,' hold
a takeover meeting to inform concerned parties about the details of change, and keep the record of the
takeover meeting in the minutes.
(iii) The Unit Managers, the Managers of the old and new Administrative Units, and the person responsible
for design shall attend the takeover meeting.
(5) When a person responsible for property design needs to be changed due to personnel changes etc.
(i) The newly appointed person responsible for design shall revise the 'Design Quality and Environment
Plan Sheet,' inform concerned parties about the details of change, and keep the record of them in
(6) When the Executive Unit of a property and the person in charge of design are changed
(i) The person responsible for design shall revise the 'Design Quality and Environment Plan Sheet,'
inform concerned parties about the details of change, and keep the record of them in minutes.
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(Table-1) Document Preparation List

Legend ○: To be prepared Δ: The Manager of the Administrative Unit shall
decide whether to prepare the document when preparing the Design Quality and Environment Plan Sheet. -: No need to prepare (including documents to
supplement form)
cost of 500
to less Repair Seismi Seismi Suppor
less million
than work c c ting
than or
Classification Document name 500 and diagno strengt propert
100 more
million others sis hening y
million (New
(New design *1
(New constru
constru ction)
Design request form (copy) 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇

Design quality and environment plan sheet 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇

Design project sheet △ 〇 〇 △ ― ― 〇

Design condition setting sheets 1 to 7 △ 〇 〇 〇 *2 〇 *2 〇 *2 〇 *3

Project quality and
environment record Design process chart 〇 〇 〇 △ △ △ 〇

Environment friendly design sheet △ △ 〇 △ ― ― ―

Design verification record △ 〇 〇 〇 △ 〇 〇

Design review report ― *4 ― *4 〇 ― *4 ― *4 ― *4 △

Record on confirmation of validity of design △ △ 〇 △ ― ― △

Explanation of important matters (copy) (when 〇 〇 〇 △ ― 〇 △
Project general Design or construction supervision commission
documents 〇 〇 〇 〇 △ △ 〇
contract (copy)
Customer's documents △ △ △ △ △ △ △
Minutes of preliminary discussions with 〇 〇 〇 〇 △ △ 〇
customer (Including e-mails which are equivalent of
preliminary discussions)
Minutes of preliminary discussions with 〇 〇 〇 〇 △ △ 〇
government agencies
Project quality and Internal meeting minutes △ △ △ △ △ △ △
environment record
Project documents

Minutes of briefing sessions for drawings and 〇 〇 〇 〇 ― △ 〇

Instructions for design change △ 〇 〇 △ ― △ 〇 *5

Design instructions △ 〇 〇 △ ― △ 〇 *5
Project general
documents Construction contract (copy) 〇 〇 〇 〇 ― 〇 〇 *5

Quality management work plan or construction △ 〇 〇 △ ― △ 〇 *5

supervision work plan
Minutes of general regular meeting 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ 〇 *5
(construction supervision only)
Quality management check list or construction △ 〇 〇 ― ― △ 〇 *5
supervision check list
Quality management record or construction △ 〇 〇 〇 ― 〇 〇 *5
Project quality and supervision record
environment record
Construction report (copy) (construction ― ― ― ― ― ― ―
supervision only)
Construction supervision interim report (copy) △ 〇 〇 △ ― ― 〇 *5
(construction supervision only)
Findings in construction supervision review △ △ 〇 △ ― ― ―
(construction supervision only)
Findings of completion inspection △ 〇 〇 △ ― △ 〇 *5
Construction supervision report (copy) 〇 〇 〇 〇 ― △ 〇 *5
Project general (construction supervision only)
documents Receipt (original) (construction supervision 〇 〇 〇 〇 ― △ △
Documents of application and notification for 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △
regulation discussion
Application documents Permits and licenses application documents 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △

Documents of application for confirmation 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △

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Structural calculation sheet 〇 〇 〇 △ 〇 〇 〇

Application for confirmation, proof of 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △

confirmation (copy)
Permits and licenses / Notification (copy) 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △
Project general Assessment and evaluation document (copy) 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △
Report required by specified administrative 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △
agencies (copy)
Proof of completion of various inspections 〇 〇 〇 △ ― △ △
Drawings and specifications (existing
Other documents ― ― ― △ 〇 〇 ―
Safekeeping documents of Building data sheet and work record 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇
project quality and Document storage check list (List of details of 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇
environment records storage)
*1 Designs are made by other companies and structures and facilities are made by Fujita. *2 Design condition sheet 1 only *3 Only necessary
requirements and design conditions shall be described based on the judgment by the Manager of the Administrative Unit (excluding designs).
*4 On the assumption that drawings are checked in verification records *5 Other companies' formats can be used.
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Section 2 Outline of Design Work and Quality Management or Construction Supervision
In this section, the procedure of design work and quality management or construction supervision work shall
be established.

1. Process of Design Work and Quality Management or Construction Supervision Work

Design work and quality management or construction supervision work shall basically be carried out
according to the processes in (Fig-2) to (Fig-6).
The mutual relationship between the process of design work and the process of quality management or
construction supervision work is shown in (Fig-2) Process System Chart (i).
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(Fig-2) Process System Chart (i)
Customer and Local subsidiaries of each Implementation Unit
Operating Division Administrative
interested party Executive Unit agencies

Request design Design request form

(Sales Department,

Customer (Sales Division) Design process
Local Design etc.
Office Customer requirements
(Legal Basic design process
requirements) Legal requirements

Quantity Survey
(QS Division)

Basic drawings and Explanation about

Approval drawings and
specifications specifications

Basic drawings and

Customer requirements
Implementation drawings and Detailed design
Quantity Survey (Fig-4)
(QS Division) submission
Implementation drawings and Explanation about of various
Approval specifications drawings and licenses and

(Sales Division)

Basic process chart

Construction plan
Working diagram Quality control process
Shop drawing
Quality control record
Attendance, (Construction
Requirements Customer requirements confirmation Design
supervision process) change
(Design (Fig-6)
change) Instructions for design change (Design Various
process licenses or
2.10) permits

* (Construction supervision
interim report)
Acceptance Confirm the validation
validity of design
process 2.5)

(Construction supervision report)

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1.1 Process of Design Work
(i) Design works shall consist of two stages, a basic design and a detailed design.
(ii) (Fig.-3) Basic Design Process System Chart and (Fig.-4) Detailed Design Process System Chart
illustrate the process of design works.

(Fig.-3) Basic Design Process System Chart

Prepare design quality and environmental plan
Prepare “Design quality and environment
plan sheet”
Prepare “Design project sheet”
Prepare ‘Design process chart’
requirements Prepare “Design condition setting sheet”

Environment friendly design

Prepare basic drawings and specifications Design

Approval for drawings and specifications

Completion of Basic drawings and
Release of drawings and specifications
Explain about drawings and specifications
to the customer

(Fig.-4) Detailed Design Process System Chart

Prepare design quality and environmental plan
Prepare “Design quality and environment
plan sheet”
Prepare “Design project sheet”
Prepare ‘Design process chart’
requirements Prepare “Design condition setting sheet”
Environment friendly design

Prepare detailed design drawings Design


Approval for drawings and specifications

Completion of detailed drawings and
Release of drawings and specifications
Explain about drawings and specifications to the customer
Explain about drawings and specifications to
the constructor
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1.2 Process of Quality Management Works
(Fig.-5) Quality Management Process System Chart illustrates the process of quality management works.

(Fig.-5) Quality Management Process System Chart

Prepare “Design quality and environmental

plan sheet”

Prepare “Quality management work plan”

Environment friendly design

Explain about them to the constructor

Implement quality control Confirm the validity of


Completion inspection

Completion of quality control work

1.3 Process of Construction Supervision Works

(Fig.-6) Construction Supervision Process System Chart illustrates the process of construction supervision

(Fig.-6) Construction Supervision Process System Chart

Prepare “Design quality and environmental

plan sheet”

Prepare “Construction supervision work

Environment friendly design

Explain about them to the customer

Explain about them to the constructor

Construction Implement the supervision of construction Confirm the validity of

Supervision design

Completion inspection

Completion of construction supervision work

Submission of construction supervision report
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2. Procedure of Design Works
2.1 Preparing Design Quality and Environment Plan
The Person responsible for design or a person in charge of design shall prepare the following sheets as a design
quality and environment plan to manage the design process. When a form designated by the customer is
available, the person responsible for design or the person in charge of design shall discuss the details of the form
with the head of the Administrative Unit. For the same part with the design quality and environment plan, use
the form to prepare the design quality and environment plan.
a) “Design quality and environment plan sheet”
b) “Design project sheet”
c) “Design condition setting sheet” (Use any form for investigation sheet for government agencies)
d) Design process chart (Any form)
e) “Environment friendly design sheet”
f) “Design verification record”
g) “Record on confirmation of validity of design”

2.1.1 Preparation of “Design quality and environment plan sheet”

Quality targets of a project shall be set and how they should be implemented and achieved shall be planned.
(1) At the time when design work is started
(i) The person responsible for design or a person in charge of design shall prepare a “Design quality and
environment plan sheet” at the time when design work is started.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall determine the quality target after discussing it with the head
of Administrative Unit and a person in charge of each design.
(iii) The person responsible for design shall check the details of the “Design quality and environment plan
sheet” to obtain the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
(2) At the time when detailed design is started after completing the basic design
(i) At the time when a detailed design is started after completing the basic design, the person responsible
for design or a person in charge of design shall revise the details of the “Design quality and
environment plan sheet” to prepare it as a new document.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall check the details of the prepared “Design quality and
environment plan sheet” to obtain the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.

