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Good Morning everyone!

I am Joanneh Glynn L. Lopoy, your facilitator / trainer for Computer Systems Servcing

According from the registrar we have 3 number of enrollees in this qualification. Before
we proceed, let me take this opportunity to know you, kindly raise your right hand if
your name is called:

Ampalayo, Rosalie

Lacar, Cokie

Realin, Benjie Luz

Thank you for having 100% attendance, I expect to have this record unaltered, I really
want to see your beautiful faces every day.

By the way I Welcome you all to Camiguin School of Art and Traits, thank you for
choosing CSAT as your training ground for CSS NC II and I assure you to provide
quality instruction and that we will help you develop competencies needed for this

CSAT is an institution administered by TESDA and we practice CBT as our mode of


Does anyone here know what is CBT or Competency Based Training?

From the word itself CBT is a training based on competency this implies that
training delivery approach focuses on the competency development of the learner as a
result of the training.

So what’s the point?

It points out that the FOCUS is on YOU the learner/ trainer on what can you
actually do. We will FOCUS on OUTCOMES rather than the, is concerned with the
attainment and application of knowledge, skills and attitude needed to a specific level
of competency. It is modular, individualized and self-paced.

How does your teacher teach you in your elementary and high school days?
In a class setting what normally happens is that our teacher teaches specific
topic every class lesson and we learn together with our classmates, finish one topic
together and have written evaluation ALWAYS. Tiring and boring isn’t it? Don’t deny it
we all experienced it. We literally learn with this process at school. In CBT the
difference is that we learn individually in our own preference, because it is self paced
and individualized. Prior learning is recognized, so if you knew already a topic you may
proceed to the next topic. You may conduct practice anytime and most of all you have
you beautiful trainer always here to guide and help you.

In CBT there are two people involve that is ME, and YOU. Each of us have
distinguished roles and responsibilities to carry out the lesson. Me as a trainer is your
FACILITATOR that will coordinate your learning activities. My responsibility is more
on monitoring, guiding and evaluating your learning outcomes rather than
dispensing knowledge. And you as a trainee, your role is to pursue instructions given
to you at your own pace. You will spend more time for self-study and practice. Your
whole learning will depend in you according to your own needs and interest.

Computer System Servicing have four Core Competencies:

Install and configure computer systems

Consist of competencies to install computer hardware, install

operating system and drivers for
peripherals/devices, and install
application software as well as
configure BIOS.

Set-up Computer Networks

It consists of competencies to install network cables, set

network configuration, set router/Wi-Fi/ wireless access
point/repeater configuration as well as to inspect and test the
configured computer networks

Set-up Computer Servers

It consists of competencies to set-up user access and

configures network services as well as to perform testing,
documentation and pre-deployment procedures.

Maintain and Repair Computer Systems and Networks

This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to maintain and
service computer systems and networks.
And all the things you need to know is provided in this learning material the
CBLM. With this, you are required to read the instruction on how to use this
learning material, read the information sheets, answer the self-checks, where
you are provided with answer keys to evaluate yourself, do task sheets and job
sheets. Please pass the learning materials.

This room will be our workshop for the whole learning process, and for your
information we have different facilities that will help you during the training.

These are:

1. Practical work area

 This is where you can practice computer hardware assembly and
others. All you need is here.
2. Learning resource area
 This is where you can have aid for your self-study provided with
learning materials, books, magazines, CD, etc. that is related to
computer and supplement your learning needs.
3. Trainer resource center
 This is where I make your session plans and the CBLM or your
learning materials.
4. Computer laboratory
 This is where you can practice Configuring BIOS, Connecting
networks, even have research, encode and etc. needed for your
5. Progress Chart
 Contains Cores with the corresponding learning outcomes.
6. Achievement Chart
 Contains the learning activities to each cores, this where we will
see and monitor your learning progress in your competency.

Do you have any questions ?

This time let us go on to your Self assessment, this is to evaluate your prior knowledge
in this competency and determine your training needs. Kindly pass the papers. Please
read the instructions carefully and please answer it honestly.

I now have your results, I am glad that some of you are already equipped with some
skills needed for this competency, so allow me to group you into four groups with
corresponding leaders each, and the leaders will be chosen based on the result of your
self-checks. You will be divided into four groups for the four competencies.
Group 1: Install and configure computer systems

Group 2: Set-up Computer Networks

Group 3: Set-up Computer Servers

Group 4: Maintain and Repair Computer Systems and


Group 1, will be headed by __________________ since they have

prior skills and knowledge about computer hardware
assembly and BIOS configuration. This time you will help
each other so you can ask your leader for assistance and to
answer your queries.

Group 2, will be headed by _________________________

Group 3, will be headed by _________________________

And group 4 will be headed by


Kindly go to your groups, Group 1 will stay for the

presentation, other groups kindly proceed to your


Since you have completed the competencies you are

now ready to take the National Assessment. Kindly
Secure your form to the processing officer to

Thank you class and God Bless!

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