2.1.2 Preparation of “Design project sheet”

Features and outline of a project shall be clarified to determine the design policy of the project.
(1) At the time when design work is started
(i) The person responsible for design or the person in charge of design shall enter the following items in
the 'Design project sheet': the outline of a property, customer, concerned parties (those who affect
customer requirements, such as a local design office, consultant, design supervisor, plant operator
and company who runs a plant) and their roles.
(ii) At the time when design work is started, the person responsible for design shall enter the concept of
a building in the 'Design project sheet' based on customer requirements and design conditions after
discussing with the Manager of the Administrative Unit and the person in charge of design.
(iii) The person responsible for design or person in charge of each design shall enter design policies based
on the concept of a building to obtain approval from the head of Executive Unit.
(iv) The person responsible for design shall check the details of the “Design project sheet” to obtain
approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
(2) At the time when detailed design is started after completing the basic design
(i) At the time when a detailed design is started after completing the basic design, person responsible for
design or a person in charge of design shall revise the details of the “Design project sheet” to prepare
it as a new document and obtain approval from the Executive Unit.
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(ii) The person responsible for design shall check the details of the prepared “Design project sheet” to
obtain the approval from the head of the Administrative Unit.

2.1.3 Preparation of “Design condition setting sheet”

Customer requirements (including requirements of concerned parties to whom the customer considers
necessary), legal requirements, and conditions of a property shall be clarified.
(i) The person responsible for design or persons in charge of each design shall enter the following items
in a “Design condition setting sheet” one by one at the time when requirements are clarified.
a) Cost
b) Matters that influence design process and the period of construction
c) Functions and performance
d) Scale and various required rooms
e) Other matters
f) Legal requirements (To be summarized by a local design office.)
g) Conditions of site
(ii) Person responsible for design shall check the appropriateness of the details of the “Design condition
setting sheet” as is appropriate to obtain the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
(iii) The person responsible for design or persons in charge of each design shall correct the “Design
condition setting sheet” when requirements are changed.
(iv) The person responsible for design shall check the appropriateness of the details of the corrected
“Design condition setting sheet” to obtain the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.

2.1.4 Preparation of Design Process Chart

The person responsible for design or a person in charge of design shall organize each requirement contained in
a “Design condition setting sheet” to prepare a design process chart with consideration given to features and
complexity of a project.
(1) At the time when design work is started
i) The person responsible for design or a person in charge of design shall prepare a ‘Design process chart’
that contains the following items.
a) Schedule of customer
b) Acts in work schedule shouldered by interested parties that influence processes of design and
construction, and their timings
c) Critical schedule of applications with legal requirements organized
d) Timing of design review
e) Explain drawings and specifications to customer
f) Timing to explain estimation to customer
g) Approval for drawings and specifications from a customer, and make a contract
ii) The person responsible for design shall check the details of the design process chart to obtain the
approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
(2) At the time when a detailed design is started after completing the basic design
i) The person responsible for design or person in charge of design shall revise the details of the ‘design
process chart’ at the time when a detailed design is started after completing the basic design.
ii) The person responsible for design shall check the details of the revised design process chart to obtain
the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
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2.2 Environment Friendly Design
2.2.1 The person in Charge of Environment Friendly Design
The head of Administrative Unit shall serve as the person responsible for environment friendly design.

2.2.2 Procedure to Perform Environment Friendly Design

(1) At the time when design work is started
(i) After discussing with persons in charge of each design, the person responsible for design shall set
environment targets based on “Outline to specify environmental risk factors” at the earliest possible
stage. Then, the person responsible for design shall prepare an “Environment friendly design sheet”
to obtain the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
(2) Basic design stage
(i) The person in charge of design shall check the status of the achievement of the environment target
before completing the basic design.
(ii) The person in charge of design shall enter how to check the status of achievement and the check result
to an “Environment friendly design sheet.”
(iii) The person in charge of design shall ask a person responsible for design to check the completed
“Environment friendly design sheet.”
(iv) The person responsible for design shall ask the head of Administrative Unit to check the “Environment
friendly design sheet” checked by the person responsible for design.
(3) At the time when a detailed design is started after completing the basic design
(i) The person responsible for design shall revise the environmental target contained in an “Environment
friendly design sheet” to change it as necessary. After confirming the revised “Environment friendly
design sheet,” the person responsible for design shall obtain the approval from the head of
Administrative Unit.
(4) Detailed design stage
(i) The person in charge of design shall enter the result of environment friendly design to an
“Environment friendly design sheet” to evaluate it. After the head of the Executive Unit checked the
“Environment friendly design sheet,” the person in charge of design shall ask a person responsible for
design to check the “Environment friendly design sheet.”
(ii) The person responsible for design shall ask the head of Administrative Unit to check the “Environment
friendly design sheet.”
(5) Quality management stage
(i) At the completion of construction work, the quality management officer shall enter the results of quality
management in the 'Environment friendly design sheet' and submit it to the Deputy of Quality
Management Manager.
(ii) The Deputy of Quality Management Manager shall check the contents and receive checking by the
Quality Management Manger (Manager of the Administrative Unit).
(6) Construction supervision stage
(i) The officer in charge shall enter the results of construction supervision and completion inspection into
an “Environment friendly design sheet” when completing construction, and submit it to a deputy of
construction supervisor.
(ii) The deputy of construction supervisor shall check the details of the “Environment friendly design
sheet” to ask the Construction Supervisor (the head of Administrative Unit) to check it.
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2.3 Design Verification
2.3.1 Objectives of Design Verification
The person responsible for design or a person in charge of design shall verify design to ensure that the details
of drawings and specifications meet customer requirements and that basic functions are secured.

2.3.2 Method to Verify Design

The design shall be validated by using one or several methods listed below.
a) Compare and verify several designs
b) Test
c) Simulation by calculation, etc.
d) Compare with design specifications of similar buildings
e) Confirmation of consistency of design, structure, and facility
f) Drawing check
g) BIM Execution Plan (when BIM is implemented)

2.3.3 Procedure for Implementing Design Verification

(i) The person in charge of each design shall implement the procedure below at an appropriate timing for
each verification item during each stage of a basic design and a detailed design.
a) Implement design verification for each specialized area of plan, structure, and facility.
b) In the 'Design verification record,' enter the record of confirmation that details of drawings and
specifications meet customer requirements and that the basic functions are secured.
c) If there is any necessary action, record the results of the action in the 'Design verification record'.
d) Store the documents that describe the verification results together with the 'Design verification
(ii) The head of the Executive Unit shall check the details of the verification and verify (check drawings)
whether the details of the verification are consistent with drawings and specifications for each
specialized area based on statements and examination documents prepared by persons in charge of
each design.
(iii) Each person in charge of design shall record the results in the 'Design verification record.'
(iv) The person responsible for design shall implement the procedure below.
a) Verify (check drawings) consistency among drawings of each specialized area.
b) Record the result of a) above in the 'Design verification record,' and if there is any necessary
action, record the result in the "Design verification record."
c) Confirm the consistency between the result of final verification and drawings.
d) Receive the confirmation by the head of the Executive Unit.
e) Obtain the approval from the head of Administrative Unit.
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2.4 Design Review
Before delivering drawings and specifications to a customer, the design examiner shall perform design review
to make sure that the contents of drawings and specifications meet customer requirements.
2.4.1 Target Examined at Design Review Audit
The below (i) to (v) shall be examined in a design review during a basic design stage (hereinafter called DR-1),
and the below (i) to (iii) shall be examined in a design review during a detailed design stage (hereinafter called
(i) Ensure quality and performance to prevent complaints
(ii) Improve the design of architecture
(iii) Optimize costs
(iv) Clarify design policies of plan, structure, and facility
(v) Check whether design policies are appropriate for an order received and execution of a project

2.4.2 Scope
Design review shall be applied to any of the following types of project.
a) A project whose construction cost is 500 million yen or more
b) For a project whose construction cost is 500 million yen or more but basic design is excluded
from the scope of work, its basic drawings and specifications
c) A project of a specific brand or special usage designated by the Unit Manager, regardless of
construction costs and "1. Scope of Section 1" (Page 4)
d) “2.4.10 Document Audit” can be applied to a project whose usage, structure, and scale are simple
and which is designated by the Unit Manager, regardless of construction costs.
e) Among projects with which DR-1 is performed, “2.4.10 Document Audit” can be applied, instead
of performing DR-2, to projects designated by the Unit Manager.

2.4.3 Person Responsible for Design Review

(i) The following shall be applied to the appointment of a person responsible for design review.
a) DR-1: Unit Manager
b) DR-2: Unit Manager or Manager in charge of design in each Operating Division

2.4.4. Extraction of Applicable Projects

(i) The person responsible for design shall enter the time to hold a design review in a design process chart
at the earliest possible time after starting design work to obtain the approval from the head of
Administrative Unit.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall notify the Unit Manager of the time to hold a design review at
the time when the head of the Administrative Unit approves of the design review.
(iii) When the Unit Manager judges that design review needs to be requested to the Design Engineering
Center, design review can be requested to the Design Engineering Center. In this case, the procedures
of the Design Engineering Center shall be followed.

2.4.5 Time to Hold Design Review in Accordance with Construction Costs

In principle, a design review shall be held at one of the following timings.
a) Project whose construction cost is upwards of 500 million Yen: Before completing a basic design
(DR-1) and before completing a detailed design (DR-2)
b) Project whose construction cost is 500 million yen or more and whose basic design defined in the
construction amount of 2.4.2 b) is excluded from the scope of work: Before starting a detailed
design (DR-1) and before completing the detailed design (DR-2)
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2.4.6 Venue
a) DR-1: International Business Division
b) DR-2: International Business Division or each base of International Business Division, as
designated by the Unit Manager

2.4.7 Materials to Submit

The following lists materials to submit. As for repair work projects, projects with which a purpose and structure
of building are simple and projects that do not include basic design in the scope of work as defined in b) of
2.4.2, the Unit Manager shall separately specify.
a) “Design quality and environment plan sheet”
b) “Design project sheet”
c) “Design condition setting sheet”
d) ‘Design process chart (Any Form)’
e) “Environment friendly design sheet”
f) Drawings and specifications
g) Model, perspective drawing (as appropriate)
h) Materials designated by Unit Manager

2.4.8 Participants
(i) Design examiners
a) Person responsible for design review (Not including project members (Design Department))
b) Persons designated by person responsible for design review
(ii) Project members (Related Units)
a) Staff members involved in sales (DR-1 only)
b) Staff members involved in execution of construction (PM)
(iii) Project members (Design Departments)
a) Head of Administrative Unit
b) Persons responsible for design
c) Persons in charge of each design
d) Persons designated by the head of Administrative Unit

2.4.9 Procedure to Hold Review Design

(1) Up to the day of holding Design Review
(i) The person responsible for design shall determine the date of holding Design Review in accordance
with a design process chart to inform the date of Design Review to participants.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall inform project members (related departments) about the date
and place of Design Review to check whether they will attend Design Review. If project members
(related department) cannot attend Design Review, the person responsible for design shall hear
opinions from them to communicate their opinions in Design Review.
(iii) The person responsible for design shall obtain approval for the edited “Design project sheet” from the
head of the Administrative Unit.
(iv) The person responsible for design shall distribute submitted materials to design examiners.
(v) Design examiners shall enter findings and suggestions in a “Design review report” (hereinafter called
(vi) Design examiners shall send the “Report” to the person responsible for design before two business
days of holding Design Review.
(vii) The person responsible for design shall enter answers to findings and suggestions in answer columns
of the “Report” to submit it to design examiners.
(2) On the day of Design Review
(i) The person responsible for design shall prepare the required number of copies of the “Report.”
(ii) The person responsible for design shall preside over design review.
(iii) The person responsible for design shall explain the main point and requirements of a project based on
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the submitted materials.
(iv) Participants shall point out doubtful points, problems, and inappropriate points based on explanation,
materials, and answers to suggest solutions that certainly meet quality (design, technology, cost, etc.).
(v) If there is any important finding that should be developed to each base, the person responsible for
design shall describe it in the important findings in the 'report'. Any other attendees' opinions shall be
added at the end of the indication sheet and the answers to them shall be entered.
(3) After holding design review
(i) The person responsible for design shall ask persons in charge of each design to examine findings and
suggestions mentioned in above (iv), and add the result of examination or make corrections in answer
(Report on the result of examination) of the “Report.”
(ii) After the Manager of the Administrative Unit checked the 'Report,' the person responsible for design
shall submit the “Report” to the design examiner within 15 business days after the date of holding
Design Review.
For matters that are judged to require further action in Design Review, corrected drawings or
documents that indicate the answer of the “Report” shall be attached.
(iii) Design examiner shall check the details. If there are any items that need to be added, design examiners
shall enter them in a remarks column.
(iv) Design examiners shall send a confirmed (added required items) Report to the person responsible for
(v) Person in charge of design shall deal with items that are answered as ‘examine and confirm after that’
in the “Report” submitted in step (ii), and add the details of actions and date to report it to the person
responsible for design.

2.4.10 Document Audit

Replace “the date of Design Review” and “before two business days” contained in Chapter 2.4.9 with “the day
designated by a person responsible for design,” and implement Chapter 2.4.9 except (2) and (i) and (ii) of (3).
As for (vii) of (1), documents shall be submitted after obtaining the confirmation from the head of the
Administrative Unit.

2.4.11 Feedback of the Result of Design Review

(i) The person responsible for design review shall inform the members of the Design Unit in each base
of International Business Division about findings (important findings) that may lead to complaints.

2.4.12 Storing Record of Design Review

Person responsible for design shall store materials from a) to e) of “2.4.7 Materials to Submit” and the copy
of the “Report,” and record it in a ledger.
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Person responsible Person responsible for Manger of
for design review Design examiner Unit Manager design
Administrative Unit
Person in charge of design

Preparation of Design Confirmation on the

process chart implementation period of
(2.1.4 (1) [1]) design review
(2.1.4 (1) [2])

Up to
Notification on the
approx. Confirmation of the implementation period of
4 weeks implementation design review
before period (2.4.4 [2])

Confirmation on the date

I of submission of review
Notification materials, etc.
on outline (2.4.9 (1) [1])

Up to Notice of information Notification on the date

3 weeks of submission of review
before materials, etc.
holding (2.4.9 (1) [1])

Judgment of Holding
document audit

(Designation of Adjustment and

document audit) Reply for announcement of
adjustment the date

Decision of the date of

holding (date designated
by the Staff Office)
(2.4.9 (1) [1])

Communication with
persons involved in
(2.4.9 (1) [2])

III Addition and submission Approval of

Schedule project sheet
of project sheets
determination (2.4.9 (1) [3])
(2.4.9 (1) [3])

Up to 10 Review materials Distribution of

business review materials
days before (2.4.9 (1) [4])
Hearing of opinions of
IV Summary of findings persons involved with
Preliminary and proposals sales and execution
audit (2.4.9 (1) [6]) Design (2.4.9 (1) [2])
2 days before
holding (date report Confirmation of prepared
designated by contents of reply
the Staff (2.4.9 (1) [8])

V Design review report

Return of document
Return of audit (2.4.10)
reply (Document audit)
Design review report

Confirmation of contents
Preparation for holding
(2.4.9 (2) [1])

(2.4.9(2) [2])
Design review

Holding Notification about

important findings to the Findings Explanation of plan
members of Design (2.4.9 (2) [4]) (2.4.9 (2) [3])
Department in each base
of International Branch
Offices (2.4.11) Addition and correction
of findings and answers
on the day (2.4.9 (2) [5])

Design review
Seal report
(2.4.9 (3) [1])

Design Design
of minutes Within 15 review review
report Submission of the Confirmation
business original to the Staff
and seal
days after Office
(2.4.9 (3) [1]) (2.4.9 (3) [1])
Seal Design review report
(2.4.9 (3) [3])

Storage as
VII Recording of progress
Storage in Design Quality and
of Environment Plan
Storing together with
other project quality and
environment records
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2.5 Confirmation of Validity of Design
2.5.1 Definition of Terms
a) Confirmation of validity of design: To confirm whether a building obtained as a result of design
satisfies requirements that suit specified or intended purposes based on objective evidence from
the viewpoint of customers or users. In principle, validity shall be confirmed before the delivery
of a building.
Verification refers to actions that ensure drawings and specifications meet requirements.
Confirmation of validity includes the confirmation of abstract or sensuous requirements, which
cannot be stipulated as concrete or physical properties as requirements.

2.5.2 Person responsible for Confirmation of Validity of Design

(i) The head of the Administrative Unit shall serve as a person responsible for general confirmation of
validity of design.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall serve as a person responsible for plan, implementation, and
record of confirmation of validity of design.

2.5.3 Participants of Confirmation of Validity of Design

Participants of confirmation of validity shall include a person responsible for design, person in charge of design,
Chief of Workshop, and persons involved in execution of construction. If necessary, relevant persons from
Design Departments and relevant persons from customer shall be included in participants.

2.5.4 Method to Confirm Validity of Design

In principle, the usage conditions of a building for which validity is confirmed shall be the actual environment.
Depending on circumstances, simulation can be used. Method to confirm validity is classified as follows.
(i) Actual environment: Confirmation with completed building and at a construction site
a) Confirmation by measurement (sound/noise, vibration, deformation, a warm breeze, airflow
volume, etc.)
b) Confirmation by sense (Appearance and interior at completion, ease of use, etc.)
(ii) Simulation: Confirmation of simulation with simulation experiment/mock-up
a) Confirmation by performance experiment (performance experiment of component members,
confirmation of performance with mock-up)

2.5.6 Procedure to Confirm Validity of Design

(1) Working design stage
(i) The person responsible for design shall implement the procedure below at a working design stage.
a) Discuss validation of requirements with persons in charge of each design to determine
requirements to be validated, and enter circle marks in the 'Design condition setting sheet.'
b) In principle, prepare a 'Design Validation Record (implementation design stage)' for each
requirement to be validated.
c) Enter requirements, contents described in drawings and specifications, and the confirmation
method in the field for "Design validation items."
d) Obtain approval from the Manager of the Administrative Unit.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall notify constructors of the contents described in the "Design
Validation Record (implementation design stage)" when explaining drawings and specifications.
(iii) After carefully examining drawings and specifications, the Chief of Workshop shall enter a method to
confirm validity of design and suggestions based on the state of the site to return it to the person
responsible for design.
(iv) The person responsible for design shall coordinate the method and time to ‘confirm validity of design’
with consideration given to suggestions from constructors.
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(2) Quality management or construction supervision stage
(i) The person responsible for design shall transcribe the contents of c) above in the 'Design Validation
Record (at the time of execution/at the completion of construction).'
(ii) The person responsible for design shall implement the procedure below.
a) Check the result obtained based on "design validation" and record the check results.
b) Receive confirmation from the head of Administrative Unit.

2.6 Approval for Drawings and Specifications

(i) The head of the Executive Unit shall check and approve drawings and specifications of each
specialized area when completing the basic design or detailed design.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall check the consistency among drawings and specifications of
each specialized area, and obtain the approval from the head of the Administrative Unit.

2.7 Signatures in drawings and specifications

(i) A cover with a signature field shall be attached to a construction contract document, and the Manager
of the Administrative Unit, the person responsible for design, and the person in charge of design shall
put a signature on the cover page. In principle, a seal shall not be affixed.
(ii) An example of the signature field on the cover page is shown in (Table-1).

(Table-1) Signature field

Approval Check Persons in charge
Sanitation and air
Planning Structure Electricity
(Manger of (Person
(Manager of (Manager of (Manager of (Manager of
Administrative responsible for
Executive Unit) Executive Unit) Executive Unit) Executive Unit)
Unit) design)
(Person in charge (Person in charge (Person in charge (Person in charge
of design) of design) of design) of design)
2018. . 2018. . 2018. . 2018. . 2018. . 2018. .
*The signature of the Manager of the Executive Unit may be omitted if it is the same as that of the Manager of the
Administrative Unit.

2.8 Release of Drawings and Specifications

(i) Persons in charge of each design shall obtain an approval in accordance with ‘2.6 Approval for
Drawings and Specifications’ before releasing drawings and specifications.
(ii) When drawings and specifications have to be released before obtaining an approval, persons in charge
of each design shall specify that they are “reference drawings,” the date of issue, and the purpose of
usage in drawings and specifications. In addition, persons in charge of each design shall take measures
to prevent drawings and specifications from being used for execution by mistake.
(iii) When releasing construction contract documents, persons in charge of each design shall specify that
they are ‘construction service contract documents’ and shall specify the date of issue in drawings and
specifications. The person in charge of each design shall prepare the copy of released documents to
store them until completion of the building.
(iv) In principle, persons in charge of each design shall release drawings and specifications used for
construction contract for drawings and specifications to be used for execution.
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2.9 Explaining Drawings and Specifications
2.9.1 Person Responsible for Explaining Drawings and Specifications
The person responsible for design shall serve as a person responsible for explaining drawings and specifications.

2.9.2 Providing Explanation of Drawings and Specifications to Customers

i) The person responsible for design shall explain the details of drawings and specifications at a basic
design stage or detailed design stage after completing drawings and specifications. The details of
approval from the customer shall be recorded in “Minutes of customer preliminary meeting.” In
principle, drawings and specifications shall be explained at the same time as estimation is explained.

2.9.3 Providing Explanation of Drawings and Specifications to Constructors (hereinafter called

“Briefing session for drawings and specifications”)
(1) Participants and Place
The following people shall participate in the briefing session. In principle, the briefing session shall be held
at a Workshop before commencement of construction or just after commencement of construction.
a) Staff member involved in design:
Person responsible for design and persons in charge of each design. The heads of the
Administrative Unit and the Executive Unit shall participate as required.
b) Quality management officer or officer in charge:
Assistant of Quality Management Manager or Assistant of Construction Supervisor
Deputy of Quality Management Manager or Deputy of Construction Supervisor as
c) Constructors:
Chief of Workshop and person responsible for quality. The person in charge of facility
construction and, if necessary, the person designated by the Chief of Workshop shall
(2) Procedure to hold the briefing session
(i) The person responsible for design shall inform participants about the briefing session after obtaining
approval for the details of the briefing session from the head of Administrative Unit.
(ii) The person responsible for design shall preside over the proceedings.
(iii) The person responsible for design shall explain the way these drawings and specifications have been
completed based on “Design condition setting sheet” and “Minutes.”
(iv) Persons in charge of each design shall explain the details of drawings, and points of design to be
particularly noted in terms of execution based on drawings and specifications to be used for execution.
(v) If ‘confirmation of validity of design’ is notified, persons in charge of each design shall explain the
(vi) When design change is made, the person responsible for design shall check the procedure to follow
with the Chief of Workshop.
(vii) Person responsible for design shall appoint a person to prepare minutes of a briefing session for
drawings and specifications, and instruct the appointed person to prepare minutes and distribute it to
the participants.
(viii) The person responsible for design shall store the above mentioned minutes as a record on project
quality and environment.

2.10 Design Change

2.10.1 Person Responsible for Design Change
The person responsible for design shall be responsible for design change.

2.10.2 Procedure to Change Design

(i) The person responsible for design and the person in charge of design shall clarify the details of
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design change.
(ii) Regarding changes requested from a customer that involve changes in contract after conclusion of
a construction contract, the person in charge of design shall prepare 'Instructions for design change'
to describe the change contents. 'Design instructions' shall be prepared for other changes.
(iii) If necessary, the person responsible for design and the person in charge of design shall conduct
design verification, design review, and design validation.
(iv) The person in charge of design shall ask the Manager of the Administrative Unit to check the
'Instructions for design change' or 'Design instructions,' and ask the person responsible for design
to check either of them.
(v) The person in charge of design shall succeed the 'Instructions for design change' or 'Design
instructions' to an officer in charge.
(vi) The person responsible for design shall check with 'Instructions for design change' or 'Minutes of
general regular meeting' that the quality management officer or officer in charge has informed
constructors about the 'Instructions for design change' or 'Design instructions.'
(vii) The person responsible for design shall submit the copy of the “Instructions for design change”
that have gone through the above procedure to a quality management officer or an officer in charge.
The original shall be stored as a project document during the work period.
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3. Procedure of Quality Management Work
3.1 Selecting the Deputy of Quality Management Manager
(i) The Quality Management Manager shall select a deputy and an assistant of the Quality Management
(ii) The Deputy of Quality Management Manager shall directly handle quality management work, and
assign a part of quality management work to the assistant of Quality Management Manager.

3.2 Preparation of “Design quality and environment plan sheet”

(i) The Assistant of Quality Management Manager shall prepare a 'Design quality and environment plan
sheet' before performing quality management work, and have the Deputy of Quality Management
Manager check the sheet.
(ii) The Deputy of Quality Management Manager shall obtain approval for the 'Design quality and
environment plan sheet' from the Manager of the Administrative Unit.

3.3 Preparation and Submission of “Quality management work plan”

(i) When conducting quality management work, the quality management officer shall prepare a 'Quality
management work plan' to enter the following contents. If there is a third party supervisor, the items
to be supervised by him/her shall be checked, and the work plan shall be prepared to supplement them.
a) Matters concerning quality management policy
b) Matters concerning the details of quality management works
c) Matters concerning items of quality management
(ii) The Quality Management Officer shall ask the Manager of the Executive Unit to check the 'Quality
management work plan' that has been filled out and submit it to the Deputy of Quality Management
(iii) The Deputy of Quality Management Manager shall check the 'Quality management work plan,'
obtain approval for it from the Quality Management Manager, and distribute it to constructors to
explain the details.
(iv) For procedure when the details of the “Quality Management Work Plan” are changed, “prepare”
contained in the above procedure shall be replaced with ”revise” to change the details.

3.4 Drawings and Specifications to be Used for Quality Management

In principle, the Quality Management Officers shall use the drawings and specifications that were used for
construction contact, 'Instructions for design change,' and 'Design instructions.'

3.5 Checking Construction

(i) The Quality Management Officers shall check with documents or actual sites that construction
conforms to drawings and specifications, 'Instructions for design change,' 'Design instructions,' and
the construction contract. The details shall be recorded in the 'Quality management check list.'
(ii) When construction, inspection, tests, etc. do not conform to drawings and specification, 'Instructions
for design change,” and a contract, the Quality Management Officer shall immediately report the
said effect to the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, the Quality Management Manager, and
the Manager of the Executive Unit, and then, prepare written instructions for rework or correction to
give instructions to constructors.

3.6 Checking Working Drawing and Construction Plan

(i) The Quality Management Officer shall perform attendance check and document check to make sure that
quality management items conform to drawings and specifications, 'Instructions for design change,' and a
construction contract. The details shall be recorded in the 'Quality management check list.'
(ii) When construction, inspection, tests, etc. do not conform to drawings and specification, 'Instructions
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for design change,” and a contract, the Quality Management Officer shall immediately report the
said effect to the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, the Quality Management Manager, and
the Manager of the Executive Unit, and then, prepare written instructions for rework or correction of
construction to give instructions to constructors.
(iii) The Quality Management Officer shall record attendance check and document check work in the
'Quality management check list' for each quality management item, and receive checking by the
Deputy of Quality Management Manger at an appropriate timing.

3.7 Completion Inspection

When each Operating Division asks for a completion inspection, it shall be performed at the site, mainly by the
Quality Management Manager or the Deputy of Quality Management Manager after completion of inspection
by constructors.
(i) Inspection items are as follows.
a) Confirm consistency with drawings and specifications
b) Confirm parts where design was changed or additional construction was carried out
c) Confirm the results of various tests and inspections
(ii) The Quality Management Officer shall implement the procedure below.
a) Enter findings from the result of inspection in “Findings from completion inspection.”
b) Check the findings that require rework, etc., and findings (important findings) that may lead to
complaints, obtain approval for the above 'Findings from completion inspection' from the Quality
Management Manager, and submit the copy to the Unit Manager.
In the case of important findings, the Unit Manager shall horizontally develop them to the
members of the Design Department of each base.
c) Submit the above “Findings from completion inspection” to constructors to check the timing to
take actions.
d) Check actions taken by constructors and the result of actions, and ask the Deputy of Quality
Management Manager to check them.
e) Check the 'Environment friendly design sheet' based on the result of inspection, and ask the
Deputy of Quality Management Manager and the Quality Management Manager (Manager of the
Administrative Unit) to check it.
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4. Procedure of Construction Supervision Works
4.1 Selection of Deputy of Construction Supervisor
(i) Construction Supervisor shall select a deputy of Construction supervisor and assistant of Construction
(ii) A deputy of construction supervisor shall directly engage in supervision works, and allot a portion of
the work to an assistant of construction supervisor.

4.2 Preparation of “Design quality and environment plan sheet”

(i) The Officer in charge shall prepare a “Design quality and environment plan sheet” before performing
construction supervision works, and ask a deputy of construction supervisor to check it.
(ii) A deputy of construction supervision shall obtain approval for the “Design quality and environment
plan sheet” from the head of the Administrative Unit (Construction Supervisor).

4.3 Preparation and Submission of “Construction supervision work plan”

(i) The Officer in charge shall prepare a “Construction Supervision Work Plan” before performing
construction supervision works, and enter the following matters. When a form designated by customer
is available, the officer in charge shall discuss the details of the form with the head of the
Administrative Unit. If parts of the form provided by the customer are the same as those of the
Construction Supervision Work Plan, they shall be contained in the Construction Supervision Work
a) Matters concerning report on the appointment of persons to be involved with construction
b) Matters concerning policy of construction supervision
c) Matters concerning the details of construction supervision works
d) Matters concerning general regular meeting
e) Matters concerning the submission of documents for construction supervision
f) Matters concerning items of construction supervision
(ii) The Officer in charge shall ask the head of the Executive Unit to check the filled “Construction
Supervision Work Plan,” and submit it to a deputy of construction supervisor.
(iii) A deputy of construction supervisor shall check the “Construction Supervision Work Plan,” obtain
approval for it from Construction Supervisor, and submit it to the customer. A deputy of construction
supervisor shall distribute it to constructors, and explain the details to them.
(iv) For procedure when the details of the “Construction Supervision Work Plan” is changed, implement
the above procedure by replacing the word “prepare” contained in the procedure with “revise.”

4.4 Holding General Regular Meeting

(i) The Officer in charge shall hold a general regular meeting in accordance with the procedure prescribed
in the “Construction supervision work plan.”
(ii) When design is changed, the officer in charge shall implement the procedure below.
a) Check the details of design change contained in documents concerning design change succeeded
from a person in charge of design. After explaining the design change to constructors and
concerned parties, record it in “General regular meeting minutes.”
b) Ask constructors to check “Instructions for design change.”
c) Submit “General regular meeting minutes” and “Instructions for design change” to the person
responsible for design.

4.5 Drawings and Specifications Used for Construction Supervision

In principle, the officer in charge shall use drawings and specifications used for construction service contact and
“Instructions for Design Change.”

4.6 Checking Construction

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(1) The Officer in charge shall check whether construction conforms to “Instructions for design change”
and the construction service contract with documents or at the site. The Officer in charge shall prepare
the details of the check as a “Construction supervision record.”
(ii) When construction, inspection, or test does not conform to drawings and specifications, “Instructions
for design change” and construction service contract, an officer in charge shall immediately report
nonconformity to a deputy of construction supervisor, construction supervisor, and the head of the
Executive Unit. Then, the officer in charge shall prepare a “Construction supervision record” to enter
minor alterations or corrections, and instruct contractors.
4.7 Approval and Confirmation of Working Drawings and Construction Plans
(i) The Officer in charge shall perform attendance check, approval, and checking of documents to make
sure that construction supervision items conform to drawings and specifications, 'Instructions for
design change,' and the construction contract.
(ii) When construction, inspection, or test does not conform to drawings and specifications, “Instructions
for design change” and the construction service contract, an officer in charge shall immediately report
nonconformity to a deputy of construction supervisor, Construction Supervisor, and the head of the
Executive Unit. Then, the officer in charge shall prepare a “Construction supervision record” to enter
minor alterations or corrections, and instruct contractors.
(iii) The Officer in charge shall record work of attendance check, approval, and document check in the
'Construction supervision check list' for each construction supervision item, and ask the Deputy of
Construction Supervisor to check it at an appropriate timing.

4.8 Submission of “Construction supervision interim report”

The Officer in charge shall implement the procedure below at a timing prescribed in the “Construction
supervision work plan.”
a) Prepare “Construction supervision interim report” to enter matters that need to be reported to the
customer from “Construction supervision record” and “Construction supervision check list.”
b) Obtain approval for the above “Construction supervision interim report” from the Construction
c) Report the above “Construction supervision interim report” to the customer and submit it.

4.9 Construction Supervision Review

In the early and middle stages of construction supervision, construction supervision review (hereafter referred
to as CSR) shall be held for the purpose of improving the quality and preventing the occurrence of complaints.
On this occasion, the Unit Manager shall appoint an examiner.
(i) CSR shall basically be held concurrently with construction inspection by the Inspection Department
to check the following contents.
a) Measures against the remaining of findings in the DR and technical issues such as findings by
the Inspection Department.
b) On-site inspection and confirmation of findings in on-site inspection
c) Checking of the work status of construction supervision by an examiner (together with DSME)
(ii) CSR shall be applied to the projects that meet both of the following. However, this shall not apply to
the projects designated by the Unit Manager.
a) Project for which the Design Unit has been entrusted by a customer for construction supervision
b) Project at a construction cost of 1 billion yen or more for which design review was carried out
(important construction)
(iii) Feedback on CSR results
a) The Staff Office (the Deputy of Construction Supervisor and the Assistant of Construction
Supervisor) shall summarize a record of findings and important findings in the construction
supervision review carried out, and receive approval from the Manager of the Administrative
Unit. The copy shall be submitted to the Unit Manager.
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b) The Unit Manager shall horizontally develop the findings (important findings) that may lead to
complaints to the members of the Design Department in each base.

4.10 Completion Inspection

After constructors have completed an inspection, a completion inspection shall be carried out, mainly by the
Construction Supervisor or a deputy of construction supervisor at the site.
(i) Inspection items are as follows.
a) Confirm consistency with drawings and specifications
b) Confirm parts where design was changed or additional construction was carried out
c) Confirm the results of various tests and inspections
(ii) The Officer in charge shall implement the procedure below.
a) Enter findings from the result of inspection in “Findings from completion inspection.”
b) Check the findings that require rework, etc., and findings (important findings) that may lead to
complaints, obtain approval for the above 'Findings from completion inspection' from the
Construction Supervisor, and submit the copy to the Unit Manager.
In the case of important findings, the Unit Manager shall horizontally develop them to
the members of the Design Department of each base.
c) Submit the above “Findings from completion inspection” to constructors to check the timing to
take actions.
d) After checking actions taken by constructors and the result, ask a deputy of construction
supervision to check it.
e) Record necessary matters concerning inspection in a 'Construction supervision report
(arbitrary format).'
f) Check the “Environment friendly design sheet” based on the result of inspection, and ask a deputy
of construction supervisor and Construction Supervisor (the head of Administrative Unit) to
check it.

4.11 Procedure when Completing Construction Supervision Work

A deputy of Construction supervisor shall record the result in “Report on construction supervision (Format is
arbitrary).” After obtaining the approval for the report from the Construction Supervisor, a deputy of
construction supervision shall submit it to the customer. At that time, a receipt (original) shall be received from
the customer.
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5. Preparation and Submission of “Building data sheet and work record”
(i) The person responsible for design shall prepare a “Building data sheet and work record” to the extent
possible at the time when design works are started.
(ii) The Deputy of Quality Management Manger or the Deputy of Construction Supervisor shall prepare
a 'Building data sheet and work record' to the extent possible at the time when quality management or
construction supervision work is started.
(iii) Procedures when completing a building and completing the work shall be defined in "Section 3
Document Management" and "Section 4 Management of Saved Data."

6. Evaluating Design Contractors or Local Design Offices

(1) Periodic evaluation of design contractors or local design offices
(i) Evaluation of design contractors or local design offices shall be conducted at least once within two
years from the previous evaluation.
(ii) At the beginning of the fiscal year, the Unit Manager shall inform the Manager of the Executive Unit
of the design contractors or local design offices to be evaluated.
(iii)The Manager of the Executive Unit shall appoint a person in charge of design, quality management
officer or officer in charge who prepare the 'Design contractor evaluation sheet' for the design
contractor or local design office to be evaluated.
(iv) The person in charge of design, the quality manager officer, or the officer in charge shall prepare the
'Design contractor evaluation sheet,' obtain approval from the Manager of the Executive Unit, and
submit it to the Unit Manager.
(2) Selecting new design contractors
(i) Before starting transactions with new design contractors, the person in charge of design, the quality
manager officer, or the officer in charge shall prepare the 'Design contractor evaluation sheet,' obtain
approval from the Manager of the Executive Unit, and submit it to the Unit Manager.
(ii) In cases where a new design contractor has already been evaluated by another branch, evaluation may
be substituted by attaching a copy of the 'Design contractor evaluation sheet' of the relevant branch.
(3) Selecting new local design offices
(i) Before starting transactions with new design contractors, the person in charge of design, the quality
manager officer, or the officer in charge shall prepare the 'Design contractor evaluation sheet,' obtain
approval from the Manager of the Executive Unit, and submit it to the Unit Manager.
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Section 3 Document Management

This section shall define basic matters concerning the handling of documents listed in (Table-2) Document
Storage List.

1. Scope
(i) This section shall apply to the work specified in "1. Scope, Section 1 Matters to Establish for Work of
Design and Quality Management or Construction Supervision" (page 4).
(ii) For (1), project documents applied to a project whose construction cost is less than 100 million Yen
shall be prescribed by the head of Administrative Unit for each project.
(iii) For work other than (1), Unit Managers shall instruct the application of this section.

2. Definition of Terms
a) Person in charge of managing documents : A person in charge concerning the handling of
documents defined in the field for the person in charge of managing documents in (Table 2)
Document Storage List.
b) Person in charge of managing records : A person in charge of managing documents
designated by Unit Managers.
c) Project documents : Documents, which are defined in (Table 2) Document Storage List,
prepared for each project by Design Units.
d) Project quality and environment record: Records, which are defined in (Table 2) Document
Storage List, prepared for each project by Design Units.
e) Project general documents : Project documents, which are defined in (Table 2) Document
Storage List, prepared for each project by Design Units.
f) Customer's documents : Documents received from customers and designated by the Manger
of the Administrative Unit.
g) Application documents : Documents defined as “Application documents” in the classification
contained in (Table 2) Document Storage List.
h) Safekeeping documents : Safekeeping documents defined in (Table 2) Document Storage List.

3. Basic Principles for Handling Documents

(i) For project documents during a design period and a quality management or construction supervision
period, printed documents such as form with seal affixed (including those stored altogether) shall be
(ii) For project documents whose work has been completed, PDF data with time stamp shall be stored.
Other storage media, printed media, and data shall be stored as a copy.

4. Scope and Place to Store Documents by Person in Charge of Managing Documents

(i) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of Quality Management Manager or the Deputy of
Construction Supervisor shall store project documents collectively in a designated place in the
Administrative Unit during the work period.
(ii) When the Administrative Unit is changed during the work period, the person responsible for design,
the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of Construction Supervisor shall store
project documents of each stage in a place designated by each Administrative Unit.
(iii) The person in charge of managing record shall store project documents and safekeeping documents
whose works are completed, in a place designated by Department in charge of management.
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5. Method and Procedure to Store Documents
(i) Project documents shall be stored for each project.
(ii) PDF files with time stamp shall be generated from application documents. The generated PDF files
shall be store with project documents as one.
(iii) In principle, PDF files with time stamp shall be generated from printed project documents. PDF files
with time stamp shall not be generated from data generated by data generation software.
5.1 During Design Period, Quality Management Period, or Construction Supervision Period
(i) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of
Construction Supervisor shall create PDF files with time stamp as needed when duplicates of
application documents are received. The created PDF files shall be stored in a storage medium to store
them with project documents as one.
5.2 When Completing Works
Project documents shall be digitized in accordance with (Fig-7) Process to Store Documents to save them.
(i) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of
Construction Supervisor shall check the details of printed project documents and compile them in
accordance with (Fig-9) Storage data tree at the time of completion (part).
(ii) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of
Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of (Fig-7) Process to Store Documents
Construction Supervisor shall enter required items in (1)(i)、(2)(i)(ii)(iv)
Person responsible for design /
the 'Building data sheet and work record' to prepare the deputy of quality
“Document storage check list (List of details of management manager / Deputy
of construction supervisor
storage)' (hereinafter 'List'). The List shall be ◇ During the periods of design (1)(i)、 (2)
approved by the Manager of the Administrative Unit. and construction supervision
• Generate a PDF file with time
(iii) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of stamp from duplicates of Printed duplicate of
Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of application documents as needed application documents Generate PDF file
◇ When completing works Printed project with time stamp
Construction Supervisor shall create PDF files with • Check the details of project

time stamp from all project documents, including the documents (including External trader
Deliver a recording
'Building data sheet and work record' and the 'List.' application documents)
• Compile project documents in
(PDF files with time
(iv) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of accordance with WIZDOM stamp)
Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of saving tree
• Obtain approval from the head
Construction Supervisor shall check the details of of the Administrative Unit
project documents (PDF files with time stamp) and
(2) (v)
application documents (PDF files with time stamp) Submit printed Submit a recording medium
before storing them on a recording medium (final project documents (final version)
(2) (v)
version). (2)(vi) (2)(vii)
(v) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of Person in charge of managing Recording medium Person in charge
(final version) of WIZDOM
Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of record
Construction Supervisor shall submit the 'Building Recording
data sheet and work record,' the 'List,' printed project (final version)
External trader for
documents, and a recording medium (final version) to registration work

the Unit in charge of management. Store Register data

(vi) The person in charge of managing records in the Unit (2) (vi) (2) (viii) (2) (vii)
in charge of management shall store the submitted Printed project
medium WIZDOM
'Building data sheet and work record,' the 'List,' and documents (final
printed project documents, after obtaining approval version)

from the Manager of the Unit in charge of

5.3 Disposal of Documents after Expiration of Storage Period
(i) For documents defined in (Table 2) Document Storage List whose storage period expired since
submission to the Unit in charge of management, the Manager of the Unit in charge of management
shall dispose of them unless the Manager of the Executive Unit requests an extension.
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(Table-2) Document Storage List (including documents to supplement form)
Person in charge of managing Storage period for each
document storage format

[Support for creation]

Department created

Period of construction
Period of design work

Department in charge
After submission to

Recording medium

Printed document
supervision work

of management

Final version
Classification Name of document Form number

Deputy of QF-Dse-Management01 (April 1,
Design request form (copy) Sales Department, etc.
construction 2016)
Design quality and environment plan sheet supervisor QF-Dse-Design01 (April 1, 2016)
Design project sheet QF-Dse-Design02 (April 1, 2016)
Design condition setting sheets 1 to 7 QF-Dse-Design03 (April 1, 2016)
Project quality and Administrative Unit
Design process chart EF-Dse-Design01 (April 1, 2016)
environment record [Executive Unit]
Environment friendly design form
Design verification record QF-Dse-Design04 (April 1, 2016)
Design review report QF-Dse-Design05 (April 1, 2016)
Record on confirmation of validity of Administrative Unit

Person responsible for design

QF-Dse-Design06 (April 1, 2016)
design [Constructors]

Person responsible for design

Explanation of important matters (copy) Administrative Unit QF-Dse-Management03 (April 1,
(when implemented) [Executive Unit] 2016)
Project general
Design or construction supervision
documents Sales Department, etc. -
commission contract (Copy)
Customer’s documents Customers -
Minutes of preliminary discussions with
QF-Dse-Management02 (April 1,
customer (Including e-mails which are
equivalent of preliminary discussions)
Minutes of preliminary discussions with Executive Unit QF-Dse-Management02 (April 1,
government agencies 2016)
QF-Dse-Management02 (April 1,
Project quality and Internal meeting minutes
environment record
Minutes of briefing sessions for drawings
and specifications
Instructions for design change
Administrative Unit
QF-Dse-Management02 (April 1,
Design instructions

2 years
Design process chart QF-Dse-Design07 (April 1, 2016)
Project general
Construction contract (Copy) Sales Department, etc. -
Person in charge of managing records

Quality management work plan or QF-Dse-Supervision01 (April 1,
construction supervision work plan 2016)
Project documents

Minutes of general regular meeting QF-Dse-Management02 (April 1,

(construction supervision only) Administrative Unit 2016)

Instructions for design change (Copy) [Executive Unit] QF-Dse-Design07 (April 1, 2016)
Design instructions (copy)
QF-Dse-Supervision02 (April 1,
Deputy of construction supervisor

Quality management check list or

Project quality and construction supervision check list
environment record Quality management record or construction QF-Dse-Supervision03 (April 1,
Executive Unit -
supervision record 2016)
Construction report (copy) (construction
Constructors (2016.04.01)
supervision only)
Construction supervision interim report QF-Dse-Supervision05 (April 1,
(copy) (construction supervision only) 2016)
QF-Dse-Supervision06 (April 1,
Findings of completion inspection
Administrative Unit 2016)
Construction supervision report (copy) [Executive Unit]
Project general (construction supervision only) QF-Dse-Supervision07 (April 1,
documents Receipt (original) (construction supervision 2016)
Building data sheet and work record (Copy) responsible QF-Dse-Record01 (April 1, 2016)
Project quality and
Administrative Unit for design
environment record
Document storage checklist (List of the
- QF-Dse-Record02 (April 1, 2016)
details of storage) (Copy)
Documents of application and notification
for regulation discussion
Person responsible for design

Person responsible for design

Administrative Unit
Application In accordance with “Chapter 3 (2),
Permits and licenses application documents [Executive Unit] -
documents Section 5”
Documents of application for confirmation -
Structural calculation sheet Executive Unit -
Application for confirmation, proof of
Administrative -
confirmation (copy)
agencies, etc.
Permits and licenses / Notification (Copy) -
Assessment and Evaluation document
Assessment agencies -
2 years

Project (Copy)
General documents Executive Unit -
Report required by specified administrative Administrative Unit
Deputy of -
agencies (Copy) [Executive Unit]
- construction
Proof of completion of various inspections Administrative
supervisor -
(Copy) agencies, etc.
QF-Dse-Management01 (April 1,
Design request form Sales Department, etc. 5 years
Building data sheet and work record QF-Dse-Record01 (April 1, 2016)
Person in charge of managing -
Safekeeping documents Document storage check list (List of details Administrative Unit 15 years
record - QF-Dse-Record02 (April 1, 2016)
of storage)
Department in charge QF-Dse-Management03 (April 1,
Evaluation chart of new design contractors 3 years
of management 2016)
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QF-Dse-Management04 (April 1,
Evaluation chart of design contractors

Section 4 Management of Saved Data

This section defines the storage of project data (such as CAD data) whose work is completed. The purpose of
storing data is to respond to maintenance and the extension and reconstruction of a building after delivering a
building, utilize data as materials when a project yet to begin (a project whose work is ended due to a disorder,
failure to receive an order, and suspension) is restarted, and to inherit design technology.

1. Scope
This section shall apply to all projects that have received a Design request form.

2. Definition of Terms
a) Person in charge of data management: A person in charge of data management who is
appointed by the Unit Manager
b) Saved data: It refers to the final version data by creation software
(CAD, etc.) of each document/book specified in (Fig-8)
Storage data tree at the time of completion.
c) Completion photograph: Shows the state where construction is completed.
Constructors take completion photographs and officer in
charge check them.
d) Project folder : A folder designated by the Unit Manager to manage
project data during the work period.

3. Basic Principles of Handling Saved Data

(i) Saved data shall be of a data format (such as CAD) generated by a data generation software, and saved
(ii) To easily search files, unnecessary data, such as working and data returned after being checked, shall
be deleted to save data with an appropriate size.

4. Range of Saved Data and Procedure to Save

(i) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of
Construction Supervisor shall operate data in the project folder during the work period.
(ii) The person responsible for design, the Deputy of Quality Management Manager, or the Deputy of
Construction Supervisor shall organize necessary saved data after completing the work in accordance
with (Fig-8) Saved Data Tree. Other unnecessary data shall be deleted from the project folder.
(iii) After being notified about the completion from the person responsible for design, the Deputy of
Quality Management Manger, or the Deputy of Construction supervisor, the person in charge of
managing data shall store the data saved in the project folder on a recording medium to stop the usage
of the project folder.
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(Fig-8) Storage data tree at the time of completion (entire)

Saved data at the * Save data (such as CAD)
completion generated by data generation
Original data of drawings and specifications

01_Project_Document 01_Design_Stage

registered in WIZDOM


02_Application_Documents 01_Regulation_Discussion
* Final Data Generated
See Fig-9.

n (Drawings Calculation Sheet)


* Data of drawings and specifications used for

construction service contract (final version of a
detailed design)
ecifications • Design drawing
• Structural drawing
• Building services drawing
• Electrical drawing
• Others
Future response

* Subcontractors’ data of facility, such as CAD data of

05_Completed_Drawing completed drawings delivered finally, shall be
Data format shall be one that can be confirmed at
• Design drawing
• Structural drawing
• Building services drawing
• Electrical drawing
06_Completion_Photograph • Others

* Photograph data showing a completed building

delivered finally

* The following documents of projects yet to begin shall

Projects yet to begin and inheritance of

be saved by DSME
• Planning drawing: Final data for each exhibit
• Proposal: Final data for each exhibit
• Basic plan drawing: Final data for each exhibit
08_Structure • Basic drawings and specifications: Data of final drawings of

drawings and specifications

01_AirConditioning_And_ * Other data for plan, structure, air-conditioning and

09_Common_For_Equipment plumbing, and electricity that need to be stored in
accordance with the judgment of designers.
• Customer’s documents
02_Electricity • Documents submitted by customer
• Data for examining technology
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(Fig-9) Storage data tree at the time of completion (part)
WIZDOM server * Save PDF files with time stamp
Project folder generated from printed documents

* Example of the contents of the List_Of_Saved_Contents folder

00_List_Of_Saved_Contents • List of saved contents

* Example of the contents of the Design_Stage folder

Saved data at the • Design request form (Copy)
01_Project_Document 01_Design_Stage • Design quality and environment plan sheet
completion • Design project sheet
• Design condition setting sheets 1 to 7
• Environment friendly design sheet
• Design verification record
• Design review report
• Record on confirmation of validity of design
• Explanation document for important matters (Copy)
• Design or construction supervision commission contract (Copy)
• Customer’s documents
• Minutes of preliminary meeting with customer
• Minutes of preliminary meeting with various administrative agencies
• Internal meeting minutes
• Minutes of briefing sessions for drawings and specifications
• Instructions for design change
• Others

* Example of the contents of the Construction_Supervision_Stage

02_Construction_Supervisi folder
• Construction contract (Copy)
on_Stage • Construction supervision plan
• Minutes of general regular meeting
• Instructions for design change (Copy)
• Construction supervision check list
• Construction supervision record
• Construction report (Copy)
• Construction supervision interim report (Copy)
• Findings from completion inspection
• Construction supervision report
• Report required by specified administrative agencies (Copy)
• Building data sheet and work record (Copy)
• Others

* Example of the contents of the Regulation_Discussion folder

• Outline of development instruction
02_Application_Documents • Prevention of high-and medium-rise building dispute
01_Regulation_Discussion • Greening
• Rainwater
• Wastes
• Welfare
• Deposit
• Landscape

* Example of contents of the Approval_Authorization folder

• Development practice
02_Approval_Authorization • General design
• Site approval
• Land readjustment project
• Floor area relaxation approval
• Barrier-free approval
• Structural conformity judgment document (Copy)

* Example of contents of the Application_For_Confirmation folder

(documents, calculation sheets)
• Application for confirmation (1 to 6 sides)
03_Verification_Of_Applic • Proof of completion of confirmation (Copy)
ation (Drawings_ • Application drawings for confirmation
(Design, a construction plan, building services drawing, electrical
CalculationSheet) drawing)
• Structural calculation sheet
• Structural performance assessment approved by the Minister
(As for structural calculation sheet and drawings, when the Structural
Calculation Conformity Judgment and application drawings of
confirmation have the same contents, only application drawings
for confirmation are saved.)

* Example of contents of the Other folder

03_Others • Housing performance evaluation (Excluding an evaluation chart of
housing performance of each dwelling unit)
• Landscape
• Warming
• CASBEE (Voluntary)
• Green building evaluation
• Basic drawings and specifications when no application documents
for confirmation and structural calculation sheet are provided.
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Section 5 Format Number of Forms Related to Management System

1. Scope
(i) The section shall apply to forms related to management system and drawing papers prepared and
managed by Design Departments.
(ii) A set of latest forms for each design stage and quality management or construction supervision stage
shall be used for project documents.

2. Person Responsible for Managing Format Number

Unit Managers shall serve as persons responsible for managing format numbers.

3. Configuration and Types of Format Number

(1) Forms concerning management system QF-KS- (201*.**.**)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Date when the form was issued
(2) Notation of each part and corresponding type
(i) Code of form
a) QF: Quality related
b) EF: Environment related
c) QE: Quality and environment related
(ii) Code of Unit that issued the form KS: Design Section, Building Construction
Department, International Business Division
(iii) Work classification code
a) Design: Design work related
b) Quality Management: Work related to quality management
c) Supervision: Construction supervision related
d) Management: Management work related (such as a Design request form)
e) Records: Building data sheet, work record, etc.
(iv) Sequential numbers of work classification
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Section 6 Matters to Establish for Projects Designed by Local Subsidiaries
1. Scope
(i) This section shall apply to the projects whose contracted designer is a local subsidiary and for which
investigation on review or design change has been requested to the Design Unit of International
Business Division by the local subsidiary.
(ii) For design reviews, implementation of only DR-1 or DR-2 is acceptable.
With respect to the project specified by the Unit Manager, design review may be substituted by "(3.8)
Document Audit".

2. Work Process
The mutual relationship of work processes is shown in (Fig-11) Process System Chart (ii).
(Fig-11) Process System Chart (ii)
Customer and Design Unit of Administrative
Local subsidiary International Business agencies
interested party Division

Request design Design request form

(Sales Department,

Contract Design
Requirements (Sales Division)
Customer requirements requirements,
Approximate Basic design
(Cost Estimate Design
Division) Basic drawings
Explanation about
and specifications
Approval drawings and

Basic drawings and

Customer requirements
Detailed design

Expenses adjustment Design

(Expenses Adjustment review
Division) Application
Working drawings and
specifications Explanation about and
drawings and
Approval specifications
of various
licenses and

Design request Design request form

(Sales Department,

Construction Supervision
Construction supervision Review
Requirements Customer requirements
change) Design
change Various
licenses or
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3. Design Review
Before delivering drawings and specifications to a customer, the design examiner shall perform design review
to make sure that the contents of drawings and specifications meet customer requirements.

3.1 Design Review Targets

In the design review, the contents requested from local subsidiaries shall be examined. Unless otherwise
specified, the following (i) - (v) shall be reviewed in the design review at the basic design stage (hereafter DR-
1), and (i) - (iii) shall be reviewed in the design review at the implementation design stage (hereafter DR-2).
(i) Secure quality and performance to prevent complaints.
(ii) Improve building design.
(iii) Optimize costs.
(iv) Clarify the design policies for plans, structures, and facilities.
(v) Check that the design policies are appropriate for order receiving and construction.

3.2 Persons Responsible for Design Review and Staff Office

(i) The persons responsible for design review shall be defined as follows.
a) DR-1: Unit Manager or Manager in charge of design in each Operating Division
b) DR-2: Unit Manager or Manager in charge of design in each Operating Division
(ii) The Staff Office shall be designated by the person responsible for design review.

3.3 Implementation Period

In principle, design review shall be implemented before the completion of the basic design (DR-1) and before
the completion of implementation design (DR-2).

3.4 Venue
a) DR-1: International Business Division
b) DR-2: International Business Division or each Operating Division of International Business
Division designated by the Unit Manager

3.5 Documents to be submitted

The documents to be submitted shall include a request summary document and the following. However, the
following sheets a) to d) can be used as a reference format to provide information on customer requirements,
budgets, estimated amounts, design conditions (including laws and regulations), design processes, and
environmental considerations.
a) 'Design project sheet' (reference)
b) 'Design condition setting sheet' (reference)
c) 'Design process chart (arbitrary format)' (reference)
d) 'Environment friendly design sheet' (reference)
e) Drawings and specifications
f) Model, perspective drawing, etc. (as appropriate)
g) Documents specified by the Unit Manager
3.6 Attendees
(i) Design examiner
a) Persons responsible for design review (excluding persons concerned with a project (Design Unit))
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b) Manager in charge of design in the applicable Operating Division
c) Person designated by the person responsible for design review
d) Staff Office
(ii) Persons concerned with a project
a) Persons concerned with sales
b) Persons concerned with construction work (PM)
c) Persons involved in design such as discussions with a customer, administration, and a design office

3.7 Procedure for Implementing Design Review

(1) Before holding design review
(i) After consultation with the persons concerned with the project, the Staff Office shall determine the
implementation date and inform the attendees of the date and location of the meeting, and confirm
(ii) The Staff Office shall request the persons concerned with the project to submit the necessary documents
and distribute them to the design examiner.
(iii)The design examiner shall enter findings and proposals in the 'Design Review Report' (hereafter
(iv) The design examiner shall send the 'Report' to the persons concerned with the project at least two
business days before the date of holding.
(v) The persons concerned with the project shall enter the answers to the findings and proposals in the
answer field of the 'Report' and submit it to the design examiner.
(2) Date of holding design review
(i) The Staff Office shall prepare the necessary number of copies of 'Report.'
(ii) The Staff Office shall proceed with design review.
(iii)The persons concerned with the project shall explain the purpose of the project and requirements, based
on the submitted documents.
(iv) The attendees shall point out questions, problems, and inadequate points based on the explanation and
documents, and propose solutions that surely satisfy the quality (design, technology, cost, etc.).
(v) If there are important findings to be developed to each base, the Staff Office shall describe them in the
important findings field of the 'Report.'
Any other attendees' opinions shall be added at the end of the indication sheet and the answers to them
shall be entered.
(3) After the date of holding design review
(i) The persons concerned with the project shall investigate the findings and proposals in (iv) above, and
add or correct the investigation results in the answer field of the 'Report' (report on investigation results).
(ii) The person concerned with the project shall submit the 'Report' to the design examiner within 15
business days from the date of holding.
For the items that were considered to be necessary in the design review, attach corrected drawings and
documents indicating that the answers to the 'Report' have been executed.
(iii)The design examiner shall check the contents and fill in the remarks field if necessary.
(iv) The design examiner shall send the checked report (in which necessary matters have been entered) to
the persons concerned with the project.
(v) Regarding the items that were answered as "To be investigated/checked" in the 'Report', the persons
concerned with the project shall take measures, add the contents and date of measures taken, and submit
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the 'Report' to the design examiner.
(vi) The above (iii) to (v) shall be repeated until it is confirmed that the contents reported in (v) above
(contents of drawings and specifications) satisfy the requirements.
(vii) The design examiner appointed by the person responsible for design review shall report the contents
reported in (v) above to the contractor.

3.8 Document Audit

The "date of holding" in "3.7" and "at least two business days before the date of holding" shall be replaced
with the "date designated by the Staff Office," and the procedures other than (2) and (3) (i) (ii) shall be carried
out. For (1) (v), it shall be submitted after being checked by the Manager of the Administrative Unit.

3.9 Feedback on Design Review Results

The person responsible for design review shall inform the members of the Design Unit in each base of
International Business Division about findings (important findings) that may lead to complaints.

3.10 Storage of Design Review Records

The Staff Office shall store a) to e) in "3.5 Documents to be submitted" and the copy of 'Report.'

4. Design Change
4.1 Person Responsible for Design Change
The person responsible for design change shall be a PM or the Manger of the workplace.

4.2 Design Change Procedure

(i) When a local subsidiary requests the Design Unit of International Business Division to consider a
design change, the Unit Manager shall designate a person in charge of design.
(ii) The person in charge of design shall conduct technological investigation, confirmation, and
instructions and give instructions concerning changes requested from a customer that involve changes
in contract after conclusion of a construction contract.
(iii)If necessary, the person in charge of design shall conduct design verification, design review, and
design validation, if necessary.
(iv) The person in charge of design shall ask the Manager in charge of design in each Operating Division
to check the technological investigation, check, and instructions, and convey them to the constructor
in writing (arbitrary format).
(v) The person in charge of design shall store the documents conveyed to the contractor as project
documents during the work period.
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5. Construction Supervision Review
In the early and middle stages of construction supervision, construction supervision review (hereafter referred
to as CSR) shall be held for the purpose of improving the quality and preventing the occurrence of complaints
based on the requested contents. The CSR may be held only in the initial stage or only in the middle stage.
(i) CSR shall basically be held concurrently with construction inspection by the Inspection Department
to check the following contents.
a) Measures against the remaining of findings in the DR and technical issues such as findings by the
Inspection Department.
b) On-site inspection and confirmation of findings in on-site inspection
c) Checking of the work status of construction supervision by the person appointed by the Unit
Manager (together with DSME)
(ii) Feedback on CSR results
a) The Staff Office (the Unit Manager or the person appointed by the manager in charge of design in
each Operating Division) shall summarize a record of findings and important findings in the
construction supervision review carried out, and receive approval from the Manager of the
Administrative Unit. The copy shall be submitted to the Unit Manager.
b) The Unit Manager shall horizontally develop the findings (important findings) that may lead to
complaints to the members of the Design Department in each base.

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